1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Tuesday Session #4 – November 16, 1982 Gloria’s Circle
(No record of those present other than Gloria Ruth with Silverthistle.)
SILVERTHISTLE: How are all of you this evening? (responses)
We will proceed this evening with a little different format than we have before. We will begin with some general dialogue and questions, if there are any to be presented. Then I wish to speak with you this evening on the subject of DEATH and DYING, HEAVEN and HELL. We will of course include the healing session at the proper time. Would anyone care to start the dialogue?
STUDENT: Silverthistle, I have been reading Emerson's Essays and am reading the chapter on "oversoul". I want to know if the oversoul I'm reading about is what we think of as soul or spirit soul. And I want to know, when does that take over our life -- at the time of conception or at the time of birth? And will those answers help me now?
SILVERTHISTLE: Very well. This is in the nature of some background for this evening's presentation anyway. Before, we have spoken of the SOUL. You do not have a soul -- a soul has you. The SOUL ENTITY produces that life form which will give it the experience necessary for it to fulfill its MISSION and INTENTION. The soul, as we know it, is also a production of a higher entity, which in turn is experiencing itself through the action of the soul. Your physical body is ensouled by a portion of the PARENT SOUL. This reality in which you are now focused is not the whole of that portion of the soul which parented you. You do call something of which you are aware "a soul" -- but that is merely the eternal part of life which has been given to the focalized reality for this span of life. You will find further answers later in this evening's dissertation.
STUDENT: Thank you so much. Regarding heaven -- a lot of people say heaven is here on earth, that we can live in heaven if we live right. Is that a correct assumption?
SILVERTHISTLE: These questions will be answered in the dissertation. If there are no questions outside of this suggested topic, we can proceed directly to the presentation. That is up to you.
STUDENT: Go ahead. That would be fine. Yes, do.
SILVERTHISTLE Very well, then. Let us begin with the physical body. The PHYSICAL BODY is as you know produced in a particular manner in this reality of which you are most conscious. But in fact, the Physical body is a product of MIND and is in the nature of being a machine. It ceases to be mechanical to a certain degree in that each cell and sub-cell of its structure has a certain CONSCIOUSNESS of its INTENTION.
This consciousness of intention is transmitted to the physical body through the DNA or the GENES of the parent, but in each embryo not everything present in the parent potential is passed on. Only that degree of consciousness is transmitted to the impregnated cell which will produce a certain kind of functioning vehicle which is then taken onward in its life span as follows.
The PARENT SOUL extrudes from itself an EGO which is not linear but spherical. This extruded ego has numerous components of SELF consciousness and indeed has certain DIVINE ATTRIBUTES, particularly and most strongly the ATTRIBUTES OF CREATIVITY.
The embryo has a certain limited degree of LIFE POTENTIAL. The soul-produced EGO has a certain limited degree of life potential EXPANSION. The Ego when produced by the Soul is imbued with certain ATTRIBUTES or portions of the Soul which produces it. And with the help, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously and sometimes a melding of the two, chooses those experiences and circumstances through which the Soul desires to know itself.
Then an embryo is chosen, and sometimes the parents are chosen before an embryo exists. The Soul which has produced this Ego which is searching for a body, may also have produced the prospective parents, and indeed could have produced entire families and entire social groups in order to achieve the development of certain potentialities of life. But let us narrow down to a personal level, and then we can expand from there.
The life design has now been chosen. The embryo vehicle has been chosen, and the Ego brings its Soul-portion with it to the neighborhood of the developing embryo. Through the psyche-links which are provided by the Soul, the Ego influences the development of the embryo into the fetus, ultimately into the birth body. Thus it is the Ego spirit influences the harmonical balances, which ultimately determine gender and many other facilities and factors of the physical body, which the Ego will then come to inhabit when the time is proper for it so to do.
Now, there are times when embryos come into being which are not pre-planned or pre- claimed. One might say these are up for grabs, and sometimes there is no claimant for the developing fetus, and thus ABORTION occurs. But let us go foreword with the life stream as the Ego claims its mechanical vehicle, its physical body.
