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Session #20 – August 6, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Richard and Mary White, Bonnie Wisz, Myra Perala, Ida Nevala, Peggy Muldoon, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
Sheariam: Good Evening, my friends. We have met before. You have known me as the Scribe. In accordance with that which I told you before, I am now allowed to come as your teacher. I have adopted the name of Sheariam, which means “Dawn of the Morning”. For this is a new effort for me, and I feel privileged, enchanted, and like I am indeed in the morning of a new day. I hope that as the dawn presages the day, the rising of the sun, I shall be that to you that my effort, my thought, my understanding can be conveyed to you and bring light on things that you do not now understand and some things that you do not know. Judith will be with you tonight. I merely wish to greet you and welcome you, and let you know that I am here, and that I will be with you often. It will be I who will take Judith’s material into the study time, and we shall discuss it, and we will put it together, and we will make it meaningful.
Myra: How do you spell your name, Sheariam? (S-H-E-A-R-I-A-M)
Sheariam: As time goes by, you will also either choose a name, or will be advised of a name that you have chosen in some other place at some other time. We have recently given our channel her name, which is, as a matter of fact, a masculine name, for while this incarnation is one of the female gender, the entity which has produced this body is indeed of the masculine reference. She may or may not choose to share this with you, but it seemed only fair to me that you should know this since you, too, will be sharing in such an experience. Is there anything that you would like to discuss with me before Judith comes to you?
Peggy: Yes. In our last Tuesday night class you mentioned that you could even teach us how to grow hair. I would like this information.
Sheariam: Loss of hair is due to stress. As your body becomes stressed, circulation is decreased. The hair of which you are mostly concerned in your present condition, is the hair on the top of your head. You often see human beings, human bodies, with magnificent coats of hair on arms and legs, and the top of the head shines as the morning sun. This is because that part of the body, the flesh part of the body, which covers the bony part, is very thin. It does not have the fatty tissue which allows a residue of nutrients for the roots of the hair as is permitted on other parts of the body. You can reverse the loss of hair by speeding up your circulation, by directing that circulation to your head. This is not to be done by massage or pressure, for that causes the release and thus the loss of what little amount of nutrient may be stored in the tiny fat cells beneath the skin on the top of the head. This can be done in the same way that you can speed up your heart action. As you relax the body, and you concentrate on increasing heart action, you can concentrate on increasing the circulation of your blood, and with your mind you direct it to the head. Now you can cause yourself harm if you do this improperly. When beginning this process, you should not proceed for more than a few minutes to begin with. I would suggest three to five minutes of your time. Work with this on a daily basis. Then increase your activity to twice daily, not extending the time at each practice. Give yourself time. Remember, you have spent many years already working into losing the hair. Consequently, outside of a miraculous recovery, it’s going to take a certain amount of time for you to re-stimulate those cells. Now in certain instances where the hair roots have been irreparably damaged, it will take a great deal more effort to reconstruct hair root cells, but it is not impossible. It does take concentrated effort, persistence, and determination, but it can be done.
Maxine: Is this somewhat the same process if one had cold hands or cold feet in which you would concentrate the heat going to your hands or your feet? (Sheariam: Precisely correct.) Myra: Would that also be true of your poor eyesight, that you could concentrate on your eyes being better?
Sheariam: It is not circulation that causes poor eyesight. There are many other causes, and, of course, there are any number of different diseases of the eye. But certainly with action of the mind you can rebuild any tissue. So if there is any tissue damage to the eye structure, then that can be reconstituted. You can correct anything that goes wrong with your body. It has gone wrong at the instruction of your mind. So you simply change your mind.
Bonnie: What about near-sighted and far-sighted? That is a disease.
Sheariam: However, it is caused by certain mental activity. Very, very often, near-sightedness is merely the manifestation, the signal, if you will, that there is something about life which you wish not to see. Far-sightedness is again a manifestation, a signal, that you wish to see only that which is at a distance from you, so you need not be involved or responsible for it. All of your bodily ailments find the seat of their causation in your mind. The mind is triggered by belief. How certain belief systems can be inculcated into you through telepathy, through race thought, through cultural training, social conditions, family lineage. Your bodies are the out-picturing of what you believe to be true, and you can change that when you change what you believe.
