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Thursday Session #4 - March 1, 1984 Gloria’s Circle
PRESENT: Pat Swope, Wes Sinclair, Kristine Curry, Dorothy Lee, Anita Lacy, Karl Lofquist, Barbara Cole, Darlene Stoltz, Kathleen Kennett, Tony Richardson, Trance Medium - Gloria Rivers
Session began with some discussion. Then Gloria led a meditation to bring everyone together while she entranced.
SHEARIAM: Good evening, friends.
We are pleased to be with you once more. And how are you this evening?
And what shall we discuss this evening?
[No response; then, "Do you have a message for us?"]
We will speak this night on consciousness, but perhaps it would be well to review what we have given before about existence. Does anyone recall...
You will recall I gave a definition which I suggested you memorize ...
[Inaudible response.]
... Existence ... separate the word. Your first syllable "ex" represents "out of," does it not? And the next syllable "is." What does "is" mean?
[Response: "Being."]
And it represents "standing;stance;stands out from." So as an existing being, entity, whatever, anything that exists, stands out from something else. What do you stand out from?
[Response: "Other created beings?"]
Remember also I gave there is one reality. All that exists stands from primal "isness." There is a state of consciousness which simply "is”, not self-knowing, not self- conscious, simply "is”. That "isness" gives you birth. Existence must occur when there are limited circumstances, or conditions. Existence means having life within limitation.
Have you ever wondered where you came from? What it is that moves you?
[Inaudible response.]
And what conclusions did you reach?
[Inaudible response.]
When what makes you pursue life?
[Inaudible response.]
Precisely. There is that in all life which moves it, which motivates, which urges forward, which causes. Did you ever give thought to the fact that you are caused into being?
[Response: "What do you mean ‘caused into being’?"]
SHEARIAM: What does "cause" mean?
[Response: "Something that motivates? Moves toward change?" The rest was inaudible.]
SHEARIAM: You are moving in the right direction.
[Response: "Some force that (inaudible) change?]
You are getting better.
[Response: "something that activates change?"]
Move from "change."
[Response: "... (inaudible) catalyst."]
Very good! Think of precipitation. You are in the way of being a divine dewdrop. You are precipitated. You see yourselves as being born in a chain of events. This is not exactly so. You live in a world of illusion. You are not what you think you are.
[Response: "Is that wrong?"]
Oh, no! This lesson is not meant to make you feel in error. It is meant to widen your horizons, to awaken your awareness, to expand your consciousness. Only through the understanding of who and what you are can you preserve your species. You have moved well on the way to destroying it. It behooves every self-conscious creature to examine his heritage, to do what he can to preserve it. Man can destroy himself. He cannot destroy the planet, and man has moved dangerously close to that brink of destruction. If we felt there were not hope, we would not be working in this way. There would not be groups such as this.
[Response: "If man were to destroy himself, would there be beings who would manifest (inaudible)?] Man would be recreated, as he has been many times before.
[Response: "Has man destroyed himself many times?"]
Many times on the face of this planet. Many times on other similar planets. You have legends which tell you of these things. These legends are not completely erroneous.
[Response: "What can we do as individuals in this group to prevent that?"]
Precisely what I gave before. Become aware of who and what you are.
SHEARIAM: Thought is "contagious”, for lack of a better word. It is not just the spoken word, the written word. There are many communications that take place. There is more communication at subliminal levels than there is otherwise. There is a place, a realm of consciousness, in which exists ideas and thoughts. Mankind has the capacity to tap into this reservoir of knowledge, and indeed has done so to bring himself to this state of affairs.
With these same techniques, other thoughts can manifest changes [unidentifiable word]. As you focus your attention in the direction of peaceful living, loving relationships, benevolent kindness, you prosper these forces throughout the world. Thought has the capacity to flow completely around your globe, depending upon the integrity of the thought at the point of emission. Thus, groups who pray together, who come together for celebration of joyful occasions, who encourage each other in positive action in the "altitude of attitude” given before, do much to influence world events, even though it may not appear to be so.
Everything multiplies. Every thought you think is given life of its own and moves on to create out of itself. Every word of encouragement, every kindness extended, every support that is offered multiplies itself. This you can do. Be aware that every unkind thought, every misdeed, every negative action multiplies out of itself, and there is abroad on your planet today the results of an over-emphasis on personal considerations. There is a metaphysical principle of giving back to your life a tenth of what you receive. It has been corrupted by organizations into their financial support systems, and it is called "tithe," which is a word for "tenth."
