1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
On Accommodation 10/13/10
Accommodation is found throughout your created Universe. Planets accommodate being bombarded with items from space such as meteors, etc. Your earth accommodates being bombarded with falling space junk. Planets accommodate each other in their orbits and relationship to their sun. So it is with solar systems, galaxies, etc. However, this discussion will be limited to Accommodation as it applies to earth and its inhabitants. It is part of living under the Law of Dominance, that pain is a constant. Consider also that pain is not just physical. It is mental, emotional and spiritual. Accommodation to pain occurs in many different ways. When a body becomes more uncomfortable from the pain than it can accommodate, a change is made, in position, place or condition. This is true of all levels of being on your planet. The more Volition something has, the more it can do something to change whatever is causing it pain. A living plant will grow in a different direction when its growth is impeded by something or it needs nourishment of some kind it will move in the direction in which it might find what it needs. It is so also with the human body. When the comfort zone is lost or not found, position is changed, another location sought, or abandonment of the endeavor in which it is engaged. Entities who are contracted under the Intention of Accommodation will do everything they can to withstand the pain before making a change. This is difficult for those not so engaged to understand. Some individuals have a lower threshold for pain than others. In fact, there are some bodies born that do not even feel physical pain, many who do not feel emotional pain, and many more who neither feel nor wish to understand spiritual pain. Some pain is not even recognized as such and given even more accommodation than it would receive if it were recognized. It is said by your scientific community that pain is a signal that there is something amiss, and if you find the cause, the pain will go away. That is not true. It will go away only when you find a relief for the cause. One may know someone is depressed but probably will not know that depression is a pain of the spirit. Some find relief from spiritual pain in apocalyptic experience where they change their lives completely as in adopting a particular religion with dedication. Some find relief from emotional pain by finding comfort in someone’s arms. That, of course, is only temporary, for when the arms are removed, the pain is still present. When belief is challenged, sometimes the conviction is not sufficient to stand up to the demand. Herein lies the secret. Conviction in belief. If you believe a thing to be true you will act in accordance with it. If you are not acting in accordance with your belief then you do not truly believe. Pain of the spirit can only be cured by faith in a higher power and that higher power holds you in love and respect for your worthiness. If you feel worthless, how then, can anyone or anything else prove to you that you are worthy? One of the greatest emotional pains for the animal kingdom is loneliness. Many accommodate loneliness by filling their hours with work, play, hobbies, etc. That only pushes the pain to the background. It does not resolve the main cause. The animal kingdom is naturally gregarious and without close association with like kind, life becomes merely accommodation, although the participant may believe he is happier without companionship than with. There are many ways in which accommodation for the pain of loneliness is performed. Humans acquire pets. Animals adopt humans or members of other species. Finding love wherever it can be found is not a bad accommodation and is often quite fulfilling. Physical pain is often assuaged through use of artificial means such as drugs, mental exercises in which the pain is banished from awareness, sometimes sleep, surgery, etc. But these only postpone the demand for attention that pain delivers. So why pain at all? Because it is intended to drive Consciousness to develop more Volition. It takes Volition to resolve the cause of pain or evolve an accommodation for it. If life were totally comfortable, there would be no reason to make changes. Growth would stop, evolution would stop, the Universe would collapse. So even while accommodating, searching for resolution or denying its existence, the being suffering the pain cannot avoid growth. Did you ever think that your very earth feels pain? It does. Instead of utilizing the natural openings in the ground such as caves, caverns, etc. for burying your dead, you dig holes in the ground and plant a coffin lead lined to protect a corpse within from the advances of nature against its deterioration. This is against the natural process of Dissemination which will be discussed elsewhere. The rape of the earth to extract minerals is one of its greatest torments. The destruction of its forests and animal habitat causing the extinction of species before their time are two of the greatest affronts humans direct at the very earth that gives them life. Creation has provided the wherewithal for all life’s needs to be developed from free sources which usually go unused except for minimal application. Solar rays for instance. Cultivation of the earth is something else. The earth actually enjoys being cultivated as cultivation adds to its power to produce nutrient for its inhabitants and when cultivation is properly done, the earth actually sings with joy. It does not enjoy having its green lands turned into cement forests for human habitation. Rather than using up the most readily accessible agricultural land for such enterprise, the rockier, drier, less fertile areas are the ones that should be developed if development is necessary. It is the natural evolution of your star to give off parts of itself in rays. Rather than painfully extracting heat sources from your Mother Earth, why do you not utilize more of a natural resource? So-called sophisticated, civilized humans have come to place unearned value on certain minerals of the earth such as gold. A more reliable and dependable and lasting medium of exchange is effort, human product such as labor or mental creativity. Of course, you will say that this is impractical because a city dweller does not usually have ready access to a farmer’s produce. Instead of money banks, why not goods banks. A laborer deposits the value of his labor into his account which he can then exchange for products. Barter banks have been tried but are most often defeated by government interference because a governmental body does not see how it can benefit from a value deposit of labor whereas the medium of money is exchanged readily. But credit is an excellent example of how such labor and product banks could work better for you than raping your earth for the almighty dollar. It is without doubt that our suggestions appear to be impractical for you, but the time will come in the evolution of your planet that just such a situation will be extant. Everything will be cyber space credits. Some farseeing individuals have already incorporated this into their thinking but make it evident only in your sci-fi entertainment. There are many Jules Vernes in your world and though this generation will not live to see it, many of these “far-out” considerations will become the commerce of the day. Thus accommodation takes on a different face, but is still present. So for the present it behooves you to think about where and how you may be inflicting pain even though you do not intend to. It is not the cruel word that gives the pain. The more serious offense is the cruel thought behind it. As you have been told many times, keep a rein on your tongue, and even tighter rein on your thoughts, and your actions will serve you better. Inflicting pain is not the way to accommodate your own pain. Giving joy and happiness is a far more effective way of resolving the underlying cause of pain. When you feel like lashing out at someone or something, give yourself a breathing space to evaluate the degree of pain relief such action will render. Most of the time, you will realize that any such relief is only temporary and will not solve your problem. While hasty action is required under certain circumstances, such hasty action performed under the duress of anger or frustration is seldom effectual. And so you have our blessing. Go in peace. Respect each other, your earth home and all its inhabitants. That is the best accommodation you can render.