1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
On Conservation 11/30/2010
As you were told long ago in the creation of your Universe, there is a limited Quantity of The Absolute to be distributed among all the variables of your Universe. Each Something manifested in your Universe has an original quantum of The Absolute’s substance. You have also been given the directive to “Quantify your Quality”. Therefore, some quantity of Universal substance must be taken from Something in order to be added to another Something. Recently you were advised about the importance of Dissemination in order for Growth to occur, and what happens when Dissolution occurs. Dissolution, of course, reinvests the dissolved substance back into the Universal reservoir to be used again and again. Consequently, nothing is ever entirely “lost”, only, in your vernacular, “recycled”. In that case, why is there an Intention of Conservation? This Intention is necessary to prevent wanton destruction of species inherent to the health of the various worlds which are contained within your Universe. Worlds have become completely dissolved back into the Universe by the careless use of their substances. If you would have your earth world remain a working unit of your Universe, then it is up to you, its inhabitants, to conserve its resources. The resources have been designed and provided for your welfare, and thus are meant to be used, but not abused by use in the course of pursuing selfish goals. A balance must be struck between use and replenishment of all resources. Considering that one of your major material resources, oil, now in use in many ways has been developed over eons of time, does it make sense to continually extract it from the ground and burn it up in pollution-producing machines? There is much talk among you about renewable resources such as your sun’s energy. This is not a vain endeavor, but even that resource is not limitlessly renewable. Sooner or later, your sun will burn out, but that is in the design of your Universe’s Intentions of which you have no knowledge and could not grasp even if they were told to you. It is your responsibility to learn of the Intentions designed for your earth, and work to fulfill them in order to complete the overall plan of your Universe. As you strive to conserve earthly resources, you enable the hierarchies of power to do their jobs as well. Nothing you think or do is of little consequence. Everything affects everything else. You individually can begin to fulfill the Intention of Conservation by utilizing your own resources of health, energy, knowledge, etc. to build a better life for yourself, thus building a better life for everyone on your earth. You can witness this beneficial effect in those nearest and dearest to you. You do not have to know how something unknown to you is affected. We tell you this in order to implant the seed of willing compliance within your consciousness. Your main responsibility is to Quantify your Quality -- to become a greater person, to love more generously, to embrace humankind in all its aspects as your brotherhood. At the personal level, conserving personal possessions is a prime priority. Do not discard to a landfill something that can be used by someone else who has less than you have. You do not have to deny yourself anything to be conservative in this way. Just give thought to the substance you throw in your trash. Can it be composed? Will it keep a homeless person warm? Can it be used to repair someone’s dwelling? Look for those places you can donate things you would normally haul to your landfills. They are not hard to find. More and more social conscience is rising to the call of Conservation, helping one’s fellow man, caring for those who cannot care for themselves. Donate to your local food banks, coats for kids, blankets for the homeless shelters. This is an excellent way to clean out your closets and make space for that which you will use day by day rather than cluttering up a garage, attic or storage room with unused but still usable materials. If you live in an area where there is no food bank -- start one. Talk to a church official about a homeless shelter. There is no place on your earth there are no underprivileged persons. You just need to give thought to the matter. Conservation begins at the personal level. As Conservation permeates the consciousness of the many, earthly resources benefit, new ideas are generated, and civilization’s attributes are enhanced. You do not need to make a grand gesture. Donate all those half-used pencils to a local school. It is true that your public school system is somewhat elitist in its requirement that supplies be purchased new, but there are many church schools, parochial schools, day care centers, etc. that could use just such things as paper and pencils, used crayons, refurbished toys. It will not take much effort on your part to find some little thing you can do. It’s not important that anyone know about your actions except you and others directly involved. This is not an activity intended to gain you a “good citizenship” award. This is an activity necessary to the conservation of your own planet, which then extends out to your solar system, galaxy and beyond. This is your season of giving of gifts. Make it truly a season of Conservation and then enjoy the benefits of an uplifted heart. It is not only the materials of your environment that must be subject to conservation. You and your planet are interdependent. So conservation of yourself is as necessary as conservation of your planet. Use your energies and strength wisely. Do not waste them on wishful thinking but use them in conservation activity. Give yourself enough rest to replenish and heal your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Nourish the cells of your physical body with natural foods to whatever extent you can depending on your life’s environment. City life is different from country life, but no matter where you live, there are things you can do to benefit your many bodies through conservation. Conserve your emotional energies. Do not waste emotional energy agonizing over what might have been, or what you might have done. Let the past be the past and look to what you can accomplish in the future. Honor yourself by giving your bodies the freedom to experience joy, and not lock out joy through regret, recrimination, vengeful thoughts or worry. Conservation of yourself is best accomplished through trusting your Universe to supply your needs and trusting yourself to supply your luxuries. Remember you were told to live voluptuously. That means comforts, delights, indulgences, but not to the extent of costing your various bodies their welfare. Enjoy food, but do not abuse the privilege. Enjoy social activities, but not at the cost of your rest. Enjoy sex, but not at the cost of your body’s strengths to fulfill other obligations. A healthy sex life is part of the plan of Conservation. Do not deride the activity, or demote it to some shameful hidden participation. Always make love a part of your sex life within the bounds of human conservation. Abusing another’s body for one’s own satisfaction is wasteful. If there is “sin” as such, wastefulness is certainly a major one. Wasting life would be the worst “sin”. You have been given earth life for a purpose, and Conservation is a major means to fulfilling that purpose. Use your life wisely. Make it count for something more than mere existence. As you Quantify your Quality, you also quantify the quality of your earthly home. Do everything with joy. Infuse life on your planet with the joy of conservation, and you will have an earthly home of greater value to yourself and all its inhabitants. Conservation of life extends to the abuse of animals. It is not restricted to the abuse of material resources. Do what you can to alleviate the suffering of all living things on your planet. Only when you have successfully brought peace and health to every being and every resource of your planet will Netsok be able to abide with you. Whatever you do in this earthly life to further the Intention of Conservation increases the benefits you will enjoy as you leave earthly life and move on to greater, more enhanced living in other dimensions and conditions. The fundamentalist who believes in earning jewels in his heavenly crown is not far off the mark in this regard. The smallest effort you make toward Conservation earns you “points” to be counted in the rewards of the continued life you will have as you move from earthly life to other conditions. So now enjoy the wonders of your holiday season. Give generously of your love. Make Conservation your motivation in as many of your activities as you can. Most of all be generous with yourself. Permit yourself to be filled with the joy available only through awareness of your participation in a greater beingness. Replenish your spirit with song, celebration of life, and the rewards of sharing. Go now in peace with our love and blessings.