1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. P10 2.
Session #111 – November 27,, 1988 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Betty Welty, Ida Nevala, Jean Chisholm, Jnana Sivananda, Joni Schultz, Jon Paul Bish, Marlayna Brady, Owen Cramer, Peter Valiton and Sidney Smither
Session opened with the usual AUMs, invocations and meditation.
Sheariam: And a blessed good morning to you all. So we come together once again to further your education. As promised, we shall discuss Security, a subject upon which you have already placed some thought. In your earlier discussion as I awaited my entrance, you discussed how not to respond to the negativity which may be directed at you, for which you are not the cause. This is at the very seat of the business of Security. Now, to some of you, Security represents the money you have in the bank, the roof over your head, the clothing you wear, the Status of your transportation, your social circle, your influence, your capacity to sustain the life style to which you aspire. All of these things were addressed when we discussed Identity, Space, Union and Status. Those basics support the system of Purposes: Survival, Security, Comfort, Luxury. Sometimes Survival is more important, and sometimes Luxury is more important, but all are of equal importance, karmically. Security does not lie within what you have, but within that upon which you place your trust. In your manifest world, this may be family, friends, mentors, but most importantly, “Self”. Do you trust yourself? Do you trust the Entity which produced you as Personality? Do you trust your source group? Do you believe that your source group really cares? Do you rest in the Security that such faith can give you? Do you know the Security of a friendly Universe? Do you comprehend that your smallest effort is supported by Universal forces? Do you understand the power which you command? Obviously not, or you would not have self-doubt. You would not be wondering where the next meal comes from. You would know that it would be there. You would not be concerned about when the next earthquake is to occur, or whether you are going to be on the mountain that volcanically erupts. You would not be concerned that you did not have bodily cover in case there is a snow. Security is that state of trust that you will be taken care of, guided, sponsored by these forces which gave you beingness, which brought your Personality into manifestation. That is Security. Survival is knowing that what you shall never perish. Security is the trust that this is so, without evidence of proof. Do you need constant proof that a friend is trustworthy? Do you need constant proof that your spouse or lover loves you? Do you need constant assurance that there is always a certain amount of dollars coming to you, not merely due, but coming, that you will indeed have that necessary quantity of money? When you can walk your path with that confidence, that trust, that all of your worldly needs will be met, then you can begin to enjoy the Security that all of your spiritual needs are similarly met. So long as you focus upon the meeting of your worldly necessities, your spiritual necessities will be neglected. The challenge is immense. You are products of lifetimes of being taught not to trust. Upon every hand, it does seem that trust is violated. That is why you chose to be here under the Law of Dominance, to learn to trust the unseen forces, to have confidence in love, to know that the law operates whether or not you want it to. If you live in the Hadiki Consciousness, you will not suffer beyond your endurance. We do not say that there will not be hardship. We do say that you will not starve. We do not say that you will not be cold. We do say that you will not freeze. If you develop your confidence in the unseen forces of your life, you will be safe from worldly disasters. Now that does not obviate your meeting your “destiny”. If, upon incarnation, your choice has been to abandon your earthly body in a disaster, then that is what you will do, but that should not violate your sense of Security. It should, in fact, reinforce it. Do not fear that which you have chosen. Do not be afraid that you have made a poor choice. Do not fear the end of any “personality” span. You are eternal. Your Security must lie in that knowledge. The Absolute does not destroy Itself, and you are a manifestation of The Absolute. Now when does Security surmount Survival, and what is the distinction? Security is being steadfast. Survival is being ongoing. This is an example of Opposing Forces. How does one stay put and continue to move? But you do. You feel stationary in this room, but you are not. You are physically traveling very fast in space. You are unaware of that, but you do not even question it. You are secure in the knowledge of the steadfastness of this room, so you do not worry about the Survival of your progress through space. So it is to the life of beingness. Your security must be the steadfastness of trust. Your Survival must be the on-going-ness of evolution and development. Now, do you have any questions?
