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Session #133 – March 22, 1992 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Betty, Bill, Edith, Jean, Jenika, Jnana, Mary, Maxine, Myra, Owen, Peter, Sidney, and Gloria with Teacher Sheariam from the Temple. (9:00 a.m., Sunday at Edith's)
(This session was preceded by a Hadiki meeting (separate) and a worship service prepared and led by Myra. We were privileged to hear Jnana sing and play his composition based on the prayer of St. Francis. The trance began with the group singing "Open my eyes...". Sheariam came through after a few moments. At first her words were carefully and slowly chosen, but gradually changed to her more accustomed style with Gloria deeply entranced.)
SHEARIAM: Good morning and welcome. (responses)
We come at last to some of the final studies that we shall be giving you immediately upon the WHEEL OF KARMA.For it is such as you that will bring the QUANTIFICATION OF QUALITY to the human residents of this planet that will enable the awareness to be increased to that degree that there will be that leap whereupon all life forms will be regenerated and elevated.
As you in your awareness learn to function at a level of CONSCIOUS CHOICE rather than driven by INSTINCTUAL NEED, you enable all life forms to evolve.Human awareness at this time on this planet is on the threshold of what you would call a breakthrough in that those who fully commit to functioning at a level of WILL by CHOICE, rather than WILL by NEED, will be enabled to pierce the veil, and discourse in full awareness with those of us in your now unseen company. We look forward to this event with great anticipation and joy. This is primarily our motivation in arranging your get-together which will give us the opportunity to make in-depth comments and give in-depth instructions on the last three steps of the KARMIC WHEEL, because many of you will be the functionaries, the facilitators of ushering in the NEW AGE, whereupon NETSOK can make its advent.
When we speak to you of WILL, you are quite aware that you all have SELF WILL. Does anyone question that? Of course not. You say "I will" without giving any thought to what you indeed are saying. When you say "I will go here, do this, think that", you give little conscious thought to the fact that you are indeed creating a substantial event that is measurable, has consequence and impact upon the matrix of your world.It is our hope for you, and our intention for you that you will come to that state of awareness and QUANTIFICATION OF QUALITY, that increase in VOLITION that enables you to say, "I WILL", that in no way creates an anti-beneficial circumstance or consequence.
Now we have given four STATES OF WILL: SELF WILL, EGO WILL, SOUL WILL, and DIVINE WILL. These are all elements that are present in your now condition and will continue to be present in any future condition upon this planet. It is for you to comprehend when you are saying "I will", whether or not that creative action is taking place as a result of PERSONAL WILL, JOINT WILL, ADJUDICATED WILL, or SPIRITUAL WILL. Your aim is for it to always be SPIRITUAL WILL. That does not mean, as interpreted in Christian ethic, that your EGO is denied, repressed, or killed off.
The sacrifice of the avatar upon the cross is not given as a symbol of an ideal which each of you should fill. It has been grossly misinterpreted, but is in basic essence a primary concept of DIVINE WILL. You do not sacrifice your sense of SELF. You do not subjugate to annihilation that SELFHOOD which you have spent eons in evolving. What a waste! How could we teach you of your value and then say to you that it must be completely annihilated? How lacking in common sense.
But it is a viable function of your UNIVERSE to be friendly to you in that you can turn over your worries, your concerns, your burdens to the RESOLUTION OF UNIVERSAL PROCESS. In the Christian ethic this is "laying your burdens at the feet of Jesus". That is a viable FUNCTION OF THE UNIVERSE. And DIVINE PROCESS always works things out. And that will happen in spite of you, rather than because of you. How much better then, for you, if you choose to say, "I will do, or be whatever in accordance with SPIRITUAL WILL".
Now what do we mean by some of these other labels? SELF WILL, when taken in connection with EGO, SOUL, and DIVINE WILL, has reference to the WILL which is possible for human nature to INVOKE. EGO WILL is that WILL that has already been put in place before you as a personality incarnate. So some of your choices of "I WILL" have been laid on for you. These come to you in forms of unavoidable events with which you must deal. It is what you do with them that makes a change in the consequence. So if you can deal with these EGO WILLS, in accordance with your SPIRITUAL WILL, you will be able to make that leap from INSTINCT to MOTIVATION, to self-actualized initiatory action.
Did you follow the instructions given last to examine yourselves about your WANTS as differing from your NEEDS? (several affirmatives) Would you like to share some of that at this moment?
