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Session #30 - December 17, 1983 Gloria’s Circle
Present: LaMar and Reta Mae Bell, Ida Nevala, Myra Perala, Bonnie Wisz, Larry and Eileen Horton, Richard and Mary White, Jean and Collin Chisholm, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. You have called on us for this special meeting. How may we serve you?
Owen: I have a question that might be appropriate to go into. We celebrate the Christmas season in remembrance of the birth of Christ. We hear much of the Christ Spirit, and many religions speak of different relationships to Christ. We haven’t had much on Christ in our lessons on the hierarchy. I was wondering at this particular time if you might give us just a short version of what you might be giving us in later classes on the Christ and the Christ Spirit, and how that might fit into the hierarchy.
Sheariam: You do ask a great deal! (Laughter) First of all, as has been given before, we are not Christians. We are not in actual fact a religious organization. The Christ is an emanation of that energy which is a gift to the human condition. It has been manifest in many ways at many times throughout the history of mankind. It is not unique to the legendary man you know as Jesus. Your celebration of the birth is in fact in error. It is a holy day, so declared by certain religious factions in these latter days of mankind’s development. However, these changes of the seasons have been celebrated by man since time immemorial. As man grew to understand that there were certain signs in his environment, lights in the sky, significant changes in his own body, it made him realize that something was happening at the behest of powers beyond his control. Thus, you celebrate a holy day which has been used and misused. As you have suggested, later on there will be comments made upon the various religious leaders that have manifested to mankind, but they are not part of the hierarchy as being taught by Judith and myself at this time.
Richard: You spoke of an error. I was wondering if you might say a little bit more about that.
Sheariam: It is an error of thought. It is not error in the way of, let us say, karmic debt. It is simply that you celebrate according to traditions which have been laid down for you, the foundation of which are for the most part unknown to you. It is not wrong to celebrate ever. The error lies in what you believe you are celebrating.
Richard: Do you have some suggestions as to some ways we could improve or change our celebration to make it of more value to us and to others?
Sheariam:At this time, in man’s overall consciousness, you are probably doing the greatest service for man in his search for perfection inasmuch as you celebrate the birth of a consciousness that is in itself perfect. The fact that you guise it in the mien of a human being, in a human birth, does not detract from the celebration. Please do not misunderstand. We also enjoy your celebrations whether they are Christian, Mohammad, Islamic or Buddhist. It matters not to us. The importance is that man joins in fellowship with the intent of raising his consciousness and celebrating that divinity of which he is a part.
Eileen: In a way, it is the celebration of life, you might say, on this the winter solstice?
Sheariam: That is quite so. Yes, you see at this time your world in effect experiences a sort of hibernation. Although you can see the changes that have been in the making for many centuries, your seasons and the evidence in your climatic condition clearly reflect the changes that are being effected with your planet.
Mary: You spoke of Jesus as being a legendary figure. Are you saying that there was not really a person? (There was not one single person.) And the stories about him are about his positive different…. (That is true. One consciousness.)
Owen: We had a visit this afternoon with a young couple that is fundamentalist in the interpretation of the Bible. Beautiful people, but their beliefs are a little different. They believe that Jesus sits on the right hand of God. Is there any basis for this, or is this just something that man has contrived and is strictly legend?
Sheariam: There is indeed a basis for that. However, in their belief system, they have made a God in the form of a human being. But the Christ Consciousness as you know it, which is the consciousness that provides the way, the platform for various religious leaders to have effect upon the consciousness of mankind, is said to sit upon the right hand of God, meaning the dexter rather than sinister. That is to say, on the masculine side, which is a poor way of describing it. Words in your language are greatly lacking. But it has to do with the yang energy of the Chinese, the seminal energy, the manifesting energy.
Myra: That sounds like God has a right and a left hand. (God does not have hands.) (How do we understand this?)
Sheariam: A polarity. There is a yin and a yang, a feminine and masculine, a positive and a negative. It’s a polarity. So, in the Christian consciousness or fundamental belief system, the belief that the Christ sits on the right hand of God means that it is aligned with the positive rather than the negative. And to some degree there is certainly basis for this belief. It is incomplete and misunderstood.
