1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Tuesday Session #6 – January 18, 1982 Gloria’s Circle
(No record of those present other than Gloria Ruth with Silverthistle.)
(Opened with some singing.)
SILVERTHISTLE: Your efforts are appreciated, but perhaps it would be just as well if you played some kind of music on a machine.
RESPONSES: Right. Yes. We will do.
SILVERTHISTLE: (CIRCLE ATTUNEMENT) What is needed for me to come in on your vibrations is to have a meeting of mental energy and a connection of the sympathies of the heart. If you play inspirational music, that should bring you together better than this dissidence. So, how have you been in this interim which has lasted over too long.
STUDENT: Fine. I missed being here with you and the others.
SILVERTHISTLE: We have missed you too. Such a long in-between time distorts our message. Energy becomes interrupted and there are loose ends lying about. Who here can remember what was discussed last time besides myself?
STUDENT: You were talking about death, dying situation, birthing, heaven, hell.
SILVERTHISTLE: Do you remember the message of the dissertation so that we may pick the threads up?
STUDENT: There was something about some of the children who were born stillbirth did not have a spirit to claim them.
SILVERTHISTLE: That's right. Anything else?
STUDENT: What people believe in this sphere where we are, they will carry through when they transcend and beyond. Their faith and what they believe in will be what they encounter. (ST: Correct.) Each of us has a record we accumulate as we go along. It is individual with us. And also, through this record that we determine whether we will be reincarnated and when -- this type of thing along with the others.
SILVERTHISTLE: (ENTERING PHYSICAL LIFE) You have done quite well. We are proud of you. So let us then take up our subject and go forward. If you are to progress along a SPIRITUAL PATH, it is not for you to wait until death expecting that this miracle will then give you transcendence. In your decision to enter this physical life, you have chosen certain limitations which you are working to overcome. Along with that choice, of course you also bring advantages, resources, if you will, that enable you to accomplish your MISSION. These resources which you bring with you are those which you have accumulated in the record of which we spoke.
But you do not bring all that you have aggregated. There are choices made. You bring those which are appropriate to the MISSION which you have chosen. It is also true that you do not encounter inevitably all KARMIC DEBTS owed by you. Thus the life span needs to encompass the overcoming of these limitations without creating the necessity for other limitations which must then be worked out in some other life.
If you are to summon to your use all of the resources which you have to command, it is requisite that you do some searching of your inner being as you move through this lifetime. Now while you will in certain areas of your life experience heaven and in other areas experience hell, as you learn to investigate what you term the "spiritual side" of your life, you bring greater equality between these two extremes and thus not create additional limitations through which you must work at a later or other time. So it is imperative that you discover what your resources are with which to accomplish this task.
These resources then can be discovered through your activities called MEDITATION -- this process of mental activity turned inward. In the beginning stages one must learn to control the thought process.You begin by recognizing that the ETERNAL I is not the thought process but lies above, below, within, and without it. When you have learned to adequately concentrate, then you do have control over the thought processes and the "monkey mind" comes under your dominion. In this practice at first you will find that the MIND has VOLITION of its own, and you may only have seemingly insignificant moments of success at concentration. And then you will discover that time has passed, and you mind has entertained any number of different thoughts unrelated to your intentions.
But when you have conquered and tamed this mind, you can then direct it into deeper inner recesses by taking a moral and spiritual inventory of yourself. You then discover those resources at your command and thus have tools in which to carve a more effective life. As you work with these tools, they become sharper, and your skills more acute.
You have within yourself the capacity to CONTROL the material world. While you believe that in some instances you do indeed control this world, there is so much which you could do in this western world. You do not have the advancement that pertains in other areas of the earth planet which have existed for many, many centuries longer than the civilization which now exists here.However, among your number of citizens are many who have come from the Realm of ATLANTIS and thus are well versed in the skills of the ancients.
There is much knowledge available, if the pathway to its storage house can be found. Those among you who study ASTROLOGY and NUMEROLOGY are delving at the fringes, but at least they are moving in the correct direction. That is not to say everyone must become an astrologer or expert in any of the occult sciences for that matter. But it does mean that you should study the principles presented in occult works, for they then will lead you to those which lie within your own being and are resources which you have brought with you... I sense a question.
STUDENT: I was just thinking, looking at the pyramid, is there any way to get any power or other good out of it?
SILVERTHISTLE: Yes indeed, there most certainly is. Even if you are unaware of what is transpiring, the energy is being emitted and it does affect. Your thoughts are colored, your emotions are colored, and your very health is affected by the presence of PYRAMIDS. Of course, if you extend yourself to the study of what the pyramid represents and what its powers are, then you will benefit more greatly from its use.
STUDENT: Thank you. I'm glad I asked the question. You used the term "MONKEY MIND" just a moment ago. Could you explain the relationship of that term to us?
