1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 1. P8 2.
Session #101 - August 7, 1987 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Betty Welty, Ida Nevala, Jean Chisholm, LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Peggy Muldoon, Sidney Smither and guest Carr Gordon Caruthers, formerly Norita Finey
The preliminary session was opened with invoking led by LaMar. After a brief discussion of Purposes as given in the previous session, Owen led a short guided meditation.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. (Responses and singing of our names.) Some of you are not sure. (Giggles.) But we are sure for you. We listened with great interest to your conversation in preparation for our coming. It would appear that there are some requirements, definitions which must be discussed. You are all quite well aware, we do attempt to select that word from your language that is most loaded with meaning to convey such complexities. Let us for one moment consider the word “Intention”. This word was selected to describe Soul Activity because it does not insist upon a prescribed ending. Intention is open. There is a conception, a desired goal, but the way to that goal may be varied and highly individualistic. To fulfill that open-ended goal, a Soul will project as many Ego Entities as is required. Now, each Ego Entity is given a “mission’, a portion of that Intention, to manifest, some variants of the total potentiality with which to work. In that freedom of creativity, the Ego Entity then may project itself into many, many conditions, many, many forms. It is limited only by its Quantum of Life. So the Ego’s projections, “Personalities”, you, are given certain options, certain functions. That Purpose which we have discussed as a step upon the Wheel of Life is a word meant to describe a pre-designed function. As Life evolves, there is a step where building Desire Body patterns are derived, established, laid out, similar to blueprints. Perhaps even to simplify, we would suggest the pictures that our children make by drawing one line between a dot and another dot. These Purposes, which are built by the interaction of Life with its Environment and developing Knowledge which demands Experience are placing “dots”, if you will, within the Desire Body. You may choose to draw those lines between this dot and that dot, or some other dot. Each individual will draw his own pattern. As Life has evolved into the complexity which you understand as Human, there are an almost limitless number of patterns which might be developed. Now, these Instinctual Purposes are those Purposes which are the natural consequence of the patterns established. Those patterns are established by your Ego Entity. So what is Luxury for one is mere Survival for another. The Purposes upon which you operate instinctually depend entirely upon what you have built by virtue of what your Entity has provided for you. You as Personality have no choice. Your Instincts are programmed before your Personality is born. In this way you experience what you call “predestination”, for the events of your lives arrived in your experience as a result of these patterns, these Purposes, these “hidden agendas”. Therefore, one’s pattern is different always from another’s, even if each individual is part of the same Ego. You may indeed experience the same event, but each from his own pattern of previous experience. The evaluation which you place upon that experience, both current and previous, is individualistic. It is peculiar to your pattern, your design, the choices you have made as to which “dots” you shall connect. Even should you draw a design similar to another’s, your interpretations will be different. Your response to the experience shall be different. Now let us move to the understanding of the word “motivation”. You look at Purpose as a “reason” and find that it is not reason. It is “design”, an accumulation of experience. “Motivation” is a word we have chosen because it speaks to the consideration which determines choice, which indeed induces action. Have you thought, have you put your mind to personal motivation since last we met? What mobilizes you to action? Are you given to fear, or is vengeance your mobilizer? Or is it greed, lust, ambition perhaps, territorialism, curiosity? And now we shall use a word that truly confuses: “Egotism”. In this instance we use the word “Egotism” as being that self-centeredness which does not pertain to Realm of Ego, but that insistence upon self-expression to the exclusion or consideration of others. Perhaps you are motivated by more positive aspects of being: self-perpetuation, altruism, gregariousness, inspiration, honor, aspiration, loyalty, faith. Have you considered these things as mobilizers, as movers, those propellants which move you along the pathway of your mission operating upon your Purposes, fulfilling the design, reaching for that goal of the Ego Entity to make that contribution to the Soul Intention. So you see, we do not purposely confuse you. We do attempt to use those words which enable you to move forward in your understanding. As we continue to discuss, to complete the discussions upon the Wheel of Life, you will be confounded by Thoughts. Now, we have advised by way of preparation that you consider (colloquial) “Thought” as “processing data”, which data are those points in your design between which you draw the lines. Now, as those lines are drawn, from within you may see a beautiful web. From without, another could perceive that as a drop. But each is operating upon his own individual Instinctual Purposes, although motivated by something which may seem unrelated. Are you beginning to perceive what we are trying to convey? Have we clarified the difference between “Intention”, “Purposes” and “Motivation”, or have we merely drawn a curtain of confusion?
