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Session #17 – May 7, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Richard and Mary White, Bonnie Wisz, Myra Perala, Larry and Eileen Horton, Ida Nevala, LaMar Bell, Mary Silviera, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
Scribe: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to be with you this evening. You have not met me before, but I have come through this channel to another group. Perhaps I had best explain to you my presence here and to assure you that I have a right to be here. Silverthistle has gone about some other duties and is no longer able to be with you at this time. But inasmuch as this channel has been dedicated to our temple of service, this gives us access, with Silverthistle’s permission, to use this channel. I am the Scribe of your Temple. I am the historian. I keep the records, not only of great events, but also records of the little events. Inasmuch as this meeting is to be your last one for a while, I come to you with a message of inspiration and hope and instruction. We come to you from higher dimensions, from higher realms. We look upon you as our children, our beloved, our most precious hope for the future of mankind. In each of your thoughts, no matter how minute, that we find one slight glimmer of aspiration, of love, of generosity, of kindness, gives us power and strength to protect and guide and to lead you. Because you live in a dense world covered by a miasma of negative thoughts and negative feelings, it is difficult for us to get through. We await your invitation almost greedily. We would come to you at the slightest opportunity, for it is our burden to guide, and direct, and assist mankind over the threshold into the new era. Every thought you have that gives kindness and consideration and love to another advances man’s future into the new realm. Each thought enables the next person who makes transition to do so more easily. In these times in man’s consciousness where there are so many making transition through hardship, through terror, through adverse circumstances, some by their own hand, brings multitudes to us who must be nurtured back to health and sound mind. Until this can happen, people who have made the transition from your world to ours cannot begin to function in a positive way in this realm. Thus many who would be teachers and guides for you must be called to the field of nursing. Much energy is given to bring these confused, lost, despairing souls into the understanding of the light. As you study here in your world of physical manifestation, as you raise the level of your consciousness to dimly perceive these realms of ours, if you touch our realm for only a moment, your life never descends to the point at which it was before that event. In the coming time of chaos, of war, of revolution, of geological changes, many of you and many of your loved ones are going to suffer a great deal in the physical realm. As you prepare yourselves to enter our realm, you will withstand those hardships much more easily. And as you prepare yourselves, so you prepare your entire condition which manifests in what you call life. Masters from the highest realms come as close to your world as they can. It is only on those rays of light which you emit through your soul thoughts can the masters come to you. Most of the time they can only come through intermediaries such as myself and this channel. The miasma of hate and fear and negative thoughts that encompass your planet stand as a barrier. It becomes very painful for those of us in these finer realms to condense ourselves sufficiently to enter your realm. But there are those of us who are willing to make that sacrifice, and we enter your realm manifest as flesh and blood even as you are. We only stay a short time, for it is not possible for us to dwell in your realm unless we choose to reincarnate for an entire lifetime. But when we have taken upon ourselves an obligation to teach or to nurture, to guide from this realm, then that must be our life, and we can enter your realm only for short periods of time. Be that as it may, you have the capacity, you have the key in you, to enter our realm much more easily than we to enter yours. These are my instructions for you this evening on how to do this. You can only use these keys in moments of silence, in quietness, in peace, in calm and serenity. You must develop tranquility of soul. You must be at peace within yourselves. You must, for your own sake, set aside two periods each day. First thing in the morning upon arising, give us the opportunity commune with you. At that moment upon awakening you are most porous. You have spent a period of time in rest. The physical body has been unconscious and thus has not been a worry to you. In those moments of lucidity, as early as possible upon arising, (do this). Do not simply petition, but demand. When Jesus taught to knock and you would be answered, he meant to knock vigorously. Your prayers are such weak things. You beg and you plead and you petition. This is not the road to heaven. This is not the pathway to the kingdom. The pathway to the kingdom is narrow and it is hard. It takes self-discipline. It takes motivation, determination, but most of all, desire. You must want to come into our realm. And when the desire is strong enough, we welcome you with open arms. You may hear music. You may see light. You may see the figure of a being, or you may simply feel filled. I cannot tell you what you will be filled with, for it is something you must experience, but when you are filled, you will know that you have made contact. The second time that you must do this is the very last moment before you go to sleep. In those moments, as you relax your body, you are preparing your physical bodies for refreshment, for the intake of cosmic