1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Session #113 – January 22, 1989 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Betty Welty, Jean Chisholm, Jeneeka, Joni Schultz, Marlayna Brady, Myra Perala, Owen Cramer, Peter Valiton, Sidney Smither, Edith Durfee and Bill Leeper.
Meeting was held at Hadiki House in Salem. After some difficulty following the usual opening ceremonies, the group continued to invoke and finally Sheariam appeared speaking in a hoarse voice.
Sheariam: Be at peace, and I bid you good morning. We may have some difficulty with speech, as there is trauma in the throat. It is our joy to be with you, and it had been our intention to speak this morning upon The Wheel. We do not have good control. We will do what we can. As has been given, with the establishment of the Desire Body, a change took place upon this planet. It was at that time that the Universe began to call back to itself that which it had bestowed. As involution became evolution, certain increases were demanded so that creatures of this planet could evolve in Consciousness and increasing Volition. So the Emotional Body became. Out of that sense of need to become, there began the need for some sort of tool with which the Desire Body could effect itself, and so the repository for the attitudes and behavioral patterns was established with the Emotional Body. So Instincts, then, began to have Purpose, as things began to become more complex and the human Quality inhabited the planet. In order for the Universe to achieve its re-filling, its return for its evolving self in Matter, it demanded that the increasing Volition in ratio to Consciousness be carried in a body of self-awareness. So, not only the Vital Body, which carries that strength that protects and shields, but the Emotional Body began to evolve a capacity for self-initiatory action. The human Quality must now, in order to progress, through the third platform of the Wheel of Karma, exercise self-initiatory action, purposefully and with individual Will, seek the knowledge of itself and that of its origins. So the Karmic Will is that “will” that you as individuals must exercise. When you affirm “I Will Divine Will”, you are saying that you will be using Volitional components to use the propulsive action of the desire body to forward yourselves, to manifest more and more understanding, more Self-Mastery. In the third platform of the Wheel of Karma, you move toward that ultimate specialization of Self-Mastery of this portion of what you are. In other words, you bring perfection to this personality expression, whatever shape, or size, or appearance it may wear. We must not linger overlong, but we would also speak to your Hadiki activities. You have done quiet well. You are moving in the direction that was hoped for, but not sufficient emphasis is being placed upon the consciousness aspect of the Hadiki movement. It is well and good that you prepare for your physical safety and make your plans, for it is in the physical vehicle that you seek to perfect that which you are. But it is of no consequence if you do not expand Consciousness, the Consciousness of community, of interdependence, of total unconditional acceptance of each other, no matter how imperfect you may be at any given moment. In your essence, in that part of you which has given you existence, you are perfect, and you must be accepted as perfect. So in each of your individual consciousnesses, you must work upon your own tolerances, to be accepting, no matter how imperfect the covering of that perfection may be, personality-wise. All your skills, and all of your paraphernalia, and all of your preparations will be to no avail if you do not make Consciousness your first priority. One who has achieved the true Hadiki Consciousness, may never physically move from his current environment, and still be completely safe. There will be the removal of certain ones because that has been predetermined by their choices at incarnation. So some of you will go and some of you will stay, and there is no judgment to be rendered in either case. You have done well in your preparations. All should prepare for removal. Do not rely on the fact that you may be in a Consciousness that makes your removal unnecessary. In your planning, and in your assistance in the preparation of every member of your community, you can insure the growth of your Hadiki Consciousness and insure your place in the scheme of the Hadiki Community, which exceeds far beyond the reality of your planetary lives. As you, individually, strive to perfect your Hadiki Consciousness of community, Love and Unconditional Acceptance, you do so for planes above you. Recall, we have told you time and time again, that you build our realms. As you build our realms, we build the realms above us. So we do “go to prepare a place”. There are “many mansions” in the “Father’s home”, and that is where you are bound. But for now, you are limited to your earthly personalities, and you must strive for perfection through them, not in spite of them. And now the trauma insists that I must not stay. I dearly love you all. It had been planned that we would have dialogue, and to the extent that I can feel sadness, I regret that I cannot stay longer with you. But I must not. So I bid you go in joy and great peace, and know that we are with you always.
