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Session #114 – February 26, 1989 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Betty Welty, Ida Nevala, Jean Chisholm, Jeneeka, Jnana Sivananda, Joni Schultz, Marlayna Brady, Myra Perala, Owen Cramer, Peter Valiton and Sidney Smither.
Following the usual opening ceremonies, Sheariam came through immediately:
Sheariam: Good morning students and friends. We now cross the threshold into the final stages of the instruction on the Karmic Wheel. We began at the elementary level, where there was more Consciousness than Volition. Then we studied the Instinctual, feeling, sponsoring attributes of life upon this planet, where Volition was increased and Self-Awareness evolved. Now we move into the final phases of your evolution, where you live your lives not on responses but in thoughtful creativity and initiative action. Divine Will enables. It is the prime mover. Volition is that capability of taking action. Under the Wheel of Karma, the Law of Dominance, that Volition evolves, increases as Self- Awareness increases. Karmic Will is that evolutionary stage of Self-Awareness when self-initiatory action can begin, rather than action resulting from the sponsorship of “need”, learned attitudes and habit patterns. So we move to the stage of Motivation to examine that which mobilizes you to action. The step of “Want” is that activity which is goal-oriented, determined by Self-Awareness, and carries forward the mobilization into the step of Thought, which, to be real “Thought” must be creative, self-initiated, not a responder. Out of that creative Thought comes the evolution of Specialization, of highly focused activity, which, for you, is Self-Mastery. At the primary level, the mobilizers, as you now exist, are 1) Nutritive, 2) Hydrative, 3) Ventilative, 4) Circulative, and 5) Eliminative. These are the five mobilizers of your carbon body, to which you must take action. Without these functions of the carbon body, you do not have a vehicle with which to express in this Karmic condition. When these functions cease, you experience what you call “death” on this planet. The body ceases to feed its cells. It ceases to contain its waters and fluids. It ceases to respirate. Its fluids cease to circulate, and the eliminative processes come to a halt. The body is no longer functional. Now in addition to these primary mobilizers, the empowerments of this body are 1) Rest, 2) Exercise and 3) Communication. Therein you fail most miserably. There is much to be examined about the function of Communication. Your race, your species, is now technologically advancing upon that function. You now have whole industries based upon the other functions named. Farming, food preservation, systems of food distribution, a whole economy. This is also true of hydration and ventilation. You have a whole medical industry based upon these basic functions. Indeed, to the greatest extent, your social structure, your economic structure, and your political structure rest upon these foundations, these basic functions, and some still believe that these are Life itself. In these latter years, industry has also been founded upon rest and exercise. It is you, of the Hadiki Consciousness, who will effect a transition to the establishment of structures founded upon the higher levels of function: those of Mind, and one about which we have spoken little, that of Spirit. We have not discussed Spirit, as such, except in the Realm of Spirit, because we did not want you to become confused by merging our comments on Spirit with the common belief systems of your times about the Spirit, because those common beliefs are in such error. As you have come to discover, Karma is not “payment for payment”. You have a physical law or theory that says, “For every action, there is an equal reaction”, and that is untrue. That is a fallacy. No reaction equals the action that sponsored it. Reaction changes everything. But a greater power for change is self- initiatory action, and the Hadiki Consciousness is the vehicle through which this can be done by you. The Karmic Wheel begins at rest, begins at at-rest-ment, if you will, and ends at at-one-ment, which is, again, striking a balance, only to begin another cycle. Now your task in studying this is to begin to observe your actions, your functional bodily actions and activities, and relate in your mind what mobilizes you to activity. Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Do you not have enough breath? Is your vitality low due to lack of circulation? Do you need rest? Are you fatigued? Do you need exercise? Most importantly, what communications mobilize you? Begin to see communication everywhere, in everything, for the initiate is the master of communication. In Self-Mastery, it is you who communicate to the body when, where and how it will function. At the present time the body communicates to you. The body says, “Sleep”. The body says, “Eat”. The body says, “Eliminate”. The body does most of your communicating. As you examine these mobilizers, begin to determine for yourselves what the mental mobilizers might be. See if you can enunciate them for yourselves, and then we shall discuss them. As you observe yourselves being mobilized by bodily functions, set yourselves little tasks of control, of body control. Until you can control the body, you will not be able to control the Mind. In this study of self-control, you will find the roots of some of your present-day religious practices, such as Lent. As you observe yourselves, set yourselves new goals so that you begin to understand that “want”. These activities which you carry forward by self-initiatory action that are not sponsored by the basic Instinctual drives will be hard to find. If you are to outgrow the evolutionary step at which you now find yourselves, you must find those activities. As you progress in the Hadiki Consciousness, you will find assistance in determining such activities, for you will be moving on to those mobilizers which we shall be discussing next time. Now that is all for the lesson on the Karmic Wheel, but we have instructions for you in your Hadiki activities. The time has come when you must begin some basic skill preparations. Hadiki has far greater reach than you can imagine. You do not now understand the basis which you are laying for those who will follow. The teachings that you have been given will live long after you have been forgotten in a viable practiced part of the social and economic structures. So what you do now is very important to your planet’s future. The tasks we give you may seem small, but that is not to diminish their importance. As a group we would want you to learn to make soap and shampoo that are to be made from substances of Hadiki nature. This product will be needed in time to come, because your commercial products will be inappropriate for your human use. This cleansing product will have the necessary power to not only cleanse, but to provide a protective barrier for the skin organ of your human earthly body. You shall begin by learning to make soap as you may be given now, and we will add information and instructions as you learn the process. So begin with your basic fats, glycerin and lye, and the herbs will be determined as the situation evolves that requires them. Now to this end, the other tasks which we shall request of you, we ask that you change your routine so that you will meet here once a month and elsewhere once a month in a home of one or other of you on a rotating basis. On that “away” meeting, you will plan to spend your eight Hadiki hours together on a Hadiki project. One or more of you is requested to provide a plot to grow herbs and vegetables this year. You will be given instruction as to what to plant, but it is now that you must prepare the place for the planting. Each time, you will be instructed as to what your next Hadiki work day is to be dedicated to. Of course, as always your participation is totally voluntary. We give you this for your benefit. If you choose not to participate, that is your privilege and we will not withdraw from you in any case. We will be where we say we will be. That is sufficient instructions. I will answer questions.
