1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 1. P10 2.
Session #18 – July 9, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Richard and Mary White, Bonnie Wisz, Myra Perala, Eileen Horton, Ida Nevala, LaMar and Reta Mae Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer
Karansa: Good evening postulates, novitiates, students and friends. It is I, Karansa, who comes to you this evening. There are things that we need to discuss, certain things that need clarifying, questions that have been in our channel’s mind, questions that have arisen among us. Firstly, I told you early in our acquaintance that you are all members of a temple of initiation. In using the word “temple”, we meant not to mislead you. It is the English word that most nearly defines that of which we speak. We are not what would be termed in your language a religious center. We are a center of learning. In the origin of the word “temple” lies the meaning for a place of public congregation. Inasmuch as the human condition demands that which it can worship, the temples became places of worship. Now, I could have used the word “auditorium” equally well, but one does not live in an auditorium. You go to an auditorium to hear something. We live in the temple. You also live in our temple. You are every much as great a part of our temple as any who come through this channel. I could have used the word “university” but that implies that one comes there, learns a certain amount, and then departs. This is not true in the meaning which I wanted to convey to you. The “temple”, the word, simply is a descriptive word to give you a sense of structure. It is true we have a building which has been described to you. And this building is accessible to you, each of you, any time. You simply must come to feel that you are in it. You recognize yourself as a part of it. You are a part of us and we are a part of you. There is nothing mystical. There is not irreverence, certainly, for we do indeed acknowledge The Absolute, the Cosmos Cause, as God. But that god demands no worship of us. It is! If we choose to worship, we do so to satisfy a longing, a yearning, within ourselves to become more nearly aware of our beingness. Our teachings are intended that our postulates, our novitiates, become self aware, become knowledgeable of their beginning, their meaning, their creative powers. Each of you is a center of creative power. Our beloved Judith has given you certain information all as part of the thrust of our teaching. As you become self aware, you grow in our temple. You pass through the steps of initiation. Now, I know that some of you have read the book, “Initiation,” and have been very puzzled thereby. There is an occult saying, “As above, so below. As within, so without.” The steps of initiation that are taken in consciousness are symbolized by the external events enumerated in that book. One of the major puzzles that you in your condition struggle with is the long sleep, the not knowing what went before birth into this short span of life, and the fear of what is going to come at the end of this span of life. As you advance through the steps of your initiation, you open the door of recall, and you come to remember all the living that you have done before you got to this life, And then, as centers of creative power, you establish the lives to which you will go. Thus, you not only improve the quality of the life in which you now find yourself, but you also improve the quality of any and all of your other lives. Now as time goes on and your lessons proceed, you will come to understand this great mystery of reincarnation. You will come to find you are more than you seem to be at this moment in time. You come to know more about your other parts which might be termed self. You come to know more intimately, more lovingly, more poignantly, the entity of which you are one expression. But my point in coming to you tonight is to make it clear that we are not a religious group with a denomination, a singular slant on god, if you will. If there is any holiness, it is within you. It is within us. If there is anything to worship, it is the creativeness which you are. If it were not for the creativeness, you would not have songs to sing. You would not have the imagination to create gods to worship. And if you can create them, then why should you bow your knee to them. You are the creator. We all have a common source. Thus none can be better than another. In that respect we are born equal. It’s what we do with what we have to do with, that makes the difference in our lives. Words are merely symbols. They are merely dry husks, if you will. They have nothing within themselves that makes any difference. What makes a difference is the spirit behind the speaking of the word. You speak your word, and you bring it into being. Your body is a physical manifestation of your word. In your Christian terminology your body is “the word made flesh.” And if that is so, then you have something to respect, but you do not need to give the body absolute commitment. Because the body is your word made flesh, does not mean that you should not look beyond the body for there is much, much more. Besides