1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Session #123 – August 13, 1989
Present: Jenika, Jnana Sivananda, Peter Valiton and Vivian Rice
This was not a trance channeling session. Portions of the discussion not of lasting importance have been omitted.
Gloria: Many things have been going on with me. I don’t know about the rest of you. I think things are coming to a boil. Here it is late August already, and I’m still not able to make any plans for September. If indeed nothing happens before the end of August, we must have a Hadiki meeting in September, but I don’t have any date yet. You will be hearing from me. That’s all I can tell you right now. As soon as I know, I will drop a card or start the telephone tree or something. I think it would probably be a good idea if everybody checked their emergency supplies, to be sure that things haven’t kind of dribbled away since the big push to put them all together. That happens. I know I’ve gotten into mine and pulled out various items. We need to get the Hadiki soap-making supplies all here at this house so that I can include them in my “package”, if we need to load. I’m also told we need to make up a batch of soap for barter on the road, so we don’t display coins or silver but we do have soap to barter with. Time is really critical. I don’t know when we’re going to get the time to do this. We should have had it done, and we haven’t done it. We’re running out of time. I feel it very strongly. So, if nothing happens before the end of August, we’d better have a big soap-making project in September, and get real bars of soap made and wrapped, marked and ready for use. So that’s a real September project. I just don’t see how we can do it in August. The animals are feeling it. My cat is trying to get up high. You know she’s a very lazy cat. She loves to lie in a chair and sleep all day. She’s not been doing that. She’s been outside all the time. This morning she was clear up on the peak of that grey house, and that’s unusual for her. All the signs seem to be coming together. I need to have a list of where the silver is. I don’t know who has the silver. We also need to establish that 250-mile fueling station. We need to come to some kind of decision about that. Now Jenika and Bill worked together on finding our escape route. So they might be the ones, since they have already investigated the territory. They might be the ones to think of where we might start looking for a refueling place. It may not be Camp Sherman. (Assuming 250 miles is the maximum on a tank of gas.) I don’t think, at this time, we would have to store gas. I think we will have enough advance notice that we will be able to get there and take advantage of what supplies there are before they are completely gone. I have no inkling at all of exactly what’s going to happen. I just know that something is.
Jnana: A lot of things have seemed to wind down. Look at the number present. (Exactly. On two orders that I have had since the first of the year that I thought were never going to be picked up, I began to think, “You want your order.” Within two days both were picked up and paid for. There are a lot of things winding down.) We’re taking a break at Owen’s.
Gloria: That too. I’ve really been feeling the end of the circle. I am really feeling it very strongly. Jenika: That it’s not needed at this point? That it’s fulfilled its purpose? (I don’t know. I just feel the people don’t need it. As soon as the channeling stopped, it seemed like people no longer felt the need to come. I felt that when the channeling came to an end, that was the end of the circle. The reason that we’re still meeting, of course, is that the circle, itself, said that it wanted to continue if only on a study basis, or to stay in contact with me, or whatever.) We never get to study with you. This is an opportunity. (I know that is what everybody said, but you see what’s happened now. It’s true that most of the people not here are not here because they had other commitments. But that doesn’t make any difference. What is, is. That’s what’s really important. I know that I’ve been pushed to finish things, get things done. I look at the mountain of work to be done, and I say, “I can’t do it before the end of August. Something else is going to have to happen.” But we do have the transcripts, not all on disk, but we do have several copies of the transcripts that I have in my possession, the originals and two copies. Those will be protected, because I will take those before I will take anything else. I will see that they get deposited someplace that’s safe. So that the work with them can go on if anybody wants to follow through on that. Outside of that, I don’t have anything in particular to offer. They’ve been giving me what you might call personal insights about this, The Ego and the Realm of Ego. But at the same time I think that’s another whole course of study, and now is not the time to start it. You see, I sit there in the morning meditating, and I’ve got it right in front of me, so it’s natural that kind of thing would come. It’s not in any organized kind of framework that I could deliver it to you. Silverthistle has been pressuring me to do some more homilies, but I just can’t spread myself thinly enough to get everything done. So I just have to establish priorities for all the commitments that are made.)
Jnana: I’m still waiting to hear from somebody for some articles for the Cosmic Connection. (Yes. That’s another thing I wonder about.) No articles, no Cosmic Connection. I’m prepared to write two plus the editorial. (I have one that’s in the computer.) I think there’s one more Homily, and one more article by Jon Paul. (And I can work out a dream article as long as you give me a theme. You said the theme of the issue was ‘after the change’. Maybe that was rather intuitive.)
