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Tuesday Session #9 – March 1, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Nellie Yerex (hostess), Lillian Abel, Mr. & Mrs. D. K. Paul, Reta Mae Vogt, LaMar Bell, Lilianne Dawson, Sophie Schur, Gloria Ruth Rivers, with Silverthistle and Anna.
SILVERTHISTLE: The vibrations are much better tonight. You are much more of one mind and one heart this night. Does anyone wish to discuss anything in particular before we begin the evening's festivities?
D. K. PAUL: I don't know, Silverthistle, whether you would call this a fit subject at this time. Perhaps you are aware that there have been accounts of people under treatment for heart attack who claim to have left their bodies, who have looked down at their body and seen the doctors operating on it and trying to revive it, and some of them have mentioned going up through a dark tunnel and there perceiving or beholding a "spirit of light" as they called it. They know that this is not Jesus. They just say it is a radiant figure who has a great understanding of themselves and their life and their problems, and then asks them if they have anything to show. By this they understand their life. Now my question is: Who are these beings of light? Have you ever been one of them? Why do they do this?
SILVERTHISTLE: These BEINGS OF LIGHT are of that guidance echelon that has to do with moving on to further realms of development. Each individual in the physical manifestation belongs to a group at the head of which is such a being of light. To this being, one is accountable, and this is what is spoken of as JUDGEMENT DAY. Each individual must take an accounting of his accomplishments in each life span. This experience of which you speak is not uncommon and is most often experienced as a result of what you call "DEATH". However, under certain circumstances this may occur in the middle of a life, usually as a result of severe trauma to the physical body. However, this experience is also sometimes occurring as a result of emotional trauma, and occasionally during a spiritual ecstasy. This subject is to be discussed in greater depth by Judith at such time as it is appropriate in the series of her lectures. DKP: Thank you.
SOPHIE: Silverthistle, I saw the same program, and some, or one or two, said they didn't see any light -- it was just like a black tunnel. It was just emptiness, and they were kind of scared, because the tunnel just had no end, and it was all black, all dark. What is the cause of that?
SILVERTHISTLE: This is because the entity indwelling the physical did not dissociate from the physical body far enough to reach that realm or level of consciousness in which the superior being could be experienced in reality. There are levels of consciousness in which there are only darknesses as though spatial distances between planes. That is a poor description, but the best I can do with the words which you at this time understand.
RETA MAE: Silverthistle, may I ask on this level of consciousness you are talking about, the brighter the light the higher the level of consciousness? Is this what I understand?
SILVERTHISTLE: That would be true to some degree. You tend to get confused with your directional words.
RETA MAE: I'm referring to experiences we call the life- after-death type of thing where people have experienced this and then come back to the physical realm or sphere of living.
SILVERTHISTLE: That is exactly of which I spoke.
LAMAR: I was told the other day that when we put our WHITE LIGHTs around us -- our protection lights -- those lights remain there only so long as we are of a positive nature, that if we have a negative thought, that light will diminish and no longer be protection. Is that true?
SILVERTHISTLE: In effect it develops holes as though each thought were a pebble thrown through a screen. Sufficient negative thought then does deteriorate the screen. LAMAR: Thank you.
D. K.: Silverthistle, I have always been astonished in a session like this how quickly it is possible to get in touch with people who have passed on. I have been in seances where somebody would ask for a certain person, and within a moment or two that person would be there, or at least the voice claimed to be that person. How is this done? And I understand it is telepathy, but then it seems to me that if you think about a person and that person is in front of you, you must be bombarded all the time with people thinking about you. How do you retain your own PRIVACY?
SILVERTHISTLE: (COMMUNICATION WITH DEPARTED) By act of mentality. You, with your own mind, have the capacity to lock out of your awareness that which you do not wish to allow in. We have that capacity to a greater degree. Be advised that not all communicators are what they claim to be. D.K.: Thank you.
SOPHIE: Silverthistle, how can we prepare ourselves for the new transition if we're between living and dead? Can we do something to eliminate some agony, or can we make it better for us going over to the other sphere?
SILVERTHISTLE: DEATH is not an agony. BIRTH is the agony. A death is only one end of birth. When you die to this reality, you are born to another. As soon as you accept this truth, you no longer need to fear death. The agony of death lies in the fear of it.