fire and sustenance. Give also then your heart and your mind to be receptive of higher power. Demand your supply. Do not simply ask for guidance. You have that. With a receptivity that will be as water, demand that you be filled. Don’t say, “Please, Lord, let me have…”. Say, “Give me! You are my father. Give me” Give me knowledge. Give me strength. Give me spiritual power.” And always, always, dedicate yourself to the highest good. As you become a dedicated vessel to the lord’s work, we will bring to you, unstintingly, knowledge, healing and power to transform your lives and the lives of those that you love. As this occurs, so do you advance the cause of mankind. “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all else shall be added to you.” As you give thought to “how will I provide myself and my dependents with their material needs,” you sacrifice that much energy. If that energy were directed into these two times a day, all would be added to you without painful labor. This is not to mean that you would not work, for he who is not usefully occupied is indeed a sorry man. You will find that if you dedicate some moments in the morning upon arising to this effort, your entire day will flow in peaceful serenity. You will be infilled with a power that will not permit negativity to approach you. Those coming into your aura with hurt, with hate, with fear, with anguish, will find themselves transformed and not know what has happened to them. As you give this energy in the last moments before sleep, you increase the intake of cosmic fire. The sustenance you receive through your subtle bodies will increase the vigor, the health and the well-being of the physical vehicle which you occupy. It will serve you better day-by-day and will serve you many more days. It is my hope to be among those who will serve each of you here tonight. But if it is not my privilege so to do, I can promise you, there are many eager and waiting. This is our prayer. And our prayers are being answered. We see great things happening with you. I can go back in my records to the beginning of this group, and I can see each of you as you were then and as you are now. And I am sure that if you give consideration to this, you will also see what we can see. And now I would like to take a few moments to get acquainted with you. It would be appreciated if you would introduce yourselves one by one. I have your names, but in your speaking your names, in your introducing your names to me, it is as I introduce my name to you. It makes a psychic bond much closer than simply being in the same space.
I am Maxine Cramer, the wife of Owen Cramer, whom you will meet later.
I’m Bonnie Wisz and I thank you. You really touched me tonight. I needed that very much.
I’m Mary White. I’d like to thank you. I think you’ve really give us a great deal to think about and to work on.
I’m Myra Perala, and I think that what you said about looking back over the course of the time, I certainly agree that I have changed a lot.
I am Richard White, and I just want to thank you for being here.
I’m Larry Horton. I thank you for the healing fire. They talked tonight about what we ask for. We ask for now and not in the future. I thank you for that.
I’m Ida Nevala and I thank you.
I’m Owen Cramer, and I really appreciate the extra push that you’ve given me tonight.
I’m Mary Silviera, and I found what you said tonight a great inspiration. It will help me in the future in the work that I’m trying to do.
I’m Eileen Horton. I’m looking forward to following your instructions. I’m sure they’ll be most helpful.
I’m LaMar Bell. I have heard you twice with the Tuesday night class. I greatly appreciate what you’ve given us in both the Tuesday night class and tonight. And I hope very much that you will be coming back to see us again from time to time, please. We love you.
Scribe: Thank you all. I do not believe that I have given you my name. I believe that for this time I must still ask you to call me Scribe. If it is permitted, I shall return to you and give you my name. As I said in the beginning, I am here only as a stand-in for Silverthistle. Until I am given a duty, I cannot give you a name other than Scribe. A name carries with it an ensoulment. A name is of the nature of the thing or the person. I believe you have been told before that we in our realm choose names appropriate to what we are doing, what we are about. Thus at this time I am still only Scribe. I am a functionary of the temple. I am not one of the teaching staff. I have been given this privilege as I have earned certain advancements. It is my desire to become a member of the teaching staff at which time my duties as Scribe will be turned over to a newly initiated person. Perhaps in the time we have left we might exchange some comments or questions. I don’t know that I can answer your questions.
LaMar: Rest assured that we ask Silverthistle that you be permitted to come back to us again, and we’ll give you an A plus for the work you have done for us. Myra: If you’re not a teacher, I wonder what you would do if you were.
Scribe: I appreciate your comments very much. It is not up to Silverthistle to make that decision. It will be a decision of the temple.
LaMar: I would like to ask (a question). You had mentioned the negativity, the miasma of negative thoughts, that surround us, that make it difficult for you to come through to us. I’m wondering if this is the reason why the Philippine healers who come to the United States find it more difficult to bring about healing in the United States than it is in the Philippines.
Scribe: Yes, that is so. There is a difference of latitude. The place upon your globe in which certain things occur has a great deal to do with their success. If you will consult any astrologer, he can explain this to you. It is a fact long known to occultists.