As the physical body develops, so do the accompanying SUBTLE BODIES develop in accordance with the instructions as laid out for the Ego by the Soul which has brought this Ego into this particular focus. The Ego carries with it the I AMNESS which is that direct link with the parent Soul. Through its powers of creativity it produces all of the Subtle Bodies which then will be able to meld with the physical body and its consciousness which it has supervised throughout the gestation period.
Now dependent upon the super plan for this life span, the Ego may enter the fetus before birth, and thus the infant becomes an independent being before birth, although you tend to believe independence occurs at the moment of the cutting of the umbilical chord. This is not always so, and occasionally you will have premature birth. Everyone in your reality has creative ability within. Those professionals responsible for the well-being of mother and child can find all kinds of physical reasons why a birth may be premature. But it is always in accordance with the SOUL PLAN for that life span, and it is at the direction of the EGO SUPERVISOR.
Now there are times when the infant comes to term before the ego is ready to take charge. If this is by way of SOUL PLAN, a BABY SITTER is provided which is in the nature of someone from our condition. And so the physical vehicle is temporarily in soul so that it may continue life until such time as its assigned occupant is ready. This can be witnessed in your experience by a noticeable change of personality in the young child, which can occur any time during the first nine years.
So now we have a physical body which in effect is a machine, a vehicle for this ego to experience those things which have been planned for it. In the very early years, the ego often will be able to bring through memories from PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. At this point in the teaching I do not wish to go into the matter of TIME and space, for tonight we will deal with the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE, although they do not in truth exist. As the child grows, the consciousness within the physical body, which governs cellular structure, continues to change, and it does so at the behest of the INDWELLING EGO.The body continues to be created moment by moment through the creativity which has been imbued into this ego.
The EGO functions, as you know, in multi-dimensional ways. There is that rational portion which deals with daily function but does not deal with emotion. Then there is that portion of the ego which deals solely with EMOTION, and there is the receptacle for the experience as physical life goes forward. Within this portion of the ego lies also those MEMORIES brought forward from other times, which provide the foundation and the reasons behind the LIFE PLAN which is currently being experienced.
Then there is the portion of the ego which acts as SUPER SENSORY and indeed is what your emotional portion considers your soul. So when you say "my soul", you are indeed talking about a super sensory portion of ego which has more or less direct connection with the PARENT SOUL, and within that portion of the ego lies the I AMNESS, that sense of eternality, the assurance of existence. There are other portions of the ego which come and go as the ego itself requires them to be created as the life plan is pursued.
Thus it is as you go through life, there are certain circumstances and certain events and certain people which you cannot avoid, and which some people refer to in your reality as PREDESTINATION. But the CREATIVE MIND has the freedom to deal with these pre-planned events and circumstances in such a way as to create the QUANTITY OF QUALITY available. Now remember that I first told you that the embryo is designed with a certain degree of limited QUALITY. In other words, each human being manifest in the physical has certain qualities which are to be worked with, and the ensouling ego has the responsibility to quantitatively increase the CONSCIOUSNESS that these QUALITIES are designed to prevail.
Now, as this life goes foreword to the end of the given span, it faces what you call DEATH. But there is no such thing as death. Nothing ever completely disappears -- not thought, not action -- any facet of beingness. And the CREATIVE MIND does not actually produce anything that has not existed before. But the CREATIVE URGE is to put together differently what has not been together in that manner before. Thus we have the truly unique QUANTITY and QUALITY of each individuated portion of soul.
What you see as DEATH is merely a TRANSITION from one reality into another. The focalized attention which is immersed in the consciousness of materiality is then transferred and focalized into another SPHERE OF EXPERIENCE. Death is the same as going through the door of your house. When you are inside your house you are conscious of the life that is lived within -- of breathing and rebreathing the same air, of seeing and re-seeing the same picture. But even that consciousness is in a state of development and thus in a state of constant change. The picture that you saw yesterday is not the same picture that you see today.
Now, when you go through the door of your house into the outdoors, your consciousness then becomes focalized into the out-of-doors, and you are aware of breathing air which is not the same air as is inside your house. You see trees that are living. You witness other people. There is a whole new ambience in which you anticipate experiences. Death is the same thing. It is stepping out of one reality and directly into another reality. That does not mean that you are consciously ready to accept that change.
