1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
On Growth or Dissolution 8/25/10
Growth and dissolution are two faces of the same thing. While you do have scientific terms for this, these words were chosen from your daily vocabulary so that you might better understand exactly what is being told. There can be no growth without dissolution, and without growth, dissolution terminates the subject. Your physical body is in a constant state of growing new cells and sloughing off old. This is no news to you. But do you realize this process is also going on with your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies? This Intention is designed peculiarly for your world as change is your only constant. Even in stagnation, change is occurring if only at the cellular level. Your earth has recently experienced some rather staggering evidences of dissolution by flood, earthquake, and other so-called natural disasters. As you have been told repeatedly, you create your own environment with your thoughts, deeds and actions. These natural disasters are the inevitable outcome of this. When growth becomes over-growth, nature sees to it there is some kind of dissolution. If mankind will not voluntarily dissolve or cast off its over-accumulation, natural forces will remove it one way or the other. This is also true of the private life. You may see events in your life as disasters not of your own making. It is always easier for you to blame someone other than yourself for your misfortunes. If you would view such disasters as a part of growth, they would not only be more productive but the subsequent growth would be more pleasant. Nature rarely removes anything that it does not replace with something better. That is the natural order of your creation. Now begin to apply this principle to your thoughts and feelings. The more you hang on to old outmoded ways of thinking, so long will you cause stagnation and ultimately disaster in your life. You can offset this by determinedly seeking thoughts of new productivity, joy and pleasure. However, as is always true, emphasis on only one or the other leads to over-abundance of one thing and insufficient supply of another. Seek always to balance work and pleasure, live voluptuously, but not carelessly wasteful of your assets. Conserve your energies, both personal and public, wherever possible, so they may be used in the proper way for the appropriate result, so that there is prosperity in all areas of your life. Hoarding negative emotions is one of the greatest inhibitors to human growth. Where there is hatred, love finds no entry. Without love, growth is inhibited and dissolution overrides growth, so one loses in the long run. Resenting things you cannot do anything about, or seemingly so, is a futile exercise. You can complain all you want about public circumstances such as the economy, political climate, corruption and so forth, but if you do not put some positive thought into what concerns you, there is little you can do about such matters. You can do more to correct the things you see erroneous in your society by thinking of things that would be better than actually getting hands on experience. That is not to say if you have a political bent, you should not exercise it, but sit home and think. That is not the point. Most people are not imbued with political ambition, and those who are, very often are motivated by greed. But personally meditating on what you would replace the corruption with is more powerful than your individual vote. Visualization is a powerful tool in this growth and dissolution process. If you want to get rid of a corrupt politician think of that individual in a better mode of life rather than simply gone from the equation. Removal does not correct his situation, though it might help to correct the situation you would want to be different. However, if you can help him find a better way for himself, he will either change what he is doing where he is, or will move on to do better things elsewhere and you will have accomplished more than your original goal. At the personal level, individuals in your life who are annoying, harmful, or unwanted for whatever reason, are not going to change because of your criticism. Yes, it is difficult to offer positive thought when one’s emotions are overriding one’s thought processes, and venting helps in such instances. However, to be really effective in correcting the situation, you need to offer a positive alternative to what it is that bothers you. Loving unconditionally is not easily accomplished by earth world dwellers. You are not sufficiently evolved to do this all the time, although there are probably moments of total acceptance. Criticism leads to more affront. Remember that force meets force. If you can point out something to that individual that will make his life better, you will get farther toward your goal of fixing a situation that is uncomfortable for you. It is perfectly all right to point out to someone what he or she does that annoys you, discomforts you, or affronts you, but getting angry or picking a fight will not resolve the situation. Such emotional urges as this are due to the circumstances created by the Law of Dominance, and therefore it is for you to work it out rather than give in to it. Sandalphon requires negotiation. Negotiation is an excellent way to promote positive growth and proper dissolution. When you are annoyed, angry or despairing of some situation, do you ask anyone else involved what they want? What is it they seek to gain from the behavior that affronts you? When you discover what that is, such as gratification, pleasure, experience, whatever, you can then work with that to promote dissolution of the problem and growth into a better circumstance. Spiritual growth is no different than physical, mental or emotional growth. It, too, requires dissolution. As you seek to understand yourself and your world, relinquishing that which is no longer of any use to you is the proper thing to do. Do not be miserly in your love of humanity, your higher powers, your Source, your benefactors in all areas of your spiritual life. Much is said about patriotism and much done to promote national pride in order to support government and other social goals. How much is done to encourage loyalty to your own truth? How much is done to promote pride in humanity and love of the environment. Ecological zealots discourage the approval and commendation that should be given to those who strive to protect your earthly assets. Do not allow such negative energies to cause you to scoff or scorn such efforts. Even if you do not contribute money to charitable efforts, go out and campaign for better living conditions for the poor, become actively engaged in fighting political corruption, it is important that you give due thought, compassion and positive emotional support by not criticizing those who do, but with encouraging thoughts of the perfect world you would truly appreciate. When and if you can, or if you find yourself to be so motivated, by all means get involved. But if you are not so motivated, or perhaps physically, or economically unable to hands on participate, you still have great powers at your command to be effective in the growth and dissolution of your planet and its inhabitants. It should go without saying that this is a positive means by which to work out the ramifications of the Law of Dominance. Take charge of your thoughts, feelings and spiritual life. Release whatever it is that is no longer of ready use to you. Physically, if you have material things that you have not personally used in a year or so, it is wise to pass them on to whatever agency or individual that can so use them. Giving them space in your life inhibits your growth and hinders dissolution. The same is to be said of grudges, envy, jealousy, covetousness, and any other negative attitude. Get rid of them. Dissolve them and get yourself some new ones that can make you happy, live joyously and voluptuously. Go in peace with our blessings.