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Tuesday Session #13 – May 17, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Nellie Yerex (hostess), Bill Teppola, Karl Lofquist, Reta Mae Vogt, Peggy Muldoon, LaMar Bell, Lilianne Dawson, Sophie Schur, Gloria Ruth Rivers, with Scribe.
SCRIBE: That is splendid to hear. It makes us deeply happy to know that you are all in a positive attitude. And this is the basis of my message this night. Since we shall not be together again for a short while, I come to you tonight to bring you a message -- a message of hope and inspiration and instruction.
The way of the CREATOR is beautiful. We are given life, and we are given a medium through which to express that life. And then we are given something more precious -- the DESIRE that enables us to increase our QUALITY -- to become greater than we seem to be. The highest manifestation of desire is the aspiration to be enlightened, to find one's way back to the light from which we spring. You have been given a beautiful world to experience, to love, to cherish. Unfortunately, because the physical clothes the spiritual with such density, many in your condition fail to appreciate this marvelous opportunity which you have been given. We on our side of the veil desire also to be enlightened, to find our way along the path.
Another great gift which both those of you in your realm and those of us here often fail to appreciate is that gift of multitudinous CHOICES among ways in which to serve our fellow human beings. The INNER LIGHT that radiates from the self-realized heart gives us that energy that enables then to serve our lesser brethren. One such light gives us greater power than any number of psalm- sayer's activities. If we approach a CHURCH in your realm, we are most often repelled by the miasma of hypocrisy, of egotism, of self-defeating arrogance, pomposity, and piety. It is in groups like this where earnest seekers of the truth join together to lend their energy to one another and to us that we can take advantage of that loving energy and serve the multitude who throng the coast of our realm, having come from your realm through disaster, through catastrophe, through despair.
When one leaves your realm and enters ours, he cannot be useful to himself or to our work until he becomes aware, until he becomes SELF-REALIZED. (SPIRIT PHYSICAL LIFE, AID TO TRANSITIONED). Thus many of us who would rather work in the teaching realm, coming to you as I come to you this night, are required to serve those poor lost and despairing souls, nurturing them back to health, to a wealth of self-understanding in order that they may again place their feet on the path. It does not take intellectuality nor does it take education nor any of the outer world accoutrements which so many in your realm pursue vigorously.
It takes the simple act of turning within, the simplicity of desire to make contact with DIVINE MIND. A moment is without limit -- it is elastic, it has no duration. It is not the quantity of effort expended, it is the quality.One flash of intense yearning for connection gives us more power than endless hours of meditation, of chanting, or of physical practices. As you in your heart give us these intense moments, you empower us to break through the dense cloud of negativity that surrounds your realm and touch the heart of those who are otherwise lost on their way.
(TEMPLE ASSISTANCE) We watch over you. We want to help you. And every opportunity that is granted to us, we snatch with almost greed. You see, we are also benefitting ourselves. Every little flash of response that we can stimulate in a darkened heart empowers us to take another step along our own pathway towards our own enlightenment. The rewards are great. We in our realm can see those rewards so much more clearly than you in your realm can. We have a perspective of DISTANCE, a perspective which you might relate to TIME, which you do not have. You see your lives in a short span of years having forgotten the lives before, unable to see the lives before you. But we, we can see some of our past lives, some of our future lives. Thus we count the cost more dearly than do you. It also makes us more desirous of assisting you on your pathway. The greatest SERVICE you can give to your Creator is to serve another of your own kind. In order to do this effectively, you need contact with our realm. And that contact is available to you moment by moment, hour by hour. You have but to turn to us.
Now it may not at first seem that you have made contact, but as you watch the events of your life, as you watch your unfolding consciousness, you become aware of the fingerprint of our realm.
My instruction for you tonight is that you set aside at least two times daily to turn your attention inward, to intensify your desire to make CONTACT (WITH TEACHERS). As you turn to GOD, so you turn to us. (TEMPLE TEACHERS) We are not God, but we are a level of consciousness between your level and the DIVINE. There are levels of consciousness between our level and the Divine. We are as steps on a ladder.
As you choose your times of day in which you will look for contact, give thought to making one of those times the last thing you do at night before you go to sleep. If you will spend but a few moments, or only one moment, turning your attention to things of the spirit, perhaps simply saying, if you must put it into words, "I love you, my God, I love you". You will find that your sleep is more peaceful and more refreshing, for in so doing you make a PATHWAY OF LIGHT for us to come to you.
As you have been instructed, when the consciousness of your physical body goes to SLEEP, other SUBTLE BODIES go about their business of in-taking COSMIC FIRE, of promoting the HEALING process, of discharging the day's tensions and anxieties.
There are also parts of you that go to specific places for instruction, for inspiration, and for loving companionship. There are some of us who have the duty, if that is the proper word, of playing with you while you are asleep.