For simile, let us say that when you are in your house and you are planning to go out, you look through the window to see what the weather may be. And so the sun is shining, and you think, "Very well, I can go out as I am". In that moment that you take to ready your house for you to leave it, a storm comes up, and when you step through the door it is raining and cold. Your consciousness is not ready to accept that ambiguity. And thus your thoughts may turn back to the warmth and security of the inside of your house. So it is with death. But at that point of experience you do not have the option to run back into the house and get a rain coat.
Whatever your ideas may be about what the weather is like outside, is what you will experience in the first levels of consciousness after death. I dislike using the word, "levels", but for your sense of understanding, that probably is the best choice of words, because the CREATIVE MIND continues on -- it continues to create the experience.
This CREATIVE MIND has been creating this PHYSICAL BODY and the SUBTLE BODIES that go with it all the years of the life of this physical vehicle. Just because the physical vehicle is no longer available does not mean that the creative mind ceases to function in the old familiar way. And so it is that certain experiences on the other side of the TRANSITION are confused, and confused information comes back to you. In this physical reality there are those who are taken through the CORRIDOR OF TRANSITION still unaware of what death is all about and may indeed not even realize that they no longer have a physical vehicle, because they have subtle bodies which respond, continuing as they responded while the physical vehicle was still available.
Now, there are those in this physical reality who suppose that once death is experienced there is some kind of expansion of mind which enables a person to sit somewhere on a cloud in space and read the thoughts of all those he has left behind. This is not the case. There are certain circumstances in which the mind, unable to accept the lack of a physical body, will attempt to remain in the physical reality, and thus becomes a GHOST, if you will. The subtle bodies which would ordinarily be taken foreword into another realm of experience are available for this creative mind to function in this physical reality to certain limited degree, but let us speak of those who go foreword.
In the death process, regardless of what one's religious orientation may be, there are times when it is possible to perceive what in truth lies beyond the physical body. And there are those entities existent in the SPIRIT PHYSICAL, such as I, whose duty it is to assist in the awakening of the consciousness into the new realm of existence. And at times, depending upon the enlightenment of the consciousness of the person making the transition, these helpers can come into this physical reality prior to the moment of death. If this is not the case, they are in truth waiting immediately on the other side of the door. But in the way of locating a familiar face in a crowd, you know that you can look directly at the individual for whom you are searching and not see him. In the case of a dying person who is not even looking for someone familiar or sympathetic, it sometimes happens that the person believes himself to be all alone. Thus he is lost in an unidentifiable nothingness until such time as helpers are able to get his attention.
Now, there is simply not one sphere of experience into which you will pass when you leave this physical body behind. Thus it is that you will not always rejoin those with whom you have travelled through this most recent experience. You may at some other point of experience rejoin these people who may or may not then be familiar to you.
All along the way you have choices to make. Now the person who sheds the physical body and retains the awareness of what is occurring and enters another realm unafraid is given the opportunity to evaluate the life just left and also to put it into the context of other lives lived. And thus begins again the process of deciding who, what, when, where another life is to be experienced.
Now this ego which has been produced by the parent soul does not return to an unidentifiable mass of soul stuff, but goes forward individualized, and indeed has the capacity to reproduce itself in many different realms of experience imbuing its reproductions with a portion of itself and sharing with those reproductions some of its soul stuff or "I AMness" which had first been shared with it by parent soul.
All of LIFE is in the process of evolving out of God in the production of independent intelligence. The producer is multiplying its own consciousness and self awareness. As you in your physical existence move through your lifetime, you are producing certain things that will continue independent of you with lives of their own. And to a certain degree you have the responsibilities for these things and will suffer the consequences of whatever these independences evolve out of their existence. These consequences can be joyously rewarding as in the case of artistic production -- a painting, a sculpture, a poem, which when produced, then has an independent life, but the author of which will always receive a certain benefit from the appreciation of his creation. The reverse is also true. The negative thoughts, the negative actions that you produce continue independently of you. But as their author you will experience (tape ended)
STUDENT: I'm confused about the difference between ego and soul.
SILVERTHISTLE: There is no essential difference. If you want to compartmentalize them, you might consider the I AMNESS as CORE, and around this core is built a layer of SOUL STUFF, that portion that the PARENT SOUL has provided. And the next layer out would be MIND.
