1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. P8 2.
Session #15 – March 5, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Bonnie Wisz, Myra Perala, Larry and Eileen Horton, Ida Nevala, LaMar Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
S/T: Good evening. I am very pleased to be here with you this evening. Our ranks are somewhat thinned, are they not?
Response: Clista had to go out of town and the Whites are taking care of their grandchildren.
S/T: We understand that there has been some disturbance, some disgruntlement about some of the interpretations given on your last assignment. I would like to make some comments about those at this time. First you must be aware that the images brought to your minds come from your own higher selves, not from us as a band of teachers. Thus our function is to interpret them for you. As in any such case there is no demand upon you to heed what is said, for you are creatures of free will. We only wish to point out what your own mind is saying to you. We believe that there is a misunderstanding on the part of one of your members, inasmuch as the interpretations may have been too brief and succinct to be fully understood. For this we apologize, but we, too, are human and make mistakes. We will be happy to elaborate on any reading that may be subject to such discussion. And it would be best to get this out of the way first. If any of you have questions, therefore, please present them now insofar as the interpretations are concerned.
LaMar: I would like to have you go ahead with my interpretation after the last class in which the vegetation went up so high. Then the next time I went to meditate, the vegetation was very low, and I’m getting new symbols that I haven’t the faintest idea what to do with. If we have time for that, I would like very much to have an interpretation of what has followed through. The sides, instead of being so high, were two feet high, and as I looked over to my left, Jesus was on the cross. His head was hanging. And he was there every time I have meditated since that time. Then the following morning I got a beautiful blue lake, and I kept thinking, “He leads me beside the still waters.” Then the next time there was Jesus still on the cross, and behind him was this beautiful blue lake. Beyond that the ocean waves keep rolling and rolling and rolling like there was a beautiful beach there. On my right, and these were the last symbology to come in, was a very small but nice old fashioned house with a front porch and a railing around it. It’s painted red. It’s nicely landscaped. Then the rest of the entire right-hand side is a magnificent stand of timber.
S/T: As you have been given before, the pathway at first was bare of verdure, and you were told it is a barren path which you walk. Then the pathway appeared with very high, green foliage along the side showing that you are locked into a particular path at this time, which is your devotion to serving those who need healing. And this is perfectly in order for you. The fact that the sides now are no longer high shows that awareness of your personal need has reduced this dedication to some degree, which is also appropriate. The vision of the cross is that psychic image of your sacrifice, the willingness at this time to set aside personal needs in order to serve those who need you. The blue lake, of course, represents the emotional gratification derived from such service. The rolling sea beyond is the symbol of the psychic knowledge that you know time and tide does not wait, but goes on and on and on as your life also will go on and on. Thus you are under no command to change the pathway you have chosen until such time as your own consciousness dictates that you shall. The symbology of the little red house shows that in this life span you will again build a new life-style structure built more upon personal desire and personal need. This will transpire when you have fulfilled your dedication to the services which you are now so unselfishly giving. As has been pointed out before, you are all creatures of free will. The images provided to you come from your own mind and are the result of your own decisions and your own choices. Does this help clarify for you?
LaMar: Yes, very much, and I very much appreciate it. This is one of my biggest problems in this type of work. When I get in one of these meditations and I get another symbol each time, pretty soon it’s built up almost to where it’s maybe sometimes obviously at the end, but I don’t know what the symbols mean. So they just become a means of frustration to me. Also I think from what you said to start with that you have also answered another question because I have felt that my life was anything but barren up until I had that one meditation and that reading. After that it seemed like it actually felt in me to be living alone. I’m wondering if that was because my mind had been programmed to that, or if as you said, my higher conscious already knew it, but it hadn’t quite yet reached the conscious level until that time.
S/T: That is correct. Indeed, this is the service teachers are to render. We do not do your thinking for you, nor make your decisions, nor mold your lives. You do that for yourselves. We are merely guides and interpreters. Our sole purpose for being with you is to serve you, not to command you.
Owen: There was a question raised as to whether that was actually you that came through two weeks ago, or whether it was somebody else. As far as I was concerned, there wasn’t any doubt, but I wondered why the question had been raised. Maybe you are aware of this.
S/T: We are aware of what is transpiring. You can rest assured that it is I with whom you speak. As given earlier I promised that I would guard this channel. No one can have access to this channel except that I give permission. The instant that there comes a foreign influence, Gloria would be back instantaneously. We have set that program up.