which, you have not only one body, you have seven. And how many of you have become acquainted with these other bodies? You have much, much to do, and it pleases us no end to see you getting on with it. We are so encouraged with what we see happening, with the growth that we witness. We empathize with you when you’re puzzled, when you don’t understand what we say. But we know that the truth will reveal itself. While you may not understand now, you will come to understand. The same information that is given in a higher level of your higher education system is imparted in lower levels, but it is imparted in such a way as to intrigue the mind onward. If you were given everything simplified, easily understood, you would throw it away. If you do not pay with effort for what you learn, you won’t learn, because it will not seem worthwhile learning. And so we purposely deliver to you in such a way as to make you work for the kernel within. And then we lend you our energy. We encourage you. We work with you as you struggle to find that kernel, to ingest that truth and make it your own. We are with you always in every way and all the way. Whenever you are downhearted, whenever you are discouraged, whenever you should despair, you need only call, and we will see that someone who can help will be there. But you must ask. If you do not ask us, we cannot force ourselves upon you. While you are combing the material that is given to you, while you are seeking to understand, you are asking for our help, and we give it. It’s when you turn away, when you become self-absorbed and you forget about us that we cannot help you. We think of you. I was going to say, pray for you. The word “prayer” needs to be dusted off and shined up and more thoroughly understood. And that is a subject that will be given more dissertation, more elucidation at another time. ecause I have said that we are not a religious institution, that we do not promote worship of any one particular deity or another, that is not meant to deny the power of certain procedures and processes, one of which is prayer. And it is my hope that this topic can be more thoroughly discussed very soon, for it is an effective tool in the creative life. And now, I must share some other things with you. We have listened as our channel explained to you some of the things that have been happening with her. And, of course, we are a part of that. We would not have it otherwise. We are thrilled to see the growth. And, as much as she permits, we are going to take advantage of it. We are quite excited, and we have been pushing her to give serious consideration to a teaching method that will allow more interchange between the members of any group and ourselves. You see, we are not completely altruistic in what we do. We also have an axe to grind. We learn from you in every sense of the word. We learn from you. Because we are in a constant evolutionary cycle, every time we have contacts in this manner, we move a little further along our own pathways, even as we help you a little further along your pathways. We would have this give and take be more energetic, more meaningful, more fun. Joy is an essential part of creative living. While it may be fun for one of us to stand here before you and express our views, and it may be fun for you to listen, there is another dimension which needs to be added. The growth that has occurred within the channel now makes that possible. This is one reason it is so easy for me to come to you tonight. I have not been able to be with you very often because there have been certain blocked passages. Many doorways have been opened now. And some of this is being evidenced in the writing and in the dreams and in our daily conversation. There will be more and more so long as the channel permits it, so long as it is a joyous, happy experience. We want to spread this to as many as who will accept it. Excuse my temporary inattention. I was being given a message for another. As a matter of fact, I was being reminded that I must give you news of Silverthistle. As you recall, when Silverthistle first came to you, he described his meeting with this channel. And you were all aware of some of the difficulties encountered in the channeling. We have now found others who can come through this channel so much more effectively that Silverthistle was given the opportunity to relinquish his post. He accepted that opportunity with the condition that he could at times visit. Inasmuch as the directors could find no fault on either side, it was decided that this would be an advantage. Thus you will be having other communicators. There will be one particular assigned to take Silverthistle’s place as monitor of the channel. He is very deeply involved in some research work that is going forward rapidly and very effectively. We are quite excited about what is going on there. We hope to arrange it so that you will be advised of what is going on. It has also been decided that the Scribe has earned her stripes. I will give her the privilege of introducing herself to you in her new capacity. We do try to allow each other as much self-expression as is possible. While we do work under express structure and