There is both a CREATIVE MIND and a PERCEIVING MIND, but these two are not distinctly separate from each other. But the two do not operate simultaneously, rather more like your alternating currents. These things, these layers just described, comprise the EGO. And then the ego functions in these different ways which were previously described. In your current psychology these varying functions oversimplified are called the "ego, id, and super ego". They are all one and the same thing, simply different spheres of function and expression, product of parenting soul. But you are not limited to these three functions. These are the three most apparent, thus their existence can be abstracted from your experience.But experience in this physical reality can also abstract for you some of the other spheres of ego function. Does that help your understanding?
STUDENT: I believe it does, but I'll study the transcript for a while. May I ask, does it ever happen that a spirit or soul refused or doesn't want to enter a new life, like abortion -- they don't want it?
SILVERTHISTLE: Yes, this can occur. You do have choice. You do have a say in what occurs with you. At the level of human experience in the physical reality, you are quite aware that parental control is often abrogated by child behavior. In the same way, a child of the soul can refuse to accept parental discretion, but in-as-much as this relationship is not precise, the analogy is inadequate. It can only give you a hint.
STUDENT: Thank you. Much thought is given to energy. What is energy? Is it that electrical substance that moves us? All living things are supposed to be filled with energy. And does that energy live on? For instance, a tree dies. Does that energy live on? Like when we pass the transition to another sphere -- is that energy we accept as our soul, does that energy in other things live on?
SILVERTHISTLE:ENERGY as you think of it now is a product of this reality. I can only explain to you in terms of this physical reality. Mind is not energy. Ego is not energy. I AMNESS is not energy. Energy is like the physical discharge of power as a result of TENSION.
What exists of you beyond the door of DEATH does carry with it certain energies produced during this life span. All of this physical universe which you can perceive in your current orientation is comprised of sub, sub, sub atomic particles which we call ERTS. These particles join together to form other sub-atomic particles which join together, and thus there is what might be considered condensation of GOD STUFF, which in this consciousness becomes MATTER. And of this matter, the CREATIVE MIND produces a physical world or REALITY. And as the PERCEIVING MIND sees what is produced, it gives feedback to the CREATIVE MIND, which then goes on to create further FORM.
It is the experience of this creativity and the perception of what has been created which evolves CONSCIOUSNESS. And some of the SUBTLE BODIES, also comprised basically of ERTS, will go forward into another realm of form and existence carrying with them some of the energies produced during this physical experience. But that energy such as electricity does not go forward as electricity. What you perceive as electrical energy in this reality is perceived as a different kind of energy in other realities. But everything in this physical reality has been created out of CREATIVE MIND, and thus continues in concept, although not in material form. Does that help answer your question?
STUDENT: Yes it does -- clears it greatly. In other words, our world began without the need of energy.
SILVERTHISTLE: That is correct.
STUDENT: I have a question. You said something about a soul. Instead of going through the door of transition into another sphere, instead of dying, for example, would I have my choice if I want to stay and do some other creative things? Could I say to myself, "I want this soul to live another fifty years" -- could I do that? That I have something else to do?
SILVERTHISTLE: Yes. As previously stated, the CREATIVE MIND has the capacity to perpetuate or renew this physical vehicle for so long as it is needed to accomplish the SOUL'S MISSION.The EGO has been thoroughly informed as to what this Soul Mission is, and thus acts as something of a monitor on the Creative Mind. When the Mission is fulfilled, then the vehicle is no longer necessary, and the Creative Mind is told to stop renewing it.
STUDENT: Thank you. You made a comment about people when they made the transition, if they were not afraid. Could you explain that a little bit more? Is this in reference to people who do not understand death or the death experience?
SILVERTHISTLE: Because the consciousness of so many of the populace in your reality do not believe in the continuance beyond the door of DEATH, as one approaches that door, you are beset by all the fears of all the people with whom you have contact who believe in that manner. You are also beset by the psychic consciousness of the RACE to which you belong. One's RELIGIOUS BELIEF is probably the strongest contributor to the manner in which you face TRANSITION.If you decide that you are going to enter that corridor of transition in full awareness and full control of all your faculties, you will do so whether you are afraid or not. It is the confusion brought about by FEAR which puts you out of contact with reality, and thus you may wander disoriented for a certain period. Does that answer?