Owen: Thank you. Myra: That makes us feel safer. Eileen: Silverthistle, how many are there in your group that are in this up there? Are they all with us each time we get together in our circle?
S/T: The band of teachers with whom I work numbers thirteen. With you? More or less. They are always with you in heart. We have our get togethers in which we discuss what is going forward, and your program is planned. This is not a haphazard enterprise. We take it very seriously.
Bonnie: Silverthistle, do you have other groups in other parts of the world that you teach.
S/T: I, myself am involved at this present time only with the groups in this locality through Gloria, and to some groups in Canada known as The Evergreens. There are others among the group to which I belong that are working with groups in other geographic locations, but if you will recall early on when you were asking personal questions about me, I told you that I was assigned to this northern continent.
Bonnie: I was just wondering whether it would be possible for us to contact other people in the world eventually to compare notes so to speak.
S/T: Any time that you would wish to seek them out, certainly. However, among The Evergreens I am not called Silverthistle. That is the name that I adopted to be with Gloria. You will find this to be true most of the time. It is rare that the same name for any guardian will be used for more than one gate.
Bonnie: Silverthistle, I had a wonderful tarot reading with Gloria this week, and we were talking about the possibility of having trance readings with you. I told her I would ask.
S/T: That is to come in the future. We are having quite a time with her, getting her settled down. We have been trying to get that message through to her for some time. It is essential that she pare down so that she can concentrate on the work at hand if we are to be successful in completely fulfilling our mission.
Eileen: I don’t know about the others, but sometimes I am a little concerned about the strain on Gloria if we get too many classes going. Is there a danger?
S/T: We will handle that. It will not be possible to have a group if we do not cooperate.
Myra: I’m wondering if you are aware that two weeks from tonight, we had decided not to have our group. Did you get that message?
S/T: Always I can tap into any information that concerns the group which I teach. Remember that it is the call that Gloria sends forth that enables me to come in. None of you are aware of the work she does before coming to these sessions. We are in communication as she meditates, and we prepare her physically for the session so that we do not deprive her of any vitality. Are you not regenerated and rejuvenated and refreshed after a vacation?
(Note from Gloria. No one told me about this non-meeting, and I showed up as did the Horton’s!)
Myra: We have a couple of questions referring to your comment, “If you do not heal that which is in this domain of the imperfected, then perfection will not be obtained and all will be lost.” (Review the homily “Ye are the salt of the earth.”)
S/T: It is possible to lose your attainment for yourself. Nothing gained is ever totally lost to the overall soul body, but the ego’s attempt to accomplish a particular goal can be defeated, and thus that particular span is for naught, and all is lost, but just all of that particular effort that is not completed. It is possible to lose all that’s attained in one single life span under certain conditions by making bad choices, setting your goals too high or too low or in the wrong direction.
Myra: Another question. What is our domain? We spent a lot of time discussing. Is it of our individual lives, or is there a limit to the domain?
S/T: You define your domain. You create your world. As a matter of fact, that is the subject of my homily for this night. Your domain is limited by your consciousness. You create out of your consciousness. You only create that which your consciousness allows you to.
Myra: Another question Owen brought up. What exercise could you recommend that would develop intuitive faculty?
S/T: That is not something I can give in a single dissertation. It would be well if you structured some classes in which you could learn these skills. But, of course, meditation is one step in this direction. I highly recommend. Very well, then. We shall move onward to my homily for tonight. It is given that “Ye are the light of the world.” And then your scripture goes on to give certain comments about what is done with a light. This has been interpreted many times to mean that if you believe in the Jesus Christ, then you are to spread the message and thus enlighten the world. The scripture goes on to say, “There is nothing hid that will not be manifested, nor any secret kept that shall not be known.” Going back to the oral tradition that preceded the printed word, the word for “light” is not a single word, but rather a phrase meaning that you make visible your world. As god brought into existence all that is through the light, the Sacred Fire, so do you create all that you know out of your own sacred fire. It is you who make your world visible. “There is nothing hid that shall not be made manifested” refers to the fact that all in your subconscious not known to you consciously will nevertheless be manifested as you create your world. “There is no secret kept that shall not be made known,” refers to all that is existent, all that has been created, shall become knowledge for you. You attain this knowledge through the creation of your world. It is not possible for you to hide your light under a bushel, or to put your candle under a bed, for your entire life is the candlestick upon which your life stands. Anyone with any perception can know your secrets for you live them outwardly day by day. I would remind you what you have been given about thought. What you think becomes a reality and has independent life. Thus, the world that you witness is an aggregation of all the thoughts man thinks. As you change your thought, so you will change your world. But you must go deeply, deeply into the inner mind. Know that all of your afflictions, all of your worries, anything negative, as well as all the positive is created out of your own mind. Certainly it is created at the direction of your higher mind, but the more that you meditate, the more you go inward, the more you make contact with your higher mind, the more surely you will develop your perfected domain, and thus retain all that you gain forever. Thus ends my homily for this night.