organization, we have a great deal of latitude, for creativity needs freedom. Judith now sends a message that she will come to you at the next meeting and carry on with her work which she has already begun. Many throng in wishing to send messages. The clamor --- I regret that I cannot bring through all the messages of love and well wishing. And I am reminded that I must not forget to advise the Bells that we were at the wedding. This is the union that was forecast by Silverthistle. It is much blessed, and you shall have much joy of each other. Your lives, then, shall bring great joy and great blessing. I think for this time I must not --- Yes, it is stilled. There is one further thing, and this is a message for our channel. To give you some background so that you will understand: In the early years of this life, communication was free and very easy. And as is the natural way of American life, many religious concepts began to build walls and lock doorways. Even so, the channel’s own particular guidances were able to remain in contact and to keep the wisdom coming through so that the channel was not captured into a tight box of prejudice and bigotry. Even so, when the time came to recognize mediumship, there was only one avenue of exploration available, and that was through the spiritualist movement. Because of the early experiences and the early instruction, many of the spiritualist beliefs have remained in the consciousness of the channel. She could transmit messages from us to you only under certain circumstances. One of the major joys of this inner awakening, this experience which began a few weeks ago and is still continuing rather acutely, is that she will be channeling in a more conscious state rather than having to depart, having to take consciousness into another reality of experience. She will be able to stay close by. In this way it will not be necessary for one single entity, such as myself, to come in and take over. It will be more like an open doorway that we may come through, and retreat, and another come through. And yet the channel’s consciousness will be there to tend the doorway and come through the doorway herself. The functions of the body will be much more natural and thus much healthier. We know that this will be a blessing for us, for her, and for all who we may reach through her. We do so appreciate her willingness and her openness. And we would bless her in every way that we can. Thus it is that her health improves. Thus it is that the changes are taking place. This could not happen simply by our volition, however. In her study, in her daily meditation, she has asked for this help, and we give it lovingly and joyously. We know that this will be a benediction not only for those who learn through this, but in all of life, even as one minute ray of sunshine overcomes a whole room of darkness. And now I feel there is some time left. I would enjoy an exchange with you. What would you say to me?
Mary: You spoke of seven bodies. What does that mean? How are we to take that?
Karansa:You wear seven bodies in this physical life: the one that you can see and touch, the one that thinks, the one that feels, and the one that is a tertiary mover, the one that is a secondary mover, the one that is a primary mover. Some of these bodies are comprised of dense material, not as dense as your physical body, but certainly of the material of which this earth planet is comprised. Some of them are of much finer stuff. Some of them go on with you from lifetime to lifetime. For instance, in the primary body resides all the memory of everything you have ever been, ever done, ever had, and on and on. I shall use a term that has been used in a misunderstood way. The primary body of each individual is his own akashic record. You tap into this body under certain altered conditions of consciousness. There will be further lessons on these things.
Bonnie: Who are my five friends who I can see and relate to when I’m in a state of meditation?
Karansa: They are of your Source. You have heard the channel speak of her Source. These are of your Source. There are more than five. You would become aware of them perhaps as functionaries. You will become aware that there is one in particular who protects your physical safety. There would be another who guides you in your creative efforts. There would be another who counsels you in spiritual matters. There are numerous such presences in your Source. Each is an individual, even as you are, but with a closer union with each other because they are not separated by the physical body. You are as much a member of that group as any one of them. And as they serve you, you serve them. As I said earlier, we learn from you even as you learn from us. But you learn most from your own Source.
Ida: Did the Scribe come to me this morning in my sleep? I dreamt of her or something.
Karansa: We come to all of you at different times. It’s only when you open your awareness to us that we can make direct contact with you.
Maxine: Do you make contact then in prayer, in meditation, in dreams? Maybe in asking when you’re wide awake and saying, “Please will you do this?” Is that when we have contact with our Source?
