1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
The Healthy Existence of Self 5/9/10
The Healthy Existence is more than just the state of your physical body. It refers to equilibrium in all your parts including the subtle bodies. Such a state of bliss is not possible for you in your earthly life. As an healthy individual, you contribute to the Healthy Existence of Self by living as cleanly as you can, but that is not necessarily according to the mores of your society. Some religions dictate dietary regimen, celibacy, belief in labels, exclusionism, etc. These are all man-made rules. Some are based in healthy living for the time in which they were created, but do not necessarily apply to your modern ways of life. Fulfilling Healthy Existence requires a balance in all things, and as humans on your earth, you must seek to find that center within yourself wherein lies the basic knowledge of what your physical, mental, and emotional bodies need to feel well, hearty, strong and eager. Whenever one finds a lack of energy, strength or sense of well-being, there is to be found an imbalance somewhere. However, your modern medical community convinces you that these imbalances can be “fixed” with medication or surgical procedures affecting only the physical body. Your modern psychiatric community convinces you that an imbalance may be due to some early life experience, or a dysfunction of the brain, but rarely is there a practitioner who truly understands what is out of balance. Spirit, mind and body must all work together to achieve a truly healthy person, and few there are to be found on your planet now. Life has become complicated beyond your ability to cope, and your technology keeps pushing you along this road of imbalance. This is not to say that you must forego the advantages of technology. You live in a time when communication and knowledge of events at a distance from you are of great importance. In earlier times, it was only the events of local society that influenced your well being. Now events transpiring on the other side of your planet affect you. Weather patterns are established by the thoughts of those whom you have never seen and probably will never see. Your own thoughts affect these, as well, and it is not only weather patterns that are affected by what and how you think. Governments, whole societies, religious movements, political issues, nations, are all out-picturing the thought processes of your day. If you would change your world, change your thinking and the way you express it. Just balancing your diet will not achieve the physical health you seek. If you do not balance your thinking, the diet will not work. So it is with the health of your society. More on the subject of government and other entities of power will be discussed elsewhere. But I wanted to point out that what is said here about your own individual state of health is not solely what is to be considered. Now, individually, most of you are aware of the part played by nutrition, exercise, rest, and play with regard to your state of general health. And you have been told before how your physical body alerts you to imbalances in your regimen whether it is mental or spiritual. Healthy Existence is not limited to the health of your bodies, but also to the health of your environment. Since you create your environment, it is well for you to look at what is there causing the imbalance that is making you uncomfortable whether it is a discomfort of pain, fatigue, depression, or negative feelings. Where there is discomfort it is for certain there is an imbalance demanding your attention. The Healthy Existence is created by the Intention to heal the wounds of Involution. We will not deal here with the ins and outs of this concept. I mention this only to make you aware there are imbalances which you can address which were not created directly by yourselves. That does not mean you are excused from dealing with them. So long as they are ignored, so long will you suffer the discomforts brought by them. It is part of your responsibility to contribute to the restructuring of balance during the evolutionary cycle. The more equilibrium you can achieve in your short span of years on this planet earth, the greater your contribution to the fulfilling of the overall Intention that brought humankind into being. One major item that causes discomfort is the difficulty you find in interpersonal relationships. It is very easy to blame your discomfort on your partner, associate, friend or enemy. You must look to yourself to heal yourself. The word “healthy” contains within it the word “heal”. It is your responsibility to heal yourself and contribute positively to the fulfillment of the Healthy Existence of Self. So what is the equilibrium you can achieve? Fairness of thought. How about that? Do you entertain prejudices, preconceived ideas, learned attitudes and behaviors that do not contribute to the equilibrium of humankind? Do you have expectations of others that are not being fulfilled? Are these expectations reasonable to expect from the person you want them from? A short exercise right now as you study these words would be in order. Write down at least three things that might be causing an imbalance in your life and thus in your society. Are you bigoted or do you agree in the equality of all humans? Are you disturbed by close contact with races other than your own? How well do you deal with poverty, homelessness, lack of education, etc.? Do you look the other way, or do you try to do something about it? Could you teach a child who has a learning disability, or even a major physical handicap? Could you care for an elderly person suffering from Alzheimer’s who is incontinent, contentious, and difficult to provide for? What are your personal prejudices? What affronts you? Politics? Government? Perhaps your own country’s system of operation? Maybe your partner’s shortcomings disappoint you? How about the behavior of your neighbors? These are just suggestions. Be as honest with yourself as you can be, and then share your thoughts with others and discuss them. See if others can offer you ways and means to achieve equilibrium in your thinking, actions you can take to be effective in righting what you see as being wrong, changes in your lifestyle that will bring greater pleasure and comfort to your personal well-being. Remember in earlier dissertations you were told of some of the metaphysical reasons for conditions existing in the physical and mental bodies. If you are in pain, anxious or uncomfortable in any way, discussing with others the possible roots of such discomforts often sponsors thoughts you would not have otherwise and an objective approach to your discomfort by an empathetic person or group can be extremely helpful in your finding the answers. This requires a great deal of openness, I know, and will breach the feelings of privacy some of you entertain. Your ability to achieve equilibrium and thus true health, depends on the degree to which you are engaged in your own success. Discussing your discomforts in a reasonable manner is not meant to be a means through which you can complain. That is not what this exercise is for. You are not to seek sympathy in doing this exercise, but you are to approach it with an objectivity that permits you to benefit from it. Review some of the previous dissertations that pinpoint metaphysical roots of physical and mental discomfort, such as foot problems relating to lack of understanding, or hip problems that belie inflexibility, or sight problems that keep you from seeing clearly a problem you wish to hide from yourself. While we do not have the time to mention everything, this gives you some idea of how to determine these things. Look for the meaning and purpose of the physical part that is uncomfortable, and you will see what really sponsors the disability or disharmony in your bodies. Maintaining complete equilibrium as an earth dweller is not possible, but it is your responsibility to find and repair everything you can in order to promote harmony within yourself, your environment, and ultimately in fulfilling the requirements of a Healthy Existence of Self. I am sure more questions have been raised than have been answered, but that is sometimes our intent. The more you do for yourselves, the more progress you make. We only offer guidelines. Success is up to you. And so I leave you this time with many blessings and much love. Go in peace.