Jon Paul: Last time in discussing Survival, you mentioned that the Survival of our contribution is far more important than the Survival of the physical body. Here are you alluding to our group purpose karmically in coming together to promulgate and to perpetuate the teachings, or do you mean our individual contributions? (Both and all. That was a general statement.)
Owen: I think we understand that it is important for us to have the trust that we continue, that our unseen support forces are there and real. By the same token, we’re not all developed in sensitivity to the point where we can quite tap into these, and you have given us enough of the indications of what we can expect physically, and what we need to prepare for, to really inspire other questions which maybe you might view as being evidence of our lack of trust. In our study group last Friday, we developed a series of questions that were around this and toward the elaboration of the information that you’ve already given us, and I guess that our rationalization was that if we can be more assured of our own survival, to the point of comfort, then we are going to be better able to be of help to ourselves and to others. Acknowledging our shortcomings, we do have some additional questions about our physical needs. You had mentioned that gold, for example, was a good investment or a good place to have funds now, indicating for the short term. Is there any way that this can be tied to an approximate time frame, say for the next year, or is this a very temporary thing? (Confiscation will not likely be contemplated until the mid ‘90s of your calendar. However, you will need liquid assets before then.) So, between now and the mid ‘90s, then, gold would be appropriate. You mentioned that of all the nations, ours is the most bankrupt and that the world banking system would collapse. It takes a little doing to convert what we may have. How much time do we have for that?
Sheariam: It depends upon how much of your assets you wish to liquefy. You must be aware that not only is your federal government in trouble, but also the federations of other to now world leaders. You are shortly to be involved in border problems, not only to the south, but to the north. At the same time, this nation’s major opponent has similar problems and internal strife. As these internal problems continue to take the focus of the federal government, other vulnerabilities become susceptible. There is going to be a primary advance from what you call “the Far East”. Your United States is still subject to attack from Japan, but is more likely to be physically attacked by China. The Japanese are attempting to regain their face economically, and so the vulnerability of your nation is economic, as far as Japan is concerned, but is physical insofar as China is concerned. China has much more technological advancement than any of the western powers dream of.
Owen: So our preparation for our own survival needs to take into account the possibility of military attack. (Yes.) Is there any time frame on that? (It is not easy to determine these things because the economics of the situation have too many variables to be pre-determined.) We have had quite a discussion from time to time on the figure of 2500 feet elevation that you mentioned the sea level would temporarily rise to. Our presumption was that this was in the form of a tidal wave and that would be of a short duration and the 2500 feet applied to the Coast Range, and that inland, say in the Cascades and on the east side of the Coast Range, that elevation we needed to reach for our own safety would be less than 2500 feet. Could you elaborate on that? (There is, at present, that stress that is creating a geological disturbance in Alaska and in Japan that will bring a tidal wave to the northwest United States and southwest Canada. You can triangulate and see where the force of that most likely will come. That is in the not too far distant future.) This would be, in effect, a single event? (One of many. You recently experienced a totally unpredicted earthquake in your northeastern section. You will see tornadoes and hurricanes and tidal waves throughout the world, and earthquakes where there have not been before. Now distress that builds to bring about the geological disturbance is part of that which will bring the land mass to the surface of the sea.) Will that result in a substantial change in the present sea level? (Eventually, yes.) Will there be any precursors or physical indicators that we can recognize for this Japanese-Alaskan event? (There will be many tremors before the final biggest upheaval, and then that will be followed by subsequent waves.)
Sidney: Sheariam, the answer we’re looking for is this: We are seeking a place of high ground to rendezvous at prior to this occurrence. You had indicated that one possibility we had discovered at 1200 feet might not be sufficient, and so we have looked at other ones, and we are thinking of eastward slightly from this area. We are wondering if it should be a 2000-foot or 2500-foot or 3000-foot elevation, and we’re looking for some sort of recommendation that we can begin our search with. (Those kinds of specifics are difficult for us to give because of the many involved. Going back to the lesson of today, in Security you must learn to rely upon the guidance, not given years in advance, but at the moment. You must trust that it will be there.) So what part should planning play in our activities? (The means to move the barest essentials of physical survival as given before: water, easily transportable food.)