SILVERTHISTLE: That is a term to describe the indiscriminate thoughts that skip across the surface of your consciousness. You are aware that even as you read a book or do your work or do anything at which you think you are concentrating, there are peripheral thoughts that are entertained and do impinge upon your consciousness.
STUDENT: Thank you for clarifying that. I thought that is what you meant. There are many methods of MEDITATION. What do you suggest as one of the more effective ways to get started?
SILVERTHISTLE:Self discipline. You must decide that this is something imperative to your well-being and desirable above all else. You know that when you have a particular addiction for something, nothing else will take priority. But in your western world you tend to allow yourself to be diverted from your prayer time or from your meditation time by things that truly do not have that great a priority. If you are sincere about your search for the SPIRITUAL LIFE, you will make sure you allow yourself that bit of time each day in which to practice your technique. Sincerity is more important than intensity. Thus, if you really and truly desire the spiritual path, you will give yourselves at the minimum 10 to 15 minutes at least once a day in which to be still and know that "I AM".
If you examine yourself, you know there is an "I" somewhere that does the thinking, observes the thinking, (and) an "I" that stands behind MOTIVATION, behind the DESIRE, that all of theses things which you can name are external and extraneous to the existence of the ETERNAL "I". Then having given yourself the time in which to meditate, you will search for that observer.
You begin by observing yourself meditating. Then you observe or take note of the observer who is observing you meditating. And then you take note that there is still another behind that, and you detach yourself further and further and further away from the body and its concerns, away from the material life and its concerns, seeking always for that deep, still point within where there lies perfect equilibrium. And you will know when you find that place, for you find there the "PEACE that passeth all understanding". When you have found that center of stillness and peace, then you can begin that outward journey, taking an item at a time, concentrating that stillness upon an eternal principle such as LOVE until you understand inside and out what the principle truly is. Does that help you?
STUDENT: Yes. Yesterday on TV I heard a man who had been written up as one of the chapters in Ruth Montgomery's new book. He used a term I'm not familiar with, however I know what he meant. He was in an accident where something like a crane fell on his car and crushed it, and he, to all other people, came out of it OK -- it was his body. But he called it a "WALK IN" instead of an entity taking over his body. Everybody else remarked about the remarkable change in his character, and he now has started helping other people instead of ignoring all the ills of the world, so to speak. So evidently this is a higher entity. Isn't this true that most of these entities are not the higher ones when they enter a body that dies under circumstances like that?
SILVERTHISTLE: First of all, we need to examine what has happened. This is not another entity -- it simply is a higher and greater DIMENSION of the entity already indwelling. Inasmuch as very few people exercise more than one tenth of their potential, there is ninety percent then unknown to themselves or to anyone else. In situations of this nature trauma both to the body and, to quote, "to the spirit", unveil other dimensions of the same character. Thus one might say that the individual is a different person. And indeed he is a different PERSON, because the person is a role, is a portion of the SELF that faces outward at any particular time. But it is the same ENTITY, the same INDWELLING SOUL- BODY, the EGO is the same ego produced by the PARENT SOUL. There simply is more of the potentiality being actualized. This occasionally occurs through religious conversion. It does not always take physical trauma. It sometimes occurs from emotional trauma. And you have witnessed this many times in the reverse where trauma of some kind has caused an elevated consciousness to become a lesser person, a more negative self turned to the world. Does that help you?
STUDENT: Yes, but I've always thought that you have to be careful about letting other entities take over the body. That's where I got the idea that all of these entities that took over the bodies were not of the best.
SILVERTHISTLE: In the case of OBSESSION or POSSESSION indwelling, the entities may share the physical shell, but the indwelling entity is not entirely displaced. In the situation which you first described, it is being told that another entity entirely displaces the indwelling entity. And this is not the case.
STUDENT: It's been a question in my mind about our problems of today, our young people can be raised with the utmost care, and without warning we learn they are not the child we had thought they were. Now I have developed the thought -- I can be wrong -- but I have developed the thought: we must be constantly on guard to accept only those people who would be our friend. We can close the door to those we do not want, but these young people who do not know this are not aware of that concept. We know that in the spirit world there are people who are varied in their development as much as in the physical world. It is possible that an undesirable spirit would take advantage of this young person in their carelessness?
SILVERTHISTLE: Absolutely. This has been the warning for centuries. (S: Thank you.)
This is the basis for your biblical injunctions against soothsayers and others of such ilk. It is because, unless the consciousness is sufficiently developed in the right direction, the vulnerability makes them targets.The ASTRAL WORLD teems with entities that would divert the LIFE STREAM to their own end.
STUDENT: Your support encourages me. Thank you.
SILVERTHISTLE: You are most welcome.
STUDENT: What I was wondering is that you said in order to improve your spiritual search besides rigid meditation, we should seek the occult. What in particular would you suggest? Do you mean like a spiritualist church as an occult, or study of an eastern religion or something in that line?