Owen: Along another line, two lessons back, and I think in previous lessons, we learned that down through the ages, the message and story of the bible has been distorted to some extent for various purposes, that individual religions have revised it and modified it for their own particular purposes over time. Are there any religions now that accurately present the true picture?
Sheariam: All religions have some aspect of the truth. An analogy would be the perspective that each of you here in this room have of the process in which we are participating. Each religion has a perspective that is individual to that belief system. Obviously, it is impossible for any one human being, or any one group of human beings, to have truth in its totality, for truth in its totality belongs only to The Absolute. You and I share an aspect of total truth. That does not mean that we are not truth in ourselves, for truth means conformity with that which produces the thing considered. Thus we are gods. As human beings, we are gods in truth because we conform to the divine principle which has produced us. This is the crux of Judith’s teaching. She is trying to present you with those tools by which you will understand that aspect of the truth which you are. Does that help you to understand? (Owen: Yes.)
Maxine: This is another reason for saying that God is within.
Sheariam: Indeed yes. But god is without also.
Owen: We had a lesson by Karansa in that she mentioned that in our prayers we generally pray to our Source rather than to god. And I was a little disturbed by the interpretation of god. She said that god was The Absolute from which everything came. God began everything. But that when we prayed, we didn’t pray to that Absolute, we pray to our particular Source. This made me wonder about the Lords Prayer, and to whom Jesus was praying when he prayed to His Father. This left a lot of confusion in my mind. I didn’t feel quite comfortable praying to god, and I’m not really familiar with my Source. Could you throw some light on this?
Sheariam: Among the many distortions in your bible is the translation of certain words into the word “god”. You will find god referred to as “Our Lord”, “Our Father” which art in Heaven”, “The Lord God”, “Jehovah God”, innumerable references to god. When those words are traced back to the original writings, sometimes what is meant are angels. Sometimes what is mean are the Elohim, which Judith will be getting to at the next session. Most of the time the prayers are directed to what we are terming Source. This will be one of my responsibilities, to give you an understanding of what your Source is, and to whom you are indeed praying. I cannot tell you when we will get to that part because I cannot begin until Judith has completed her presentation which should end at the next session, at least temporarily. She will not have finished with the hierarchy, but she will have presented sufficient information that we can then work with that information to a constructive end and prepare you for her following presentation.
Bonnie: I have a question. I had a headache when I came here that I got for some reason. And Gloria said that she saw a pyramid that was pointed down, and that’s the reason why I have a headache. What did that mean?
Sheariam: The pyramid was the way in which she visualized your problem. When the pyramid is seen with the point downward, it implies that lower forces, or forces of lesser energy, are pulling at you, are dragging at you, are draining off your energies. A headache in the physical body is the first signal that one is being drained. Does that explain? Does that answer your question?
Bonnie: Yes. I was just wondering, is that another person that can do that?
Sheariam: It can be another person. It can be another group of persons. It can be something in your own emotional body which is causing a disturbance or a disharmony within you, and thus when one is emotionally disturbed, the desire body will immediately draw energy to the lower regions which govern the creation of the physical body. Thus your energy is directed toward preserving the clay body.
Maxine: Is the same true for migraine headaches, that you’re draining the energy away?
Sheariam: The migraine headache is a specific type of pain which is signaling constriction of the blood vessels that nourish the brain, and the very sensitive nerve ganglia in that part of the physical body. Increased circulation in a calm and peaceful atmosphere will serve to alleviate the migraine headache. But usually in the environment of the sufferer, there are conditions which the sufferer is at variance with, and thus suffers the migraine as a means to avoid dealing directly with the real problem.
Peggy: By encircling oneself in perfect white light, only good can come through that light. Would that help any in that situation? (Sheariam: Almost certainly.) Then all we have to do is to encircle ourselves in this perfect white light and only good can come.