Owen: You had suggested before that it would be appropriate to bury some of these things: water and food. That’s where we run into the problem of where to bury them, because this does take time. (That will not be necessary for a short period of disruption. That is an ultimate. You will know when the time comes that this must be done.)
Sidney: So essentially we should be prepared to have a rendezvous point and then progress from there as the spirit guides us, so to speak. (Yes.)
Jon Paul: When Gloria Ruth did a novena from which that concept of Hadiki came, she spoke of vegetables and fruits that would need to be grown for a balanced diet in the coming times. She spoke of spring grass, root vegetables, winter vegetables, certain grains, certain small fruits. Could you give us more information on the type of fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs, since there are many, that we should consider. I’m feeling that we should be saving seeds now, particularly species type seeds that can be transported easily and that are true to type. (You are correct. The hardiest, the most basic to nutritional needs, not great variety. One special all-purpose grain, for instance.) Would quinoa be a good one, the one that was used and is coming back again as a high-protein type? (That, yes.) What about herbs for medicinal needs or pharmacopoeia? There are many that we could choose from. Is there a good basic fifteen or twenty that we should consider? (You do not need even that many. Five or six.) When Seranus spoke in my life reading about a previous lifetime in which I had herbal knowledge, and I’m bringing that knowledge to the fore in this lifetime, even though that was a different world, how can I access this? Just by working with the herbs? (Feeling that kinship. What feels good in your hand? What heals you most quickly? When your skin is opened and the blood comes forth, what most quickly seals that wound? What most quickly heals a blister? What will dry and what will moisturize? So herbal articles in the Cosmic Connection do have a very real importance for us? (Yes.)
Jean: Sheariam, is cabbage among those that should be included? (Indeed. Cabbage has many uses. It can even be treated to become a garment.)
Joni: Sheariam, I have some personal questions. The headaches I experienced through childhood, were they the result of thought toxins? (Yes.) My eldest son, Eric, requests information on a phobia. He fears any pointed object that projects toward him and feels that he must protect his third eye. (If you had been murdered with a spear in the head, you would also be so frightened.) Wow! Is there anything he can do to cope and/or clear that? (You ask for information that is not within our purview to give.) OK. Thank you.
Jnana: I believe you have mentioned that for some people it is not necessary to give up milk products, and for some people it is necessary. (Correct.) I was wondering if it is necessary for me and my wife to give up milk products. (In that you have chosen a diet where proteins are limited, or sources of proteins are limited, you must continue to allow high protein milk products in your diet.) Thank you, Sheariam.
Owen: Sheariam, I have a personal question. I’ve been aware that there have been changes in my urinary tract, and I’m wondering if there are specific things I may do to heal this condition. (One of the major causes for the discomfort, of course, is stress, which is no surprise to you. I suggest that you mix one half teaspoon potable aloe in pyramid water and take twice daily. Do not overlook the celery group.) Thank you.
Jenika: I seem to be healing very well, but my energy gives out on me very quickly, and I just go under very rapidly, sometimes at 11:00 in the morning even. Could you give me some ideas about where that’s coming from and what I can do to keep a sustained energy level throughout the day like I used to have. (You are expecting too much too soon. You should plan your activities in short spans with intervals of rest and give your energy reservoirs a chance to be re-charged. You totally exhausted them, and now you must bear the consequences of time.) Should I just follow the diet that you’ve given me? (Yes.) I wanted to clear something with you. I asked you where the allergies are coming from. (Fear.) Fear of the unknown, or a free-floating anxiety? (That would be an excellent description.) So that would have to do with trust. (Indeed.) And it sounds like I may need to work out things from my past with my parents. (It would be helpful. One of the involvements from your recent illness. The illness was a physical manifestation of complete debilitation of the defense systems of the body. You have built many defense systems of thought and feeling. These have resulted because of choices you have made, and you must learn that past experience of betrayal, invasion, pain and violation are not necessarily the basis or the materials upon which future activities or relationships are to be built. Because pain inflicted by one has caused you to expect similar pain to be inflicted by another of similar nature, you build a defense that prevents you from again adventuring into a similar relationship. Those defenses must be diminished. You must adventure and risk or you will again have your physical defenses destroyed. But do not jump into something without thought. Give yourself time to heal, to contemplate, to evaluate, to discriminate. Take life in shorter strides with less violence, with less brashness. You are not a warrior rushing into battle with your shield in front and your sword pulled. You are a human traveler, and you must dare, and you must trust. If you rush at life as a warrior, force is met with force. Approach gently. Be gentle with yourself. Treasure yourself, and then others will treasure you, too. This has to do with Security.For all of you, if you are not secure in your sense of self, then others cannot be secure about you. If you doubt yourself, others doubt you. If you are confident in yourself, then others shall have confidence in you. You cannot have confidence in others if you do not have confidence in yourself. Trust yourselves. You are your own best friend or your own worst enemy.)