(Comments about soap making. Purchased soap not appropriate for barter because its ingredients are polluted. Suggested price or equivalent for barter at $3 a bar.)
Jnana: When you said “silver or coins are not to be used on the road”, are they supposed to be saved for later? (Yes. Apparently, what they told me when I was making my preparations, in my head, they said, “While you are on the road, do not display any silver or coins. You would be robbed.” There would probably be no attention paid to a bar of soap. That’s a common commodity.)
(Gloria advised Peter to hold on to his Fels-Naptha soap. She mentioned that she has supplies such as food wafers that she was given ten years ago, which are still fresh. Then a question is raised about taking or leaving valuables.)
Gloria: I don’t think this is a permanent departure. I’m sure that this is not permanent or I would not have a two-year lease with sixteen months more to run. With a two-year lease, I can lock up my shop and it will be safe while I’m gone. They gave me a place to put my shop equipment. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I do know that if you will, “the forces of evil” – I’m not personifying this – but whatever these evil vs. good, these negative forces that are bringing this thing to a head are active. We had two burglaries just two nights in a row just three houses away. Our little neighborhood has been very quiet for three or four years. Somebody tried to rob the arcade in broad daylight a couple of days ago. (The arcade is next door to Gloria’s print shop in a strip mall.) Somebody broke into the General Store, broke off the front door. (The Li’l General Store is in the same strip mall.) Jenika: And we’re not even in a crisis. (Yes. So imagine what it will be if the banks take a holiday. We’ve got an S & L bailout that we can’t afford. With all of the hue and cry against that by the mass of voters on a call in, they still went ahead because the people with the power to do that, are at risk. It’s not just here, but world wide.)
Gloria: I had a piece of paper the other day that someone of the circle had prepared that was excerpts from one of Sheariam’s lectures about the “Earth writhing in agony as we experience chaos”. So the more chaotic human action becomes close to us, the more susceptible we are to earth changes. We had the Camas quake. When that happened I was in my shop running my plate maker. I was leaning on the plate maker because the cover has lost a screw, causing it to make bad noise when it’s running. I thought the machine, itself, was having a real problem. Two days later there was another one, but I didn’t hear any announcement. Then the one came down in northern California. It’s just like the earth is beginning to quake all around us, getting very unstable. So I think we’re seeing more signs of what’s going on reflected from our environment. It’s not just what is going on within us. (Looking at Peter) That may be why your surgery is coming up now, so you’ll be well enough to travel by the time it’s necessary. I don’t know. (Comments on being together.) We all have our own families, our own commitments, and our own circles. It’s not like the Hadiki family is the nucleus of it. There will be people who will choose not to stay here. Maybe I should even tell people. Maybe it’s something I should keep to myself and let the chips fall where they may.
Vivian: Well, you’re getting a lot of people ready. (That’s why I share my feelings. But it’s still your decision. If you can be prepared to take action according to what you think you want to do, then I guess I’ve done what I was supposed to do.) (Sore throat related to loss of power.) What happens when you get scared? You lose your voice. What happens when you get sick. Your throat gets sore. Your power center is always affected when you think you have lost control, when things begin to overwhelm you. You forget to invoke, and you forget to do all the things that you’ve been taught, and you fall back on the old tapes. You go through the same old emotions, and the same old responses, and you do the same old thing.