SILVERTHISTLE: I suggest that you study the roots of your own CHRISTIANITY. Inasmuch as Christianity grew out of Judaism, there lies within the history of JEWRY, all the roots you need in your search for the understanding of the occult in your very own BIBLE, even distorted as the stories may be. The roots for understanding yourself as a spiritual being, the understanding that life on this planet is an illusion -- the study of the KABALA of the Hebrews clearly sets this forth for you. The teaching of JESUS in the New Testament also gives this very clearly, if one spends the time to investigate the truth and not the illusion of the interpretations.
STUDENT: Thank you. That simplifies it. That's a lot easier to do than seek out some eastern occult --
SILVERTHISTLE: The word "OCCULT" simply means that which is hidden, and your HOLY BIBLE is one of the most occult works now extant in your world.
STUDENT: Thank you. It's hard to meditate when you haven't got the slightest idea how you can block out all your thoughts. They just keep piling in on your brain. You don't know how to get rid of them, and still they keep sneaking in. Even if I tell them to go away, they are still sneaking in. I wish there was some sort of way to really get them out of my head, everybody's head, not just mine. I try to meditate and get no place. What else could I do to get some help? I need some help in quite a few ways. I'm not satisfied with my life I'm leading. What should I do?
SILVERTHISTLE: If you cannot control your THOUGHTS, you cannot have DOMINION over your material world. If you are unable to still the mind, I suggest that you choose some particular object upon which to fasten your attention. Immediately when you become aware that your mind is wandering away from that object, bring it back. Thus, I suggest that you choose as an object something that has deep emotional attachment for you. If a person is religious, there is some demeanor, some face, some figure, some name which represented deity, as in Christianity a picture of Jesus may be used. Fasten your gaze upon that picture, and do not allow your mind to roam among your financial problems, your aches and pains, or wondering what your neighbor is doing. When you have sufficiently controlled your thoughts to maintain your attention upon that picture for some minutes consecutively, you will find that your ability to control and direct your life will be enhanced. It is then that you can try to fulfill the instructions as previously given for meditative techniques.
STUDENT: Thank you very much. I'm surely going to try it and work and work and work. I'm still working on meditation.
Earlier you said people choose circumstances of their lives. Why would a person choose circumstances like life in Lebanon lately, as an example?
SILVERTHISTLE: (CHOOSING NEXT LIFE) When I used the word "choose", I regret that I led you to believe that the choice was made from an unlimited selection. What I meant to convey is that one chooses out of a limited array of choices. Thus you do not have unlimited FREE WILL. Your free will exists in creating those limitations. Thus, as you live your life, you are creating the number of choices or options which you may have. And when it comes time to review this life, you will also have the opportunity to review other lives and put together that which you wish to take into another one. So in effect you choose, but not from an unlimited set of options. Does that help?
STUDENT: Yes indeed it does. Thank you. May I ask for my own information about choosing? Referring to Lebanon, I know nothing about that part of the world except the horrors we read about. My thought is this: the person that chooses to return to Lebanon through reincarnation -- perhaps that person was a patriot, and he has one desire in life, to make his homeland as it should be, and it is his desire then to return and do his best toward that effort.
SILVERTHISTLE:That is quite true, but expand the thought into other realities. What is the feeling of patriotism? One reality may present the opportunity of love and faithfulness to a principle. Another reality may provide the opportunity of love and faithfulness to a country. Another reality may provide the opportunity of faith to another person. It may be only in this reality that the individual is in Lebanon. In other realities he may be attempting to fulfill his MISSION in another way.
STUDENT: Sunday we heard a speaker say that parents do not choose their children, but that children choose their parents.
SILVERTHISTLE: That is true. If you will re-read the dissertations given on the mechanical condition of the physical body and how the indwelling spirit claims it -- it was explained previously.
Very well. If you have no further questions, let us prepare ourselves for a healing service. Bring your palms together and rub briskly to generate physical energy. As you do this, visualize the blue and green evanescent light. ... Now, we have had complaints that one could not visualize the color. Then think the words to yourself, "I am producing blue and green evanescent energy". Repeat that over and over as you rub your hands together. While you are not producing something as competent as the visualization, you never-the-less are tuning in to the proper vibrations. .. That is well. .. Rest your hands and bring in your loved ones.
Now take three deep breaths. Slow and rhythmical. .. Good. .. Now again rub your palms together, and then turn them to the center of the circle, and look for the light emission from your hands. .. Thinking blue. Thinking green in clear sparkling color, and see the light come together in the center of the circle and form a rod as though coming out of the floor and moving upward. And as the energies of your loved ones whom you have called stand beneath this rod of healing energy, it opens at the top and spreads out like a fountain. ... Healing energy goes forth from you, through you from higher sources, and forms a beautiful blue and green fountain in the center of our circle. And the healing waters, the light from that fountain rains down upon the loved ones, and healing takes place. (end of tape)
(copied to disc 6/14/93 OPC)