Jenika: I was wondering, when you said, “Set little tasks of control for yourself”, do you mean like “Drink eight glasses water a day”? (Excellent.) Or “I will take a walk today”? (Yes.) Jnana:What sort of exercise would there be for elimination? (Physical exercise, for one thing. Increased liquid, lemon juice and fiber. To stimulate the intestinal tract, stand in a semi-squatting position, with arms extended before you and hands clasped. Exercise the abdominal muscles by pulling them backward as tightly as possible toward the spine, and then completely relaxing and pushing them out toward the knees. Develop a rhythmic procedure of tightening and relaxing. Do this every morning after taking a full glass of warm water.) Thank you.
Marlayna: I would like to talk a little about this soap. Are we to render our own fat and make our own lye? (Yes.) Myra: Render fat out of what? (Animal fats.) So we go to the butcher shop and buy the fat, or do we have to kill an animal? (Use your good judgment.) So we can get this at wherever. (As you render the fat in the Hadiki Consciousness and for Hadiki purposes, that which is alien to your end result will be taken away.) Joni: Is one animal better than another for obtaining the fat? (The best fat is not available to you. You must do with what you can obtain, and we will help.)
Myra: My daughter Julia makes soap, and she buys her fat at Corno’s and they grind it up for her. Would that be suitable? (Certainly.) Good. Betty: The fat off our dairy cows that are butchered? (Indeed, because your cows have you to begin with.) How about our family eating the meat. We eat less and less meat. (Good.) We’re not butchering as much fat then, though. Marlayna: And the Lye, Sheariam. Is it best obtained from oak ashes? (Of course, but that is not the sole source.) Myra: Could you suggest another source of lye? (Hard woods provide the best. You may experience certain problems in obtaining that which is best, but always remember that plants and animals indigenous to the area in which you are working are the most suitable to the task.)
Joni: When you say that we will be meeting once a month here and once a month at someone else’s house does that mean you will be speaking to us only once a month in this location? (And once a month elsewhere.) Wonderful. Thank you.
Jean: A side area of my place has just been fenced, and I’ve been thinking of putting an herb garden there. Is that a suitable area? I think that it may be quite shady. (It will be more suitable for certain herbs, yes.)
Jenika: Will we be working eight hours that Sunday that we meet in an alternative place on the Hadiki project. (You will be having your session. You will be having a meal. You will be having a meditation and a work period. You must plan for it.)
Betty: I’ve been thinking about the seeds, not working with them as much as I had hoped. I got a seed catalogue from Abundant Life Seed Foundation, Fort Townsend, Washington. Would that be a good source for us to start with? (Excellent.) I got to thinking perhaps we are assuming things and rushing our preparations, gathering emergency equipment, tents and so forth. I also got to thinking about seeds, if we were panicking, or if they need to be gathered now before there is more pollution. (You need to begin that program now, and part of what you grow this year is to be dedicated to your seed bank.) What are we to store them in? Should we store them in glass, in plastic, in metals? I’ve been wondering about this also. (You are again preceding.) OK. Should we order some now in sizable quantities, like five pounds, ten pounds, from Abundant Life? (You must first establish the area in which you are going to plant, and then order according to that.) Rather than quantities for future? (Now is not the time to order future quantities.) OK. Just for what we’re going to plant this year? (Yes.) Thank you. I understand now.
Joni: Are there particular seeds you would suggest? (When you have provided us with the area that you are going to plant, we will tell you what will grow well there.) Betty: For each individual person? (We wish you to have a Hadiki Community garden for which one or more of you will supply the land.) Myra: So it could be in two or three places. (Yes.) Betty:I’ve got lots of land I’d like planted in something. (But the garden is not to be given over to the tending of one person. This must be a community project or we cannot participate with you. This is the beginning of the social and the economic structure of the future. Take it seriously.)
