1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Tuesday Session #5 – December 7, 1982 Gloria’s Circle
(No record of those present other than Gloria Ruth with Silverthistle.)
SILVERTHISTLE: Did you enjoy your holiday?
STUDENT: Did you celebrate Thanksgiving on your sphere?
SILVERTHISTLE Our HOLIDAYS are quite different from yours, having stemmed from other causes.
STUDENT: What do you mean, "other causes"?
SILVERTHISTLE: (SPIRIT PHYSICAL REALITIES) Inasmuch as your holidays have to do with historical events and are correlated with your perception of your solar system, they do not correspond to holidays such as ours. Ours are rooted in other causes, our reality being different from yours, but we certainly do have periods of rest and reason for celebration. Just because we are not meeting with people in your realm does not mean, of course, that we have not been busy. As you have been told before, we are also teaching other groups, and those groups were in session even though yours were not, since your holiday was peculiar to your nationality. (TEMPLE ACTIVITIES)
STUDENT: We have three new people with us tonight.
SILVERTHISTLE: Yes, I am aware of their presence. You are welcome. We are pleased that you have come into the circle.
NEW STUDENT: Thank you. Glad to be here. One thing has always puzzled me in messages such as this. That is, people on your side say they are busy, which I cannot understand since you have no money, you don't have food. What is it you are so busy doing all the time?
SILVERTHISTLE: This realm in which I have existed deals with matters of mental activity and emotional activity. We are responsible for guidance and protection of some people in your reality as well as people in other realities. We are teachers. We are healers. We are guides. We are protectors. We have a great deal to do of which your consciousness could not even comprehend.
STUDENT: Thank you. What are we going to study tonight, Silverthistle?
SILVERTHISTLE: We are going to continue with the dissertation on death/dying, heaven/hell.
BILL: May I ask a question. This is Bill speaking. I'm going to be gone for January and February into California around the Palm Springs area, and I'm going to miss this group and contact with you. Could you help me, or is there a possibility I could find another group down there?
SILVERTHISTLE: As you are aware, to be included in a group that has validity requires personal invitation. Even if I were to give you directions to find such a group, I could not give you the entry. (CIRCLE MEMBERSHIP) There is one suggestion which I might make, and that is to seek out a spiritualist church. If your guides are taking it seriously, you will be taken to that which will provide what you need. (BILL: Thank you)
Are we then ready for tonight's lesson? Very well. You will recall that we talked a great deal last time about birth and the physical vehicle. Now, as that vehicle operated to carry through a life span, the MIND and the EMOTION and the SUBTLE BODIES are at each and every moment in a process of decision making. As you reach certain conclusions based on your previous experience, you will be making CHOICES. At every instance you are making choices. It is important that you be aware of this function, for by the choices you make, you create the following moment and, indeed, the rest of your life.
(THOUGHT) Even as you think, you create. And as you create something, it has independent life, and it goes on creating out of itself. As of this moment we have not had that lesson in this group, for Judith has not chosen to bring this to you yet. So, for this time I must ask you to take this premise as a fact, pending further proof. Thus, as you go through this life making choices and creating the events which follow, you are creating those choices you will be required to make in another time. We must necessarily talk about PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE, because that is the reality into which you are now focused. Thus we do say that consequences follow choices, or choice becomes cause in your reality.
(SELF EVALUATION OF LIFE SPAN) Now, as one life span reaches a conclusion, you are required to make an evaluation of that life span. In your Christian ethics you are taught that everything you do, think, feel, are, is recorded in some kind of book of judgment. Now this is true to a certain extent, but is an over simplification of the truth. It's like a fairy tale which tells truth but covers it up in a story. Everything you think, everything you do, everything you feel becomes recorded in your own records. (ENTITY RECORD) That is not to say that these records are not incorporated with other records, and this will be discussed later. But for now the point I wish to make is: at the end of each cycle or life span you will be required to review all that has been accomplished, both positive and negative, and based upon that evaluation you are then faced with the choices which bring about the design of another life span. (LIFE PLAN, DESIGN OF LIFE SPAN)
You may or may not do this on your own, depending upon your level of advancement or level of understanding at the time this is required of you. This evaluation can begin before actual entry into the Corridor of TRANSITION, and for some transpires throughout their transition period. But depending upon what the belief system is, sometimes the evaluation period is delayed, because the person making the transition is insufficiently informed or erroneously believes in conditions which are not necessarily so. For instance, in some fundamentalist beliefs it is thought that upon DEATH the spirit enters the grave with the body, remaining there until such time as resurrection occurs, when the body is re-vivified into a new and perfect home for the indwelling spirit. For these people this is what they find upon death -- an entombment until such time as those who are responsible for their education are able to make them see the light and thus enable them to pursue their course in proper order.