Circle: Thank you, Sheariam.
(After resting for about an hour and receiving healing treatments, Gloria Ruth was revitalized and welcomed the opportunity to re-open the circle. Usual ceremonies were observed.)
Sheariam: Good morning and thank you. We are, indeed, pleased to be able to complete our lesson for this morning. It is imperative that you reach this transition simultaneously with the transition you are making in Consciousness. As we discuss Will, we must remind you that you are Sound, Number and Function. Sound is the force. Number is the corporal body. Function is the affectation, the effect, the result of the other two. As you were given, two, any two, produces the third. So as you come to Will, you no longer need to be a functional result of Sound and Number predicated upon the creative action of the Universe. As you enter the third platform of the Wheel of Karma, you become the Creative Force. You exercise Will. You are the one who will be self-initiatory. So you use those tools of voice, of Sound, to create your corporal body, to create your Function. You are no longer going to remain as a resultant chain of events. It is true, on the Wheel of Karma, you continue to be responsible for and accountable for the consequences of your actions. But now, as you move into the Hadiki Consciousness, you have the power of Number. You create the corporal body, and it must be a dedication of individual body to the corporal body of the group. As Consciousness has moved in the awareness of individual right, and the development and the evolution of the individual, the group has disintegrated, as it was intended to do. Now you find what used to be entirely separate corporal bodies mixing, joining together to establish new Consciousnesses. So it must be at the group level. So it must become planetary-wide, if you are to build a future, a “New Jerusalem”, as it were. Then you must become group Conscious, as well as individually Conscious, and the group Volition is to be increased even as individual Volition is increased. You can no longer operate as solely an individual. You must at all times be aware of your Function as a part of a corporal body group. That is the Hadiki Consciousness of the Age of Affection. If you are to have Netsok and those new entries of Soul Consciousness to manifest in this planetary evolution, you must prepare the way. So it is not solely the responsibility to preserve the physical vehicle and the personality, the medium. You must create a new medium, new Functions. It is those concerns that we will address under Motivations, what it is that mobilizes Consciousness. So that Volition can bring about results, you began as a group at the turning point of the Desire Body. Until the Desire Body was established, all Function was group, even as animal kingdoms still function in group, with only a few rising beyond that volitional level to operate as an individual. The individual will never be totally lost because as you move in group Function from Motivation to Specialization, the individual will manifest high degrees of Specialization, but the function must be for the group Volition, not at the command of the group, but as a consensus, an agreement. So we do recommend that you return to earlier lessons. Study again Number, Function, Sound. When Enid returns, her next tasks for you have to do with your developing command of these formulae. So you will come to understand what Will really is, how it is best utilized, and you will then find the answers to the many questions you now hold about your immediate future. That completes my comments on the Wheel of Fortune for this time.(Chuckles.) And now it pleasures us greatly to welcome your guests, and we would enter dialogue with you.
Betty: We’ve been thinking of Jon Paul, Sheariam. (Indeed.) Is there any message for him, or can you tell us anything, or anything we may do for him? (We are in contact with him. Do not be concerned about him.) We send him love and blessings. (Mercy, Love and Compassion are infinitely reproduced.) (Chuckles.)
Owen: As you are aware and have complimented us on our progress and preparations as suggested, we would appreciate any comments you might have about the sites that have been located so far, and on the west side of the Cascades about 2100 feet, which is fairly easy access, but with no amenities whatsoever. The other on the east side of the Cascades, which is nearer 3000 feet, at Camp Sherman. Do you need more detail on these in order to respond? (Not at all. We guided them there. We know where they were.) (Laughter.)
Sheariam: This next bit of news may be a disappointment to some. You must restore this house to its natural condition, for you will not return here. Those who will remove themselves will not, as you say, “rendezvous”. You will go directly to the destination. We shall direct you, and you will be safe. Please do not be concerned.
