1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
The Courteous Existence of Self 6/15/10
In this instance we do not speak of the courtesies of common use such as curtsey, bow, handshake, cheek kiss, etc. Our discussion will not be limited to being polite to one another. This Existence was fashioned by Intention as something of a graduation point. The courteousness here involved has to do with your personal relationship to your Universe. As you have been told your Universe holds all you need, want, or will ever have or be. It fills every nook and cranny of your being, your environment, and what you call “life”. You have been told time and again that your needs are always met, whatever they may be, and it is up to you to distinguish between “want” and “need”. As humans you seldom know what you want, and often do not recognize what you need. But your Universe knows both, supplies the one, and awaits your demand for the other. Its main obligation is to nurture and sustain you until the Self is complete. It is incumbent upon you to build and maintain a courteous relationship with your Universe. It is through the Courteous Existence of Self that this is accomplished, but even at your level of self-awareness, you can do your part, willingly. However, there is also a part of you that does so unwillingly, sometimes defiantly, openly rebellious. Many sessions ago a member of your group who then called herself Myra asked the question about the dark side, the shadow self, as it is known in your field of psychology. At that time you did not have the foundation upon which we could build an explanation that you could understand. Hopefully, through your studies, you now have that foundation and may understand what is about to be given you. Your Universe is a sentient being but is not emotionally involved in what happens to you as some other aspects of Being may be. Universe does not care whether or not you succeed in your efforts. Your failure is not the failure of the Universe, for to the Universe there is no such thing as failure. While It is obligated to sustain you, It is not obligated to make you successful. It has only the business of balancing the books, so to speak. What you call Karma is determined by your courteous relationship with your Universe. Whenever you experience negative circumstances, adverse conditions, overwhelming challenges, you have earned them at some time, in some place, in some way. Many such events are a result of your Involutionary cycle which must be worked out through the Evolutionary cycle. Much of what is contained in your shadow self or dark side stems from the past of your race, not merely the past of your Self. Your Universe is based on polarization. Its job is to keep the balance, to extract the input which brings everything back to a static state. And so the pendulum swings. Whenever you mistreat another, be it human, animal, plant or mineral on your planet, you put your Universe out of balance, and it must take measures to restore balance. As you can see, while It is restoring balance in one area, imbalances are constantly occurring in other areas, so attaining such balance seems to be an eternal effort. Let me just say that at some instant in time, space and motion, perfect balance will be attained and your Universe will no longer exist. The Absolute will have taken all of It back to Itself. So what does the Courteous Existence of Self mean to you as a human earth dweller? There are two sides to this. For those of you who wish to sustain, maintain and promote your civilization, it means that every time you are rude, unkind or cruel, you have put the Universe out of balance and balance must be restored. Thus, even the slightest infraction of courtsey must be paid for. How often do you wound someone’s feelings without even knowing it? How many times have you had your feelings hurt for seemingly no reason at all? And this is just a minor infraction. How about murder, torture, war, poverty, tyranny? Itemization could go on for quite some time, and never cover all the affronts given daily to your Universe. And what was that about the shadow side? As humans evolved, the aggression required to turn the tide from Involution to Evolution did not diminish or subside. But in the interests of civilization, humans have learned to keep this side of their nature suppressed, controlled, hidden from themselves. But it is a very powerful part of your beingness, and must not be ignored. Your shadow self drives you to think unworthy thoughts, commit unworthy deeds, say unkind and cruel words. For all of these you must restore balance and so you pay through some adverse circumstances, unhappy event, or difficult situation. This is as true of those who live the criminal life as it is for those who struggle to live a “good” life. The more anti-civilization the deed, the more difficult task it is to restore the balance. And, as you know, this sometimes means a premature exit from an earthly life. The one thing it is perhaps difficult for you humans to understand is that the Universe’s focus is like a magnifying glass and a beam of light. An otherwise harmless warm beam can be amplified into heat strong enough to ignite. And so it is with the Universe’s return of your thoughts, deeds and actions. You are very often repaid ten times the strength of the original affront. The Universe has no emotion in this. It is merely the way the Universe has to balance the scales. This is why negative is so much more powerful than positive. However, positive thoughts, deeds and actions also merit amplified return, and blessings may rain upon you in return for a seemingly insignificant act, word or deed. You probably would never know what the source of such benevolence may be, but hopefully our words here will make you aware that you are deserving of all your blessings. But that does not mean you are to take them for granted or be unappreciative. Take seriously the seven deadly sins enumerated in your holy book. They clearly state major affronts to your Universe. Since, for instance, sloth leads to the deterioration of materiality through unseemliness, a need filled by the Universe is given little appreciation and is permitted to diminish in its meaningful contribution to your welfare. Greed has led to the depredation of entire countries in worldly economic search for wealth and power. Whole civilizations have perished because of it. Envy is the curse of the human heart. Who has not seen something someone else is enjoying and not wanted it for himself? By wanting what others have, one denies