If a person approaches the Corridor of Transition believing that the transition is going to take him into a firey HELL, then that is what he will find until such time as he awakens to actual truth. That is not to deny that conditions of HEAVEN and HELL exist during the life span as well. According to your consciousness and the choices which you make, you daily create yourself and your environment, and thus you can create either Heaven or Hell for yourself moment by moment.
Each time you make contact with another of your kind you establish an ENVIRONMENT. Now, if you meet this other person with a critical ATTITUDE or a condescending attitude or any other negative attitude, you are going to create a negative environment. And even though that individual may not have approached you with negative attitudes, for a period of time he will have to endure the hell which you have created through your negative attitude. But to the degree that he has a powerful positive attitude, he can create the heaven which converts your hell.
Light always conquers darkness no matter how negative an individual may be. If met with proper positive attitudes, heaven can conquer hell. One never need suffer personal inter- relationships that are painful -- it is always by choice that this occurs. Even though you may dispute this, if you give it deep enough thought, you will understand. Inasmuch as these lessons are given to assist you towards SELF MASTERY, we must give this lesson first. Attitude in contact with others is of primary importance. Each time that you choose to meet another with a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE, you are creating a situation which you must then resolve through positive attitudes, and thus we come to the question of KARMA.
We are not going to discuss Karma tonight in any depth, but I did want to tie this in with these considerations now under discussion. One of Gloria's favorite sayings as given to her when she was very small may be of assistance to you.When thinking of attitude, think of altitudes. The higher your consciousness, the less chance you have of being negative. If you put a smile on your face, it is not long before there is a smile in your eyes and in your heart. For those with whom you come in contact who are negative immediately begin to respond with positive attitudes to a smile, and as you change negative attitudes, so raises the consciousness of entire groups, and this is the SALVATION of your planet. Does anyone wish to ask a question about anything that has been given so far?
STUDENT: If someone is creating a negative attitude for themselves with fear, anger, or any of the others, upon recognizing it and trying to consciously change it, does that eliminate the misery they caused themselves at that moment, or do you have to keep working at it?
SILVERTHISTLE: It moves in that direction, but you know that anyone who lives in a constant state of negativity develops a great deal of power, thus that negativity takes more to overcome.But even as a match, a candle conquers the darkness of a cave. A sweet word, a smile, a refusal to respond negatively makes an impression and ultimately will win the day.
STUDENT: Silverthistle, you have made many references to subtle bodies. Could you explain that a bit more?
SILVERTHISTLE: Each INDIVIDUALIZATION OF INTELLIGENCE creates bodies as vehicles for its expression. Each MIND envelopes itself in a SUBTLE BODY, which for the sake of this discussion we shall say is comprised of ENERGY. The emotional portion of character also creates a subtle body as its vehicle. That portion of individualization which you call SPIRIT also creates a subtle body for its expression. Now, as you will learn in later lessons, this terminology is highly inaccurate, but for the language which you now command, this probably is the best way to describe what you are inquiring about.
The PHYSICAL BODY serves as a focalization for these various bodies of energy. These subtle bodies animate the physical body and influence the CELL CONSCIOUSNESS which forms the various organs of the physical body. MIND is independent of the BRAIN, but works through the brain, as the brain is the mind of the physical body.
The EMOTIONAL BODY influences the mind so that when certain emotions are experienced, the mind produces through the body certain physical responses -- for instance, the emotion of fear at that moment of being startled. The emotion caused the mind to send the message to the body to produce the necessary energy to protect the body. For instance, if it is necessary to remove the body from some physically dangerous position, the message from the mind sponsors endocrine activity to produce the necessary physical strength to run, jump, or whatever is required.
Now upon DEATH, as you know it, all that is lost -- although that is a poor word -- is this physical shell. The physical body and the brain cease to function, but the mind continues to function in its own SUBTLE BODY. The heart action, the endocrine system, all the component parts of the physical body cease to function, but the EMOTIONAL BODY and the SPIRIT BODY continue to function as though all these components were still present, but not through the physical.