Marlayna: Would it also be a good idea for each of us individually to dig it up, shovel it, put it into place? (Indeed, yes. Everyone must get his or her hands dirty. Be prepared for aching muscles and learning much about the mobilization of your physical organism.) Betty: I have been wanting to buy a rototiller for some time. Would this be appropriate now? (If you wish to so invest. Remember that every action has a consequence. If you buy equipment, be prepared to also provide it with the necessary fuels. Are those fuels going to be continually available?) Jenika: Do you mean electricity versus gas, or propane? (Or manual labor.) Betty: In other words, if we think in terms of getting a rototiller, we may only use it two or three years, and then fuel might not be available. (That is correct.) So determine whether or not we can get our use out of it in that time. (But do not forget that you also can make alternative fuels.)
Jenika: Gloria has advised us of a possible money panic in the near future. (So we told her.) And we were wondering whether we should have only enough money in the bank to pay our current bills and whether we should keep all the rest of our savings in our homes. (It would be wise to not keep more than two or three months worth of liquid assets in a bank. That might even be more than you would wish to lose control over.) Jenika: Are you speaking in the next few months, Sheariam? (Indeed yes.) Myra: So what do we do with the other assets we have? (How attached to them are you?) I’m afraid I’m not that attached to them. It feels like a big game that I’ve been playing, and I don’t have much… I don’t know… (Keep enough cash, legal tender, that you can take care of daily requirements so long as products are still available to you, which may not be very long. This is why we are beginning with you now to help you provide for yourselves those things which will not be available regardless of how much money you may have.) Jnana: Will one of our projects, then, be to make fuel? (Ultimately, when that becomes necessary. We have projects for all of you, but were we to give you the whole panoramic view, you would in despair throw up your hands, and we would see you no more.) (Laughter, expressions of surprise and disbelief.) Betty: Now remember we are imperfect, but not inadequate, I think.
Jenika: Sheariam, would you suggest that we keep a goodly portion of our money in gold and silver? (For now, that is true.) Joni: Are United States Savings Bonds a good thing to put money into now? (Yes, for the time being.) Jenika: Or T-Bills? (Yes.) Jnana: What sort of period are you speaking of when you say “for the time being”? (Sometime in 1989 you are most likely to see a great change in your monetary system.)
Owen: Speaking of time, the last session you responded to a question involving time and you said, “Do you want the answer in our time, or your time?” I’m wondering what the difference is and what your usual custom is in speaking of things that involve time. (We speak in your time. If we spoke in our time, it would have been eons ago.) Could you elaborate on that? (You lived eons ago. You live eons in the future, all at the same time.) Jenika: Because we always are? (Yes.) Joni: Are you teaching us in other times as well as in this current time? (Indeed, yes.) Owen: The same individuals? (Other parts of all of us.) Has the transition, in terms of our time, from eons ago to future involve…? (There is no transition. It all is.) Myra: Why is that so hard for us to understand? (Because you live in a continuum, in this focus.) Jnana: Are you speaking in the same vein as is brought out in the book “Seth Speaks”, where there is multi-dimensional experience, but we are only conscious of one experience at a given time? (That is a very close explanation. Close to truth.)
Jenika: Do we touch those other lives when we dream? (Yes. When you imagine, and when you daydream, and when you catch yourself (turning directly to Jenika) being “spacey”. (Laughter.) Sheariam, I had a dream about a month ago. I asked before I went to sleep, “Please give me a message about the near future of Hadiki members.” I got the message that we were to be faced with four temptations. As I woke up I remembered all of them, but the covers were very warm and I didn’t write them down. So by the time I wrote them down, I only remembered one, which was “Food”. They all had to do with bodily comforts, and they were temptations which would steer us off the Hadiki path. Is there a way you can tell me what the other three were? (Cold, greed and laziness.) I don’t remember the greed, but “cold” I saw, and “laziness” I thought because I lay there without writing them down. OK. So we have to be careful of these. They could knock us off the Hadiki path. (True.) In the near future? (Yes.)
Myra: Sheariam, I have a question about a movement that is happening in the Portland area called Neighbor Fair. (Neighbor Share.) Neighbor Share. You know about it then? (Yes. Of course we do.) So that sounded like Hadiki Consciousness. (Of course. The problem there is ego and power. There are those whose status in that organization is important to them. As you know, we teach you in Hadiki, no one is better or more in power than another. You may have peculiar talents which you express more beneficially or with greater expertise, but you are no more important to the group than anyone else. They have those problems to resolve.) It sounded from their literature like they had the same purposes as Hadiki. (They do.) Should we be involved in their program? (If you so desire. If you have time.) I don’t know. I don’t think so. But I wondered if it would benefit us. (It is a matter of personal choice. What is your commitment?)
Jnana: Sheariam, I was wondering if you could give us an update on the earth changes that we were expecting the latter part of the dormancy period. Has there been a time shift? (No. A spacial shift. Others are suffering what we had prepared you for. That is the law. If you are prepared, if you keep the law, you are safe. Had we said that to you, you would not have prepared. You would have not been safe.) Joni: Did we participate in a little part of that with the severe weather? (Oh, yes.) I’d hoped so.
Jenika: So we won’t be going anywhere? We won’t be leaving Portland? (Be not disappointed. We shall keep you happy.) (Laughter.) Myra: We could make that one of your monthly meetings. Just go up there and have a party. Marlayna: We could make soap up there. Myra: We could do our study up there. Jenika: So should we still be prepared with our camping gear? (You had better be.) Because we still may have to leave? (Indeed.) Betty: During the dormancy period, the end of this dormancy period or later, another year. (This year is critical.) The whole year? (Most of it.)
