1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
On Selectivity 4/2/11
When a Divine Germ Cell emerges at an Omega Point, containing all the Components as has been given, it must find a direction. It enters the Realm of Universe omnipotent and available to be claimed by Spirit Realm to be put to use. The “rod” is its strength and determination provided by The Absolute. The Universal Realm provides shelter and a place for it “to be” and “to become”. Once claimed by Spirit it is given into the care of Soul which appoints it to an Intention, given its Purpose and so on down the involutionary route. Among the Intentions is Selectivity. Even when given a place to be, a reason to become, a direction in which to grow, there must be some curb put on Will. Fortunately for human life, this Intention of Selectivity enables one to make choices. As you look into your life you will find roads you did not travel, opportunities you let pass by, and the experience gained from the choices made. So what is “Destiny”? It is that group of experiences formulated by past choices. In the span of one human lifetime, choices cannot change the destiny of any one span, but certainly colors the fate that destiny will reach. All along the road there are byways, alternatives, choices to be made. But within destiny lie certain obstacles, challenges, mountain tops, each must meet and conquer, or fall short only to have to do it again, if not in the current lifetime, at some point in the evolution of beingness of which that human is a part. Selection is often made from sponsorship of the Emotional Body rather than the Mental Body. This sometimes leads to disaster. Other times it leads to greater success than first anticipated. Rational Mental Body choices do not always turn out as expected either, but without Selectivity, no direction would be found and the Universe could become a rather “willy-nilly” place. As has been said before, a living Purpose is given a primary Intention, so that certain events will be experienced and the reservoir of Universal experience thereby enriched. But all Intentions are represented in every living thing to some degree, so you always have Selectivity to give you options. You may choose to climb this mountain, or choose to go on to another, or still yet seek out an unborn dream. Major encounters in one’s life are destined, programmed if you will, by the Soul of which it is a part. Soul is directed by Spirit, but also has choices to make. Perhaps you know someone who simply feels “out of place” or doesn’t belong on this earth. Unless these people make purposeful choices their experiences in life tend to be haphazard and circumstances uncontrollable. Being unhappy with what finds oneself to be is a sure way to failure. Yes, you can be dissatisfied if it leads to improvement of yourself or your circumstances. But dissatisfaction with one’s “lot in life” is no excuse for failure in any of one’s endeavors. There is a place for everyone. It is for the individual to use Selectivity to find his or her own particular forte and capitalize on it. No one is without resources of some kind. Everyone has latent talent. Some even have too much or such a great diversity of talent as to be unable to do any one thing entirely successfully. But small successes are better than no successes. It is for you to know that you have choices. Do not allow others to make your choices for you. It may seem to be the easiest way, but it is not the best way. If you choose the way for yourself that family or friends deem best for you, all well and good. But do not abandon your dreams simply because others do not approve. Use your capacity for Selectivity to choose for yourself, and if there are those who oppose you or do not condone your choices, let them be. It is not for you to convince them otherwise, except by being a success at what you choose for yourself. As you know the first rule of the Prime Directive is “Do no harm”. Unfortunately, people often fail to realize that this rule applies to themselves as well as others. For a variety of reasons, some people choose to abuse themselves, either mentally, emotionally or physically. Sometimes this choice is made as a means to discomfit another, to cause them pain or heartache, to “teach them a lesson”. In such a case you have two harms, one to the individual making the choice and then to the other who is the target of the ill will. Sometimes, being ill is simply a way to get attention from someone who does not seem to provide enough but is the person from whom attention is sought. Making oneself ill is a harmful way of gaining the attention so desired. There are many self-destructive ways in which individual indulge their self- pity, all of which are harmful and thus demand redemption. Unfortunately most individuals who engage in such behavior do not know or realize why they do so, and thus the first step to redemption is failed. They do not even know they need redemption! Students such as yourself, seeking to awake your awareness, to be greater lights in your world, are quite a large step forwarder of these poor souls who continue to abuse themselves and make choices that are self-destructive. We therefore propose that each of you who study this, seek to find in their life some issue for which help could be used, and as much as is possible we will be available to render such aid. So for now, go in peace and love with our blessings for success in your endeavors for self-improvement.