One of the things that you in your realm do to yourselves is to deny yourselves the joy of PLAYING. You leave childhood and take great pride in becoming adults, leaving behind you the things of childhood. And yet your own Master JESUS told you, "Suffer little children to come unto me". If you are to be healthy, you must have joyous playtime. When you do not allow this for yourself, then we come to you as we can, as intently as we can, and we play with you. We coax you into games, we make you laugh, we tease and tell you stories. And sometimes to our great delight, there comes from your realm one who brings us such joy, such carefreeness that adds to our power, that lifts our spirits.
The second time in the day that we would prefer you to choose is on first arising in the morning. If you have turned to God in that last moment, that last elastic enduring moment before you sleep, you will awaken refreshed and eager and joyous for the coming day. If immediately upon awakening you again turn your attention for just that one elastic moment to God, you enable us to assist through your day. You enable us to keep your AURAS energized, to keep your spirits lifted, to help you keep that positive attitude. (ENERGY TRANSFER, EFFECT ON OTHERS) As you do this you will find that even those who come into your aura distressed, angry, impertinent, hostile, or ill are changed. They are transformed by the very energy field which you wear. In this way you give a service that is of untold value to these people whom you contact. They may not realize where, how, or when something happens, but they will know that something happens, and their lives will be better. And our activity of making contact with these darkened hearts is greatly enhanced.
MANKIND as a whole on your planet is coming into an era when there will be big things, great things. And man must enlarge his consciousness. Enlarge, I say Enlarge! Grow! Expand! Give of yourself. Allow yourselves to be all that you can be, and thus help us to help those who find it difficult to be any part of what they can be. And so I encourage you morning and night to climb that inner mountain. As Moses sought God on the highest mountain, go to that highest inner altar and seek your God with love, with trust, with faith, and all these things will be given back to you. Your cup will not only be full, it will be shaken down and running over, and all of your life will be joyous.
Now know that in these coming weeks, although we will not be with you through the Channel, we will be with you. Our connection with you is not severed because the Channel is not present. We will be with you whenever you turn inward and go to that altar.
And now I am going to ask you to do me a favor. There is in the speaking of one's NAME, the expressing of one's personal nature. It establishes a psychic link that is very, very tough to break. It is my aspiration that I shall graduate out of being SCRIBE, and be admitted to the teaching staff of our Temple. I have worked very hard toward this goal, and you have given me the opportunity to realize some of that goal. And so I would ask you to establish this link with me personally. Would you do that for me?
LAMAR: My name is LaMar Bell. I just want to express again my gratitude and to tell you that the members of this class and the Saturday night class feel that you have done a very, very beautiful job in your lectures and answering our questions. We love you very much.
SOPHIE: I want to say "Thank you", and I'm really benefitting very, very much.
PEGGY: I'm Peggy Muldoon, and I've been very grateful to have learned about this group, and I'm deeply indebted. Who do I call for?
SCRIBE: I am the Scribe.
PEGGY: I have been surrounding myself with the pure white light and with Divine Order. Is that almost the same?
SCRIBE: That is turning to God. Yes.
PEGGY: Thank you. I do appreciate you and I love you too.
SCRIBE: Thank you. Ask also for a blessing. You may call upon the other TEACHERS who have visited you. While they may not be able to spend much energy in that direction as they are also busy with other things, they will come in that moment, that one ELASTIC MOMENT of which I spoke.
KARL: My name is Karl, and I want to express my appreciation for a most understandable session that you produced tonight. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
RETA MAE: I'm Reta Mae, and I want to express my thanks to you and the others that have talked to us. I've enjoyed it very much. I have grown a great deal through this experience, and we love you very, very much.
BILL: My name is Bill Teppola, and strangely enough I've been thinking about you every day since the last time we were together. A little later on this evening I would like to ask a question. You come out so lovingly and so kindly, such an unusual answering ability and explanation. I certainly will be in contact with you in the manner in which you have instructed us.
LILIANNE: I'm Lilianne Dawson, and I want to thank you for your lectures which I think are beautiful. I am still deeply immersed in the last session. Thank you for your timely effort. When you go on, will you be given a name?
SCRIBE: I have a name, but I may take another.
NELLIE: I'm Nellie Yerex, and with your guidance, understanding, and comforting delivery we can understand so much better than we could from a printed page, I want you to know that life is comforting, life is happy, and I feel progress. And I thank you greatly.
SCRIBE: I thank you all so much for establishing these links with me. Now I do believe that we have some time for questions, answers, dialogue, whatever would be your wish before we close.
LAMAR: When we ask for help, for instance for physical healing -- when we ask for help from the spirit world, could you give me some idea how this comes about, if they program our subconscious, if they send us energy, if they put us in tune with God, or just what is the process that enables them to help us?
