1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Session #12 – January 15, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Clista Brooks, Larry and Eileen Horton, Richard and Mary White, Bonnie Wisz, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Myra Perala, Ida Nevala, LaMar Bell
S/T: Good Evening. And how have you been since last we met? (Group response. We will be changing the program slightly this evening inasmuch as Judith has advised she is ready for an advancement in your education. Therefore, I will not give you a homily for this evening. But I do have an assignment for you. Let us see if you do better with this one than you did with the first one. We do plead with you to take the assignments seriously inasmuch as they are a valid part of your education and give us certain sign posts as to how each of you are doing. In the intervening time between now and our next meeting, in your meditative time, visualize a path. Take note of what lies under your feet. Take note of what you see when you look to your left and also to your right. When you have done this, then imagine you are carrying something and describe what it is you are carrying. Take note of how you feel as you walk along carrying whatever it is. Then find an exit from wherever you are walking. Put down whatever it is you are carrying and go through the exit. Take note of what you find there, how you feel, and what you are thinking about. Return then to your pathway. Pick up whatever it is you have put down. Take note of how you feel about that and go on down your pathway taking note of how it then appears to you. We will hope for a report on this exercise next time. Now, inasmuch as Judith’s presentation tonight may be lengthy and also deep, we shall have our healing service first. (Rubbing of hands.) Someone is projecting too much yellow. Clean up the green. Make it pretty and clear… It’s getting better and there is still too much yellow, some cloudiness there. Take some deep breaths and see if that will clear up the condition… That is better! Now do it again. Rub your palms briskly together. Good, now each of you put your own name in the circle…. Now feel the energy swell and swell and permeate e ach of you through and through. Now know also that it also permeates those whom you have introduced into the circle. Now see the cloud of energy begin to lift and lighten and enlarge – clear blues and greens – and it spreads throughout the world taking its blessing into each heart that is open to it. (The group sings Alleluia.) Blessings to all of you for the good work that you do this night. Bring your palms together locking the healing energy within and accept the blessings with grateful hearts. Now take a moment of silence, and Judith will be with you.
Judith: Good evening my precious ones. It has been quite some time, but we must move forward with our lessons. This evening I bring you the seven laws that are basic to your universe. First is the Law of Ideation (the “I” pronounced as in “id”) Second is the Law of Process Third is the Law of Reproduction Fourth is the Law of Harmony Fifth is the Law of Illusion Sixth is the Law of Dominance Seventh is the Law of Relinquishment
Now in review, you will recall we have the original divine germ cell with its nine components. Two of these components we have discussed very little. Tonight we will discuss that component which we shall call “volition” – the will to be – that urge to be sentient.- the will to know whatever there is to be known. Now as tension builds in the divine cell, it must discharge itself, and the divine cell reproduces itself, each reproduction being in the image of the original but with the emphasis slightly shifted. In your holy scripture the first account of creation set forth for you these seven laws which I have just enumerated. If you would wish to get a bible, I would be most happy for you to follow along, and perhaps even ask a question if something is unclear to you. Now in the first day of creation, as it is given to you in your holy scripture is the Law of Ideation. The divine germ cell is described as being existent but unknowing, as being sentient and yet unaware of itself, but as volition propels divine thought into objective manifestation, the law is established that this universe shall exist. So in the way of a pattern, the Law of Ideation says to you that before anything else can happen for you or with you or by you, you must be in compliance with the law of idea. Divine thought establishes the divine plan. Your thought establishes your plan. On the second day of creation the Law of Process is established. The divine idea becomes objectified. In the objectification, you are given the basic pattern for time. You are made to know that a gestation period is necessary before something can come to maturity and be born. Now if you would like to read the first two days of creation there may be some discussion of the first two laws. (Myra reads from the King James version of the bible.) Now do you follow the premise of the Law of Process? That in separating the self from the self there is established time, linear time as you know it in your universe. Now of course you measure time according to the realities which you perceive. Your earth rotates on its axes and it moves about the sun of your solar system, and you measure time by that. In other realities time is measured by other perceptions, but time is of the Law of Process. Now in the pre-existent cell, time does not exist. It cannot exist until divine thought is manifest, reflected to itself by dividing itself from itself. Let us go on to the third day of creation when we have the Law of Reproduction. (Myra read from the bible.) Here you have the allegorical basis for the Law of Reproduction -- that out of the substance of the divine cell, it can separate itself in myriad forms, each form reproducing after its own kind. The Law of Reproduction is that each thing shall reproduce its own kind, and this becomes very important to you when you realize that negative thought reproduces itself in negative thought. Positive action reproduces itself in positive action. Now let’s go to the fourth day. The Law of