As we discussed before, you exit the material world as though moving through a doorway, and you enter another non-material world, but you are the same person. You think the same thoughts, you feel the same way, and you even have the same PHYSICAL DISABILITY until you adopt that mode in which you find yourself in the other reality. Does that help you?
STUDENT: Yes. Thank you very much. The world, particularly the medical world at the moment, is very excited about a dentist who has had an artificial heart placed in his body. Would you care to prognosticate his future? Is he likely to live or have a difficult existence? Or is this the beginning of a new phase of medicine where they will replace organs at will? This is something fascinating to most of us, because we are the heir of the flesh, and all sorts of things can go wrong with our various organs. What is your opinion on all this?
SILVERTHISTLE: (ORGAN TRANSPLANTS) As given before, the physical body is actually a machine -- a highly sophisticated machine. In time, your civilization will learn how to replace parts of this machine with components not comprised of physical tissue, but this will not happen until there is a greater understanding of the non-physical bodies which control the consciousness of the cells. This experiment just now in process will be successful to a certain degree, but the dentist will not survive very long in the current condition.
As given before, each cell of the developing fetus has a consciousness of its role in the overall physical vehicle. This CELLULAR CONSCIOUSNESS is sponsored from a SUPER PHYSICAL REALM and is adopted by the SUBTLE BODIES of the IN-SOULING SPIRIT or EGO. When the medical profession becomes sufficiently aware of the subtle bodies' existence and their connection with the physical tissue, they will be able then to computerize a consciousness into the artificial organs so that the physical tissue consciousness will accept that replacement. This is not that far in your future, but it is not available at this moment. This is the basis for the acceptance of other living tissues. It goes beyond tissue comparison and blood type. It goes into consciousness.
If you were allowed to view such a transplant from the realm in which I exist, you would be aware of this likeness of consciousness. Even though the transplant organ may have come from many physical miles distance, the donor belonged to the same consciousness group as the recipient. When the donor and the recipient do not share the same SOUL PARENT, then the transplant is not successful because the cellular consciousness is not adaptable.
STUDENT: Before you came to us tonight we were discussing a condition called arthritis, and we concluded the medical world doesn't seem to know the cause of the disease. Would you happen to know the cause of ARTHRITIS?
SILVERTHISTLE: Again we have a condition of cellular consciousness. Certain EMOTIONAL STATES impinge upon cellular consciousness causing the physical tissue to respond in certain ways. The calcium in the body is held within the body in various states of being - - sometimes in a solid state as in the bone, and sometimes in a dissolved solution as in the blood, and in various other states somewhere between these two conditions. Now, when the physical body is responding to stress signals, its demand for calcium is not always met by the diet, and indeed certain physical elements consumed tend to destroy or alter the condition of the calcium held within the body. When this alteration occurs, the cellular consciousness says, "Oh my, we are not doing our job. We must do something about this." And calcium is called forth from the bone structure, for that is where the most solid mass is held. And as this consciousness calls forth the calcium consciousness, bone spurs are created, the surface of the bones roughing. And this occurs most readily in the joints, for that is where the solid mass is the softest and most readily available. This process can be reversed by intake of prepared calcium and by careful dietary measures.
The toxic condition set up within the physical body by consumption of light tissue is one of the greatest offenders. The toxic condition makes the body believe there is emotional stress, for emotional stress sets up physical responses similar to these toxic conditions, and consequently the demand is made for more calcium. Therefore, if you eat flesh meat, take calcium at the same time to prevent this demand and withdrawal of calcium from the boney tissue. Does that answer your questions?
STUDENT: Yes, thank you. Tell that to the American Medical Association. (SILVERTHISTLE: Good luck.)
STUDENT: One thing I have been interested in recently, I have noticed some people have become psychic with -- sounds rather funny, but they become more psychic with a bump on the head. I remember the Dutch medium who I think fell from working on a building. After that he was very psychic. And the son of a friend of mine sustained an injury to his head in football, and thereafter exhibited some very strange mental states. Would it be fair to say that a person in very good health and radiant physical health is very much locked into his physical body and finds talk of any extra realm unbelievable? But if you have a possible injury, then it seems as if things get somewhat adrift or ajar, and it is easier to become psychic. I'm not saying all psychics are this way, but (are psychic abilities gained when) physical injury produces a discord between the physical body and the spiritual bodies?