Karansa: Yes, and us. You might think of this communication as a system. Let me think a moment. You have telephone systems that enable a group of people in separate geographical locations to all talk together at the same time if all of the microphones are open. If you can keep all of the connections open simultaneously, then you can exchange intelligence, or knowledge, or feelings, or information with us and with your Source people all at the same time. That also enables us to have interchange with your Source people. Now there are some of your Source people who are a part of our immediate group. But there are most of them whom we do not know. Please do not get into the belief or opinion that we are unlimited in our capacity. We are not. Silverthistle has explained his condition, that he is subject to organization and structure and is, indeed, a human being, even as you are, but without that last final physical body which you inhabit. I also inhabit bodies, and I am aware of others around me just as you are aware of spirit people around you. I have just told you that you wear seven bodies. Your spirit people, not having physical bodies, have a higher refined body that is above or beyond your primary body. So you continue to wear seven bodies as long as you have existence in this universe. But not everyone who can communicate with each other wear the same seven kinds of bodies. (some discussion and comment “six the same and one different.:”) That is correct. As you move up in the echelon or in the hierarchy, you move farther away from the physical body and the desire body, the emotional body, etc. But you also can take on, or move into, more highly refined bodies that function in ways not necessary or material to your function while you are in a dense body. As you live your lives in these physical bodies, these organisms, you have no need for that eight or ninth body, or the tenth or eleventh, or on up if you were counting away from the physical body. You only move into those bodies when you cast off the lower, denser form, until you wear the robe of light.
Maxine: I have one more question that’s on my mind. When we’re seeking, asking for help, asking for guidance, do we go to Source, or do we go to god? I know that always in my past teachings, I’d always turn to god.
Karansa: This is a problem in your lives today. You are immersed in what we term “race thoughts”. Man has found a need to have a deity to worship, and has thus then created god to worship. You can look into any life upon your planet, and indeed, not only in different areas but in the same areas, you will have different pantheons of gods which are worshipped. As I said earlier, there is but one Source from which this universe sprang, and if you must worship something, then let it be that Absolute, that fixed center of beingness, which produced the divine cell. Now the word “divine” is used, not out of reverence, but as a definitive word to make you understand that it is singular in nature, that it is a unity of being. The Absolute which gave birth to this universe does not need your worship. That Absolute is going to do its own absolute thing, in your colloquialism. When you have turned to god, you have turned to your Source. When people speak of the Jesus Christ presence, they actually, in reality, refer to their Source. Now the belief system which gave birth to Jesus Christ which then gave birth to the terminology “Christ Consciousness”, is just that – a belief system. That is not to say that the level of consciousness which is being considered as Christ Consciousness does not exist, for it most certainly does. Man, as he becomes aware of this level of consciousness, reveres and believes. It does not remain above or beyond his personal powers when he ceases to believe that it is. There is nothing wrong with taking Jesus Christ as a personal savior, but there is nothing from which to be saved. Your Source saves you if there is any saving to be done. You create your life as you go along. Your Source aids you in doing so. When you pray, you pray to your own Source though you may deem it a god in some far off yonder. There is no god in that far off yonder except the one you have created. This again does not mean you should not reverence your Source, because reverence is an expression of love, of appreciation, of gratitude. Such attitude always produces a response from that which loves and guides you and which indeed has created you. Now there is also that which created your Source, and to that your Source gives its or their reverence, and so on up the line. But if you wish a god, become aware that there is only one god, The Absolute, the fixed center of all being, which has given birth and continues to enliven all that is in your awareness.
Myra: I looked to Jesus as an example of how I should live or how I should treat certain situations.
Karansa: That is an admirable thing to do. The story that is given in the New Testament is the story of a perfect life lived in love, and it is what we all want for ourselves and for you. And the more you emulate the truth of that story, rather than the perversion that has been brought down to you through religious organization, the more you will make yourselves a perfect life lived in love. You must remember that the bible in any translation is simply a collection of writings which represent the thoughts of man himself as he strives to understand that indefinable something to which he aspires. There is much in your bible that is erroneous, and there is more, much, much more that is erroneous in the interpretation. If you would have your bible serve you, you must take the message and meditate upon the message for the meaning that lies behind it. In your western world, the bible is one of the most occult works to which you have access. It is highly recommended for your study, but do not accept those written words, those printed words upon a page, as being the final authority in your life. You are the author of your life. You have the authority, and it is up to you to lay the dimensions which your life shall fill.