Myra: You mentioned at the beginning that this would be our last meeting for a while, and everybody looked surprised. Is there a reason why we shouldn’t meet again in two weeks?
Scribe: This is the last meeting in which any member of the temple will be with you, for the channel will not be present.
Myra: But you said that you could come to us when we asked.
Scribe: Either myself or one who is closer to you in sympathy.
Eileen: Through our meditations? Is this what you mean?
Scribe:In these moments, first thing in the morning and last thing at night in which you open yourself to such contacts, deliberately make an effort of will to raise your consciousness out of your mundane world and into ours, and demand that you be responded to. It’s as though a person stands at some distance from you. This is a friend whom you like and who likes you, but whose attention you do not have. You do not stand with your back to that person and whisper to yourself, “Oh, please, pay me attention.” You turn around, and you lift your head, and you hail with your voice, “Oh friend, come hither.” We are your friends. We love you. We want to be with you, but we can only be with you when you make it possible.
Owen: Can you tell us any more about when we might expect Silverthistle, and upon what his return to this group depends?
Scribe: Silverthistle is involved with a research project with a Canadian group. It is anticipated that this will take three or four months of your time.
Owen: When that time has expired, should we meet as a group with Gloria, when she’s available to see if the time is right.
Scribe: We will be passing the word to Gloria through her Source.
Mary S: I would like to ask if it is possible for me to invite my mother who is in transition to my home tomorrow to be with my family. Is there some way that I can know that she is there, outside of my general sensitive approach?
Scribe: If she wishes to make a sign, that will be up to her. I am not in any position to advise you on that matter.
Mary S: I would also like to know if it is possible to contact a very dear friend of mine who went into transition about a month ago.
Scribe: This is not in the realm of my capacities. I would serve you if I could.
Eileen: You mentioned something about coming to me and sometimes manifesting in the physical, and that it would be just for a short time. Is this what Ruth Montgomery refers to as “walk-ins?”
Scribe: No, this would be a materialization. This would be someone from the third or fourth realm aggregating sufficient energy about a thought armature to appear as though being of flesh and blood. But it would only be a temporary form.
Myra: Like in the bible when the angels came to Abraham? (Scribe: Yes)
Owen: Silverthistle mentioned once that in time when we were ready for it, that he was going to manifest for us. Is this the type of thing you are referring to?
Scribe: I am somewhat at a loss as to what you mean. I am not aware that Silverthistle is planning any materialization, if indeed he is capable of doing so.
LaMar: He merely said that he might.
Bonnie: Will we ever find out what happens with The Evergreen experiment? I’m assuming that is the group he is with. (Scribe: That is possibly so.)
Myra: One of the questions that came up when we met to discuss the readings in April – somebody mentioned that in literature on subjects of this nature, we’ve never come across any reference to the term “spirit physical”. We wondered if this is a term others have described in another way.
Scribe: Yes, there have been references to this. There is now in the physical a man named Dr. Ritchey who has described his experiences in the spirit-physical with great lucidity.
Owen: Are there other forms that are used in our literature for spirit-physical?
Scribe: Yes, there are other terms used, but they lead you astray. Spirit- physical is more nearly true to reality. The subject will be covered. I wish to serve you, but I cannot.
Myra: Is it more like a state of being? (Scribe: Yes, it is that.) Another question. When the real you leaves your body when you go to sleep at night and the subtle bodies are left to be re-energized, where does the dreaming happen?
Scribe: Firstly, the real you does not leave all of the bodies. The real you core takes with it the subtle bodies and is never completely detached from the physical body. Dreaming occurs when the bodies re-join. The dissociated state is not a static state. It is a cyclic state. You will detach and go a certain distance, although space is a poor way of describing it. Then you will re-join and then you will go away and come back. Each time that the subtle bodies re-unite with the physical body, a dream takes place. This is true in our realm as well. While we do not have the physical body, we do have periods of rest in which our higher bodies dissociate from our lower bodies for us to gain sustenance, to be re-charged, so to speak. And we, too, have dreams. We, too, have states of consciousness. We have levels of understanding. We function in the spirit-physical much as you do, except that we do not have the dense physical body, and our sense of time is different.
LaMar: Are the dreams ever the result of our being on the other side or being away from the physical body out of this realm of existence?
Scribe: In one way they are always a result of that. Again, I must not pursue this subject. It is a topic which will be discussed according to your program of learning.