JNANA: I came to the conclusion that the NEEDS were the things that you had to do, whereas the WANTS were the things that you didn't have to do, but were more of a spiritual growth nature -- creative and evolutionary. And so consequently for me those things are, for instance, learning how to manifest anything at will, communicate directly with my guides and the Teachers, and things of that nature -- things that I feel are in my evolutionary path. And NEEDS are just things that have to be dealt with on a daily basis, things that come up, and challenges.
But, a question that you may want to deal with later: At some point WANTS can seem like NEEDS, because the process of putting a WANT into action may require a repetitive process, and then you deal with and by the repetitive process. And sometimes it seems like a need, and is not as palatable at that point. Do you have anything to say about that?
SHEARIAM: At the point at which you are determining that an action relates to NEED, can you identify which of the BASIC NEEDS is the driver in that situation?
JNANA: With analysis I think I can.
SHEARIAM: That we wish you to practice. You are leaving out the pie filling -- you have the crust and the cover, but the filling is not yet jelled.
JENIKA: Sheariam, does it matter which of the four needs?
SHEARIAM: Indeed it does, for this reason. What might be a basic COMFORT NEED for you, might be a total LUXURY NEED for another. When you make an I WILL choice based on a COMFORT NEED, it might also include a judgement value of the other person's response, participation, or attitude. Do you understand?
JENIKA: No. It's hard for me to keep a lot of thoughts in my head at once. MYRA: Could you expand on it? I was having a hard time following that too. EDITH: Maybe a "for instance".
SHEARIAM: In any given situation, you have certain physical requirements that are sponsored by the driver, COMFORT. Another individual might find those "comforts" being LUXURIOUS. If you make a choice: "I will do such and such" based on your DRIVER COMFORT, and the other individual responds to you as though you are being motivated by LUXURY, their attitude might be: "You do not need to do this. Why are you being so extravagant?" And then what happens? You have a difference of opinion. You have problems in understanding each other's attitude. There is intolerance present, and sometimes negative feelings, sometimes hurt. Wounds are inflicted. But if you understand that your DRIVER is COMFORT and not LUXURY, then you might be able to convey that sponsorship to the other in such a way that it is accepted as just and fair. Alright?
JENIKA: That makes it easier to understand. I have been examining my WANTS and NEEDS, and in the early years when I did this, it seemed there were very few NEEDS that I had, but lots of WANTS. Now, in light of all the things that have happened to me in the last couple of years, it seems that my WANTS are, as Jnana alluded to, absolute NEEDS. For instance my WANT to sustain myself materially without working five days a week for a company. It's a WANT, but I need it. It would be a SURVIVAL NEED. Would that be a WANT or a NEED?
SHEARIAM: It would be both. The important thing is that you understand that. And when you choose something, perhaps to spend some substance, or to embark upon some activity, if you understand which is the MOBILIZER -- is it the basic SURVIVAL INSTINCT driving you in spite of what you WANT, or are you choosing WANT which can control the basic SURVIVAL INSTINCT?If you are to be SELF MASTERED, you must be able to make choices, not outside of the BASIC INSTINCTUAL DRIVES, but supported by them in awareness. So long as you occupy this planet, your DESIRE BODY will always hold within it those four BASIC INSTINCTUAL DRIVES.
But your social organisms, your group WILLS, your ADJUDICATED WILLS depend upon your mature advancement into conscious choice that you will choose those things, those activities, those premises that will allow all of you to live in COMFORT together. Ultimately that ADJUDICATED WILL will allow all individuals to live with SPIRITUAL WILL in LOVE and not in lust.
The wheels that drive your civilization now are lustful. They are greedy. They are grasping. Your ADJUDICATED WILL is very often at the annihilation of the individual, when in actual fact, to make choices in SPIRITUAL WILL, the individual must be given the respect and SPACE that individual WANTS.And that individual must WANT the space predicated upon SPIRITUAL WILL, not SELF WILL.
If you are to live in such a manner as to become SELF MASTERED and graduate into SANDALPHON, you must choose your SPACE, fill your SPACE, maintain your SPACE without infringing on the SPACE of another against that other's WILL. Do you follow that?
JENIKA: Yes. We are a long way from that.