Eileen: I would like to ask a question about Source. I always think of Source as being a unit – one thing. Yet you speak of the source as being a group of people. I don’t quite understand that.
Karansa: In this discussion of Source, which began with our dear Bonnie’s five, we are speaking of that group of people which are emanations of the single entity. You have not had the complete lectures on hierarchy. I believe that this will become much more clear to you when Judith has had the opportunity to complete her series of comments. But each of you in the physical condition come out of a group of beings. The single sole source of life is that Absolute of which I spoke earlier. Between you and it are innumerable levels or spheres of being, of beingness which is expressed through individualities, people. Your Source will at times seem to be a single unit. But you witness this in your every day physical life where a group of people operate as a single unit. The very word “people” is a singular noun meaning multiple occupation. The Source is a singular noun, but is comprised of multiple identities.
Bonnie: Whenever Gloria talks about Source, I always think of one person.
Karansa: For your physical organism, which you inhabit, there is a single source comprised of two people. Is that not correct?
Owen: Does each of us have a Source of approximately the same number, capabilities, talents, and so on?
Karansa: And now I shall mystify your further. (Laughter) The Source is, in your awareness, or in the capacity of your awareness, almost unlimited. But you, each of you as an individual, limit the number of identities which you can recognize. So some may believe they have five, and others may believe there are only three, and some may claim fifteen or more. It is a matter of awareness when you see the fine hand of power at work in your life, and you recognize intelligence and personality behind that power. You come to distinguish what facet of your Source is expressing at the moment.
Richard: I have a question. Gloria told me that she was told my physical ailment (end of tape. Following is from Eileen’s and Owen’s notes.)
(…was induced by the thought energy from Richard’s “counterpart” or twin. That entity had spent his entire life in pursuit of alchemy. (Webster: aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means for indefinitely prolonging life.) He had failed and was greatly discouraged and cynical in his resulting belief that alchemy doesn’t work. The counterpart’s feelings had overflowed into Richard’s being which had accepted them. As a result, one “alchemy” that goes on constantly in the body is the conversion by the bone marrow of fatty and other nutrients into blood. For Richard this began to fail. Richard requested further enlightenment. (Karansa’s answer: Sometimes you feel downhearted, so you accept it and lend energy to it. But you should look for the source. You don’t have to own or hold everything that comes in. (We do create our own physical organism day by day. We started by adopting a fetus that had certain physical characteristics. The desire body and other subtle bodies continue to create the organism in the image of what you believe and think. The mind is separate from the brain. What one thinks of self, one produces. Dale Carnegie has taught this. Visualization is a primary tool in maintaining health. It becomes a miracle when the result is instantaneous. (To help Richard: The basis of the disorder is disorganization. Take the principle of proper relationships, order and orderliness, each functioning perfectly. Visualize established organized order. Hold him in consciousness with orderliness and organized order close together. Set up an organized pattern of energy. (The power of joint effort can override. Spiritual awareness overcomes animal awareness and supersedes all patterns. Order becomes the order of the day. Do this in meditation and when going to sleep two to three minutes at a time but not more than five minutes. Do anytime during the day, frequently. This will restore the natural energy pattern which Richard’s body must accept… (from new tape) and Richard’s own creative energy then does the work.
Myra: Is this the way it works for the person who asks for healing? We think of an ordered pattern for the person?
Karansa: This is a specific principle for Richard’s disorder. There are other principles which would be perhaps more applicable for other kinds of diseases. This we have included in the channel’s book on intuition. We had her add an additional chapter on life. It has been most pleasant visiting with you, and while I would enjoy being with you longer, I do believe it is enough for this time. We are taught it is the wise one who knows when it is enough. So I bid you a fond farewell, and I look forward to being with you again soon. Bless you all.
Closed singing “Let there be peace on earth”
(Transcriber’s note: Gloria’s manner of speaking was much easier and conversational throughout this session, and her appearance and demeanor more natural.)
(Page added to synch with index)