If every person would give back one-tenth of what he gets, spreading it among the realms of existence, that is to say, one-quarter of their tenth to sustain, another quarter given to the plant kingdom, to protect forests, to encourage agriculture; and another quarter given to the animal kingdom to protect and nurture it; and the last quarter given to the aesthetic values necessary to the elevated consciousness of man, everyone would have everything they could dream of having. No one would be in want, and your planet would be preserved. This is by way of being utopia at the present level of consciousness of mankind today. But just give that some thought, not just in the material gifts you receive, but in the kindness, the thoughts, the support, the encouragement. Everything in your life.
SHEARIAM: Do we have any questions?
I would have thought that concept would have sponsored at least a protest!
Are you willing to do it?
[Inaudible response.]
Trying is not doing. One either does or does not. Any time one says he will try, he is admitting his failure potential. If you stop to think how many times as a parent you say to your children, "I will try," knowing it is only a means to put the child off. In effect, when you say, "I will try to practice a principle," you are putting off your Higher Self.
[Inaudible response aqnd comment.]
Then our visit tonight has not been in vain.
[Inaudible question.] (What I do?)
Raise a violet. Every bit of beauty that you introduce into your own lives, you are introducing into the lives of all, for as I said, thought travels. It is contagious. Every time you look at a blossom on your own window sill, thousands of people are benefitted from your enjoyment.
[Inaudible comment.]
[Inaudible question.]
Good question! Imagine a cork moving in a pond, and someone throws a pebble into the pond creating wavelets. The waves pass by the cork, and the cork remains mostly stationary, does it not? But is the wave the same after it has passed the cork? Then, in the way that wave action takes place, the cork witnesses that the drops of water supporting it stay put, but the wave motion is passed from one droplet of water to another, so to speak. Do you understand how wave action occurs?
[Inaudible comment.]
I'm talking about thought, not ...
[Tape ran out.]
A thought travels as a wave. It is making waves which carry some of its intent. A thought is not exactly like a wave action in the water.
Are thoughts had in a meditative state ... “different?"
They are more powerfully emitted. As you move out of the consciousness of your daily surrounds, you eliminate some of the barriers. Because it is only consciousness that is the barrier. As you focus your consciousness into the material world around you, you think you know that you cannot walk through a door, and you live in that belief, so you open the door to walk through. As you think thoughts, they are impeded by this consciousness that you cannot pass through the door.
When you go into an altered state of consciousness and you remove the focus of your attention from the material world, you know that in some mysterious way you can travel far beyond the confines of the room in which your physical body rests. Thus there is not the consciousness barrier of the material world to impede the thought, so it becomes more powerful in its effect.
[Response: "Does this happen in dreams too?"]
Yes. This is why a dream thought is often picked up by another, where the day time consciousness thought is not. Dreams are much more telepathic.
[Response: "People that come into our dreams, do they sometimes receive information about the dream?"]
In a certain instance; I would not wish to generalize that that is always true.
[Response: "If it's important to them ... (inaudible)]
If they are in tune.
[Inaudible question.]
The dream state serves you personally most of the time, and you do not have direct conscious control over the dream state as a matter of course. You can develop that kind of control.
[Response: "Are you talking about lucid dreams?"]
[Question: "How is lucid dreaming different than other ... (inaudible)?"] It is the most unimpeded state of consciousness an entity encased in a physical body can attain.
[Long, but inaudible comment or question.]
And fear impedes your effectiveness.
[Inaudible comment.]
Remember that people of peace, as you call them, are a product of countless centuries of experience, and in the race for survival move the thoughts of dominance, bear the seeds of war. The number of peace-thinkers have always been out-numbered on this planet. It is part of the destiny of this planet that man develop brotherhood through this experience. This is true on other planets in other galaxies of similar nature to this one.
[Inaudible question.]
Not a necessary thing. They are an outgrowth of the way this consciousness has developed itself.
[Inaudible comment.]
[Inaudible comment or question about ... "may we change ..."]
This force has been set in motion and now must run its course, but the course can be modified. The course becomes modified by the number of survivors. In previous times, as mentioned earlier, man on the face of this planet has destroyed himself, but there is always the seed remnant. That is, man does not actually have the power to completely destroy himself. There is always the seed remnant protected by higher authority, and thus you have the story of Adam and Eve.
[Inaudible comments: "If there was a place, a country, city, state, as a group, as a community ... has thoughts of peace ... would that unit or city be secure in terms of war ... how can ..."]
Only part of your question can be answered. Yes, a certain area can be spared. Normally that is not the way it happens. There will be those in a war-torn area who have that consciousness which permits of privy knowledge, even as Lot took his family to safety. Each of you has that system which permits your being warned in time to seek safety, and you will be told where to go and how to survive, and those who live in that consciousness become the seed members for succeeding races.
[Question: "Will everyone be told ... or only those who listen?"]