Owen: Sheariam, could you provide maybe one example, a hypothetical person, and give examples of these three? (Choose one Soul Intention. You know now what they are.) Construction.
Sheariam: We shall accept that. It is an essential Intention, particularly in your condition. Under the Law of Dominance the Intention to “Construct” is indispensable. But what does one construct: bodies, buildings, systems of belief, libraries of knowledge, war machines, social problems? The Intention “to construct” is like the Intention “to sit”. It has many applications. So an Ego is told to build constructs of Thought. Another Ego is told to build a social organization, and perhaps another to build a political system. Let us say that the Ego who has been given the “mission” to build a political system projects a personality onto your planet earth into your materiality. One of those personalities writes a constitution which constructs a country. Another personality chooses to teach dominance and nudges others into building a political machine upon which he may ride. Another personality finds an arena of conflict into which he chooses to build a construct of peace. All political constructs, all fulfilling the Intention to “construct”, each operating upon his own choice as to how that “mission” shall be fulfilled. Now, let us say that this personality has only those designs which are comprised of portions of other completed designs. So the individual is called upon to create and construct a new life, a new life cycle, which shall ultimately contribute to the changing of an age. You have such a one among you. Now that one, at different times in a personality span may deal with the Instinctual Purposes from changing “attitudes”. What at one period of the life may seem to be “survival”, at some other period of the life may seem to be “luxury”. At any given time, one does not deem one Purpose more important than the other. Those personalities with whom the one may be engaged may each, in his own life, be dealing “attitudinally” with different Purposes. One may be operating on Survival, another on Security, another one upon Comfort, and still another one upon Luxury. But to the one, none of those four supersedes another. Each is equally important. As this personality moves chronologically through the life span, the exercise of Will builds the capacity to exercise Will. Through the exercise of Will each changes those “attitudes”, replaces old habit patterns with new ones, but always fulfilling the “mission” first intended. As Will is exercised, one moves from one Motivation to another and may combine Motivations at any given time. That which mobilizes the personality into action may be a combination of any of those Motivations previously suggested. Does that sufficiently simplify?
Owen: Thank you. That helps a lot.
Sheariam: (Turning to Maxine) Now to address your question, you suggested opposing motivations, and this is not unusual, particularly at the level of evolution of current humankind upon this planet. Fear and altruism can hold hands. Ambition links easily with aspiration. Greed is often fueled by inspiration. Would you once again state those descriptive words? Maxine: Disregard and reward. (And you see them as opposing?) Yes, I can. (And you believe them to be motivators?) No, I wouldn’t say that. Yes, you could, because you could be motivated because you wished reward. So they could be. (Would not the desire for reward relate to the motivation enumerated as greed?) Well, it could be, but I don’t see it now I am looking at it. For instance, I feel that my Purpose, as I see it, is to be of service. So I might be doing something of service, and somebody can just absolutely disregard it. Of course, that doesn’t make for a good situation. Yet I can be of service, and I can have a reward for the service that I did. So I see those as Purpose with two outcomes. (Now you reach for the kernel. You speak of end result, not “mobilizers”. The “motivators” are those things which mobilize you to action. They are not the outcome.) Mobilizers. I can see that. (It is not to speak of outcome as yet. We are only this moment discussing that which moves, those considerations which determine “choice”. Remember always that you operate unconsciously, instinctively, on those Purposes previously enumerated. The rewards of which you speak are the rewards having to do with action sponsored by one or more of the Instinctual Purposes. When we discuss “Motivation” we are discussing those things which can be dealt with at a consciously aware level. You can choose to be ambitious. You can choose to act upon inspiration. You can choose the path of inspiration. You can choose to be egotistical. You can choose to be territorial. These are determined choices. But your Instinct to survive is not a conscious choice. The Instinct for Luxury is not a conscious choice. Pursuit of what you call Luxury may indeed be motivated by greed. Do you understand?