MARY: Sheariam, I'm in the process of healing. I would like to go to the Wheel of Karma and speak of Specialization. In learning about one's codependency and addiction in our lives from our early beginnings to our later years. And I would like to personally understand what we can do to strengthen our ability to understand this KARMA, and to SPECIALIZE in the areas that we are in addictive -- being partial to different things, and gradually wanting more, too much, cannot let go, and go to self destruction. How can one gain strength -- I would like to gain strength.
SHEARIAM: One gains strength through self understanding. You cannot address your current problems from the PLATFORM OF SPECIALIZATION. There is no-one in your planet that has reached that point that is today alive, in your terms. You must address dependency at the INSTINCTUAL level.At the PURPOSES level there are no dependencies, and obviously there is very little of that kind of VOLITION currently at large in your civilization.
If you have not examined the PURPOSES OF LIFE itself, if you have not questioned what existence on the planet is all about, then you cannot understand your FUNCTION and use your WILL in any other way than INSTINCTUALLY. As long as you function at an INSTINCTUAL level, you have only the strength of the herd. You have only the strength of the group. And the group is not always conducive to the growth into the SPIRITUAL WILL, particularly dependency groups. And dependent people find other dependent people with whom to associate, even as independent people choose association with independent people, for one seeks one's own LEVEL OF VOLITION.
This is, after all, a condition of human experience designed to work out the ramifications of the LAW OF DOMINANCE. And DEPENDENCY is one of the major ways in which this is worked out.As long as you label yourself as a dependent, you will seek dependent people with whom to associate, and then will find those walls higher, wider, and more encompassing. And to traverse your path, you must find your way over, or through, or around that wall of DEPENDENCY and seek the association of independent people who can then give a role model, if you will, of how one functions as an independent, SELF sustaining, SPACE maintaining, SPIRITUALLY WILLFUL person.
MARY: That's very good, very inspirational. It gives me a great deal of strength. Thank you.
SHEARIAM: You are quite welcome.
BETTY: Does some of the difference make -- make it a difference to know that, for instance, in a marriage-- get down to brass tacks so we can work with it?In a marriage, coming to the point where you realize that you do not need the marriage partner in order for your survival, but you choose to take the limitations of the marriage because that's what you choose you want to do at that stage. Is that evolvement?
SHEARIAM:Halleluiah!Wonderfully well spoken!Spiritual choice.When you choose in conscious awareness to share your SPACE with another, or with lots of others, and still retain your sense of individuality, your awareness of independence, of the privilege of independent choice, you are functioning in PURPOSE and you, are moving to SPIRITUAL WILL.
When you are in a space-sharing situation, driven by lust, by SURVIVAL NEED for SUSTENANCE, for dependent NEED for protection and support, you are stagnating SPIRITUALLY.But when you come to that awareness that you ARE, and as you ARE, you choose to share the SPACE that you ARE, which includes TOLERANCE, FORGIVENESS, COMPROMISE, RENEGOTIATED CONTRACTS, and some flying plates, but you do it in conscious awareness, you are making choices from SPIRITUAL WILL.
MARY:Does that mean it's OK to argue a little?
SHEARIAM: A lot. Have we not told you, "Challenge us"? We will be glad to be challenged, because that means that you are filling your space.
BETTY: I would like to challenge now. (SHEARIAM: Of course.) I was going to put this off till last, but I will ask it now. I had a notation of conflict and confrontation. But I have -- I'm not going to say a NEED -- a WANT for more knowledge and understanding of what happened at our last retreat in Salem at Joseph St. I would appreciate any enlightenment you can give as to what specific lessons we were calling in, where we had successes, where we failed miserably - - any information you can give. I really WANT it for myself personally, even if no-one else wants it.
SHEARIAM: Bless you. Bless you and bless you. It would be our suggestion that you schedule a special time and place that we will join you for a discussion of that specific instance. The scope is far too great to consider today.
BETTY: We are most grateful. We will do that. Thank you. One other question -- clarification. I have made the assumption that any time that any of us in this group are together, that you are automatically invited -- we assume that you are there.
SHEARIAM: Never assume anything. We have said that we are there with you. But we will not enter your SPACE without specific invitation.
BETTY: May I give you a specific invitation to be with me any time?
SHEARIAM: That is too general. That is inviting a house guest to dinner and the week end to live with you the rest of your life. (laughter) Remember this, that your wishes with respect to what we do are like commands. It is in our commitment, our contract with the humans of this planet, that we be with you when you want us. And when you want us indiscriminately, then you weaken the thrust or the power of the gifts that we can give.