Only those who listen. It is available, but not all will seek it.
[Question: "You say that ... (inaudible)."]
SHEARIAM: Yes. Yes. When you attain self-mastery, you are no longer conscious of territorialism. You become universally conscious, and you live in the universe, not just on the planet, or in your town, or in your house. Thus it matters not where you live, sustenance and abundance is always yours in that consciousness. But the race as a whole has far to go before living in that consciousness.
[Question: "Is that state of consciousness possible ... (inaudible)?"]
[Question: "You mentioned in previous sessions regarding Earth changes ... is that part of that unfoldment?"]
[Response: "So you're saying that during these Earth changes, a few will be spared, depending on their consciousness and self-mastery?"]
[Comment: "Self-mastery seems ..."]
Too much?
[Response: "That's close ... How do we develop it ... when we at times seem so far from it?"]
You begin first to work on your fears. When you can begin to live your earthly life without fear being the predominant motivator, you are well on your way toward this higher level of consciousness. But it is fear that prevents you from giving your last penny, giving your last apple, giving away your last whatever.
[Response: "But sometimes those thoughts of fear is ... (inaudible) ... you're not consciously aware of those fears."]
Of course you're not.
[Question: "How do we get in touch with this? You mention ... (inaudible) ... I don't always consciously think of that in terms of fear. How would ... I deal with that?"]
You begin first by trying to identify your fears. Take the topmost fears. What is the most feared by everyone?
[Response: "Death."]
Exactly. And why should you fear death? You are born to it insofar as this physical manifestation is concerned. [Inaudible response.]
Of course you are. Race thought has taught you that you are born to die. When you convince yourself of the immortality of the inner being, then you can begin to release the ego. One of the reasons that you fear death so much is because you cannot face the annihilation of your ego. It is appalling to think that "I," Sheariam, will not exist beyond a certain point, and that is not true. That is where you begin. When you reach that point, the other fears will not be as formidable, and will be much more easily dealt with.
[Inaudible comments -- several voices.]
SHEARIAM: Each has its own facet of the truth. Actually all of your religions recognize a single course, and "that” is the Truth! [Emphasis taken from voice inflection.] No one has a corner on the market!
[Inaudible comment about reincarnation.]
I do.
[Comment: "Just wanted to know how you ..."]
[Comment: "You were speaking about dreaming ... beyond your conscious control, as you observe things around you, and you think about them, then that precipitates more action or more energy ... what or how do you feel about watching the daily news ... (inaudible)?"]
SHEARIAM: You must establish your consciousness in Truth and its principles. If you are living in the consciousness of Peace, then all the manifestations that you see about you will not change you. You must learn to act in your life, and not react.
[Comment: "... what you think about this may not be a reaction. In other words, this is presented in front of you, you may not react to it, but you may still think about it."]
But what is preventing you from projecting thoughts of peace rather than thoughts of worry, mourning, empathy?
[inaudible comment.]
[Question: "For those of us who do, at this point in time, react to news of war and things like that shown on television, do you think it would be best to avoid that influence in our lives until we can get ... control of our ...?"]
Yes. Witnessing the horrors of war is going to disturb your equilibrium, is going to get you off center. You are better off not to expose yourself to that.
[Comment: (unclear) something about giving up T.V.]
That would be an excellent plan.
[Inaudible comment.]
The best T.V. you can have are the messages delivered to you in meditation. There is all the entertainment you should ever need.
[More laughter.]
Have you given thought to how your modern technology affects your consciousness? You should be giving a lot of thought to that, because it is establishing the consciousness in which your youngsters are going to eventually operate as adults. If this race has a future, it lies with your young people. The more consciousness of peace and benevolence one can instill in one's children, the more that peace and benevolence is going to be abroad in the future.
[Inaudible question.]
SHEARIAM: Exactly my point. If you must watch, then you must affirm, "That is not the way of Peace. I am the way of Peace." Do you follow that thought? You must remain in your consciousness of peace and benevolence, or you promote the war-mongers.
[Inaudible question.]
Yes. Misery does love company. This also is a matter of consciousness. If you develop the right state of peaceful consciousness, those people will not approach you with those kinds of thoughts. It builds a defense system for you. 3 [Inaudible comment.]
That is true. You always have the option of changing the subject.
[Inaudible comments and questions.]
Again, the answer must be “both”. Each in-dwelling entity comes into an Earth span at a time when civilization offers those conditions most conducive to the entity's development. But the shoe fits the other foot as well. That developing consciousness then adds to the progress of the race.