Jnana: Gloria had a suspicion that sometime in April something might be happening. Is this correct? (It is still possible. Probabilities have changed.) Joni: Did we have any part in changing what was to become our difficulties? (If you did not, then we in the temple are wasting our time with you.)
Myra: Do you feel it is important to continue the peace meditations that we do each month with this emphasis? (It helps, but it has a great deal of pollution in it.) Jenika: How could we clean it up? (Inasmuch as the contributing factors are as individual as those who participate, it is impractical for us to offer generalities. The intensity is diminished by lack of concentration, by bodily presence and mental absence.) Myra: So could we just urge people to keep their focus like we do here, that would bring more power to it? (Yes.) Joni: Sheariam, would you or some of the temple teachers have another meditation you might give us that we could use at the peace meditation once a month? (Yes, we could probably provide you with something more powerful.) We would be very appreciative of that.) (We will see to it.) Myra: We had wondered if there wasn’t some of these meditations that we’ve already received might be as powerful, or more powerful than what we’ve been using. (Indeed so.) Betty: It seems like an appropriate place to invite others to come and share with the group. Is this true or a good idea to keep inviting others? (Certainly.)
Joni: Sheariam, this is Joni. I have a personal question. My back has been very stiff, and I feel like I’m going through a lot of change. What can you tell me about this? (It is your normal characteristic resistance to change that is manifesting in the physical manner. This is not unique to you. Most humans have the same problem. Some physical exercise that results in release of tension and relaxation of the muscles, followed by meditation so that the back remains flexible will help the mental capacities to deal with the mental flexibilities required to cope with the changes and to accommodate the necessary consequences of the change, with that thought always foremost that the changes will bring about better circumstances and more elevated consciousness. Sheariam, am I making progress? (Yes.) This is something that needs to be dealt with by an exercise basis and a meditative, spiritual basis rather than physically. By “physically” I mean massage and various other touching the body things. (Those are, of course, conducive to the sustaining of the adjustments made through exercise and mental activity.) So, they are appropriate also. (They are supportive.)
Jean: Sheariam, this is Jean: I have indication that I’m beginning to get cataracts, and I want to know what I can do to clear them up and keep them from progressing. (It must be through mental activity, because curative procedures only cure the physical manifestation and not the essential initiatory mental basis. You can do visual exercises where you dissolve them with your mental powers. You have been studying how to alter your consciousness. Go to your depths of consciousness that you are able to obtain, and there, with the powers of the mind dissolve those tissues, wash them away with your mind. When you effect those changes in the subtle bodies, then the carbon body follows suit.) That is very exciting. I feel that I’m making progress in other ways, and I feel that a great many things are just happening to me. I feel like I’m on the track and being pushed along the way. Is that what’s happening? (Yes.) And this fence that I have fought so much, I see now is something I am really happy about. Is that all part of the plan? (Yes.) (Laughter.)And the dance class? (Voluptuous.) (More laughter.) Myra: But not topless. (Still more laughter.) (Why not?) (Great glee and no dissent.) Jean: It’s just so exciting, and I can’t believe it.
Myra: Sheariam, this is Myra: In this past month or so I have been feeling such enormous urge to study the teachings and to incorporate the concepts of Sound, Number and Function into my head. Then one night I was typing very, very late, and suddenly it dawned on me what I was doing, and I said, “Why am I doing this?” I felt like you told me I had to get busy and do it. Did you do that? (Yes. That is one of the tasks that we have not assigned as yet in the circle. However, we have given the task individually. You, and our friend, Jnana, here, in effect, are librarians in your valence, and you, together with the channel and a member of the circle who is not yet present, will come, will bring about a library for the Hadiki Community.) I have felt so amazed that as I’m working on it, it’s beginning to make more sense to me. I also have felt that I must talk about it with other people. I didn’t know why that was happening to me. (We are much happier when our private instructions pushes you to bring it to the fore in circle, than for us to come here to your meeting and then lay the yoke of task upon you.) Well, I have to tell you how very grateful I am that I’ve been sensitive enough to respond to it, because I used to think I was not sensitive at all, and I discovered that I am, much more than I used to be. But I had a really amazing question. I’m collecting abstracts on Sound, Number and Function. I’m sure you know. And I had a question because the Thursday night session #8 had a marvelous description of the action of the Components working among one another, the positive and the negative. Here’s the quote: “It’s the action of the Components working positively and negatively, seminally and receptively, on each other that produces Form, which manifests as our physical world.” I meditated on that a lot and realized that my Spirit chooses the thought that I think, and then I’m making my environment by doing this. (Manifestation.) So then I went into #65 where you were discussing the Formulae. At that time you said any two of the Formulae of Sound, Number and Function produces the third one when it’s combined. So, what you said sounds like Sound and number together produces Function. (Correct.) Sound is negative. Number is seminal or positive. The result is Form, producing Function. Sound and Number produce Function. (Correct.) So, would you say, then, that Function and Form are the same? (Form is a vehicle for Function.) We’re all having quite a struggle trying to figure out what this means. I don’t understand that yet.
Jnana: Could you possibly give us some examples of how Sound and Number are combined to produce a Function?