Sheariam: That will not solve the problem. The situation has already been created. You can protect yourself with that shield until such time as you are in condition of strength to deal with the problem. But the problem will not disappear simply because you shield yourself from it. The problem can be dissonance in the relationships with family members. It can be a job, an employment which one finds distress in, either lack of sufficient remuneration or sufficient appreciation or sufficient opportunity to exercise personal self expression and creativity. Or it can be an imbalance, a discord between the bodies of the person, himself. When this occurs, the white light does not shield one for it is internal. I believe in the interest of time, it would be best if I say goodnight to you now, and allow Judith to present her material. I will return to you at the end of our session for our healing service.
Judith: Good evening, my dear and precious ones. I am so happy to be with you again and to share with you something which I felt to be quite humorous. When we last met, I discovered much freedom, much exhilaration in this new freedom with the channel. It quite went to my head. (Laughter) Consequently as I was giving you the information, I failed to give you the very thing that I had come to give you. I got wrapped up in the Omega Point. Yes, we are human, too. We have our failings. We are not perfect. If we were perfect, we would not be here. When we become perfected, we join The Absolute. So let me go back to what happened in our last meeting. Before we get to the material itself, my dear friend Bonnie was given a challenge. She asked a question, and I made a bargain with her. Do you have something to share with me? (Bonnie: No, I really don’t.) Then you did not keep your part of the bargain.
Bonnie: I kept losing focus of what it was. I’m still looking through the transcript trying to find out what exactly I was supposed to do. I think I was supposed to try to picture god, the god force in everything in my daily life.
Judith: Your question to me was: “Can I lead you through a day or a moment of time, and demonstrate how the god stuff enters your life, your mind, your brain.” I asked you to strive to understand that for yourself.
Bonnie: When I did, I think almost every day I spent some time trying to bring that into focus, but I can’t give you any great flashes that came to me.
Judith: I did not expect any. Let me ask you a question now. How do you know that you are seated on a couch?
Bonnie: I can see it. I can feel it. Something’s holding me up off the floor.
Judith: All right. You have mentioned sensory experiences. What do you suppose is the carrier for the sensory experience to the mind? Now remember, not the brain, the mind. (pause) You know that biologically your sensory impressions are carried along the nerve fiber. And it is said to jump from nerve ending to nerve ending, but you’ve been given that space is organized. What carries the information from nerve ending to nerve ending to the brain, and from the brain to the mind? How does the perceiving mind know that it has perceived something?
Myra: Is it electromagnetic energy? (Judith: Is it?) It seems to me it might be.
Judith: In what has been given you of the nine Components, has it not occurred to you that there is something linking the Components together? The god stuff! This is how you are penetrated; you are permeated. It is not measurable. It is not definable. It is omnipresent. It is also omnipotent. Without the god stuff your creative mind could not act upon what the perceiving mind perceives. The divine matrix must operate. Does that help you understand? (Bonnie: I think so) Think on it. You have been told for centuries that god is as near as your hands and feet, that god is ever-present, that god abides with you and in you. And still you doubt. That is the essence of it. The god stuff makes you be. It is the god stuff that allows you to exist, you see… to stand out from The Absolute. You are even now within The Absolute, because The Absolute is all that is. But you have become an individuation, a particularization. You are comprised of the nine Components. You’ve been created in accordance with the nine Laws. You are built upon the nine Principles. Tonight we will move on with the Attributes or Capacities. This is where I failed you last time. I gave you the Orders of Angels and the Archangels, and I told you what the names meant. It is important that you understand the meaning behind the words, the Attributes or Capacities, which I failed to give you. In line with the Sacred Fire, with Khamael, with the Seraphim, is the Disciplined Forcefulness. This is the prime capacity of existence – the prime capacity of what might be termed the god head. Disciplined Forcefulness. Then in line with the second Principle of the Radiant Energy and Truth is the Capacity of Perpetuation – eternality, on-goingness, the promise, the covenant. And