Harmony. Would you read it please. (Myra reads from the bible.) Now the Law of Harmony says all things work together. In the basic laws of your universe there is no evil, there is no negative, there is no imperfection, there is only truth, and all things belong, and everything is akin to everything else, and everyone is a brother to another. The very stars in the sky are signs and a symbol. The Law of Harmony. You cannot be completely detached from divinity. You are part and parcel of original divine germ cell. You are a part of the divine plan. One of the characteristics of the Law of Volition is planning, and when the plan is perfect, how can there be imperfection? Imperfection is a result of the Law of Illusion which established on the fifth day. Would you read please? (Myra reads from the bible.) Now here is the establishment of illusion. The waters teem with hidden things. Herein is the establishment of the subconscious, the establishment of the mobility of thought, and the establishment of emotion. These three things all move to create illusion. As you ponder these things you will come to understand that it is the power that lies in the hidden side of life that governs you most strongly. This reading of the fifth day is given in allegory. The waters hide the fish. The birds fly through the heavens. That which is hidden within the water is symbolical of the subconscious, and of the emotions. The sea serpent, the sea monsters are your fears.Your fears are all illusion. But you must come through this veil of illusion in order to accomplish the work of the divine plan. So we come to the Law of Dominance. (Myra reads from the bible.) Now this establishes the basic pattern of hierarchy – in your common slang, the pecking order – the Law of Dominance. As you think about the Law of Dominance, examine your own thoughts and your own feelings and your own actions. See how often they are based in the Law of Dominance, when you are trying to control, to dominate, to take charge. Recognize that this is an appropriate thing to do under the proper conditions. It only becomes improper when operating under the Law of Illusion. When you are eating of the proper food, that is the mental thoughts you think, then you will not be subject to the Law of Illusion. You will be working in awareness. All of the basic laws are modified and transcended by others. Those we will discuss as the time becomes right for them. So we come to the Law of Relinquishment. Before we go there, let us comment one more time about the anatomy of your actions and thoughts. Everything reproduces after its own kind and serves a purpose. In some way, everything serves something else. This, too, is in the Law of Dominance. And now if you will read the seventh day please. (Myra reads from the bible.) Very clearly stated. The necessity to use the Law of Relinquishment. When you give a gift, give it without strings. Give it freely and let it go. When you decree a thing, when you create a thing, know that you cannot control it. You have created an independent entity with a life of its own even as the universe has been created by divine thought and now has a life of its own, and will go forward fulfilling that divine plan until the time comes when it reaches fulfillment and is returned to non- being. Now that is what is so frightening to you in the physical realm – the idea of non-being. But when we talk about such things, we are talking about the great ages, spans of time far beyond your power to perceive them. But in the creating of the divine cell, finiteness became reality, and thus divine cell itself has a limited life but of such magnitude as to be indescribable to you. In the occultist way of thinking, god breathed out and this universe became. And god will breathe in and this universe will not be. And so the great cycles are established beyond our understanding. But since the law comes out of the one law, even cycles must operate under law, and as like produces like, if there is a big cycle, there are going to be small cycles reproduced by that big cycle. Now as we speak of these seven days of creation, know that your scripture is allegorical. It is the best description possible at the time that the words were put together. The laws which I have enumerated for you are not allegorical. They are basic premises upon which your universe is constructed and law which permeates good daily living. As we go to examine the hierarchy in our next lesson, perhaps some of these laws will become more clear to you. Now, if anyone has any questions, I shall be happy to answer them. (Richard questions the pronunciation if “ideation”.) “Id”-eation. The law of ideas. Divine thought propelled into objective manifestation. (Note from Gloria: This makes sense to me when I think of how we are all driven by our youthful “Id” in Freudian terms. As “Id” eation becomes “I”-dea, awareness becomes involved. This doesn’t preclude the operation of The Law of “Id”-eation. Of course, at the time this was given we had not yet Become familiar with the meaning of sounds.) (Question: Does this pertain to planet earth or all of the universe?) These are basic laws for this entire universe and all of the realities which it contains, but inasmuch as all spring from the same source, these laws apply to your planet as they apply to other realities. (Comment: The fifth day and illusion, the teeming life under the surface of the sea, that being our hidden self. It makes me think of Jung.) The collective unconscious. If you will go back to your lessons you will recall that you were told before that he came as close in that terminology as any human being has come to describing the truth. (Gloria comment: Apparently this comment didn’t get into the transcripts.) (A question indistinguishable on the tape.) The subconscious and emotions are hidden. The third establishment is the mobility of thought. Your thought moves as the birds through the heavens. Realize that the subconscious is a word to describe all of that which you are unaware. It would seem that you have been given plenty to think about so I will bid you goodnight and god bless you. Next time we will discuss hierarchy. Goodnight my children.