Myra: We are quite interested in the laws that Judith described. One of them was the Law of Retribution. We wondered how this law fits in with the other nine laws.
Scribe: Again, this is Judith’s program, and it will be presented in its proper order. As you well know, substitute teachers are less than satisfactory! (Laughter)
Owen: I’d like to risk another question. I suppose it will be covered later, too. I’ve been puzzled by the use of the terms “vibration” and “higher frequency”, and “higher energy” that we speak of. In the physical, we think of energy in terms of specific physical formulae, and we think of frequencies as so many vibrations per second on a particular scale such as the electromagnetic scale. I was wondering if the energy that we speak of in spiritual matters can be related to any measures that we have here in the physical, and if so, where on these scales.
Scribe: Some of that is going to be covered, but you can relate it to the measurements which permit you to determine X-rays, gamma rays. Any of the vibratory frequencies that are now utilized are a direct relative of the other.
Owen: Is the speed of transmission of thought energy similar to the speed of transmission of light? Or is it instantaneous?
Scribe: In this particular realm, it would appear to be instantaneous, but it is in fact not.
Owen: Because it is a form of vibration and energy, and it takes time for energy to move from one place to another?
Scribe:It takes Process which you call Time.
Maxine: Is “spirit companion” and “guardian angel” considered the same?
Scribe: No, they are not. That, too, will be instructed when discussion of the hierarchy is completed.
Owen: Are there any details that you can give us about expected earth changes, any scheduling of changes that might affect us?
Scribe: We do not make a practice of prophecy, and I will tell you why. If you will imagine standing on the north pole of your planet, you will recognize that all longitudinal lines converge at one point. At that point there is no time. Consequently, from our perspective, we do not see time in the same relationship as you see time. Therefore, to make a prediction that a certain thing will occur in a certain period of time is very difficult unless it is something that is already determined such as Silverthistle has explained.
Eileen: I’d like to ask about your involvement with the temple as a group. Do you have a life aside from the temple, such as your work day at the temple, and then you go home to another kind of life at home?
Scribe: All my life is spent at the temple, as you would say, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But we are given our rest periods. We have our time for meditation. We, too, have our failings and our ailments.
Myra: So you don’t have a family in addition?
Scribe: The temple is our family. You are our family.
Richard: This realm in which you exist, this state of consciousness, is this what we sometimes refer to as the astral plane?
Scribe: No, it is not. It is beyond the astral plane. The astral plane is still on this side of the transition corridor.
Myra: I’ve heard it said there are seven planes. Is that true?
Scribe: Again this is a part truth. Plane is actually a poor word to describe the thought being conveyed. Sphere is much more suitable.
Maxine: Are the soul body and the spirit family the same?
Scribe:Not entirely. The soul body is a single unit which diversifies itself through manifestation. One manifestation might be a singular family, and another manifestation of the same soul body might be another singular family. As in your realm, the two families might not be related.
Owen: Does that define the spirit family?
Scribe: Your spirit family would pursue from the family in the physical realm through the spirit-physical realm, but then into higher realms might not relate.
Myra: The soul bodies of each of the individual members of a physical family, would that be a spirit family. Each member of the family belongs to a soul body and they would perhaps interlock. Would that be the spirit family?
Scribe: The spirit-physical family would be the same as the physical family, only without dense bodies. In other words, the mother who gave you biological birth would be your spirit-physical mother.
Eileen: So all your family relationships would remain the same in the spirit? (Scribe: In the spirit-physical.)
Myra: That puzzles me. We all have a spirit-physical mother then and maybe spirit-physical brothers, too?
Scribe: They are the same ones that you have in the physical family.
Maxine: Is that why some families come back through time, because you are all one family?
Scribe: That is only part of it. I would suggest that you read the transcript of the session in which I gave your other group a lesson on subtle bodies. That will prepare you for some of the future lessons, and perhaps will answer some of the questions which you entertain at the moment.
Myra: I have a homeopath who has been treating me very successfully, and he tells me that the homeopathic remedies work on the subtle bodies. (Scribe: That is true.) They certainly are fantastic. I’ve had remarkable success when I’ve needed any help. It’s been instantaneous healing. So the subtle bodies is where you get sick, and the homeopathic remedies deal with the subtle bodies to get you well in the physical.
Scribe: That is true. Again, this was explained in the other lesson of which I just spoke.
Myra: And that works with any kind of ailment you have. I’ve had a terrible time trying to accept it. I’ve been a skeptic the whole time, but it works in spite of me.