SOPHIE: Thank you, Silverthistle.
RETA MAE: What message do you have for us tonight, Silverthistle?
SILVERTHISTLE: Tonight I bring you ANNA.
LILLIAN: Who is Anna?
SILVERTHISTLE: She will explain her purpose. I am like the warm-up act.
LILLIAN: Did you think our singing was fairly good this evening?
SILVERTHISTLE: A great improvement on times past, and much appreciated.
GENERAL RESPONSE (including): We have good help here today. Sure appreciate it.
D. K.: I'm always flattered, Silverthistle, to think that my singing is of such quality it sends a person into a trance. (general laughter)
SILVERTHISTLE: (CHANNELLING) The point of the SINGING is to unite the singers into a commonality of mind and heart. In that way it gives a single RAY for me to come in on. As Gloria takes her consciousness into another focus, I must have a focus in which to come in on. When the energies are scattered, then I cannot focus in on the group sufficiently to command this physical instrument. Until I can do that, Gloria cannot go very far away, for this physical body is her primary responsibility. She cannot abandon it until she is positive that it will be in good hands.
D.K.: Silverthistle, what about the messages of a personal nature? Do you ever do that? For example, I think of friends who have passed over. I think particularly of my father, that he would be pleased that I have this interest now in such matters, and I would like to send to him my regards, and, of course, to my mother. They were both very fine people. Would it be possible for you to convey that to them?
SILVERTHISTLE: I can put your message in the EXCHANGE. (TEMPLE TEACHERS) We are a teaching band and not primarily interested in being mediators between the physical and the non-physical realm. There are those CHANNELS who devote themselves to this activity, and that is proper for them so to do. Our purpose in contact in this channel is to teach, and we must conserve the precious time we have for that purpose for channels are too far between. D.K.: Thank you.
SILVERTHISTLE: Now, if you think you are properly warmed up, I shall retire. (General thank you's)
ANNA: Hello, my beloved brothers and sisters. (general hello's) Thank you for your hospitality. I would first introduce myself and explain my NAME. (SPEECH SOUNDS) The first syllable "AH" is the universal sound for the understanding of "I"-ness.The second letter "N" is a connector as your word "and" is a connector in your sentences. The latter two letters "NA" can be interpreted in two different ways, both of which are correct, the "N" being "not", and the "A" again "I". So you might say that my name means "I and not I". If the second "N" is to be used as a connector, then the name would be representative of "I and I", both of which are correct.
I have chosen this name because it means "grace", "graciousness" -- that state of accumulated knowledge and experience which spiritualizes the EGO and enlarges the SOUL. I come to you to teach you the ART OF GRACIOUS LIVING that you SPIRITUALIZE in your EGO and move toward the enlargement of your SOUL.
As has been given before, your soul, as you consider it, is simply a fragment of a larger SOUL BODY which has given birth to the EGO which in turn has produced you. The ego does this in order to experience this physical reality.
A dear friend of ours and a dear friend of some of you, known in her last physical embodiment as BETTY WHITE gave you a book called "THE UNOBSTRUCTED UNIVERSE". It is my obligation and duty to teach you to live in the OBSTRUCTED UNIVERSE in order that your sojourn in the unobstructed universe will serve a greater purpose, be more successful for you.
There, once upon a time, in your physical manifestation was a rogue named SHAKESPEARE, who aptly wrote, "To be or not to be, that is the question". Moment by moment you are making that choice -- to be or not to be -- to go forward with your mission, or to abdicate your throne.
You do have FREE WILL. This is not a conscious choice. Sometimes it may be. But we shall assume that each of you in this room is constantly making the choice to be. Thus, this evening we will talk about BEING and BECOMING.
Your first NEED as a newborn infant is to make your PLACE, and that need continues until you enter the CORRIDOR OF TRANSITION. The need itself continues in another aspect of your experience. But we are not discussing other realities. You come into this physical realm to experience OBSTRUCTION, RESISTANCES. We in our realm experience certain obstacles, certain resistances, but nothing to compare with those with which you must cope.
This (the physical) is a difficult realm in which to reside. You cannot walk in a straight path through a room without barking your shins upon tables or chairs or some other such obstruction. You cannot pursue your life pathway in a straight arrow-like manner without coming upon resistances. That need which you began to fulfill with your first breath continues to be met throughout the entire life span of your years. How you do this determines the amount of GRACIOUSNESS you develop.