Jnana: What did Sheariam’s remarks mean when she said that the teachers “Don’t go where angels fear to tread”. (OK. The reference there, I think, was to the fact that when you invoke, the power center commands the angels. It’s the angels that actually assumes the personification, not the power center. So the angel becomes the messenger or the agent. If the powers will not dispatch the angels, then the spirit guides or teachers are not going to rush in where angels fear to treat. Do you see what I’m saying? Consider this analogy: An archangel is like electricity, an angel is like a lamp, and light is the accomplished mission of the angel.) Why wouldn’t the power centers dispatch the angels? (If you have not set up the conditions mentally and emotionally that will give them a vehicle to work with.) So, if things aren’t ready? (Yes. Let’s put this in terms of physics. If you put new wine in old wine skins, the fermentation process breaks the wine skin. If the powers did not have some kind of built-in controls, if we could just automatically invoke Michael and appropriate anything our puny little minds thought we wanted, we’d blow ourselves apart. Since our spirit guides can only guide, they can’t push or usurp our authority. If the power is not going to dispatch angels, then they certainly can’t do anything.) Well, that fits in with what Jack Schwartz says, “There is no lack of power, but the vehicle isn’t quite ready yet.” (That’s right.) I’m just wondering what I have to do to get the vehicle ready. Peter: That was my question, too. (Remember that this life span is only just a tiny speck of dust in the overall vehicle that you are. You may be expecting this roller skate to do what a sports car does. You can’t put an eight-cylinder engine on a roller skate.) I’m trying. (Well, that shows our poor judgment. If it were not that there were built-in protections, we would have blown the earth apart decades ago.) I would like to be as productive as possible for the overall good. (You are looking primarily at a physical vehicle production, and maybe what you need to be looking at is mental and emotional production. Maybe you are going beyond what the Ego Boundary designed for you this time. They are putting the limits on you. You don’t need to sit and twiddle your thumbs. When one avenue is closed, another is opened. So, instead of trying to force the situation to go in a certain direction, maybe you need to relax and see what’s open.)
Jenika: Both you and Jean are privileged to get this “tuning fork”. (Ed. Note: Tuning fork was an inner vibration Jean felt when something “rang true”.) Peter: Yes, I feel it right now. It’s beautiful. Jenika: We all do different things, and there are things we can’t do. I don’t get a “tuning fork”. I don’t get into meditation like Jon Paul does. He has real guidance. But I can dream. (We all have things that we can do and limits that we hit up against. We need to recognize what we can do, the avenues that are open, and explore them instead of trying to bang through that door that is closed this time.) Do you think that Peter really did manifest in some past life? (Oh, sure.) Peter: No question about it. (It’s like I was a dancer in several of my past lives. I still have these terrible dancer’s feet. Yet in this lifetime, as much as I have wanted to dance, my virtual clumsiness has made it impossible. I even had the privilege of dancing lessons, and later I was overweight and my knees suffered from that, so that I can’t even do ballroom dancing comfortably any more. But I can do it in my head. I have discovered that as soon as I relinquish my hard-headed direction, things heal up. I was so determined, no matter what it cost me, to keep the channeling going that I almost killed myself over it. When I said, “It’s all right if the circle disbands. I don’t have to channel”, then the where-with-all came to me to get what I needed to heal the body. I don’t have those pains and aches and terrible things that I used to.) Jenika: So you are physically really better since you quit channeling? (Oh, by far. I was introduced to a product which is a cell cleanser. A week after I began taking that, no more tendonitis, nor more arthritis, no more rheumatoid arthritis. This ankle would swell so that by evening I could hardly bear my weight on it. My hands would get so crippled from tendonitis that I could hardly do my collating, etc. But I just keep plugging along because that’s my work. Then I started taking this, and within a week all of these symptoms were gone, and that terrible burning pain in the side of my chest where that heart muscle is so weak, has quit. I don’t have that any more.) Would that product help us? (Oh, I think so, but I’m not trying to promote the product. I’m just trying to explain that when I was willing to let “Thy will be done”, if you understand what I’m saying, then the way was made clear for all the symptomology to quit. Now my body is stronger. I can again lift fifty-pound cases of paper and roll the wheel barrow and do all those things I was getting to where I just couldn’t do. So, Peter, as long as you want that hernia and that scalp condition, you just go ahead and bang your head against the brick wall, because I don’t think these things will help you if you don’t do the mental and emotional things, too. The Vitacell-7 and the Q-10, rejuvenate the body cell at the cellular level. Q- 10 you can buy at any health food store. Vitacell-7 can only be bought through Nutritional Engineering Ltd. In Denmark, because the FDA has not approved it in the United States. The Q-10 rebuilds the liver tissue and helps the body metabolize. The Vitacell-7 is the cell cleanser. It takes out the toxic salt and all these accumulations of pollution that we get from the air and our food and water. But I don’t think these things work on the body without the mental and emotional treatment as well. You have to be willing to accept and deal with whatever comes moment by moment. You can’t set up a course of action and say, “This is the only way I’m going to go.)