STUDENT: Yes, thank you very much. Silverthistle, are our lives here, the death, predetermined?
SILVERTHISTLE: The number of years in your LIFE SPAN is not predetermined. That is created as you go forward in accordance with the plan or INTENTION of this lifetime.
STUDENT: In other words, I have thought in my mind that I have so many things to do that I would like to do -- I would like to live 20 or 30 more years. Is that possible, or could you explain it?
SILVERTHISTLE: (PHYSICAL REGENERATION) Absolutely. No reason why you should not do so except for the belief that you will not. If you decide that you will, then you will. You are creating the cells in your body at this moment. You determine the LENGTH OF LIFE of those cells. You determine whether or not they can be replaced. Your (PHYSICAL) BODY is a machine, but it is self replenishing. Your modern technology shows you this when vital organs previously considered absolutely essential to the life process can be interchanged, mixed or matched.How much better then for you to produce out of your mind and consciousness those vitalities which will see you through all of the experiences you desire to have out of this life.
It is your own consciousness of the limitation called DEATH which causes you to approach that CORRIDOR OF TRANSITION. That is not to say that at the present moment in development that one could live forever in this physical reality. The SOUL INTENTION that has dominion over the planet at this moment in consciousness is not ready for that to occur. Thus, you are subject to certain LAWS OF EXISTENCE over which you do not have control. But the permission to live throughout the realization of the plan for which you came is virtually unlimited. So long as you have things you want to do, then you have not completed the entire plan, and thus you have permission to renew your body until you have accomplished all things which were potential in your individualization.
STUDENT: Through our own minds comes the renewing?
SILVERTHISTLE:That is correct.But it is not of the rational mind.It is the union or unified action of the EMOTIONAL MIND which produces the EMOTIONAL BODY and the SUPER EGO, as you call it, which produces what you believe to be your SPIRIT BODY. These two bodies work together to animate and keep motivated the cellular consciousness of the physical vehicle. And their power is almost unlimited -- it is subject solely to the PARENT PLAN.
I think now you have been given plenty to think about, and you are highly focalized and energized. So let us have a HEALING SERVICE, and in light of the lesson tonight, be aware that the energies you create by rubbing your hands together are PHYSICAL ENERGIES. The fact that the Physical Energies can be passed on to others in need of healing lies within the realm of these two bodies, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL. These are the moving agents, if you will. The RATIONAL BODY simply makes the decision to do whatever is necessary for the other two to act.
So now, concentrate and rub your hands together, and produce the physical energy necessary to carry the healing motivation. The CREATIVE MIND does the visualization. So create this scintillating blue and green light. That is beautiful. Now rest your efforts and psychically call in those for whom you wish healing...
Very well, now stir up the physical energy. When your hands tingle sufficiently, turn your palms to the center of the circle. See the physical energy as a light beam. Think of blue and green light beaming into one big ball of light in the center. It is in constant motion, casting off sparks and brilliance. And the consciousness of those whom you have called send a portion of their consciousnesses to partake of this healing energy. And so you can visualize them as though they were standing within that circle of brilliant blue and green light. And just as though it were a lovely warm bath, the healing energy permeates their bodies as the warmth from the warm water stimulates their circulation. A realization permits the healing to go throughout their body. And now let the warmth, the healing property of this light encompass you. Let the light spread throughout the circle until not only your loved ones but you also are immersed in this glorious energy. You will feel warmth and stimulation as your cells respond.
And now as your consciousness arises to the receipt of this healing energy, allow the light to grow greater and greater, moving out of this room to spread throughout the city and throughout the country, and indeed encircle the globe. For it is physical energy peculiar to this particular planet and needed by leaders of nations and needed by all who are imperfect in their plan. And this energy then brings healing, helping those who are lost to get back in attunement with their Intentions. And their Soul Consciousness responds, renewing their body and renewing their hope, allowing them to see possibilities not previously understood.
And this happens for you too. And you come to that point of understanding that you are attuned to your SOUL PLAN. And thus your life is enriched, and your enriched life enriches the lives of others.
And now bring your palms together and hug this energy within you; lock it within you. And in your minds, lock it within those whom you have called into the circle. And it is done, and we all are blessed by this participation... Take a deep breath and come back to the awareness of this room... You did a splendid job this evening.