SCRIBE: (HEALING, SPIRIT HELP) You have rather expressed already some of the ways in which we are able to help you. In our TEMPLE we have not only teaching staff, we also have medical staff. You might consider the Temple as something of a university in which all facets of life are covered. We are many, many, many.
When you turn inward, as I spoke, and you go to the highest center in yourself that you can find, and you ask for help, you open the pathway. It's as though your thought establishes a RAY OF ENERGY which serves as a pathway. And that medically expert person who can best serve you is then enabled to come into you. Now that might be done by a process which I cannot describe to you as it takes place in our realm. But it is an energizing sort of thing where the doctor sends energy, actual physical energy of the sort that your body utilizes constantly and recharges those centers that for some reason or other have gone flat like a battery.
There are other times when the doctor will work on the SUBTLE BODY even as a chiropractor manipulates your dense physical body. The SPIRIT DOCTOR can manipulate some of your subtle bodies. For instance, if you have a spinal dislocation, the manipulation of one of the subtle bodies can then, during some of your active time such as bending over, sitting in a chair, or merely turning over in bed, will bring about the readjustment of that spinal area which is in trouble.
There are times when the medical people actually take what I must call for now SPIRIT SUBSTANCE and create cells, putting them into your body onto the organs that are diseased, almost as simply as a kindergarten child glues pieces of paper on a board. There is a substance that might be called "glue" which holds your cells together. Utilizing this substance and the substance of which cells are made, spirit doctors can manufacture any soft tissue organ, or for that matter, bony tissue that is necessary. Thus spirit can repair teeth, restore hair, mend a damaged liver, or mend a broken bone. I could go on considerably, but perhaps it would be best if someone else were allowed to ask a question. Does that satisfy you?
LAMAR: Yes. This is just wonderful. Thank you very much. A question that I might ask that would take just a "yes" or "no": When we are asking, should we specify that we would like to have a specialist in whatever it is that we want healed?
SCRIBE: That's not necessary.
STUDENT: Is it asking too much if we have times of the day when we need your help to ask you to be with us or to go with us to where we have to go?
SCRIBE:You may do that moment by moment, hour by hour. And the more you do it in your waking consciousness, the greater will be your spiritual growth in this life span. (STU: Thank you.)
BILL: Scribe, in your earlier lecture to us, you mentioned that when we work with other people and we feel that we know (what) should be done, it's sometimes very difficult, and for me it's almost dangerous to approach someone who is living a little different kind of life. And they don't understand what we do, but we know what would help them if we would dare to approach them. Am I making myself clear?
SCRIBE: (HELPING OTHERS) You are perfectly clear. First of all, although it may appear to you that you know what would help another, I must say to you that that is not so. You in that instant make a judgement. Your best help is to accept that person where he is, how he is, when he is, and offer love. That person only can change himself. But as you hold that person in your heart with love, you make it possible for those of us from our realm who are directly responsible for that individual to touch him. And so you serve him indirectly.
When one wants to give help to another in his own realm, there is very often the ego need for that help to be recognized. In this way the help is abrogated (nullified).The truest help and assistance that can be rendered is that which you give in secret. You offer mentally -- say the person's name in your mind, and then follow that with "I offer you love". If that person is able to accept that and does accept it, he becomes a changed person from within.
But this is at the basis of your instruction: Ask and you shall receive. You cannot give anything to someone who does not want it. Thus, in what you call the psychic world where people are rendering services of a psychic nature so-called, they overstep the limit of their responsibility. They butt into other peoples' lives and thus act detrimentally to their own spiritual growth. Does that answer your question?
BILL: Thank you very much. That answers beautifully, and I can accept it because it is the way I would really like to have it. That's the way I'll do it. Thank you again.
RETA MAE: May I ask a question? In reference to helping someone, loving them is basically what we're doing. We love them and everything, and then we let go. Right?
SCRIBE: Absolutely.
STUDENT: In reading about parallel lives I understand the process but wonder, is there a number of incarnations before the whole system goes back to Source, or is that a permanent thing? At what point does the entire system, so to speak, return to Source? If one life is lived in Atlantis at the same time another life is lived in another century, and they are all from one soul, don't they have to return to Source ultimately?
SCRIBE: I see what you're asking. Yes, the EGO (EGO DEVELOPMENT) which has been produced by the SOUL BODY to pursue a certain course of action for development through a number of INCARNATIONS ultimately returns to the soul body when the mission has been completed. The Divine Plan is already established. The number of lives it may take a particular EGO to accomplish the plan may vary. That is not predetermined. Does that answer your question?
STUDENT: The question really is: At what point does it return to Source?