SILVERTHISTLE: There are several things which occur under these circumstances. In the first instance of blows to the head, in some cases there is pressure applied to certain portions of the brain tissue which respond as they did many millennia ago. But trauma to the physical body does cause disassociation of the subtle bodies from the physical, because in this way healing occurs.
Each night when you go to sleep, your physical body lies inert in bed. The cellular consciousness alone being wakeful, and the subtle bodies dissociate or pull away from this physical vehicle sufficiently to absorb COSMIC FIRE, which is that spark or breath of life which permits you to live. If you do not have this revivifying experience, then the physical body begins to break down, because the subtle bodies have not been re-energized. If you go without sleep for a long period of time such as several days, you know that you become disordered, and your behavior becomes bizarre. That's because the subtle bodies have not had the opportunity to be revivified or refreshed.
The body, the physical body heals itself as a result of the influx of Cosmic energy through the subtle bodies. At the moment of trauma it is ordered to protect the physical body life systems. There is an immediate dissociation so that the non-physical bodies can quickly re- energize their batteries, in a manner of speaking. In that this dissociation sometimes persists for a span of time, the wakening consciousness observes the dissociation and thus becomes aware of other realities as well as the physical realities.
Now, when you go to sleep, the dissociation occurs, and you become aware of other realities in your dreams. But since the physical body does not need your attention, you usually do not give it any attention. In the case of trauma such as accidents, the physical vehicle needs your attention inasmuch as you have made a contract with this physical vehicle. You have an overwhelming obligation to it and thus cannot simply run away from it just because it is injured. But because of the necessary dissociation psychic experience (tape ran out)
I would make a comment before we have our healing session. More times when this cycle of physical experience comes to an end, the individual experiences this dissociation, and because it may have been a common experience through the lifetime, the person may not realize that the physical vehicle is now expired and will attempt to reenter the physical vehicle. Due to a universal law governing the material existence, once the physical vehicle has expired, the spirit cannot reanimate it.
Now you know that there are times when the physical vehicle is declared expired, and yet there is a re-animation even after a couple of days or more. There is a link between the indwelling spirit and the physical which must be broken before the physical vehicle is truly abandoned. But the consciousness of the individual may not be aware that the link is severed, depending upon the belief system of the individual. So you have a person who lingers, and when its own physical body is no longer available will attempt to capture a physical body belonging to someone else. When this is accomplished, either by influence or by the abandonment of a physical vehicle by another spirit, you may have POSSESSION or OBSESSION, and we will discuss these two conditions more thoroughly at another time. But right now the point I wish to make is that this individual having lost his physical body but still aware of his SUBTLE BODIES which look to him as his physical body did, continues to linger close to this matter realm and does not go through the CORRIDOR OF TRANSITION, and thus is not transitioned, but attempts to live in the material world without a material body. Now, the subtle bodies having energy are light emitting and thus can be seen under certain circumstances by those of you still in the material world who then say, "I have seen a GHOST."
To some degree the subtle bodies have connective energy and potentially can move certain materialities. If a disembodied individual finds an embodied individual functioning at similar or the same energy frequency, a great deal of materiality can be moved, and this is witnessed in POLTERGEIST. So I will leave you with these things to think about until next time.
I feel the energy very high in the room, and I think it is time for you to have your healing session. Are you agreed? (affirmative answers) Very well. Proceed to raise the physical energy by briskly rubbing your palms together and visualize the green and blue lights. .. Oh, you are coming along fine... That is good... Now bring in your loved ones... Now again rub your hands briskly together. Visualize the blue and green light, and turn your palms towards the center of the circle... Visualize your loved ones standing here in your midst being bathed in these healing energies... Now let the energies spread further, moving out away from this home, throughout the country, and indeed encircling the planet bringing healing to all those in need who are ready for it, and blessing those leaders of the nations who will accept this kind of help. Visualize this as strongly as you can so that the energy will impinge upon the consciousness of those in need so that they will accept...
And so it is done. Close your healing session by bringing your palms gently together and locking the healing within yourselves... And as you go forth. you take this healing with you. And because you become radiantly whole, you then bless others with whom you come in contact. And so I will bid you good night. Bless you all. Love from all of us. Good night.