Owen: Is there anything that you can say now about the advance warning time that we might have? (We will give you as much advance warning as we possibly can. We do not work this hard for you to throw you away.) (Laughter.) I’m sure. I guess we just have a lot of curiosity. (Insecurity.) (Laughter.)We work all the time to find answers. (We would not have it otherwise.) This is presumably a tsunami? (You do, indeed, press your good fortune. You will receive notice. You will be told what it is, and when it is, and where to go. What else do you want?) Right now, on a different matter, some advice on what would be the best arrangements to make for the preservation of the teachings you have given us. Are there libraries or universities or some depositories that you would suggest ought to have the teachings right away? (If there were, we would have made arrangements for such. In the early beginnings of your study, we advised that we brought this to you for your use and your propagation. Others receive theirs for their use and their propagation. We do recommend that you make some permanent storage for those who shall follow you. For in time to come, those records which you may be currently using could possibly suffer loss.) Any suggestions as to how to store them – in disk, paper, acid-free paper? It’s up to us to figure out where? (They must be portable. They must be protected against dampness. Before the medium on which you make your records can self-destroy, you will have the opportunity to reproduce them in great quantity.)
Joni: You are recommending that we do reproduce them in great quantity? (At the time of our direction.) Thank you. Owen: This would imply that the electronic saving mechanisms that we have would use computers? (Could be a complete waste of time and strength.) Joni: Is it appropriate to microfilm these records as well? (They would be totally unusable to you. You must have portable usable records for your own benefit, whether you memorize or carry on your person. Until you arrive in those electric bodies which can fire up your contraptions, you must provide some means by which you can carry the information with you in a usable form.) With the earth changes coming up imminently, would it be helpful for us to carry these with us so that we may continue our studies? (Indeed, so.)
Jnana: My wife is scheduled for a seminar the first weekend in February at the coast. Is this a safe thing for her to go to? (What coast?) The Oregon coast. (Yes.)
Marlayna: When you were discussing building New Jerusalem, and that we must always be aware of the Function of our corporal body group, that this is necessary if Netsok and that Consciousness was to manifest here, that we must prepare a way. Will we be working with other groups of people toward the same goal? (Ultimately true, yes.) Is that in the very near future? (In terms of what time, yours or ours?) Our time. (And what is very near. Tomorrow? The next day? Next month? Next year? ) Within the next ten years. (Oh, indeed.) Thank you.
Jenika: I have two things to report. I’d like to report about my well meditation. You asked me to ask Joshua for a drink of the spiritual waters. Well, I got this vision, even before I asked him, of this whole bed of coals. In the middle of the bed of coals was a fountain springing up. So when I walked with Joshua on the bed of coals, the higher I willed the water, the fountain just sprayed down, the more it dampened the coals. Right now Joshua is having me walk over the coals myself, and be in the middle of the fountain and drink and splash around. So that’s where I’m at so far with that. I don’t know if those are the spiritual waters, or what that means. (How does the waters make you feel?) Oh, wonderful! (Does that not answer your question?) Yes, but why do I have to walk over the coals? (Because you live under the Law of Dominance. You receive the spiritual reward without the effort of trial, and especially that of heat. Remember that. Thence comes your legend of “hell”.) I’d like to report on a dream and have you tell me what it means. I dreamed that there was a tree growing outside my house. Two branches extended all the way in through French doors, all through my living room. The trees were white, with white soft moss. I went up to one of the trees, and I could talk to the tree inside. (And so you talk to us.) So that was the absolutely overwhelming love I felt? (Yes. You came directly in contact with that love we bestow upon you, which most of you lock out because you cannot believe that such love exists.) That love was even greater than my love for my daughter. (Of course.) And then I knew there was real communication there. I asked a branch to kiss me, and it did. (Of course.) Then I went to the second branch, and the same thing happened, and then the first branch transformed into a man, who was very eager to go on a journey, and ready. He asked me for directions, and I gave him directions. That was the end of the dream. (That is the indication that you must demand what you want from us. We cannot impose upon you. You must ask us. Demand of us.) So he, asking me for directions, was actually me needing to ask you. (It was he from our condition, bidding you make your demand upon the ready supply. It was instructional.) So I need to exercise my will more, figure out what I want. (Indeed. What is it that you want, not what you need. Your needs are filled. We are there. Have you gone hungry? Are you being left behind? Then why do you worry?) Thank you, Sheariam.