Jean: I think I do. The way you answer a person might be motivated by love when you use one tone, and when you’re motivated by revenge, you use a different tone. (Same words.) Yes. (But you choose that motivation. The Instinctual Purpose Motivation may be that of security.) May be behind the choice. (Yes. The basis upon which the Motivation acts. You are not so conditioned as to be naturally altruistic. None of the four Instinctual Purposes leads you to altruism. You must choose to be altruistic. You choose to be fearful.) Did you say, “You choose to be fearful”? (Indeed, yes. Now that choice may not be a choice of the moment, but may be one of those “programmed habit patterns” established in the Emotional Body. The Instinctual Purposes are in the Desire Body. What is in the Emotional Body can be changed by mental action, by self-awareness, by Quantifying your Quality.)
RetaMae: I love that “Quantifying your Quality”. (Becoming more.) You used that quite some time ago, and it has really stayed.
Sheariam: As you increase your volition, as you increase your capacity to act upon those choices which you make, you Quantify your Quality. You increase the ratio between Volition and Consciousness. The more you do, the more you can do. You may do anything you choose. What our lesson is about is opening the door of understanding that you choose those things which you often say “merely come naturally”. They do not. You have built them in by choice after choice after choice. Do you recall the lesson when you were requested to examine your daily activities from the viewpoint of whether you were perceiving or creating? You Create upon your Perception, but you can only perceive from what is created. It is symbiotic. Whatever habits, whatever attitudes, reside in your Emotional Bodies, do so because you have chosen to establish those patterns. You can choose to change them. As you change them, you change the whole Quantification process for all Life on your planet.
Maxine: Do I hear you saying that it is important really to choose to change? (It is, indeed. Were it not so, I would not be with you.)
Betty: Can you comment on the scripture that speaks to doing something even though you know it is bad for yourself. (Let us speak to Habit. All of you have habits which you would rather not express, which you would rather not use. Do you truly believe that it is outside of your powers to change those habits? Then why do you continue to fulfill that habit pattern rather than change it?) Maxine: I need to think of a constructive way to change it. I think that’s important. It’s how you change it that’s important.
Sheariam: The choice to change it is the importance. Once the choice is made, the Creative Mind makes free the pathway. But choice requires commitment. If you have established a habit of replying to everything that is spoken to you with the first word being “no”, you continue to create that negativity, that self-denial until you choose to say “yes”. If you are in the habit of meeting every encounter with suspicion, only you can choose to change that habit, and the commitment is to change attitude. Many times in our acquaintance, questions have been asked, and we have replied: “attitude”. Hopefully now you can understand what role “attitude” plays. What role “habit” plays, where they reside, and what you must do to change them. Until you choose to recognize those Attitudes and Habit Patterns which are self-denying and inhibitive to growth, you will not truly advance upon the Wheel of Karma to the station of Motivation. Now, as you are aware, our channel has overextended this physical vehicle, and while we have slowed her down, we must be gentle with the body. We do suggest that we not meet at our appointed time next. If there are no other questions, we would draw this to a conclusion.
Jean: I didn’t hear you say that love was a motivation. I may have missed it. (Love is a component of altruism.) Well, can’t that be a motivation? (Of course.)
Owen: There was one other question with respect to the Astral Realm. I believe that you mentioned last time that the “starseed” groups’ home was in the Astral. In discussion it was brought out that our home to some extent, some aspects of our existence, is also in the astral. This raised the question as to whether these “starseed” people are physical, and second, is our existence termed to be in the astral?
Sheariam:As stated, it would appear we confused you. That condition to which you refer as “astral” exists everywhere that materiality exists, and, indeed, all planets earth share the same “astral ocean” as a home. As you transition from the earthly condition, you travel through that “astral realm” or “condition” to reach what we have termed “Spirit-Physical”. You may transfer in your subtle bodies from one earth planet to another, if you so choose. That trip or journey takes place in the “astral”. It does not elevate into the Spirit-Physical. It remains merely physical.
Owen: So that a personality in the process of making the transition, going directly to another human group in the astral, still must incarnate physically with that human group to complete the exchange. (In their physical condition.) And they are physical as we are physical? (Yes, but they do not look as you look. You might consider “astral”…. Let us say that what you call “space”, outer space, let us say that is an analogy for “astral realm”. Your planet is surrounded by atmosphere. Beyond atmosphere lies space. In space lie stellar bodies, planetary bodies, asteroids, comets, any number of types of manifestation, but all in space. If you travel from one planet to another, you travel through that space. As you travel from one earthly condition to another earthly condition, you must travel through “astral”. Does that help?) Yes, it does. Thank you.