oneself the opportunity to fulfill some of the other Existences, and thus diminishes the efforts of Self as it struggles to graduate on the “good” side of life. You don’t have to be satisfied with just what you have. If you see something someone else has that you think you want, go out and get a similar, or even better, something for yourself and do not pursue the acquisition of the something in another’s possession. It is true there is never a completely identical thing in your Universe, but similar items can be so similar that you would be completely unable to tell the difference between the two. You will be happier having your own, and the someone will not be the worse for your having something similar, unless that someone chooses to entertain such a negative response, which then, of course, is that someone’s problem. Gluttony is deathly to earth dwellers. Its not just the gluttony of food, but the desire for more and more riches, more and more possessions, more and more admiration, more and more fame, and so on. Anything to excess is an affront to your Universe, causing it to take action to bring balance. It does not need to be said here the deleterious effect of overeating, and your imagination can serve you well to discover the deleterious effect of the other gluttonous thoughts and feelings. One little gem of information that could be given here is that the more tightly you hold on to, or cling to, another person or thing, the more certainly that will be ripped from you. Love with an open hand and do not despair if someone is taken from you earlier than you would wish. Know that it is all in the order of your Universe. Hold your possessions only in custody, not in greed, for none belong to you anyway. Enjoy them so long as your Universe permits you to keep them, and let them go willingly when they are taken from you without your wish. Simply bless the item, the event, and or the person involved, and get on with your life. Give thought to how the other listed items play this part in your life. It will be a good exercise for you as you begin to discover behaviors of your shadow self which then offers you the opportunity to change things for yourself. And remember, while these seven are referred to as the “Sins”, there is no such thing as “sin” itself. There is only lack of balance. As evolution has progressed, there has become a split in the outcome of what has been produced. There is now what you call “evil” in your experience which “good” finds itself having to strenuously oppose. However, your Universe makes no distinction in whether or not one is “evil” or “good” insofar as providing sustenance and maintenance. Your Universe is just as supportive of what you view “evil” as It is of that you view “good”. The evil is pervasive, often parading as “good”. You are told that it is your patriotic duty to wage war for the preservation of freedom. This is one of the worst brain- washing forces that has come out of evolution. As space diminishes through communication and technology, the fight for that space becomes more vicious and deadly. If it were not for forces at work on other earths, your human world would have no chance of surviving the struggle. And it is not assured right now that you will. Balance for earth dwellers will not have a chance until the inhabitants learn to share and share alike. Netsok cannot come until such a balance has the opportunity to be. So long as the dark forces stay in dominance, so long will there be imbalance. Your smallest effort to bring peace to your planet holds huge significance for Universe. If there was not hope that such balance is attainable, you would be no more. In fact there have been eras in your planet’s history that matters have been so out of balance the Universe has seen fit to send emissaries to discontinue the civilization effort. Sometimes the emissary has been climatic events. Other times, visitors from other worlds have had a hand in matters. You are even now being visited by those who may be given the obligation to restore some iota of balance if your current civilization is to continue. For your own personal life, look to the Universe as being friendly, and treat it as the truest friend you have. Be courteous to it and strive to make life better for all around you. This takes a great deal of will power and self control. It is so easy to express discomfort and dismay, and often so difficult to express genuine concern and generosity. Try to be as happy for others as you would have them be for you. When you find it necessary to express dissatisfaction, try to do so in as temperate a manner as possible. The more you do this, the better you will become at doing so. The more you are able to do thus, the more difficult it becomes for your shadow self to come to the fore. We speak in terms of the “good” rather than the “evil” as our students are not usually people who desire to excel in expressing the dark side of their nature. This is why we taught you to invoke Sandalphon and not Mephathiel. Sandalphon is constructive while Mephathiel is destructive. And as is usually the case, the negative often overrides the positive and is often beyond the control of one who evokes it. But like light conquers darkness, the positive can conquer the negative in your lives, and you can live fuller, more rewarding lives and move ever closer to your Self’s “graduation”. Reincarnation into an earth form occurs when the reincarnating one has not attained a sufficient degree of courteous relationship with Universe. To get off the Wheel of Karma, one must purify, whether into the “good” side of life, or into the “evil” side of life. Believe me when I tell you there are earths that have a predominant “evil” way of life. Your earth is designed to give you optimum chances at purification and spiritualization. Oft times “evil” doers on your earth are reincarnated into “evil” earths and purify in that ambience. Because you, as this-earth dwellers, are oriented toward “good”, conditions on these other earths is inexplicable to you. But just be comforted, that so long as you determinedly set yourselves on a pathway of “good”, your reincarnations will always be into a “good” earth civilization. It takes a very broad view for you earth dwellers to be forgiving of those who seem bent on destroying your civilization. Knowing there are other places for them to reincarnate may help you in this regard. There is so much to be said on this subject, it is with reluctance that I bring this to a close. But that must be done at this time, so go in peace and be blessed.