the third Attribute is Wisdom. You have been told and taught, and it has been emphasized, that god is the ultimate wisdom, all wise. So this is one of the soul qualities, if you will, part of the heart of beingness. Now we will move on to the next step. Who can tell me what the next Law is? (silence) In the interest of time, I will tell you. It is the Law of Process. Who can tell me what the Principle is? (silence) The Principle is Differentiation. The Capacity, the Attribute, that moves in line with these two is Beauty. Would there be beauty if everything was the same, if we were not different, if the snow flakes were not different from each other, would there be beauty? While everything is, there is a becoming, a process. It is through this process that things become different from each other. And beauty lives. The Order of Angels that is connected with Beauty is the Order of the Malachim (pronounced mawlawkeem). That is spelled M-A-L-A-C-H-I-M. The meaning behind the word “Malachim” is that of king, royalty, the reigning one. The Archangel in charge of the Malachim is Raphael (pronounced rawphawel), spelled R-A-P-H-A-E-L. The meaning behind the name of Raphael is to make and keep whole. We recognize that to us beauty does not exist in the incomplete. What we see as ugly is non-completion – incompletion. Now who can tell me what the next law is? (some mumbling and guessing). Process is the third law. The fourth law is the Law of Reproduction. Do you know what the next Principle is? (silence) Cohesion. The Capacity, the quality that goes with these two is that of Mercy, Love, Compassion. The Order of Angels is called the Chasmalim (pronounced kawsmawleem), spelled C-H-A-S-M-A-L-I-M., and it means the brilliant or shining ones. These are ones who are thought to be the angels who visit the earth, the shining ones with halos and brilliant feathers and flowing white gowns, with their golden harps and golden horns. Remember, these are characterizations. They are the Order of Light, the Chasmalim, the brilliant ones. The Archangel in charge of these beings of light is Tzadkiel (pronounced just like it’s spelled, the “a’ is not pronounced “aw”) The meaning of Tzadkiel is to intuit. Can you see how these things connect in your legends, in your mythology, in your biblical teaching? In your bible you are told “and the Angel of the Lord spoke to me.” You see – Tzadkiel – to intuit. People saw the “Angel of the Lord” as a brilliant being, one of the Chasmalim who brings mercy and love and compassion. (question: to intuit?) To know by intuition. And now who can tell me the next law? (silence). You did not study, did you? (many admitting) The law is the Law of Harmony. The principle is Principle of Revelation. Can a flower not reveal itself? When you know all the facts, can you not put them in order and achieve harmony? When you have secrets, are you truly harmonized? The capacity, the Attribute that goes with these two is the Capacity to Know, Knowledge, Knowingness. The Order of Angels is the Ashim (pronounced awsheem), spelled A-S-H-I-M. Ashim means The Beholders. These are Angels of Witness. Their Archangel’s name is Sandalphon (pronounced sawndawlfown), and it means to know, but also to support change, for to become harmonized change must take place. Is that not true?
Peggy: Is change the evidence or the step of progress or growth?
Judith: Change can take any direction. Now, is there anything I have overlooked this time? (laughter) There are three more laws coming, three more principles, and three more capacities, three more orders of angels with their archangels. Then you will have all of the information which I will give you at this time. Then there will be directed study putting these things together, making them real, learning how to use them. We have brought our blessed Sheariam to our teaching staff. She has made herself known to you tonight. We welcome her with much love. She has served us well in many capacities, and she has now earned the right and privilege to teach. She is a being of great understanding, for she has much experience of life to share. She is much nearer your sphere of experience, thus she can perhaps state things more clearly and help you understand better. Now, before I retire, is there anything you would like to ask or share with me?
Myra: She mentioned about a name, that we will be given a name, perhaps choose a name. Could you perhaps elaborate on that a little bit?
Judith: Even as the archangels have names which express the meanings of their beingness, each of you as an entity has a meaning. You have a name which explains that meaning. As has been given to you before, names represent the nature of a thing. So, as entities you have names which express the nature of your being and which, in a way, operates to control the lifetimes you will experience.
Myra: Will you give us the names, or will we choose the names, or how will it work. I’m so excited about it.