JEAN: I am feeling very much the push toward creating the book that I talked about. (Ed. Jean was writing a book to be called, “Life begins at 80”) And it seems to me that it has gone past the individual -- that I'm being pushed into it. As you were talking then, I was getting the tuning fork. (Ed. Note:Tuning fork was an inner vibration Jean felt when something “rang true”.) And as the events -- and I have it now -- as I have worked on the preparation of the book at various times, I have got the tuning fork. I think part of me says "It's too much work. I can't do it; I don't know how to." And yet I keep feeling, getting more thoughts and getting more enthusiasm. I went to rest homes to talk about it to two people, and they are getting some enthusiasm. Now, is this you pushing me? Is it what I think it is -- coming as a directive for me to go ahead and finish this assignment? As it grows it involves more and more people, and I become mostly the editor. Is that what is being put before me?
SHEARIAM: That is your function. You are to gather or magnetize to you the functionaries, the workers. You direct, you organize, you bring together the parts from which this whole will be formed. But it is advisable also that when you have some special thoughts, you put them down on paper, you make a record of the thought precisely as it arrives. For you have a great capability for paraphrase.
JEAN: And is this why my health seems to be getting better? I'm getting terrific tuning fork -- it just feels like my pendulum.
SHEARIAM: We can only give you reassurance, reaffirmation, support. It is not I who am directly involved in your project, but associates.
JEAN: And all of this is happening to me to strengthen my spiritual… (SHEARIAM: Your resolve.) and get rid of my doubt. And strengthen my resolve. SH: Precisely.
JENIKA: I have some health questions I wanted to ask you about. I still don't have hearing in my left ear, and they said after the second surgery, scar tissue formed and it's pressing on the ear drum so that it doesn't reverberate. And also my gastro-intestinal problems have come back again. And also when I wake up in the morning, my joints are very painful.
SHEARIAM: These are all evidences, physical evidences of those KARMIC PATHWAY EVENTS which you must face directly, which you must identify specifically. You have a great capacity for rationalizing, for telling yourself pretty stories. You must face the reality in its stark nakedness. You have a number of personality traits to be recognized and modified in this KARMIC CYCLE. You have made quite a distinctive progress in your effort in the contract that you negotiated with yourself. These are simply physical evidences of inner events which must be dealt with. You cannot rationalize these to say that it is the scar tissue which keeps me from hearing. You could not hear before the scar tissue formed. The scar tissue formed because you refused to hear. Your joints ache, not because of some toxic substance or over exercise or other disability. They ache because you have not used them properly. You have not used that metaphysical allegory which they represent.
JENIKA: What is that allegory?
SHEARIAM: Oh my. We could go on and on. Flexibility, openness, receptivity, willingness to cooperate, and of course, willingness to hear.
JENIKA: I keep wondering, what is it I am supposed to hear that I'm not hearing. I have some ideas.
SHEARIAM: If you cannot hear, how can we tell you?
JENIKA: Well, what would be the best way for me to learn how to hear? I don't know where to go. (Several suggestions from Myra.)
SHEARIAM: We would suggest that you select three people whom you have great respect for, whom you love, and whom you trust -- and especially whom you trust -- to tell you the truth, and not tell you things to make you feel good. And discuss with them what it is in your personality that would be improved by change. What attitude needs to be modified. And then, do it, and not be resentful or rejective or fearful. But accept their loving support and assistance in the modification process.
JENIKA: Alright, if I change certain things about me, then I have a good chance of being rid of these disabilities.
SHEARIAM: Certainly.
BETTY: Sheariam, as I hear this, I get back to my needs, rapidly. I was thinking in terms of each of us being willing to do this. And I find that my security went totally. So what I would like more information on this is to get down to what is your space? Where is the point that you decide what you want and need to do? Where is the point where you are stepping on somebody else's space? And how do you know when to open up and when somebody is really telling you is the right thing for you and not just another test of who you are and what you are supposed to do, or what you have contracted to do? Could you enlarge on that?
SHEARIAM:One of the major problems in humans identifying their personal space as opposed to shared space, lies in the lack of totally open communication. At this moment in human evolution the VOLITIONAL CAPACITY has not increased to that point that one can find TOTAL TRUST in another. This is the thrust of the HADIKI -- total trust. No sneaking doubt. No little suspicion of betrayal. No lurking fears of not being approved of or loved or liked or respected. If you do these things for yourself, if you have these attitudes towards yourself, if you love yourself, if you respect yourself, if you trust yourself, you will find these things reflected from those others to you with whom you wish to share your space. And when there is this trust, there is no problem in saying, "May I do this?"