Now remember, I do not speak of the graciousness of a hospitable hostess. That is valid, of course, but I am speaking of the accumulation of experience which spiritualizes the EGO and enlarges the SOUL. Keep that premise firmly in mind. When an infant comes into a family, there is not room -- all the room is taken. Room must be made, then, for the new infant. Sometimes the room is made joyously and generously by the family, and sometimes too generously -- the child is over-filled with attention. And then there are the families in which there was insufficient food to begin with, and now a new mouth to fill. How do you make your demands? And what is the price that you pay for what you get? And with what attitudes do you pay the price as you struggle to make a place for yourself, to carve it out in the proper dimensions to fill your needs, to mold it and shape it so that it is comfortable? How do you go about this successfully? You must take into consideration the need for place of all the others in the FAMILY, and later on in your social sphere, in your business sphere, and in your spiritual life.
You meet with RESISTANCES all along the way. These resistances teach you what your LIMITATIONS may be. They challenge you to prove that these limitations are not so. With every obstacle overcome, you discover greater resources within yourself, you become a bigger person having more to SHARE.
Now that is an interesting word. It is a word often misused in your current society. One person will say to another, "I want to share this with you", and actually is using that as an excuse to load you with their problems. Very often what is being shared is negative. How then do you retain and maintain your SPACE, your rightful place? Do you have to give up your comfort, your serenity, your equilibrium? Not if you are on the spiritual path. You may listen, you may even empathize, you may give comfort. But when you sympathize, you increase the negativity. Be aware that SYMPATHY is very often a detrimental thing rather than beneficial.
All your lives you struggle to attain a balance, a point of equilibrium, and indeed in your physical condition you are struggling for the unattainable. But you must not give up. That is the PURPOSE. In your physical condition there is no static condition. You cannot achieve a point of perfect equilibrium, but that is your goal, a goal which you must not lose sight of.You must learn the limits of your responsibility.
In your struggle to be, to make a place for yourself, you cannot carve out, mold, or shape in any way the space for someone else. PARENTS make the mistake of trying to do this for their children. They do not want to suffer pain. But only through meeting the resistances does one learn how to go around them, or over them, or to dissolve them.
In your realm you make commitments to other people. You make promises. How much is it incumbent upon you to keep the PROMISES that you make? I come to tell you that every promise made must be kept. If it is not kept in this short span of years, it will be kept in another span of physical years, or in some other reality. VOWS cannot be broken, they can only be abrogated for a while. So, as you make your space, as you work for your place, do not make false promises.
You do not have to accept false promises either. It is not up to you to decide if another's promise is false. If someone takes something from you with a promise to pay and then does not make payment, you can rest assured that payment will be made at some place, at some time, in some condition. Thus you do yourselves harm if you hold harmful thoughts about broken promises on the part of another. Release that one who has not kept his promise. Know that that promise will be kept at some other time.
As you struggle to acquire the necessary tools with which to work your way through this obstructed universe, be aware that you cannot take that which does not belong to you. You may in actuality seem to have acquired possession of something which belongs to someone else, but believe me, you will pay for it in one way or another. This is not limited to personal possessions or money or other material things. It also includes emotions, ideas, thoughts, love, fears -- anything that you can name, this principle applies.
Be yourself -- the most truly that you understand yourself to be. Do not pretend to be other than you are. And do not fear to make a mistake. As you work your way along your path, if you are aware that everyone is doing what his level of consciousness permits him to do, you can better then tend to making your own place and not be poking your fingers into someone else's place.
The LAW OF RETRIBUTION is strict, and as you leave the physical realm and you come into a non-physical realm, you will find that law as everlasting. It is not for you to make decisions for another, to usurp their responsibility for themselves. Each individual, moment by moment, makes his own decision to be or not to be. And the QUALITY and the QUANTITY of that beingness is determined by the individual himself. You may offer advice, but if you take action to enforce your advice, you are then stepping over your limit of responsibility and thus setting yourself up to reap something you wish you had not sown. It is the responsibility of the other person to not allow you to do that. It is the individual's responsibility to do it for himself.