SCRIBE: When the plan has been fulfilled for that particular EGO and its MISSION. There is a certain degree of experiential growth required to complete a planned number of lives -- that is inadequate -- let's try again. When an individual in your realm enters an institution of learning, he usually has a plan, an ultimate goal. To reach that goal he is required to learn or master certain subjects.This may take him two years of your time, four years, 6, 8, 10 -- the number of years, the number of classes, the number of hours spent mastering the subject varies according to the individual, according to his capacities to concentrate, to learn, to remember, to adapt, to accomplish the goal. And when he has done this, he may leave the institution of learning and go into another arena of activity. So it is when the soul body sends an ego out to experience the REALM OF INCARNATION. There is a goal established, a plan of action. Whether it takes that ego two lifetimes or ten lifetimes or 10,000 lifetimes, he cannot leave the plan and go into another realm of activity until the plan is fulfilled, as your student in school. Does that help?
STUDENT: That helps. I'll contemplate that until we return.
STUDENT: Scribe, I would like to know, is there a firstborn before any of the incarnations, before anything that there is a first?
SCRIBE: In this reality there is always a first.
STUDENT: The first life, then reincarnated, then coming back and back till you learn what you're supposed to learn. But I was wondering if there is always a first one time to be born in this realm.
SCRIBE: There are many that have never been in this realm - - beyond your comprehension.
STUDENT: How does anybody know from our realm if they are reincarnated or not? Do they know if it is the first time or the second or third time?
SCRIBE: There are some means by which this can be ascertained. Inasmuch as your planet has been in existence for such a long time, there are few new lives coming into this realm.
LAMAR: Would it be unlikely that anyone who was in the first few would be in a class like this?
SCRIBE: You would not find such in a class as this. STUDENT: Scribe, how do you figure, or how do you take it when a person says they do not believe in God, but they believe in Nature. They are also a good person. They take care of anybody that comes to them if they see any body they can help. But their terminology -- is it just a little bit of terminology interference or understanding?
SCRIBE: GOD is NATURE. Each worships God as he sees God.
STUDENT: That's his way of saying he believes in God, then.
SCRIBE: That is correct.
NELLIE: I haven't a specific question to ask, but it is a privilege to sit and listen and learn. I feel like a child in school. I don't know what my teacher is going to try to teach me tomorrow, but whatever the lesson is, I will try to get an A in it.
SCRIBE: You have the right approach.
NELLIE: Throughout my lifetime I have been well cared for, not with luxury, but with everything I've needed. I appreciate that. And when problems arise, it's with spiritual guidance I've been able to surmount them, every one.
SCRIBE: You are an inspiration.
STUDENT: She sure is.
NELLIE: I have constant appreciation for the health that is given me.
SCRIBE: (MEDITATION) And now, if you would, let us have a few moments of healing meditation. While it is our desire to serve others, let us first serve ourselves -- to put ourselves in that condition in which our service to others can be more effective.
Imagine, if you will, being seated at the very heart of a lily. See the beautiful petals rising around you, lofting perfume for your enjoyment, shielding you from the elements of wind and rain, but open at the top so that the warmth of the sun keeps you cozy.
Then peek out from your nest between the petals that surround you and see all the other lilies of the field in which are nestled others. And know that while you are cozy and warm and protected, you are not alone.
Now, as the lily draws sustenance through its roots, it brings back energy up through its stem, and you are able to absorb it into every cell of your body. You are nourished. And with that gracious nourishment the very consciousness of each cell sings with pure joy. And you know that you are whole, you are perfect, you are complete.
Now from this safe, secure, nurturing place, let that singing joy rise from you, and the more it rises out of you, the more there is to rise. And the air is filled with joyous healing sounds, and you breathe it in deeply and circulate that joyous sound in and out. And the more you breathe in and the more you breathe out, the more joyous sound issues forth. And it becomes a hymn of peace. And in this way you broadcast peace, and any and all who seek for peace of mind, who seek for health of body may breathe in that joyous sound and be restored.
Now, with the power of your HIGHER SPIRITUAL SELF, direct that joyous, living, healing sound to anyone for whom you have concern. If that person is ready to accept peace, accept healing, accept wholeness, accept perfection, it is all there for him. You broadcast it freely, lovingly, and you are thrilled by the very act. Now, know that this joyous sound is propelled throughout the world of your planet by the power of your loving thought. It becomes available to anyone everywhere. And it rises as a paeon of praise to Divinity itself. And the realms of the angels and the archangels join in the holy song, and you are lifted to dwell with them for a short time.
But that rarefied atmosphere does not support you well, and you must return to your own realm. But as you do, the joyous sound remains in your heart, remains in the very consciousness of your cells. And your body sings with health and balance, purity, and wholeness. And you go forth from this place in blessedness.
And now I am going to grasp some of those beauteous notes and return to my own realm. I have enjoyed being with you this night. Know that I love you, that we all love you. You are a part of us, and we are a part of you. And I look forward to that time when we will be joined as we are at this moment. Go with God in peace and blessing. Good night.
(Many thankful voices followed singing "Let there be peace on Earth".