By asking "May I", you are not subjugating yourself, you are not demeaning yourself. You are not giving power to someone else. You are asking that individual to share that part of their space with you for that purpose at that moment. And if they have the trust and confidence in you, they may also say, "May I". Sometimes the arrival at this state of total trust and confidence is through confrontation. But confrontation must always be brought to a conclusion. It must never be left in the middle unresolved.
There must always be the conclusion of agreement, even if compromised, and of mutually expressed love, respect, and admiration. Even if the parties to the confrontation do not adopt the other's viewpoint, do not hit and run. Prepare your adversary; prepare your place and time, and plan your attack. And always plan for the satisfactory conclusion to achieve those results that enable you to function out of SPIRITUAL WILL based on joint WILL -- not necessarily PERSONAL WILL or ADJUDICATED WILL. Do you follow?
MYRA: What is the difference between JOINT WILL and ADJUDICATED WILL?
SHEARIAM: ADJUDICATED WILL often comes through custom. If something is always done a particular way, it becomes the WILL OF THE WAY. Sometimes that Will of the Way becomes a law, a legal requirement, a civilization code, a moral, mores, an ethical code.
Your TEN COMMANDMENTS are ADJUDICATED WILL. They are not DIVINE WILL. They have been evolved through human experience. They were not given to Moses through the voice of God from a burning bush. Those are symbols of how you as individuals evolve your own ETHICAL CODES of living.You go to the mountain place of living inspiration where you are away from the normal usual functions of your everyday life, away from all the people with whom you associate. You go to that high place in consciousness that enables people like myself and those who are of more rarefied vintage than I to make contact with you through the FIRE of your being -- through the KHAMAEL I AM of your being.
And when that conviction is so impressed that it is like a law chiseled in stone, then that is your MORAL and ETHICAL CODE with which you fill your SPACE. But when you come down from the mountain, as Moses is said to have done, you will find the people with whom you usually associate worshiping the golden calf of lust and greed, lacking in mercy and love and compassion. It is for you to spiritually choose to be LOVING, to be COMPASSIONATE, and to use MERCY in your conduct. It is not for you to judge.
SPIRITUAL WILL does not exercise on the premise of judging when, where, and how another being is. PERSONAL WILL does that.
MYRA: And JOINT WILL would be where two people agree and have the same will?
SHEARIAM: Yes. Not limited to only two. You are aware that a small group, as this group is, can have a will that does not directly change the laws of the land. Only through PROCESS does this happen. So you, among you, have JOINT WILL in your HADIKI decisions of where you rendezvous, for instance. That's neither PERSONAL nor ADJUDICATED.
JOINT WILL makes the choice. PERSONAL or SPIRITUAL WILL and perhaps ADJUDICATED WILL may have a bearing on whether or not that choice is followed by the individual.
MARY: At an earlier meeting such as this I was going through the beginnings of my process of healing. I have advanced a lot. I feel very strong spiritually, and my individual identity has become real to me. But there was said to be a ceremony in the picture for me. I was curious about that type of advancement, and what could be in my next steps to follow, or is there guidance that I can go on? Can you help me to continue on some of these important travels of the mind?
SHEARIAM: It is not for me to give such direction. My function here is as Teacher to the group. You have personal guides, and you have human support systems that can help you.
MARY: I was also curious about the young children. To raise them and guide them in our new age -- what, with discipline being such a talked about subject, and the effect of discipline on these tiny individuals, the one that looks up to those who have much more strength and control their life -- what is recommended for that time in parental guidance to direct on a child?
SHEARIAM: Our comments on parenting have been given several times. I believe that you have records of our comments that can be read, have you not?
MARY: No I haven't gone over it, but I could go over it in a group -- the Monday night group.
SHEARIAM: That would be a good thing to try.
BETTY: Sheariam, I would like some more clarification -- I struggled with the difference between being JUDGMENTAL and DISCERNING or DISCRIMINATING. Could you enlarge upon that?
SHEARIAM: One can be DISCRIMINATING in that one identifies and perhaps labels functions, attitudes, situations, conditions, whatever. JUDGEMENT is when you reach a conclusion based on those DISCRIMINATIONS and take action thereupon. That is where your language says to you that you are being discriminating when exhibiting a bias against a race or creed of human condition.