Judith: This is going to be part of Sheriam’s work with you.
Bonnie: I have a question about my daughter. Her name is Patricia Elizabeth, but we’ve always called her Trista. A friend of mine told me that Trista meant sorrowful. We’d been having a lot of problems and my friend suggested perhaps we shouldn’t call her that any more.
Judith: It would be a good idea to discontinue calling her that. It is not her name.
Bonnie: Interesting. I always call her Elizabeth or Liz.
Judith: What does she want to be called?
Bonnie: Oh, she keeps changing it.
Judith: Then allow her to do so. She is finding the vibration at which she can best function, but as a loving parent you should be flexible enough to allow this.
Bonnie: I call her so many different names – Pat, Liz, Patricia, Elizabeth.
Judith: Why don’t you find a term of endearment to call her during this fluctuating time, so that there will be a steady anchor from you for her, something that she knows is peculiarly her own. It will help her find her anchor more quickly. A word of endearment, or a one syllable nickname. Something connected with what she likes to deal with. But be sure it is something acceptable to her, something she enjoys, that she takes joy and pride in your calling her that, that the sound sounds good to her.
Ida: I’m Ida, and I had a little dizzy spell this afternoon. What caused it?
Judith: Again, constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. As one gets older, there are numerous physiological changes which bring this about. There are physiological exercises which you can do to increase the flow. For instance, raising the arms above your head for a minute or two, and then allowing them to rest at your side, or your hands in your lap for four or five minutes. Then raising your arms above your head again, dong this two or three times a couple of times a day. In addition, the meditation described earlier, to bring more circulation to the head parts of the body will also assist you to overcome these dizzy spells.
Maxine: Could you tell me what the name Millie means?
Judith: Millie, in itself, is foreshortened. It is comprised of one syllable which means to grind as your world “mill” means. Millie is not a desirable name. It would lead to laborious work. It has the vibration of one who does things tediously. It has a slow pace to it.
Maxine: I always thought I wanted to be called Millie, but it doesn’t sound like I do. What does Maxine mean?
Judith: I beg of you that we do not continue this. I am pleased to be at your disposal, but truly, there are other things that need to be done. Sheariam will be happy to share with you in this kind of interchange. Beloved ones, I will part from you now, and I will be back with you at the next meeting. You are much blessed. We love you all so very much. Feel us near to you. We are with you. And so, I bid you good night.
Sheariam: And so, I am back with you. I do hope that your lesson was complete tonight. Judith had many chuckles over her oversight. This is unlike her. Now do we have any other conversation before we take up our healing?
Mary: I would like to ask just one thing. You talked about Gloria’s new name. I was wondering if you would like to tell us so we could tell her. Or is that something that will come in time?
Sheariam: First of all, she already knows. Very well, if you will settle yourselves comfortably, tonight I’m going to give you a little different exercise from that which you’ve been practicing. You will begin by rubbing hands together, but do not do so at this moment. I would like to explain the process to you first before you begin. You will put your palms together, and then with a circular motion, rub them slowly, almost sensually, until you begin to feel some energy building. Then, little by little, you will pull your palms apart, still maintaining the rotation motion. When your palms reach about four inches apart, you will feel as though you are rolling a ball of energy between your palms. So, do not do this briskly as you have done in the past, for this is a very controlled exercise, and you are going to do something with that ball of energy. So now begin your practice. Place your palms together, moving them slowly against each other in a circular motion. Breathe deeply as you do this. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax your abdominal muscles. Release all the tension in your body, particularly any tension you feel in your forehead, in your eyelids, or any other facial muscles. Keep the hands moving and begin to separate the palms. Concentrate on what you are doing, but do not be tense about it. Very gradually, widen the area between your palms. Feel that ball of energy. Now that ball of energy is as fragile as a bubble. Treat it as such, but it is very powerful. Do not be misled. Now within each of you, as Judith gave you tonight, there is the quality, the capacity for mercy, for love, for compassion. As you breathe in through the nose, breathe out so that your breath falls on the ball of energy. Allow feelings of mercy and love, of compassion, to be breathed out – out of your own being and into that ball of energy. It becomes more powerful. It becomes more brilliant. It begins to pulsate. Indeed, it begins to have a life of its own. Now in a moment you are going to waft your ball of energy into the center of this circle. And like bubbles, they will cling together to form one large bubble. Now very gently breathe in through your nose, and as though blowing a feather off the palms of your hands, blow your bubble of energy into the center of the room. There the energies combine into one huge beautiful, iridescent bubble of energy now imbued with those qualities of your mercy, of your love, of your compassion. Allow your hands to continue resting on your lap, palms upward. Now take a moment to call by name those of whom you have thought or concern, and immerse them in that bubble. Do this just in your mind.