Sheariam: Number, let us say “five”, cannot be “six” or “four”. Human cannot be frog nor tree. “Five” can only function as Sound dictates. Sound is a creative force. You can say “five” in a number of different ways. You can say “one” and “four”, “two” and “three”. In saying those sounds, you are saying “five”, but giving different Sounds brings different Functions. “Two and Three” can only Function as “five” when they are together. Human can only function as human when all “five” of its mobilizers work together. Sound originates in the Divine Realm as an emanation of The Absolute. All other Sound, all that you know as Sound, is some form of that Absolute Sound, and becomes a vehicle as a portion of a formula. Human is a Number but has a particular Form to Function in the planet earth as it does. Human is the same Number on any other planet, or in any other valence, but the Form it takes to Function there is different from that which it takes here. It is determined by the Sound which combines with the Number, so that the Sound of a human functioning in what you call the “astral” is not heard by you. Does that help any?)
Betty: Can Number and Function combine to give Sound? (Indeed, yes.) And that is what you are doing when you are creating Self-Mastery or evolving to Self- Mastery. As you change the relationship of the Components, and you increase Volition to Consciousness, you change the Sound that you make.) Myra: Now that’s how we create environment. That’s how we influence it. (Yes. And that is how you can ultimately manifest seemingly out of nothing, because you actually bring Sound into form so that it Functions. Bread is a Function of Sound and Number.)
Jnana: In order to manifest bread, is there a physical Sound that would be created? (Mental more than physical.) And the Number would be of what shape or how would you categorize the Number? (It would be the shape of wheat made into bread, of oat or rye or whatever. It would be the Number of grain combined with other Numbered ingredients.)
Jean: When Myra and I were working together, we had a great impulse to put on a workshop. Was that you pushing us? The thing that holds me back is a feeling of inadequacy. (We told you, you are imperfect but adequate.) (Laughter.) Myra: Shall we plan that workshop? (What stands in your way?) Nothing really – time. (That is your choice.) We thought that we could plan it three or four months in advance and tell everybody when we would do it. If they want to come they could come. Is that all right? (Certainly.) We can do it together. We’re a great team. Betty: How about Gloria’s contribution in that? Would that be appropriate? (You may ask her.)
Joni: Sheariam, did you direct me to write that article finally on the workshop that Silverthistle gave to Jean and me on healing techniques? (Silverthistle did.) Silverthistle did, not you. Well, tell him “thank you”. It was good for me. (Tell him yourself.) Silverthistle, thank you.
Myra: It is so marvelous to feel the presence of you. You told us over and over how you are here and you help us. When we find it happening, it’s a thrill. I mean, when we find we are able to respond in conscious behavior action. Jenika told me she sees me flying. I think that’s why. Jean: I marvel at your patience with our resistance and our stupidity. Myra: At least with our slowness to respond. (We have made a commitment, and we have asked all of you to make a commitment. You have committed yourselves to Enid and to your own initiation. The time has come for you to make that commitment to Hadiki Community. It must be voluntary by your own choice. We can only give guidance and direction, and assist you as you allow us to assist you. We cannot enforce. We cannot place a yoke upon you.)
Jnana: Sheariam, could you elaborate a little more on the “library” that Myra and I are to develop? (It is our wish that the teachings, as we have given, be put into some kind of order that can be easily assimilated by someone familiar with us and with the material. There is also the necessity to preserve the original chronological order of the teachings, for they have been given in a thoughtful, considered, progressive chronology. We began sometime ago pushing for a work book. That was less in the hope that a work book would emerge than a device to encourage study of the materials at a serious level. And that did indeed result.)
Myra: So you’re looking for us to somehow continue to work with this material and put it in a form that’s compiling concepts together. (How would you make this material available to newcomers?) So many places you’ve explained about an idea, so we’d have to go through and find those ideas and put them together, and then organize them in a fashion that’s got some plan to it.
Jnana: A glossary of terms is one big step. (Indeed, yes.) Jenika: Cross reference. (And an expansion and elaboration of the Index which was begun.) Jean: Is this what is happening in my workshop where we’re back at the beginning and trying to pass (word unclear). And should we bring in the other two people that I’ve been thinking about, bringing them in or asking them and making it available to them? Or should we work with the small group that we’re working with?
Sheariam: As you have been told, small groups accomplish more. However, it is your responsibility to make this available, to offer to any who are interested. This you can do through publishing the works, through discussion, through study groups. You are the ones who live in the planetary bodies. You are the ones who must be the vehicle for the promulgation of the teachings. We lay no responsibility upon you to do this, for you must not proselytize. You must not evangelize. Your lives are to be the witness. When those with whom you come in contact see the shining, they will want to shine, too. All of you are lights in your world, and becoming brighter and brighter all the time. As your eyes grow in accustom to the light that you emanate, you take it for granted. You do not realize that those who are blind or dim of sight in spiritual understanding are often amazed by the physical light that you emanate. They do not understand it. But it attracts them. It draws them. They want to be part of that warmth and glory.
Owen: Sheariam, with respect to the library work that is needed, we had contemplated a series of books of the Temple Teachings, Books I, II, III, etc. Now would that satisfy the need for the teachings in order for easy assimilation? (Yes. That is why we instructed Gloria to that extent. It is circumstantial that it has not come about.)