If you allow MERCY, LOVE, and COMPASSION to be the motivating forces in all your actions, no matter what your judgment may be, you cannot go wrong.
BETTY: Could you give an example of the difference between DISCERNMENT and JUDGEMENT?
SHEARIAM: DISCERNMENT now, is neither DISCRIMINATION nor JUDGMENT. DISCERNMENT is the capacity to see those things that you are going to DISCRIMINATE. If you are blinded by the physical deformity, the color of a skin, the belief system, or the exhibited symptoms of personality disorder, you will not be able to DISCERN what it is that you need to label, and therefore your JUDGEMENT is going to be an ADJUDICATED WILL JUDGEMENT that comes from cultural programming.
JEAN: I would like you to talk on SELF-LIMITATION. I find that my sight is being diminished, my hearing is being diminished, my memory is being diminished. And before that I know that I limited myself. Now it's more physical, where before it was more spiritual. Would you talk in general on that, and particularly with direction to being able to complete the book.
SHEARIAM: One of the CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS made by the HUMAN CONDITION -- now get this clear -- by the HUMAN CONDITION. If we may have a certain kind of body which enables us to function in a certain way which further enables us to EMPOWERMENT and DOMINION, what price must we pay? One of the prices is that of which you now speak. As the HUMAN CONDITION -- represented by the fragment of you, your individual self -- grows in awareness of SPIRITUAL WILL, of PURPOSE, of UNDERSTANDING that you are, and in your AMness, you are a part of the UNIVERSAL BEING, the functions of the physical body diminish as the physical body's capacity to see and to hear -- all of the sensory expressions of the physical body are actually walls of limitation.
And part of the CONTRACT of the Human Condition is that as the body chronologically ages, those sensory systems which have prevented or stood in the way of SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING can become diminished, to open the horizons and widen the vistas of the spiritual growth.Do not mourn the loss of your senses. Celebrate them because they will not disappear due to age if you are not spiritually growing as a compensating factor.
There is at work in all life form the SANDALPHON POWER CENTER. And as power is lost in one area, another lesser powered area becomes empowered. The critical point in this process is that you make the SPIRITUAL WILL choice to make those compensations in a VOLITIONAL state, in a QUANTIFICATION OF QUALITY state. So as you move to draw to you those who will be your eyes and your ears and your hands, you grow in the SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING of the message which you must put together for others to learn thereby.
OWEN: Sheariam, to change the subject a little, you are probably aware of our discussion of what we would do in case of an emergency, particularly with respect to where we would go, who would go, and who would not. Are there any guidelines or any additional information that you can give us as to what we are getting away from -- is it human, is it disease, is it flood? Also are there guidelines on where we need to go, since one of the places we picked out, mainly for elevation and distance from Portland seems to be unavailable. If you can give us any help, we would sure appreciate it.
SHEARIAM: If you will recall, you were told that we would speak upon this at our next meeting. You will be told the meaning of your money contribution, the meaning behind the Hadiki information given to you. Our next meeting will be dedicated to that exact topic.
BETTY: Is that meeting to be at the Franciscan Center? (SH: NO.) (Next meeting is on Easter Sunday at Edith's.)
BETTY: Could we get back just a little bit to your answer to Jean? Again, I'm getting in this fear space of how can you discern or discriminate where your limitations are coming, because of growth or because you're blocking off growth -- refusing to see, refusing to hear, refusing to move?
SHEARIAM: As I spoke of the HUMAN CONDITION CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT, it was meant that you understand that the aging process is natural to the bodies you now wear. It is not to be fought tooth a nail, because these bodies belong to the Earth planet that you inhabit, and you must return those bodies to the Earth.
As the AGING PROCESS impairs the sensory systems, it is not to be mourned, but celebrated. And the attention given not to fearing the loss, but to finding that source of inspiration that allows you to see with your eyes closed, to hear without hearing, to smell without olfactory sense. As you grow in your spiritual life, whether the body becomes impaired or not is not significant, because if you are growing within and QUANTIFYING YOUR QUALITY, you will not be aware that you can't see or that you can't hear, because you will be able to do both. Consequently, when you are aware that you cannot see, or that you cannot hear, then you have not grown in that spiritual sense, and it is perfectly proper to medicate the body in any way that is fitting with one's own code.