Now the beautiful, iridescent bubble of energy grows larger and larger. There is unlimited capacity here. There is no crowding. Everyone is welcome. As the bubble shimmers and moves. It radiates this energy, and that energy comes back to you. You feel this iridescent energy as it brushes the palm of your hand, and the combined mercy, love and compassion of all present in this room now becomes a part of you. Each of you take what you need. In your physical existence, there are times when you get certain substances upon your hands, and it’s absorbed through the skin. Soon you can taste it in the saliva of your mouth. Allow this wonderful, healing, iridescent energy to penetrate the skin of your palms. Let it be carried through all of your body until you have a sweetness in your mouth. Your own reservoir for mercy, for love, and for compassion is filled and enriched as you partake of the blended energies. Now, as you brought your loved ones in mentally, mentally return them to themselves. Clear the ball of energy of all human occupancy. With the power of your thought, waft it away from this room. Send it around the globe. Everywhere it travels through the atmosphere, it will give off the energy of your combined mercy, love and compassion. Thus, your own beingness extends its blessedness to each and every other occupant of this planet. People are healed. Situations are healed. Conditions are healed. Yet you are replenished. Bless the ball of energy. Let it continue. Let it go. When you are ready, take a very deep breath, and as you exhale bring your palms together locking the blessing within your own form. And so, it is done. You are very blessed. I extend to each and every one of you my personal blessing and love, and I look forward with joy to being with you again very soon. Go in peace and goodnight.
Closed with Alleluia
Addendum: How Gloria received her name:
“I was dreaming that I was at a farm of some sort. It was mealtime and crop workers were preparing to sit at a table. I think I went in there to see the field supervisor. I think I was looking for a job. The workers began to come in, and then the man I wanted to see came in. He was blind. I thought, “How does he do that? How does he supervise all these people?” He sat down at the end of the table, and I started scooting along the bench because I wanted to talk to him. I think I wanted to apply for a job, but these workers kept getting between me and him. Like little kids do, if the parents sit down together, the kids will sit between them. It was like that. It was like these workers didn’t want me to get next to him. All of a sudden, the meal was over, and they all went back to work. I still hadn’t had a chance to talk to him. So, I duly recorded the dream. As I was recording the dream, I found myself writing, and the supervisor’s name was Jerome. I thought, “Now where did that come from?” So, I thought about it for a little while, and then the whole interpretation of the dream came to me. This supervisor in the dream that I wanted to go to work for was indeed my entity, the one to whom I belong, along with I don’t know how many others. These others, the other workers, were in between me and him. I was trying very hard to get to know him, to go to work for him. As I wrote Source said to me, “That’s who you are. You are Jerome.” I said, “But he was blind!” Source said, “But that’s because he’s compassionate. That’s what Jerome means, the compassionate.”
Owen suggested that is Gloria’s soul body name, or the organization she belongs to. Myra suggested that is her committee.