Peter: I’m having trouble with my little finger on my right hand. I don’t understand what to do about it. Can you give me any clue? (Your intuitive capacity to receive is temporarily being shuttered, in order for you to focus on pragmatic demands being made upon you at this time by a member of your household, a duty which you freely chose to fulfill, and which you will fulfill, joyfully.) Thank you.
Joni: My son is now home with an injury, and twice previously this year, he’s also had physical impairments. I’m a bit perplexed as to how I best can deal with this and anything that might happen physically to him in the future. I feel in some way as though this is a test for me. (It is not merely a test. It, too, is instructional. You are being taught the true meaning of releasing. You cannot keep your child in your womb. Relinquish. “Mercy, Love and Compassion are infinitely reproduced.” Can you not bless your child as you bless anyone else?) Yes. It’s just hard to let him go. (We cannot give you comfort until you make that release, but we are there for you to place palms upon your bleeding heart. We will help you in your courage and your strength, but only can make the decision to take the action, to exercise the will to set him free. In setting him free, you set yourself free.) Thank you.
Myra: What you just said applies directly to me, too. (Indeed.) And I’ve been in the process of that relinquishment over the last six or eight months. (It does not come quickly to you, under the Law of Dominance. It is a process. Recognize that it is a Raphael-governed activity. You are developing the Attribute.) I use that affirmation “Divine Process perfects, fulfills and completes this transition in my marriage.” (Very good!) I use that daily, and it has truly strengthened me. (Indeed, because it calls to you not only the angels, but also those in the temple who work under the aegis of that Order. When you invoke, when you speak the sounds of the Archangel’s names, do not forget that you are activating those same power centers within yourselves, and we, in the temple, dedicated in our various parts to work with those Orders of Angels. Consequently, when an Order of Angels is called upon for assistance, all of their minions respond. It is our commitment to you.) That’s wonderful. Thank you so much. You’ve told us this before, and it’s very easy to forget.
Edith: I wish to express my sincere appreciation at all the love that I can feel that comes through you. (You are blessedly welcome.) Thank you. I would ask if you would comment some more on making our demands of you and your like kind. I suppose that invocation is part of that demand? (Yes, indeed.) Coming to you as we are here today and heeding your lessons, weekly lessons, would be another way. Is there anything else that you could comment about accessing, demanding, what we want or need from you? (Decide what you do want, not what you need, not health, not food, not comfort, not care. What is it that you want that is going to make you a greater light in your world? And then demand those things. Invoke for those things. All else is supplied.)
Myra:The deciding is the hardest part. (Your supply comes to you through whatever channel you provide for us to give it to you, or to effect that for you, or to assist you to achieve or acquire. We cannot go beyond that channel unless you give us the channel of demand, so you must know what you want. We are not permitted to give you that which you may only think you want and which may be an interference in your growth. Petty wants are ignored as the whining of a child.)
Betty: I believe that I have decided what I want, and yet in making that decision, everything seems to rattle my cage. In some ways I think I’m making progress and in other ways it seems like I’m slipping farther behind. I need help now on my physical body. Again, I fear chastisement of your saying “you want mashed potatoes” and yes, I guess at this point, I do want “mashed potatoes”. I feel I’m spending so much energy and time with the physical body that I would like to spend otherwise. (The Law of Dominance does not permit any of you to achieve your goals in ease and comfort. Nothing comes easy. Law of Dominance. We smooth your pathway as much as we can, but we cannot interfere with the consequences of choice and action. You are at a critical period in your life, a time when the strength of the body to withstand pressure from the outside is being tested. The corporal body of your emotions, your capacity to think clearly in emergency situations, is being tested. To whatever degree you sustain your centeredness, your sense of “I Am” integrity, to that degree of success will the rewards be administered to you when the test is over. Does that help you? We cannot give you the answers because it is a test. It is a test of character. Character that you have spent much time and effort and strength to build. We could not take that privilege away from you and cause you to do it over again. We would pay too highly.) You’re absolutely certain it’s a privilege? (Laughter.) Could you give me a little help with the physical body? I feel that there is some infection or something going right now, and it seems to take so much time and energy and emotional pull. Could you give me a little help on that as to what I might feed it or not feed it? What can I do?