Myra: Perhaps our linking with her would help them to come about. (It would.)
Owen: Is there any message for Gloria? I know that the pressure of her work and her other concerns have kept setting aside what she intended to do with these. (It is true, but that one physical body is only capable of encompassing a certain amount of labor. At this point in time, the labor is all used by the daily need.) So the furthering then of these books is something of a Hadiki project? (That would be the most excellent way to get that finished.) Betty: Is there a suggestion that you might make as to how we could help Gloria? (Any time that you can assist in the manual labor involved in the work that is done in her business, you free that much time for her then to work at the printing of our book.)
Owen: Sheariam, we have a project that was started to put earlier circle transcripts into a little better form. This would involve re-typing, which it would seem might be simpler. We have a possibility lined up to go from scanner to disk to format that would be edited on the computer and to printer. Does this appear to you to be a good way to go about this? (If you can take advantage of the advancement of technology to assist in the preservation of your materials, then you should do so.)
Jenika: I have a couple of medical problems I wanted to ask you about. I’ve had a lot of problems with my left ear, and I’ve finally manifested a hole in the left ear. I’ve had surgery, and I still have the hole. I asked for help in a dream before I went to sleep, and I got the message, “I hear correctly” as an affirmation. But I was never able to figure out what that meant. And I, of course, then haven’t used it. Could you give me some help on what that means so that I can help heal my ear? (One of the habits ingrained or established in your Emotional Body is to interpret in your own terms everything you witness. Consequently, you seldom actually hear the precise words spoken, or the precise sound. You dictate to yourself what you wish to hear. By affirming “I hear correctly”, you are diminishing the power of that determination to hear only what you wish to hear.) Wow! That’s hard, then, for me, because if I wish to hear something, then I’m going to hear that. But I have to know what it is that I wish to hear so I can hear correctly. (No. That is not what I said. You did what we said you are doing.) (Laughter.) Peter: Isn’t that true of all of us? (It is a human problem.) Jenika: So I hear correctly. Well, how do I…? (Don’t worry about what you wish to hear. Affirm that you hear correctly, and allow yourself to hear what is actually given.) I’ll have to think about that. (OK.) The other thing is I’ve had hives for a long time. They come and go, and they’ve been coming again recently. Could you give me some help on that? (You have a low grade infection of your nerve endings, which occasionally, when you are fatigued, or your dietary condition is in imbalance, that infection takes over, and you experience an unpleasant skin reaction.) Is there a certain diet that I should be following? (Balance your diet. You tend to be an extremist.) Yes.
Marlayna: I’ve been looking at some of my shortcomings and faults, and I’ve seen a very big list. So I’ve started tackling a couple of them, and it seems that the rewards were disproportionate to the list that I saw. It seemed that I got a lot of really peace and joy. But the list! I didn’t do as much work as I should have to get that kind of reward. (Oh, yes, you did!) (Laughter.) This isn’t like a charge account where I get the goodies now and pay later, is it? (Laughs). (That was permitted to give you the incentive to continue and to show you how little effort it takes to indeed have voluptuousness.) OK. I’m on the right track? (Yes.)
Joni: I have a very quick question. Is my desire at this point to join a new fitness club that is in my town a good one for me? (It is not for us to judge. You must examine your own intention. What has sponsored your wish? Is this a goal or activity by which all of you can judge?)
Sheariam: I think I have given you enough substance to support a brief visit from Enid, and in that, I will defer to her. So I shall bid you adieu until we meet again. Remember, the next time we are to meet, it is to be away. We will make this geographical location the place we shall meet at the second meeting of your month. Is that agreed? (Yes.) Very well. Go in peace and great joy. I shall be with you again soon.
(Very quickly Gloria’s demeanor changed. She sat forward on her chair with hands extended and a broad smile on her face.)
Enid: Ah hah! (In cheerful delight.) (Laughter) I have my chance! (Laughter and welcomes.) You are so wonderful! So delightful!
Jenika: You make us feel so good. (As you do me. Now, I want to hear a love note from you.) (Turning to Jenika) (Can you not?) A love note, a love note. (Thinking) (What did I say when I was with you last? Were you not to love yourselves?) Oh, a love note, like what we do well. Does anyone know? Myra: I have one. (Enid turns to Myra) I was thrilled that I was able to respond to the guidance of our teachers. As I responded, I changed myself into feeling like I’m coming closer to self-initiation. (Excellent. Wonderful!) (Whispered)
Jean: When you say “love note”, I think of my husband, and I think of so much love. I don’t know if it’s spiritual, but it’s great. (Of course it is spiritual!) (Elated) (Group laughter) (How has your union lasted so long if it were not spiritual?) I think it is, but we just don’t call it that. (What are words? Words are nothing. Nothing. Don’t be caught up in the net of words. Never. Joy! Feeling! Meaning! Your intention! Your love! Your caring! That is the pathway to Initiation. Now, “love note”. (Turning back toward Jenika, but not immediate response.) Let us all mourn.) (Laughter)
Jenika: My daughter has won, with her team, a basketball championship. (But that is your daughter. That is not you.) Oh. I won second prize in a wine contest. (Ah Hah! You do have a love note. Someone else?)
Joni: Enid, this is Joni. I have felt great joy in the power of the work that I’m doing and the joy that it’s bringing to other people. (Of course.) Oh, it’s so special. (Yes.)