As an in-dwelling entity is sent into this earth-physical life, kicking and screaming and resenting it all the way ... in learning about the earth-physical, and learning to overcome the limitations, he learns how to handle this Earth in a better way. Inasmuch as there is a cycle coming to an end, these new little souls, as you call them, are coming in in order to establish the new pathways of Earth consciousness. Many of them have dwelt long in realms of peace and serenity, of intellect and compassion and joyousness. And this is a treacherous path they must travel. It is understandable why they should wish to resist. But remember that you are not alone. No one comes in alone. There is always help available.
[Inaudible question.]
[Tape ran out.]
... Again we must go to the consideration of consciousness. Children in the very early years are extremely susceptible and sensitive to their environment. The environment is not just a physical thing. It is mental, emotional, intellectual, religious ... The best an adult can do with a child is to encourage the child to believe in himself. The newborn child is very aware of where he came from and why he is here. If that awareness is nurtured, supported and encouraged, the child will make his own way with no problem. It is when the adult teaches the child his adult perceptions ... You say to a child, "Don't do that, you will get hurt." The child is going to believe you and forget that he knows that is not true. After all, you are bigger than he is. Every time you implant your own misconceptions, you are covering up what the child innately knows. That was done with you, and now as an adult you are trying to peel off those covers.
If a child wishes to spin a tale of fantasy, it should be listened to closely, for within that fantasy will be much truth, and the child will be telling you the truth that you need to live your life. Adults should learn from children, not the reverse.
[Question: "When is a child closed down?"]
By the age of seven, he is completely closed down, to whatever extent he is going to close.
[Inaudible question.]
Much later.
[Comment: "... (inaudible) ... I can see how once that process got started, it is self-perpetuating. What I have trouble with is how did it get started?"]
[Another inaudible comment.]
It goes back to the implantation of human consciousness on this planet, which is a portion of the teachings given by Judith. It would take much too complex a discourse for the short time we have. But you are correct, it did have its beginnings, but, like war, it is now something that you must deal with.
[Question: "Is there any technique that is best for meditation? Can you give us any suggestions that would help us?"]
Meditation is a very personal thing. For one to tell another how to meditate is like telling another how to think. There are external conditions which can be applied, but the meditation action takes place within the privacy of the inner self.
[Question: "Do our guides influence our meditation?"]
Oh, yes.
[Inaudible question.]
There are some that are with you always, moment by moment. There are some who come when called because they are also members of the support system for other entities as well.
[Question: "During the state of meditation, do we receive information during that meditation even though we are not consciously aware of it?"]
[Question: "And so there is still some way in which we can draw from it?"]
[Comment: "I have heard people say many times they don't get anything in meditation, and yet that is not actually true?"]
The very act of going within establishes a consciousness of peacefulness. You cannot go within when you are distraught. You must first leave the distress outside.
Have we accomplished this night's message then?
[Affirmative response.]
You have plenty to think about. Then, shall we have a closing meditation?
If you will breathe deeply, it will relax your body. And then I will ask you to rub your palms together briskly and generate some energy. Now, as you are rubbing your palms together, begin to visualize blue and green light. Now open your palms toward the center of the circle and begin to allow the blue and green light to accumulate in our midst ... See it shimmering, like a huge ball of iridescent energy ... The blue and green are the spectrum of healing
... And as you put these energies into the center, allow them to form in your imagination into a fountain as though there is a fountain of blue and green light rising out of the floor.
And as you visualize this fountain of blue and green light, allow it to rise so that it reaches a larger circumference and the energy then comes back to shower you with healing. Accept it. Let it permeate you. Let it flow into you, and back out of you, even as the life force is granted you.
As these energies pour in upon you, you will feel refreshed, you will feel relaxed. Get your visualization as strongly as you can. See the fountain in your midst. Feel the blue and green energies as they are sprinkled on you and absorbed by you, and then transmitted back to the center again.
And now you have a wonderful opportunity to share this healing experience with those for whom you have concern. If you speak their name aloud, and they so choose, their consciousness will be drawn into our circle.
[Names spoken around the circle.]
Continue to visualize the fountain. See now those loved ones as they come in to share in the healing energy of the fountain. And now, even as you continue to be blessed by the healing energy, visualize the fountain growing higher and higher, greater and greater, taking this healing energy, these thoughts of peace, out into the city around you, out into the surrounding terrain, clear across your country, and indeed ultimately surrounding your world.
Now let us all together chant, "Peace."
[Circle chants "Peace" three times.]
And so you have set a great wave in motion. Know that it goes out to touch everyone, and there will be those who will respond, and thus you have given blessing and in turn you are blessed. Now release your loved ones to return to themselves, know that your thought of peace continues washing upon the shores of the consciousnesses of all it encounters ... And you carry within your self the consciousness of peace, healing and blessedness.
And so I give you my blessing and bid you good night. Until we meet again, go in peace.