After comments about cleaning up loose ends in our lives and getting ready:
Jenika: I had a dream in which nurses were standing over me, and they told me I had irreversible kidney damage and another organ. I said, ‘Is this because I’m not drinking enough water, or I’m eating too much spicy food, or my wine?” They said, “No, it’s because you’re snacking.” My thought in my dream was “vs. eating full meals.” They emphasized snacking, and it upset me because they said “irreversible”. (OK. The kidney represents the washing system. It’s in the kidney that the toxins are prepared for elimination. They could have been saying to you that in this lifetime you have gone beyond the point where you can really eliminate all of the things that you may have come to eliminate. There is a point of no return for things. There is a time when time has run out, and that’s irreversible. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to continue to function and fulfill what’s left that you’re still able to do. We all have things to cleanse for each and every one of the things that went into us.) So I have done what I can do. (Well, not entirely. They didn’t say that the kidneys were no longer functional. They just said there was damage. So there are some things that you won’t be able to do, but there are some things that you will be able to do.) What do you think the “snacking” is about? (Well, snacking is usually eating food that first is not necessary, is not done at the normal time of eating, is food that is not normally part of a meal, and in our society is highly polluted. It’s full of preservatives and salt and all the things we’re told we shouldn’t eat. So that could be saying that your life is lived in increments of snacks instead of meals, that maybe you don’t plan and organize your time well enough, that you don’t do things at the time they’re supposed to be done. You procrastinate and then partially do something half-well with poor tools.) I have had a lot of trouble with acid, regardless of the strong medication I’m taking. (That’s stress. That’s imbalance. If you’re having problems with digestion, Acidophilus, one of the NEL products, is good. You can buy milk with Acidophilus in it. Acidophilus replaces the flora of the colon and helps with the digestive process.)
Gloria: If something happens to avert whatever it is that’s coming that we will no longer need to have the Hadiki stores of water, we will just simply refund to each according to his contribution to Hadiki. I have all the records of who has contributed to what. But I think you’re going to see more and more and more closures of this kind, and only the subliminal communication may remain of our connection. We may not be seeing each other any more. Whatever this disruption in our lives is that’s coming, it can manifest in a variety of ways. It can be mental and emotional for some and total physical disruption for others. They’ve been talking to me a lot about death and after life. I thought one of the interesting things they said to me recently was a new concept to me in spite of all they gave us, that after we go through the Corridor of Transition, and we awaken with our ID intact, we still know who we are in our subtle bodies. We are at large in the Realm of Ego. We are only bounded by the Ego Boundaries. We still have the Ego Purpose. We have the Ego Identity, within which we have an Individual identity for a while. We are still faced with Conflict and opposition. We have Conduction and Separateness, which means that we are still alive, and we are still individually responsible.
Jenika: Then we’re out of the Realm of Self? (Well, there is still some identity, but we’re not confined in the Realm of Self as we are now. What Peter is really saying is, “I want to be in the Realm of Ego now with this body.” But you can’t be with this body. I just now put that together. That gave me such a feeling of expansion when they said that to me that morning. Because I was feeling so happy and so grateful that I could bend my feet and my ankles don’t hurt. I can flex my hands. I can do all these things with the body that for so long I had to move very carefully in order to tolerate the pain. You can’t go around screaming and flinching and agonizing in people’s faces. To have the flexibility of body that I had when I was younger is amazing. Even with the weight that I carry, I have the acrobatic flexibility that I had at 35. I haven’t been practicing. It’s just that all of the toxins have been washing out of the cells.)