Now that does not mean that you are not to LOVE, for that is the FIRST LAW. But loving is to hold with an open hand. When you close the hand, you become grasping and clutching, and you lose that level of GRACE and have to struggle back again. So be open. Love with openness. Allow the other person to be his very own self, whether or not it appears to be his best self in your judgment. Each person accounts for his own life, not the life of another.
You are obliged to SHARE, but if you are to attain SPIRITUALIZATION, you are to live in the art of graciousness -- you must share the best you have to share.
If you entertain NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, do not give them to your NEIGHBOR. Love your neighbor with positive thoughts. If you have not kind words to say, say nothing. It is better to smile.
As an infant comes into a FAMILY and makes its own place, develops its own individuality, sets its goals and works towards those goals, the family unit takes on another aspect, and to the degree that the newcomer contributes, there is a raise in the level of consciousness of the family unit. This is true at all levels of understanding. This is true in your spiritual family. As you strive to live the gracious life, you raise the level of function of the spiritual family to which you belong.
As you work to be yourself and focus your attention upon that alone, you then develop the TOLERANCE for those who appear to be imperfect, for they are doing the best their consciousness permits.
Now as you move physically through your physical realm, you learn that certain things are painful, such as hot stoves burn, or barking your shin against a table hurts. You learn not to do this. As you work your way along the emotional path, (tape change)…
… (If you believe that) it is the individual to which you are giving your LOVE that is in error, that your love is rejected because of the nature of the individual to whom you wish to give it, this is in error. The love that leads to the gracious life is the love that is given with open-handedness, with no strings attached, with no expectations of return or reward. With the human physical ego this is very difficult. You feel inadequate, put down, unrewarded. Love should be its own reward. And as you love with this open-hearted manner, you truly share your real self, and spiritualize the ego, and enlarge the soul.
This will be the lesson for this time. I hope that you will think on the things that have been given. Our next lesson will be on security and possessions. As you contemplate the words given this night, questions will come to your mind. If you will record them so that you may bring them to the next session, we will discuss them. And so, beloved friends, I will bid you good night, and bless you all. (General "good nights" and "thank you's")
SILVERTHISTLE: Hello again. (responses) I thought that you would appreciate Anna. And now if you are ready, we will have our meditation and go into our healing.
MEDITATION: (CHANGING TENSION TO LOVE) Let us begin with three deep breaths. ... And now focus your attention at the center of the crown of your head. At that focal point draw all the tension up your body to that point. Feel it coming up out of your feet and legs, your hands and arms, all the way up through your body, and wrap it into a tight ball of tension at the crown of your head. As you draw this tension out of your body, all of your muscles relax and your body is at ease.
Now bless that ball of tension energy and let it flower and blossom and spread away from you above your head. And as you bless it, it becomes the energy of love instead of the energy of tension. And it illuminates the entire room, for you now all look like candles.
And now release that energy and turn the focus of your attention into your heart area. Become aware of the beating of your heart .. slow, rhythmical .. dependable. ...
And now together chant the word "LOVE" three times similar to saying the Ah Oo Mm. (group responds) Now feel the expansion in your chest. Feel the freedom that that loving energy gives you. Now go into the center of that expanded area, into the place of "I AM". Feel yourself at the very core of this expanded love energy. Revel in the warmth, in the delight, in the joy of being surrounded by pure love.
And now this feeling grows, and you feel that you must let it out. Again chant "LOVE" and let it expand. Let if fill this entire room. (group responds) Now enjoy the blessing of love which has expanded to you from others as yours has expanded to them. Breathe it in ... Soak it in, ...
Now in this highly elevated consciousness of love, in this light-filled room there is the healing power. Call those in whom you love. (group responds) Now again chant "LOVE". And let the energy permeate your loved ones, yourselves, and overflow this room sending the energy out around the world. (group responds) Now celebrate the healing with the "Alleluia" (group sings)
Now rest in the beneficent healing energy for a moment or two. ... Now again feel that warmth of love as a kernel within your breast. Place your palms on your breast and then bring the palms together to lock the healing energy. And so it is done. You are greatly blest. Don't you feel the elevation of spirit? (responses) This room is lit up like your Christmas tree. And the glow extends into other realms and is received in other realities. It is so beautiful I am reluctant to leave you. I think it is time, however, that I retire, and that you share some of this with Gloria, and keep it going throughout your social time to follow. Good night and God bless. (General "Good night's")