Judith: Good evening my blessed children. It brings me great pleasure to be with you. I do understand that you would have me stay longer, but you must know that the connection is somewhat difficult to achieve in that I must lower my rate of vibration in order that I may be successful in this contact. And if I over extend my stay, I can cause harm to my channel, and I would not. Thus I must deliver my message quickly and in brief. You have been given the Laws and now you are being given the Principles. Remember that we speak of the world of noumena. These laws and these principles exist in the nousphere, behind the scenes, so to speak. You have been given the Principle of the Sacred Flame and the Principle of Radiation and Truth, the Principle of Migration and the Principle of Differentiation. Tonight I bring you the Principle of Cohesion. This principle underlies the fact that your bodies hang together. Without this principle, there could be no “thing”. It is the Principle of Cohesion that allows manifestations in any reality, not just in the physical. It is one of the eternal mysteries that your scientists seek to resolve. It is not likely that they will find the answers to their questions at this time in the consciousness of man. Just know that the principle exists, even as you know that god exists. In all things the principle operates. It permits you to bring thoughts together. It permits you to grow new tissue, and to be healed. It is a basic principle that operates under the Law of Process. Thus it is that your body grows from small to large. It does not come into being as a completely grown-up thing. So it is with all of your worlds, all of your realities, everything is growing into its fullness at the right time and in the right place. All is in a state of evolution of the divine. The second principle I bring to you this night is the Principle of Revelation. Even as Silverthistle has already given you, as told to you in your scriptures, there is nothing that you will not come to know in time. Divinity reveals itself. Because of the Principle of Revelation you have the choice to aspire to that which you do not yet have. You can reach higher. You can reach outward. You can anticipate growth, because when you need to know something, it is revealed to you. Without the Principle of Revelation, consciousness would not expand. Without any of these principles, consciousness would not expand. All of the principles are equally important and when they have all been given to you, you will understand. Each is like a unit in a family. A family is not complete without all of its members. Your body is not complete without all of its parts. And so all the principles must work together. Give some time to consider the principles given, and when I return, I will give you more. And so for this time, I bless you, and I will see you again. Good night.
S/T: And there you have again heard from Judith. She is a superior lady, and as I promised earlier, you would come to know her. As time goes by, you will come to know her better and love her as we do. There are nine components in the divine cell, and there are nine laws, and there are nine principles... There are the seven laws of creation, but there are the two laws that preceded the creation. If you will recall, you were given after the laws of creation were given, you were told of the precedent Laws “I AM” and “I Will.” Now if you are ready, let us have our healing service. That’s good, build the energy. Now take your palms slightly apart and feel the energy as a ball resting between your palms. Roll that ball around until it becomes very large. And then throw that ball into the center of the room. By this time your awarenesses should be expanded to the degree that you can feel that energy as all the balls of energy meet together in the center of the room and form a whirling vortex of energy. Visualize your blue and green lights. Now that whirling ball of energy begins to throw out sparks. The blue and green lights grow brighter and brighter. And indeed the room lights up. Now into this beautifully lit room call your loved ones for healing. (names softly called) The energy is very high. As a matter of fact, I can feel the temperature of the channel’s body rising from the energy. Can you not feel it yourself? Let it permeate you. Let it heal you. Now, like a huge fireball, let that energy grow, grow and spread out, moving out into the countryside, moving out into the towns and into the cities, flowing across the surface of the entire globe, bringing healing and comfort to all it touches. Even as you visualize, your thoughts have the power to travel around your globe a number of times. As you visualize this healing energy going forth, be sure that your thoughts are thoughts of blessing. Know that they reach afar from you. Bless also the leaders of nations. Bless those that have the power to negotiate peace. Give also a mental blessing to all those you have named this night. Increase their potential for receiving healing. And now, also, each of you bless the others in this circle. Now give yourselves a special blessing for your very own self. And so it is done. You have built great power this night. You are very blessed.
Closed with singing Alleluia.
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