But you must go to the mountain top and find the code that is suitable to the vehicular body that you wear. Generalities cannot be used. Of course, because there is genetic alikenesses between bodies, whether genetically related or not, certain general procedures are appropriate to all bodies. But in specific, if you are aware that your eyesight is dimming, and you choose to enhance that faculty rather than seeking spiritual sight, it is well within your prerogative to wear glasses, to take vitamins, to have your surgeries, to do whatever it is that will in some way return to you the faculty you fear you are loosing. But you must be aware that you are functioning out of the INSTINCTUAL DRIVING FEAR of whether it be SURVIVAL, or COMFORT, or LUXURY.
JEAN: I think I can partly answer that, but I am deeply moved. I have been aware that as I work with people, I am able to channel through more with them. That has been confirmed by the people I have worked on. I've timed it. When I was working on Iris, we both asked for help. And when I felt it come in, I said, "What is happening?" And she said, "My feet are tingling." I have been a doubter, but as you were talking, I began to understand more. And I understand more about what is happening.
Part of my question in the book is how to find joy in living after eighty. I have in the past week gone to a woman who can barely walk, a woman who is in a wheel chair, a woman who has shingles, and I have given them assignments to add to the book. And I begin to see that this is a message directly to them. It is that they return to the spiritual. I was looking to them turning to -- I guess I was asking for guidance on that.
SHEARIAM: Yes you see that in turning to the SPIRITUAL, it is not that you gain strength to bear the pain, but that there will be no pain. Do you follow?
JEAN: I follow. And I know it has happened, because where they were feeling down, when I went away, they were feeling joy and pleasure. Thank you, I was just overwhelmed.
PETER: Why wait? Why not go after spiritual sight and sound -- I know it is possible? Why wait until the physical is gone? Why not get it now? What is holding me back from going into the alpha state and doing the whole schmeer? Why not get it now? Why wait until umpteen days from now, or years?
SHEARIAM: Again, it is ATTITUDE and FOCUS, and you must examine the INSTINCTUAL DRIVES, because it is the INSTINCTUAL DRIVES that holds one back from developing those drives available under WANT, under MOTIVATION. You're not ready yet for MOTIVATION. But you certainly are ready to evolve into functioning on the level of WANT and not being driven on the level of INSTINCT. .. ATTITUDE and FOCUS.
JENIKA: Peter is very focussed -- he wants to ascend yesterday.
SHEARIAM: He overlooks the contractual agreement he has already entered. But that is for him to see whether he can see.
JENIKA: What are the tingles that Peter gets every now and then? Where does that come from, and how can we feel that too?
SHEARIAM: When you open to us in a certain way, and we touch you, you feel our vibration, which to you feels like "tingle".
EDITH: Does that happen when you get so much heat in your hands?
SHEARIAM: Now that is something else. That is when you are channelling power of a UNIVERSAL nature into a specific nature. When you are bringing -- you have no word -- power .. possibility. When you are channelling possibility, your hands will be hot, because that is the physical symptom that you are accustomed to feel. You would not understand something else. But think in terms of POSSIBILITY when that occurs.
MARY: About vibrations. This morning about six o'clock I thought I felt everything moving like in an earthquake. Others can't compare this feeling with me, but I really feel that there was something that moved. And the fear within me stayed until there was so much that I could not speak or move.
SHEARIAM: And why were you fearful?
MARY: Just a sudden feeling of curiosity of what could it really be.
SHEARIAM: But what made you fear what it might be?
MARY: I guess a lot of the information happening lately about when an eruption does happen, the effects of this -- and the first thing that came to me was to go see if my little Mutton was OK. And then to go tell somebody --
SHEARIAM: But what were you afraid of?
MARY: The destructiveness of an earthquake -- what it can harm.
SHEARIAM: That is what you have been taught to think about. What were you afraid of?
MARY: If it would hurt me.
SHEARIAM: There, now we get down to the INSTINCTUAL DRIVE. You feared because of DRIVE FOR SURVIVAL. If you were working in a SPIRITUAL I WILL level of functioning, then it wouldn't matter to you if the Earth opened up and swallowed you. Because it would only be swallowing your body.
MARY: But was it in my imagination, or was it really happening?
SHEARIAM: It really happened in your reality. It just did not happen in anyone else's.
MARY: So there really was no earthquake in Portland today?
SHEARIAM: There are constant tremors. Your Earth shakes like quicksand. You're so used to it, you don't notice it.
MARY: It's just a tremor, and other people were sleeping.