Following is a general discussion of this evening’s message:
Mary: Gloria, I’d like to ask about something that happened to me last night that I’m really curious about. Gloria: If I can answer, I’ll be happy to help. Mary: We talked about migraine headaches. I’d had a migraine headache for the last three days, and I was really having a bad time. I was doing better, but during the night I had some problem. I got up for a while, and then I got back in bed. I was just kind of twirling, and I said, “Why is this happening to me? Everything in my life is fine. I feel great. I really don’t have any impression why this is happening.” I was not asleep. I won’t say fully awake. I was shown a picture. It was almost like a surrealistic painting, and the people were kind of like slaves (?, tape difficult to understand), but they were lovely. They were in kind of beautiful cloaks, but they didn’t look at all like we look. It looked like something you would see at an art museum. Each was distinctive. And I said, “What does this mean? Why am I seeing this?” I could bring it back when I wanted to see it again. Then I was just kind of told, “When you see paintings like this, know that the artist sees this as you are being shown it.” And then that was all there was to it, which had nothing to do with a headache. It was rather beautiful, and it was like an “Ah ha!”, like now I could understand why an artist painted that kind of a scene, because they really saw it like that, and also that it was a different realm. But that artist was able to see beyond our own and into that realm.
Gloria: OK. Your question to start out with was “Why am I having a headache?” and you got a viable answer. It’s similar to what’s happening to Richard. It’s an external cause thing, and that’s what you were being told, that it was coming from another realm.
Richard: Is she to follow up and find out what that is and do something about it? We thought this was due to stress at work, and now she isn’t working any more. There’s no effect.
Gloria: OK. Apparently – I’ll have to check it out with Source – but this is the interpretation that I’m being given at the time that you tell me this. That an artist from another realm is seeing things in your realm distortedly, psychically, intuitively, or whatever. And it’s a pain. You know, it’s a real physical pain, and you are feeling that pain because of your sensitivities. You’re going to find the more you open your sensitivity, the more you are going to be subjected to these kinds of things until you learn how to control them. It’s part of that manifestation that psychics and mystics always talk about – being tested by fire, and being tested and tested – that kind of thing. It’s just experience. It’s like you test your capacity to walk until you learn how to walk.
Richard; Without falling and hurting herself.
Gloria: Yeah. As you open your psychic doors, as you open your intuitive capacity, you’re going to run into pain. You’re going to run into other people’s pain, and it’s going to be your pain until you learn how not to have it, how to refuse it, not to accept it.
Owen: Is this shielding. Peggy: Encircle yourself with the white light, and then you don’t take on anybody else’s problems. Mary: I’ve been doing that for a long time.
Gloria: Well, it goes a little bit beyond that, too. How can I describe to you what to do? It’s a refusal to accept. And, of course, anything has to start out as a mental action. You grasp the idea and you think on it. I’ll try to give you practical day-to-day kind of things to do. As you are awakening intuitive capacities come to mind. At that moment in your awareness, remind yourself that you refuse to accept anything that’s not a blessing to you, anything that’s inimical to you, anything alien, unfriendly, anti-good for you. Every time you think about being sensitive, about being intuitive, about being psychic, remind yourself that you refuse to accept that kind of phenomenon, or any kind of phenomenon that you don’t want. The best medicine is laughter. That’s much more effective even than trying to erect the white shield. Because by the time you are ready to need the shield, something has already gotten to you. Even though you really get that firmly built, as you walk around with it like in an egg shell, it deteriorates. So when you become aware that something has gotten to you, then you have to send it away from you. You have to refuse to accept it.
Mary: I’ve been able to do this at times.
Gloria: Well, I think knowing that it is not your own will make it easier to refuse it. We tend to accept pain that we think is our own and say “This is something I have to deal with.” When you know it’s not your own, you can get rid of it much more easily. It’s like someone else’s sorrow.
Richard: In the past she accepted that this was due to tension at work. It wasn’t physical. It wasn’t diet. It wasn’t all these other things. So she took this year’s leave of absence, and it’s just kept on going.
Gloria: You are in a very rapidly accelerating period of intuitive expansion or psychic opening. It’s moving sometimes faster than you can cope with it, and things are getting into you before you’re aware of it. And particularly if you’ve already programmed yourself to believe that it is something else that gets to you. So just be aware that you are more vulnerable now, and you will continue to be more vulnerable until you can close back in. But you learn those skills just like you learn to heal up your skinned knee when you learn to walk.
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