RetaMae: May I ask a question please? It is about this Mayan calendar happening August 15, 16 and 17. Do you have specific instructions for us, for the group or individuals? (I suspect that large groups may change certain consciousnesses in certain ways, not necessarily beneficial to the participants. We who love you would suggest to you that you spend that time individually, separately. This cycle which is now being capitalized, is merely one cycle of many cycles. In and of itself, it has happened many, many, many times, and will happen again, even as midnight arrives sidereally on a regular basis.)
Carr: I have one question. Do you have any suggestions as to the help I can give Gloria in the condition that she’s in now, and the project we’re undertaking? (The answer to that question would be too extensive to pursue at this time. We shall try to make that available to you under other circumstances.)
Jean: May I ask a personal question? Can you tell me what happened to me and what I was supposed to learn from it? (As the many other incidences that have been occurring in your life over the past 24 to 36 months, it is to teach relinquishment and enjoyment of the now. If you wish an organic explanation, there was a slight seepage of the blood fluid accumulation which did not cause serious problems until a portion of that entered into the free flow of the venous system. When it reached a particular portion of the brain, it opened a doorway which normally is closed. This abnormal opening caused shock to the cellular consciousness which even now has not completely been elevated. It would be well if you visualized clear flow in the venous system and completely clear that area which is still somewhat impaired.) Thank you. I thought it was a relinquishing experience. The spiritual part I think I realized.
Sheariam: We must draw to a conclusion. (Expressions of appreciation.) It is our pleasure. Settle yourselves. Free your bodies of anything you may be holding, and give yourselves to the closing meditation. Not only for our friend, but for all of you, we would give you a cleansing meditation which enhances the venous flow to help clear up this congestion, to clear up this worry, to clear up your confusion, to clarify your understanding. Relax your bodies. Relax your brain. Straighten your spine. Now visualize a horizon. Make it an easterly horizon just before dawn. You see the rays of the sun beginning to lighten the skies. The sun itself is not yet visible. As that sun begins to peek over the horizon, feel the golden rays moving along the earth plane, and they reach you at your feet. As the sun continues to rise into your sky, and the sky becomes lighter and brighter, the golden rays become stronger and stronger. They move into your body through your feet like molten gold into your veins. Visualize that molten gold moving up the venous systems of your legs, cleansing the walls of the veins, purifying and blessing, moving up into your torso, cleansing, clearing, purifying. Where veins are narrowed by deposits or constriction, the molten gold opens the veins, cleanses away the deposit. As it moves into the abdominal cavity, all of the venous systems that carry away the toxins are opened and cleansed of all deposits. All restrictions are widened, and the molten gold continues to rise even as the sun rises in the sky. The molten gold flows through the venous systems of the lungs, the spleen, the liver, the digestive tract, the heart organ, and all is cleansed and made perfect. As that sun rises in the sky, the molten golden rays reach to your hands and enter the venous systems of the hands and arms, and begin their cleansing work. As the venous systems are cleansed, joints become more flexible, deposits and toxins are carried away in the purifying flow. The molten gold moves upward through the throat and cleanses the power chakra. It opens the power to speak your word of truth, to express your love, to project your blessing to the earth. That molten flow then continues up through your head, clarifying your vision, cleaning out the sinuses, cleaning out the ear, purifying the liquids of the inner ear, opening all the venous systems in the brain tissue, clearing away deposits, opening restrictions. Then that molten flow continues out through the pineal to rejoin the rays of the sun, now high in the sky, there to be completely purified in the body of the sun itself. Your body feels light and opened. Your blood flows freely through the veins which have been opened and cleansed. Your digestive organs function with more efficiency. Your heart beats with greater freedom. Your brain operates more clearly, transmitting your thoughts more surely. So as a child of the sun, and a resident of the earth, you are blessed and cleansed and purified. Now, give your thanks to the Spirit of the Sun. And now I thank those of the temple who have helped me, and those who work with you. Thank also your soul Groups, your teachers and your healers who are with you always. Now I shall bid you adieu. Go in love and great joy.
Closed with singing “Let there be joy on earth.’
(Page added to synch with index)