SHEARIAM: And remember, your world is quite large in comparison to you as an individual. There are things happening everywhere. ... We feel that it is time to draw this to a conclusion. Do you have any last words that demand being spoken?
JENIKA: My Daddy transitioned in December, and I'd like to know, first, how he is doing, and second, what is the best way for my sister and I to help our Mother at this time? Her memory is failing. Physically she has come up after continually going down.
SHEARIAM: For your father, he is sleeping. (J: Sleeping?) Sleeping. Let him rest. (J: Sleeping. He's not up and awake?) You asked. (J: Sleeping. OK.)
For your mother, you must exercise whatever skills you have to express love. She needs to know your love.
JENIKA: Will Daddy wake up when Mother transitions? Is he just waiting for her?
SHEARIAM: It is not for us to say.
MYRA: I have a question about soap. I think it was you who mentioned that we would have a Hadiki recipe for soap.
SHEARIAM: That will be addressed next time. Hadiki is next time.
BETTY: I would like to put some questions on the table for next time. One, I've been coming up more and more about feminine and masculine principles. If you could enlarge on that a little bit more, I would like that very much for my understanding.
SHEARIAM: That will be addressed at the seminar.
BETTY: And the other thing was Hadiki again -- gardening questions like the kind of climate we should anticipate. And I was going to see if there was anything we should be growing for the soap. (SH: Not at this moment.) No, not at this moment, but in preparation.
***JEAN: I would like to ask what can you tell me about Colin? I had a very realistic dream about (SH: He awaits you, but it is not time. His impatience grows, but that is his problem.) (laughter)
MARY: I'd like to send, and I know we all feel the same, love and appreciation for your gift of sharing.
SHEARIAM: Thank you. You are most gracious.
MYRA: I have a statement that has been sort of spoken to that in January that the nature of the Earth changes will be given to us. And you told us that would be given to us in April. Did I understand that correctly? (SH: Partially.) OK, so I guess it is the nature of the changes that we're anticipating. (SH: Your fear.)
SHEARIAM: Then shall we join in a closing meditation?
Breathe deeply -- you have been quite tense. Relax your shoulders and your neck muscles... Take in deep breaths and relax the abdominal wall... Give your creative power centers more room to breathe, as you relax... Think of your bodies as a slightly fluid, gelatinous substance that holds its form, but when the container is released, sort of spreads out. Let your bodies spread out... Let your legs get longer... Let your arms rest against the sides of your body... As your body spreads, feel the expansion of your heart, that wonderful, miraculous muscle that pumps the life blood throughout your organism for all the years of your Earth dwelling... Feel it expand so that it takes in more of the oxygen which you are taking in through your deep, deep breath... Feel the invigoration that this expansion provides to your muscles and your tendons, to every cell in your body, that receives every molecule of oxygen... With joy and gratitude, and thereby functions more vigorously, more happily, in wellness...
And let the blood give up its toxins. Let those toxins be carried back to the organs of elimination. And so they pass away from the body. And all of your systems function freely, easily, joyfully...
Now let your minds relax and be receptive... Open your mind to possibilities beyond your imagination... Now, my associates from the Temple join you, and the Medical Team moves through your Circle. As each passes by, each places a hand upon the crown of your head... And their creative thought of wellness, and vigor, and spiritual growth is offered to your receptive mind...
Exercise the attitude of gratitude. Accept this gift of love with open mindedness, without anticipation of what it will mean, joyful, in the now... Feel the blessing of love that we bring you... Familiarize yourself with the sense of our presence, so that you will recognize us when we come again...
Now, in your imagination, let your right arm grow as long as it needs to be to touch the fingertips with love on the heart chakra of each member of the Circle... Gently, lovingly, joyfully share yourselves in this manner...
And when you are through, bring your arm back to your own body. And within your heart, express gratitude for the loving touch of the other members of your Circle... And let me express, on behalf of our Channel, the gratitude for the blessings that you have given her....
And now, inasmuch as earlier on this day you have given thought to the healing and love-giving to your loved ones, we will hold tight this intimacy of love shared. And we shall go our separate ways, knowing that we are forever linked in love, so that we can express our lives joyfully, blessedly...
And now all Temple personnel withdraw, not far, but allow you to return to possession of yourself and your own faculties. And I bid you, go in peace. And my love goes with you. And so it is done.
(Gloria slowly awakened.)
Last Edited 3/23/19