Jnana: I enjoy writing and putting music together, as well as maintaining a joyous attitude, continuously. (What a blessing! Music is sound. You asked Sheariam, “What does Sound, Number and Function have to do with things?” And yet you make music. That is Sound. That is creativity. That is elevating the consciousness of “All That Is”. Is that not your initiatory thrust? Does not that give you joy? Oh, sing the praises! Now, “love note”. You. (Turning to Betty)
Betty: I am compassionate, and I am thankful for that. (Do you have compassion for yourself? Do you give yourself as much joy as you give others?) I’ll work on that one. OK? (Yes, do that.) And, Peter, you must see Joni about your finger.
Peter: Thank you, I will. (Love yourself a little, Peter, just a little bit.) Thank you. Joni: Is there something special you would like for me to do with Peter’s finger? (Put his joint back in place.) And you.) (Turning to Sidney)
Sidney: Well, I did this exercise only two or three days after it was assigned. I got up one morning, and I was sitting on the edge of my bed and contemplating what there was in my life I could feel joy of. All of a sudden a feeling came over me. It was a rather indescribable feeling. I did come up with words at that time that I didn’t write down, but I had this kind of feeling of oneness. My crown chakra just got all fuzzy, but to put it in words is difficult at this time. I felt very joyful that I could experience that.
Owen: (After Enid indicated he speak) I feel great joy in being able to maintain some degree of calmness and un-involvement when things around me are getting a little less than calm. (You have come a long way, and we bless you, and we are grateful that you have.) I wish I could figure some way to spread the calmness. (You do. You do more than you know.)
Jean: Enid, did Sid’s feeling of joy have a connection with several of us feeling concern for him, and not knowing what to do, but really feeling concern, and discussing, and sending him joy? Is it all connected? (Oh, of course, it is all connected. You are all part in the Realm of Mind. You all have being in the Body of Mind. Just because you live in separate houses, in separate bodies, does not mean that you are not all part of each other all the time.)
Enid: Now, we are going to have a little exercise today. I have asked you for love notes from yourselves. Now, I want each of you to give a love note to each member of the circle. I can give you one. I love you because you are eager. Now, someone else.
Jean: Sid, I love you because you bring so much laughter to people, and I particularly love you because you bring some serious enlightened thoughts when you choose to really go into your depth. I particularly appreciate that part of you.
Jnana: Peter, I love you because you always express yourself unreservedly. Peter: I love everyone here because I can see the love of our Father reflected back and forth between all of us. I think it’s beautiful. (That is nice, and it’s beautiful, and it’s joyful, and we appreciate it, but I want you to give a love note to one individual. Peter: Thank you, Joni. My deepest love goes back and forth to you. I’m looking forward to our session together. Joni: And I to you. That will be fun. That will be joyful. Jenika: Owen, I love you because you do things in the circle with your left brain that I am totally unable to do, and I appreciate that and love you for doing it with joy.
Sidney: Marlayna, I love you because of the feelings that you have within yourself that I can identify with that I personally have difficulty in expressing. I love you for that.
Owen: Betty, I love you for the different aspects of what we receive that you can bring out that you can identify and appropriately ask for more clarification that helps us all. That’s greatly appreciated. Myra: Betty, I also need to say to you that you have made me recognize things about myself that I didn’t like, and I really appreciate the way you brought me back to the important things instead of my strong parent that used to be so active that I’m working on eliminating. Betty: I was just thinking that I have a love note for you because you pointed out points where I’m oversensitive, and I have to make my own determinations. You pushed my buttons. Thank you. (Laughter.) And I want to send a love note to Ida. I think that Ida has all of her years and all her positiveness, and all her openness, and all her love, and it’s a beautiful example. Thank you, Ida. Ida: You surprised me, but I sure love this group. I get more out of it every session.
Owen: I’d like to say to the whole group that I think it’s wonderful to be part of a group where everybody is sincere, that we’re not dealing with facades, that everybody is themselves and they feel free to share themselves with the rest of us. I love you all very much for that.
Jean: I want to send a love note to Myra because we have such fun thinking together, and she does so much wonderful work, and allows me to ride piggy-back sometimes on an idea. We get another idea, and it’s so much fun to try to struggle and try to understand and work together. She’s such a good leader.
Joni: I would like to send one to Jnana. When I first met him I kind of stood in awe and said, “I think he’s so much better than I am. I’m not sure we can relate.” And I have come just to love Jnana and to feel such a warmth and an acceptance radiating from Jnana, and joy, absolute joy. It’s a blessing to me. I wanted to take that as a love note, because it’s very special. Peter: I second the motion. Betty: I want to hear some of his music, too. (General agreement expressed.) Owen: I’d like to express love to Jnana and appreciation for the enthusiasm with which he has come into the group and taken on some of the functions that really needed to be done, some of the Hadiki work that involve a lot of hours, and he’s given himself just very unselfishly, and we’re all beneficiaries.
Sidney: I’d like to tell Joni that probably without even knowing it, Joni, you enable me to see things in myself that I don’t like that I need to work on. I very much appreciate that.