Owen: Speaking of remedies, in Ruth Montgomery’s recent book, “Thresholds of Tomorrow”, she speaks of a Jason Winters who has developed an herb tea that is spoken of as being very effective in restoring diseased parts of the body. Is this Jason Winters herb tea known to you, and is it as effective as implied in the book?
Scribe: We have this under observation. I cannot give you any conclusion at this time.
LaMar In the Tuesday night class I spoke of the tapes programming the subconscious and subtle bodies. Is that doing the same thing roughly as what Myra just spoke of – the homeopath?
Scribe:No. Your programming of the bodies is using the Law of I Will together with the thought power to remold the subtle bodies, to control the energies which comprise these bodies. When homeopathic medicine is used it is using the soul energy of the medication to affect the energy of the subtle body.
Myra: The energy of the belladonna given me was what healed my sore throat.
Scribe: This is the law operative behind the use of healing stones. Anna attempted to bring this to you, but was interrupted and unable to continue.
LaMar: She was giving a lecture on the healing stones when the lecture was cut short in the Tuesday night group. Do you know if we will be getting that in this class?
Scribe: No, I do not have the program in its entirety. I only know portions of it.
Maxine: Can you suggest anything that will help one’s memory?
Scribe: There are many things. I am not prepared to go into all of them at this time. There would have to be a diagnosis as to what was causing the loss of memory before a proper treatment could be given.
Myra: What would be a good thing to get diagnosis?
Scribe: For each individual, it might be a different place. One might get the best diagnosis from one’s own Source. Also the treatment.
Owen: When you say “from one’s own Source”, what does that imply?
Scribe: Each of you have a band of guides and teachers, supporters and healers dedicated to your welfare from the moment of the ensoulment of your physical body.
Maxine: And we can reach these healers through dreams – through the dream state?
Scribe: Through the procedures which I instructed you in this evening.
Bonnie: So we should be mainly in a meditative state when we make this demand?
Scribe:You should be quiet, calm, serene, and receptive.
Eileen: And then do we just wait peacefully for this to happen, and how long should we wait?
Scribe: When you have made your demand, give yourself a few moments of quiet in which to receive an answer. If the answer does not come, and it is your morning meditation, go about your daily routine knowing that the answer will come. If it is at night, after a few moments, go peacefully to sleep. It may come in a dream. It may come during the day as a moment of inspiration when your hands are busy with a routine task. All of you, at one time or another, have said, “It came to me that I should do whatever,” “I had a feeling,” “I just had a hunch.” These are the ways that contact is made during the daytime. During your sleep time, the messages come in dreams which are remembered. Dreams unremembered are not important to be recorded.
Myra: Don’t struggle for them? (Scribe: That is correct.) That sure is true. I find so much inspiration in my work. I could never do it if I didn’t have them helping me.
LaMar: We will be more likely to receive that information if we are maintaining a positive frame of mind.
Scribe: That is absolutely necessary. If you do not have faith that the answer will come, then you are not receptive. You cannot have faith of that nature if you are not in a positive frame of reference.
Mary: I’m really intrigued with the idea of the mandate of what we want. I’m wondering now, particularly in Christianity, it seems that we have been so ingrained with the idea to plead and beg and go so meekly asking. How does this distortion occur? How did this happen?
Scribe: Priest-craft. (Laughter) In the beginning, if you will study your bible, god said, “Let there be light!” He did not say, “Oh, please, let me make light.”
Myra: I often think of demanding as being selfish and rude.
Scribe: Do you not appropriate the air? Do you feel that in breathing air you are denying anyone else? Do you not know that all supply is available to you upon your demand?
Myra: That word, “demand”, I think, is what’s giving us the problem.
Scribe: When you inhale, do you not demand that air come into your lungs?
Myra: Hadn’t thought about it. Maxine: May need to be positive and expect it. Mary S: It says in the bible, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Myra: It does say get down on your knees and beg. Fill me. Eileen: I think we think of “demand” in terms of other people. If we’re demanding something of someone else, it’s overbearing. Richard: Impolite. Eileen: Bossy.
Scribe: Cultural inhibition prevents you from being well. As reluctant as I am to bring this last meeting to a close, for I know I shall not be able to return to you soon, I do feel that I must get on with my other work. So I bless you all and bid you goodnight. It has been my most distinct privilege to be with you, and I love you, and I think about you all. Good night.
Closed with goodnights and singing Alleluia