S/T: I think you see now why I did not prepare a homily for you this evening. Let us close. You have an assignment. Let us have some music. I do enjoy it so much. (We have some questions.) Very well, I shall not depart then.
Voice: We met last Saturday night and we wrote several questions. One was on cremation. We talked quite at length about cremation. Is there not some times when cremation might be used?
S/T: Again, let me repeat something Judith just gave to you. Everything belongs. Healthy tissue is not attacked by tuberculosis. It is present everywhere and yet you do not have it. If you are to have it, you will find the bacillus. (The same would be true of cancer then.) That is quite true, but cancer is not contracted in that manner.
Owen: You mentioned also in relation to cremation that the recycling of the elements was more perfectly handled by direct burial in the ground, but the usual procedure in our society for burial causes the body to last for many, many years before there is any return to the soil, whereas with cremation the elements are liberated, all the compounds are broken down, liberated, many to the air, and only the mineral matter that is held up in the ash is not recycled at that time. It seems by that reasoning anyhow that cremation is a more rapid recycling of the elements.
S/T: We did not say that we approved of modern burial procedure. Our objection to cremation is that the consciousness is changed by the transmutation of the elements. (The consciousness of the ego?) No, the consciousness of mother earth. (The chemical change of the flesh in the fire you mean?) (Burial is still preferable in your estimation. Yes, because in the end there will be the deterioration. (Despite the lead lined box and concrete and all that?) You see you think in terms of decades, and we think in terms of millions of years. (The preservation of the body in burial does not affect the departure of the entity?) In some cases the disposal of the remains does influence the departing ego whether it is cremation or burial. (What about the Egyptians thousands of years ago with the mummies. Did that ruin anything?) Nothing is ever ruined. Everything belongs. But they do delay the natural process.
Richard: You mentioned the consciousness of mother earth is changed by the transmutation of elements, yet in cremation the processes of combustion don’t change the elements, they certain change the compounds, but the elements are, I believe, all still there, are they not?
S/T: But anything that aggregates creates a new consciousness and when that aggregation is changed the consciousness changes, so when you say that the compounds change, you change consciousness.
Myra: Another question from last week. Is everything hunky-dory and sweetness and light on the other side, or do you have problems?
S/T: Of course, everything is not sweetness and light. It may seem so as we teachers come through, but we are like perhaps a college faculty in its ivory tower. We get into our own little group, and thus we are not exposed or do not expose ourselves to the dark side of life, but that certainly exists as has been stated before. Transition does not change the basic character of the ego. The consciousness remains the same. (Do you celebrate holidays?) Yes, we do have festivals. You read earlier in your scriptures under the Law of Harmony that things are signs of festivals, and so we have our signs for festivals too. (You festivals and holidays would not necessarily be the same as ours though?) Of course not because we do not measure time by the rotation of the earth on its axis. (Could you give us an example?) We might celebrate a particularly admirable, creative act. You have that in your birth of your Jesus, and you celebrate that, having done so most recently. We might celebrate something that to you would be a beautiful sunset. You see, creativity in one reality has its reflection as a creation in all other realities, but the perception of it would be different. What you might see as a beautiful painting, to us might be a beautiful piece of music. It is difficult to describe what happens in another reality with language that belongs to your reality. It is always a pleasure to be with you. If there are no other questions then I shall take my departure. God bless you all and thank you for being with us tonight.