Jean: Can you talk more about the sense of trusting yourself? This is a very difficult thing to achieve. You have talked about it before, but how do you overcome self- doubt? It seems that the more you learn about yourself, the more inadequacies you become aware of. This last week when I tried to purge, it seemed to me that more came up to be purged. (When you have purged, is there not still the “I Am”? Are you not still a being?) Yes. (Are you not still life manifest?) Yes. (You do not doubt that.) No, I don’t doubt that. (You have confidence in that. You have trust in that. I am not suggesting that you have trust in all of your conclusions or in all of your decisions. You are, after all, only a portion manifest. Thus you are not complete and perfect in manifestation. You are perfect and complete in being. Thus you must trust the Entity which gives you “Personality”. You must trust the Soul which gives the birth to the Entity. You must trust the Self. If the trust is placed in the Self, then it will not be the “Personality” making decisions. Therefore, the decisions made by the Self will be more perfect, more complete, nearer the target.)
Jon Paul: I have a further question about relinquishing or purging. I’ve been physically letting go of a lot of things, and also psychologically in my space. Now I have a situation with one who lives behind. You said not to take on negativity when it is directed toward you, and you are not the cause. This individual is at a cross roads in his life. Would it be better now that his friend is gone, for me to say,” Is it time for you to take the next step,”? I’m wanting to be protective, but at the same time not wanting to, hmmmm. (It is not your job to be protective. None of you can protect another from that other’s Self. This knowledge of that fact is basic to your sense of Security.) So my feeling of wanting to simplify things, of creating an open space to go along with what my inner knowing is a correct assumption. (That is correct. All of you should take this simplification to heart. In the simplification of your lives, you prepare for your survival in the times to come. I’m talking about physical survival here. The less you have to be concerned about at a time of stressful demands upon your tensions, the more correctly you will pursue the guidance that is offered you. As you concern yourselves with possessions and attachments, you cloud your perception.) So we should surround ourselves with just those things that we really need, and then provide also sustenance for the Soul, but not clutter our lives. (You may have whatever you wish around you, but you must be able to leave it there if you need to depart.) That’s what I’ve been feeling.
Jean: I’m concerned about passing on to my grandchildren some of the knowledge I have gained. I plan it in my mind, and yet it seems it only partially takes place. I’m not satisfied with the passing on. Do you have any suggestions? (You are being guided in the restrictions placed upon your communication. Those children have certain events planned for themselves to experience, and they must have those experiences before they have the knowledge which you wish to give them. Your best plan of action is to pass along the ethics, that sense of “I Am”-ness of continuity, of self-confidence, of the capacity to grow, to stretch, to reach out, to seek experience which expands the consciousness. They do not need to know fact. They do not need to know Laws, Principles.) Thank you. That is a great help. I think that is happening. (You can teach them the value of sound as you teach a child a song. They do not need to know what the meaning of the sound is, only that it is uplifting, enduring, sustaining.)
Owen: I have one additional question about our concern for places to locate. When that time comes, I would assume that things will be in a chaotic state with respect to government and property lines. I’m assuming then that federal property will be… (Quite accessible.)