Myra: I have to say to Jnana and Owen both how absolutely amazed I am. Every time the transcriptions come out it seems you have done it so fast and so perfectly. I am so thrilled and grateful. Because of your efforts our circle functions so very well. A whole lot of work, and we really do thank you. Jnana: I’d like to thank Myra so much for being the synthesizer of the Sound, Number and Function. (Laughter.)
Sidney: I’d like to send a love note to Jenika for her wine. (Laughter.) Marlayna: I wanted to send a love note to Jenika, too, for being so wonderful to talk with. You can hear a smile in her voice all of the time. She is just so positive and constructive and I thank you for that.
Ida: I’d like to say thank you to Myra. She’s been more help and support to me than any other person I know. Myra: Thank you, Ida. It’s been a great pleasure.
Jean: I want to send a love note to Owen for being so wonderful in so many ways, and being so patient and generous and for growing such beautiful things on his place as well as ideas, and his generosity, particularly his generosity, in so many, many, many ways, and his patience. Ida: I add to that an “amen”. (Others agreed.)
Jenika: I want to send a love note to Sid to thank you for coming so much with me to my daughter’s basketball games. It’s meant a lot to me to have company. Sid: My pleasure. Thank you. Jenika: And a love note to Myra for being so nurturing. You’re always there when I need you.
Sidney: I’d like to send a love note to Jean. She has lots of qualities, but there is one that I think sometimes we overlook, and that’s her thoughtfulness. Thank you for that, Jean.
Joni: I’d like to send a love note to Sidney about whom my attitude has changed to one of just total love. It has been very special for me, and I think, Sidney, you have also shown me things that I need to work on in my life. I admire so much your acceptance of every person, where that person is, and it’s OK to be whatever you need to be. It’s so very special. I’m striving toward that, and you’re showing me that it’s possible.
Enid: You have all done a superior job. I am most gratified and elated in your progress, because you filled where I am. Betty: One more love note. I send a love note to you for coming with your joy and your animation. (All endorsing.) It is most gracious. Myra: And I have to send a love note to Gloria, because she has been there and been there even though it’s been hard on her, she’s been there to allow us to meet you. (Then let me say to you, make it a point to tell her that when we release her, for she needs to hear that from you.) (Appreciation for the suggestion.) Jean: I’d like to send a love note to all. I thought I restrained myself, which is hard. I’d like to send a love note to each one of you, and I have a special one in my mind. Owen: We need to all send a love note to Sheariam. We appreciate her patience, her always being there, and judging us individually. (Many comments of agreement.) (She hears you.) Myra: Her patience. Where does she get it?
Enid: And now I must leave you. Continue this exercise, for it grows your spirit. Make it a point to not just say, “I love you”, but “I love you because...”. That gives dimension. That helps the other initiate along the path. Don’t you all feel better now?
Joni: I’ll bet our lights are brighter, too, aren’t they? (Oh, indeed. And so with joy I depart, because I know that you are doing what you are supposed to do. Blessings, and much love.) (Appreciation expressed by the group.)
(Gloria emerged quickly and rubbed here eyes. In a few seconds she spoke.) Gloria: I have tears in my eyes. Group: Tears of joy.
Sidney: Gloria, I want you to know that I love you because of all of the help, without even knowing it, that you’ve given me in my life. Thank you. Gloria: (In surprise) Well, bless you! Myra: And you’re always there for us, and you’re just open to us. Gloria: (Still a little amazed.) What’s bringing this on? (Laughter.) (Many overlapping comments. Group decided to sing “Let there be joy on earth”. It sounded great.) Gloria: Wow! (General bedlam of happy sounds and overlapping comments.
Jnana: Gloria, I love you because of the strength of your energy. (More joyful sounds.) Jean: And I love you because you’re human. Gloria: I don’t know if I can take all of this, guys. (Glee.) Marlayna: I think that Enid told us to quit giving messages to the transcript, that we should be more direct. (Giggles.) Myra: We were saying how much we appreciate you, and she said, “Tell her. She needs to know that. (Still more remarks.) Jenika: They’re called “Love notes”.
Joni: And I love you because you have certainly helped to turn on such a bright light in my life. Jean: I love you because you have changed my life. (Joyful sounds.) Jenika: I love you because you are you. Owen: I love you for all of the above and for the vitality and new directions that you have brought into my life.
Gloria: Oh, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to live up to all this. (General comments.) Betty: I was trying to think why I love you, and I thought because of this and because of this and because of this, and it goes on and on, because of all your talents and the thing that you support all of us over and over again, when obviously you need support to keep supporting us. It goes on and on and on. Thank you. Gloria: Well, thank you! This room will never be the same! (Then conversation went into more general topics, such as “We aren’t going to be here next time”) Gloria: Why aren’t we going to be here next time? Betty: Every other time we’re going someplace else. (Other comments: “To one of our homes.” “For eight hours.”) Gloria: (In astonishment) Eight hours’ worth! I can’t trance for eight hours. (Glee.) Jean: We’re going to eat, and meditate, and you’re going to channel, and we’re going to have a Hadiki work party. Jnana: The work parties are going to be in certain projects, for instance, we’re all supposed to learn how to make soap and shampoo. (This one to be at Marlayna’s.) Gloria: That’s our next project? Myra: Not only that, but we’re supposed to render our own fat. (Prolonged hilarity, and so it went.)