Vivian: Your color is so much better than at any time since I’ve known you. (Yes. I’m happy because I’m not coping with pain every minute. Pain is very debilitating. Now that it’s over I can talk about it. As soon as I did the mental thing, as soon as I said, ‘OK, it’s all right with me if circle disbands. If I don’t channel again ever, I won’t feel guilty. I won’t feel remorseful. I totally relinquish it, my friend in Elma, Washington, wrote me a letter telling me about Vitacell-7. I may never channel again, but I will go back to life readings. Well, I’ve got to make money for Hadiki House somehow.) Jenika: Those life readings are so valuable. (Maybe the time has come when it’s more important for individuals to have them than for the circle to go on. Maybe we have been given enough general information for now that we are empowered by it. I know that I look back at what my life was like in 1980 as opposed to what it is now since I’ve been given this information, and there’s no comparison. I’m not a victim any more. We victimize ourselves until we know there’s freedom. So these last years of channeling to get this information cannot have any price put on them. But now -- anything that we know from now on, anything that they give us going back up through the realms is almost superfluous to what we have to do here on this Earth planet... But I really do regret that study groups might disband. Even though you don't socialize, I think it's important that you study together. (Discussion about groups meeting at Myra's, Jean's, and Owen's, and possibility of Gloria attending. But weekday evenings not good.) They told me this morning that I would have a computer here at home so that I can do life readings and charts here. So they may be going to start giving me life readings directly so I won't have to involve my sister. Jenika: You know, I miss Sheariam. I'm sure everybody must. I don't. Jenika: And I wonder, how could I contact Sheariam just to say "hello". In your dreams. She used to come to Mary White in her dreams. I could ask for a dream. Whatever your focus is -- dreams, meditation, tuning fork -- you can ask, "Show me. Give me a sign. Tell me you're there. Give me a message." That's what I do when I sit in my chair in the morning. I just ask and wait. Sometimes it's a feeling, and sometimes it's more physical than that. You know how you know Serene's in the house when she's in her bedroom and you're in the kitchen. That's how you know they are there. I know when Serene is coming home 5 to 15 minutes before she comes home. Even when I'm asleep, I wake up, and sure enough 5, 10, 15 minutes later. She is always very quiet and tries not to awaken me. Her presence or her coming… OK. If you can feel her presence, you can feel the presence of all the Teachers. And they will make themselves known by personality. You know the difference. You'll know when it's Enid, and you'll know when it's Sheariam or when it's Silverthistle. Silverthistle wanted to come through today – he really wants to come back. His presence is so male and so virulent, so vital it just pulls. Judith is very ephemeral. She is not the powerful presence to me that Sheariam is. She is not as physical for one thing. She has less Desire Body than the other two have. She's there, but she's not as viable, I guess you'd say. Vivian: I get the feeling they've got a lot more important people and things and channeling that they are busy with, than to come and be with me for a few minutes. Gloria: It's like a phone call. If you love someone, it's not that expensive in time or effort or even money to dial their telephone number and say, "Hi, I was thinking about you." The teachers do that. They visit us all. And they'll come when you call. They won't let you monopolize them. But they will make their presence known and give you their blessing, and then go on about what they have to do. But remember that they are not limited by the time and space that we are. They are limited by time and space, but not ours. So they can be in several places at one time. It's not unusual for people to report to me, and you've heard it in circles, "I know that Sheariam was with me last night." And someone else says, "Yes, and I felt it too." And they were not in the same house at the same time. But the visitation was at the same time. They can be with all of us simultaneously even though we are not together... We tend to personify them, and they are persons, but we tend to personify them in Earth bodies, and they are not limited by Earth. (Vivian reports her awareness of the presence of her Guides during periods of meditation in the past few weeks.) Gloria: It's been happening all the time. It's your awareness that has changed. Vivian: This frightened my little cat at first, but no longer. I don't use tarot cards anymore because my cat objects to anything like that. I don't use my crystal ball or my runes -- I don't use any of those tools any more. She objects strenuously to them. I think that is one thing that Circle has done for me -- it has brought me along to where I don't need those external tools any more. The channels of communication are open. (Comments to Gloria describing the space healing at Joni's office where a small group left a thought construct of a self-perpetuating energy fountain of blue, green, and pink.)
Vivian: What can we do to help Joni? Gloria: We can invoke Tzaphkiel. While we can't invoke on behalf of someone else, we can activate our own power center for the development of the ATTRIBUTE of UNDERSTANDING. The more we understand, the more understanding pervades for everyone. And that's what that situation is all about -- a misunderstanding. So the more we can be understanding within ourselves, the more that's going to become balanced. The other thing we can do is to invoke "MERCY, LOVE, and COMPASSION are infinitely reproduced" whenever you think about Joni and her problems. That we can do for each other. And if you don't have time to go through a whole ritual, you can just say "Bless you". It's my inclination at this point in time to go ahead with the next meeting of the Circle. We'll just have to play it time by time by time. (Aug. 27, and 2 weeks later at Jnana's for soap making -- HADIKI soap -- the Teachers have been instructing Gloria on its ingredients and preparation.) (Discussion of need for an appropriate logo, incidentally to be used on the soap labels. Many suggested possibilities have already been used by others.)
(transcribed by Owen)
Last Edited 3/23/19