Sheariam: Your diet is not that poor, but you are indeed making erroneous combinations. Fats are permissible but not in combination with sugars. Sugars are permissible, but not in combination with either fats or proteins. If you desire some sweetness in your life, permit yourself a quarter teaspoon of honey, pure honey, but only a quarter teaspoon, no more, and not at mealtime, preferably in the morning with your lemon juice. If you make a practice of drinking a full glass of water, preferably at room temperature or warmer, and then take your lemon juice in some warm water. Follow that with your teaspoon of honey. You will find that your food cravings will change. You will begin to think in terms of food combinations which are less harmful to your body. Also, the substance in which you cleanse your clothes is too harsh for the skin that you have now developed due to a diet which you have indulged. Soak your clothing in cold water before you wash. Treat whatever stains you must with whatever is appropriate to that stain, but restrain it to the area of stain so that you do not infect the rest of the fibers of the garment. Then wash in warm water, not hot, with as pure a soap as you can get. If you made your own soap, you would be better off. Rinse your garments thoroughly at least three times to wash out all of the stain treatment and the mild soap. Contrary to your commercial advertisings, your soap that floats is not appropriate. It is not mild. It has too much lye in it. So part of your skin problem is due to the residues in your garments from being cleansed.
Betty: Are the Shaklee products, the Amway products, better than the other products? (Those are indeed better than the standard commercial products.) Thank you very much. That helps a great deal. Do I have a fungus or a Candida infection going in my body now? (It is a sugar problem combined with a fat. It is less a fermentation of a yeast spore than it is a fermentation of sugar substance. Also, as your body suffers stress, it produces its own toxins that, mixed with the sugar chemical, becomes poison.) Are there some mental patterns that I should be looking at changing in the process? Other than fear? (You were given some advice last night through our channel at our behest. You will find that to be helpful to build defense mechanisms that you will not be so vulnerable to the thought toxins of those around you with whom you must deal during this testing period.) We were talking this morning about cotton blankets. I do not have cotton blankets. We were wondering about a sleeping bag with a hollow fill of Dacron. Would that be appropriate for my body or should I go to straight cotton or wool? (Pure cotton is best. Avoid wool. There are residues in your woolen fabrics from the process that develops the wool fiber that is at this time not conducive to your best welfare.)
Myra: Is that true for all of us or just Betty? (That is true for Betty.)
Betty: One more question, if I might, at this time. We were looking at the palms of my hands this morning and there is a possible physical health crisis coming up. Is that the crisis of which you spoke? Do I need to deal with it? (You do indeed need to deal with it or your attention would not have been drawn to it.) Must I experience it? Is there any other way I can deal with it? (You do not need to experience the worst of it, but it’s part of the test.) Will what I’ve asked and what you’ve given me help with this situation? (Indeed, but you should be prepared to be absent from work for some period of time. You make that preparation, and then, if it is not necessary to take advantage of it, all well and good.) Which adds more stress because I do not have anyone that can fill in adequately. I prepare as best I can and then turn that over to the authorities above me, is the only thing I can see. (That is part of your test, of dealing with authority.) Anything else? (You can avoid physical catastrophe, and we will assist you in every way we can. Invoke “Mercy, Love and Compassion” for those authority figures to which you must defer, so that gives us a pathway to influence their actions in your favor.) I’m most appreciative. Thank you. (Instant mashed potatoes?) (Laughter.) (Wait for the gravy.) (Glee.)
The rest of the session was too personal to the participants for publication.