1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
On Redemption 2/7/2011
To borrow a phrase from your current science fiction, “prime directive” is also present in your created universe. Every “thing” that emerges at an Omega Point has a prime directive, and that is to Quantify Quality. Without exception, this is the primary thrust of existence in this universe. Therefore, we consider the only “sin” to be failure to comply with that directive. Failure to comply occurs in many ways but, as always, a balance is provided for such failure in the form of redemption. There is no such thing as “grace” as believed by the fundamentalist religions. There is only postponement which may appear to be grace. Sooner or later the scales must be brought back into balance. Remorse and forgiveness are not sufficient to balance the scales. There is no redemption in this. Redemption can only be achieved through knowledge, acknowledgment, and self-understanding. Many crimes are committed by persons who do not know they have committed a crime. Some know they have committed a crime but do not know why they did it. Rehabilitation is not the answer either, although it can be achieved through the avenues of knowing, acknowledgment and self-understanding. That does not mean the drive that pushed someone to commit a crime is obverted, repressed, redirected or controlled in some way. Redemption can be achieved even when the drive remains as strong as ever. A most important factor in redemption is that it can only be achieved while the entity is in the condition in which the crime is committed. In other words, reincarnation is not the answer or salvation for anyone who has failed the prime directive. If the wrong is not righted in the condition in which it was committed, it cannot be righted and consequences must pursue. Reincarnation provides opportunity only for consequences to be experienced. This does not bring redemption. So it is a fallacy to believe that one can do whatever one wishes without fear of consequence in one life because it can be expunged in another. Nor can such failure be expunged through “grace” or “forgiveness”. While forgiveness given by the victim of a crime, his family or friends, may make everyone feel better, it does not offer redemption or bring balance with regard to the prime directive. Knowledge, acknowledgment and self- understanding may not bring the peace one might seek or expect from redemption, either. Redemption does not always bring peace to the spirit. But it does obviate future consequences in other lifetimes. Restitution whenever possible is one step on the pathway to redemption. So this brings up the matter of murder and capital punishment. When a person is murdered, his opportunity for redemption is removed, and the burden of his redemption passes to the murderer. When one “takes a life” it is literally so. Capital punishment prohibits redemption for the criminal as his opportunity to redeem himself in the same condition in which his crime was committed is removed. One has no guarantee that reincarnation will put one back into the same condition as the one left at death. If one is returned to earthly life as deemed appropriate by the “powers that be”, then sometimes redemption is possible, but this is truly a rare occasion. In such an instance, for one to know the crime he has committed, to acknowledge it and achieve self-understanding he must be able to remember having the prior life in which the crime was committed. How many people do you know who can actually fully recall any prior earthly life? Bits and pieces often, but fully, seldom. Self-understanding does not bring forgiveness and thus peace. That must be achieved through further effort, but is a primary requirement to achieve redemption. Remorse gains no one anything. Self-punishment gains nothing either, neither by physical, mental or emotional punishment. While a victim, his family and friends may feel some relief for their grief may be achieved through punishment, it is seldom so, and often leads to a failure to fulfill the prime directive on the part of that victim, family and friends. Vengeance is a sour dish. Revenge never brings the satisfaction expected. It only creates another failure to fulfill the prime directive. Thus forgiveness is a benefit for the forgiver but not for the forgiven. Now we have addressed the most heinous of crimes, but do not take this as exclusive. There are many minor crimes committed daily so it behooves one to examine one’s own life, attitudes, etc. to see where, how and when one may have failed to fulfill the prime directive. Are you doing all you can to Quantify your Quality? Are you making the most of your innate talents? Do you encourage others to succeed, or are you jealous of their achievements? Do you truly feel joy in someone else’s joyful experiences or do you envy them? You see, it is in small things that one can fail the prime directive and not know it. And remember that redemption requires knowing failure has occurred, and acknowledging it is often the most difficult thing to do. As one finds self-understanding, one’s self-confidence and self-image are strengthened and increased. Until you truly value yourself, you will not be able to fully value another. Part of fulfilling the prime directive is truly appreciating the value of others as well as yourself. Thus unconditional love is a great resolver of troubles. The first rule in fulfilling the prime directive is “Do no harm”. This is an easy criterion by which you can judge your own actions. Sometimes the distinction between what you see needs to be done, and what you see as doing harm is very blurred. Only self-understanding can clear your vision. Hasty action often leads one into a path of failure, and immediate emotional response to a situation often leads to hasty action. Only personal serenity permits one to truly think before acting in an emotional situation. This is especially true of earthly lifetimes as you live under the Law of Dominance. That dominance must be directed to oneself and not to others. This is a difficult thing for earthly inhabitants to do. Hopefully our few words here will assist you in your growth. Go now in peace and in the knowledge that you have our unconditional love.