Jon Paul: Going back to the question about the vegetables and herbs, would it be a good thing for us to have a collective seed bank out of which we can draw at the beginning of each year for our garden? Or would it be better for each individual to hold his own? (Hadiki Consciousness is collective.) I have a question about the night I fell on my left knee, which symbolizes mobility, and also refers to something, a relaxant. You talked about relaxants that we should avoid. I have since thought that for me it would be better to give up all alcohol, wine. At the same time, I have a tendency to be very puritanical at times, and I’m not sure whether I should or shouldn’t. Can you give me some guide lines? (Examine your flexibility. There are times appropriate, and times inappropriate. Excess is to be avoided.) So taken with food, it can be something that aids digestion? (In moderate quantities, yes. As a matter of fact, white wine is an excellent substitute for milk. However, not in equal quantities.) (Laughter.)
Betty: Now, would you tell us a little bit more about that because of my knowledge of what the nutritive value is, there is no comparison. Could you explain what you’re saying? (It is not nutritive value. It is the acceptance of the body, and the chemical composition and decomposition that occurs as the body accepts these substances. Milk may be highly nutritive, but it is not if it sets up a problem of allergies.)
Jon Paul: Would the new non-alcoholic wines be preferable? (Not necessarily, for it is the alcoholic content which aids in the digestion.) What about the fermentation? One of the plagues that we have is that of Candida. It has been said that about 90% of the population is infected, not knowing. One of the things that we must give up is all fermentation. (True, including cheese.) Would it be better just to sign off all fermented products, which would mean soy products? (If they cause you a problem. Use common sense. Don’t expect the Oracle of Delphi.)
Jenika: When I make my wine, I talk to my wine throughout the whole process. I have a feeling for them. I’ve also been privileged to have a dream where I saw the Nature Spirit Timmy. People have told me that when they drink my wine, many times they don’t have the physical effects that they have when they take a commercial wine. Is there something different in the way, in talking to wines and caring for them and feeling for them as children that will have a better effect than just a commercial wine? (Of course. What did we teach you?) I just wanted to see it in print. (Laughter) (Those of you who cook, when you prepare your food, thank the food for being food. Bless the spirit of the food. Tell it how wonderful it is, and how blessed to your nutrition that it is to be. Make it know its value. It needs Security, too.)
Jnana: Jack Schwartz says that by maintaining a level of excitement that his defenses are maintained that way, and that he need not be concerned with even taking any poisons. (True.) What is the best way to approach such a level of excitement. (You must first learn how to survive on air rather than food, as Mr. Schwartz has done.) Any directions you could give us to work toward that? (That must be at one’s own aspiration and in accordance with one’s own guidance. That is not something that can be generalized at this point in time.)
Betty: As long as we’re talking about food, could you share some enlightenment about chocolate? We hear all kinds of things about chocolate. (Again, it depends upon the individual make up of the physical organism as sponsored by the subtle bodies. One individual can eat chocolate, and drink caffeine, and imbibe wine and, indeed, even take poison and have no ill effects. For someone else all of those things are toxic. I could not answer in general. Chocolate is a stimulant, so what applies as stimulant applies to chocolate.) Is a craving of it sometimes an indication that you’ve let your energy reserves become too low? (It is often associated in the Emotional Body with Security. It is not necessarily a nutritional need.)
Jean: When you say “some will go and some will stay” because of various conditions, I have assumed that I would be one that would stay. (Do not make assumptions.)
Joni: Gloria Ruth was wondering about the significance of the paper weight sitting to her left on the table. Can you tell her anything about that? (She will know when it is necessary for her to know.)
Betty: I have another question that has been coming to my mind. Perhaps now is an appropriate time? You spoke of Joni’s son having a fear of pointed objects because of a death in a past life. Why do we have these specific fears when we have died over and over and over again? (Under the Law of Dominance you experience the cessation of a personality span often by violence, and you come back to this Law of Dominance in order to learn the value of Security without violence. If you did not have the fear, you would not be aware of the violence.)
Sheariam: Now it is time for me to give you my blessings, bid you go in joy and peace, until we meet again. I bid you adieu.
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