Myra: We had hoped tonight that we would get a chance to talk to Silverthistle. Is that possible? (Perhaps.) LaMar: I think the main reason was that we have questions about the publishing of this book. Also, a year ago at this time when we met, we had personal questions. I didn’t know whether this was also applied for this evening.
Sheariam: When this meeting was originally requested, it was presented that you wished to ask us personal questions. The invitation for Silverthistle to visit was something that followed.
LaMar: Who has a personal question they would like to ask? Larry: I’ve been having problems going to my well for quite some time now. I got to a stage from which I cannot move on. I have two questions, but I’ll stop with this one at this time. What am I doing wrong? Or if I’m doing right, what can I expect now in the near future, or in the future to where I’m at the well?
Sheariam: We cannot tell you what to expect because this comes out of your knowledge of yourself. We can witness what happens with you, and to a certain degree what may be in the offing. Right now, I would say that you are not sufficiently relaxed. You are involved in other things which are deterring your concentration. I would suggest that you simply relax and let it happen if it will. But do not over exert yourself in this direction. Give it some time. As you forget about it, it will continue to move in the back areas of your mind. When the time is right, that little door in your mind will open and you will walk through. (Thank you.)
Richard: I have a question concerning the well in that several times as I’ve tried to picture the well I find myself drawn to look down into the well, and for me an action like that fills me with a good deal of fear. I’m afraid of any still, dark waters. Perhaps, instead of a well I should picture a spring surrounded by rocks, something that’s close to the surface of the ground. Would this be just as good? (Perfectly fine.) There seems to be something from my past that bothers me about still, deep water, carried over from a previous life perhaps. Thank you.
Sheariam: The main issue in the well meditation is that you find that reservoir of water which can be drunk, because this is to represent the waters of life. A spring should certainly serve as well.
Myra: I had a rather frightening experience recently when I went to the well. I was just doing very well and felt that I was making real progress. Then in one meditation I went to the well and my three friends were three on one side, and on the other side was the figure in white that I had seen on the left side before but never seen the face. This time he turned to look at me, and it was a serpent. The tongue came out at me, and it was very frightening. I went out of the meditation. Then I went back twice after that to the same well, and each time then, the serpent was standing upright. But because I don’t care for serpents, I’ve had a real problem with that. I was wondering if you could help me with it so that I can go on and do something else. I want to get away from that well and understand what had happened.
Sheariam: Whether or not any of you are consciously aware, there lie within certain symbols which have been inculcated into you through family, school and church. Thus, it is, in your particular meditation, there was at that time a certain fear. There was something bothering you, and thus the serpent reared its ugly head and frightened you. There is a part of the human consciousness that would stand between you and self-knowledge. Later in the lessons on the hierarchy you will be taught of man’s true condition, of the earth part of man, and you will better be able to understand some of the fearsome symbols which arise from within and stand to impede your way. But the divine part of you has the power to dismiss anything that comes into your conscious awareness that you do not wish to harbor. Thus, you must be the one who says, “Leave me!” You and only you can banish these earth symbols from your consciousness. This is among the trials by fire of which you read and hear in occult teachings. Everyone, as he develops his inner awareness must sooner or later face these issues that come from within himself and are so often interpreted as being of the devil or from some external evil source. There is nothing that can attack you from the outside unless you permit it to do so. So, when certain of these symbols arise from your deeper mind, you can dismiss them. They are as impermanent as the physical flesh body. You have as much power and control over them as you have over any other part of your life. Does that help you? (Yes, it certainly does.)
Maxine: Would this be a place where one would use “I Will”? ‘I will not have this serpent in my life.” Would that be a proper use of “I Will”?
Sheariam: I would rather see you use the “I Will” in a positive declaration. It is best to banish, simply dismiss. Think of it as a stranger in your house that you do not wish to accept as a guest, and usher him out.
LaMar: I would like to ask, if I might. I realize that during my recent trip and since then, I have been extremely lax in my meditation, but aside from getting back to my meditations and the well, are there other things that I might be doing to further my spiritual development? Is that a fair question?
Sheariam: Of course, we would wish that you pursue the meditations at the well. We are aware of the many things that are occupying your time and your consciousness. We are very happy to see your feet upon the new pathway, which is taking you into a life of integration and wholeness. But there is, because you are human, a requirement for adaptation. Be gentle with yourself. Your spiritual growth will go a pace as the time and conditions permit to do so.
LaMar: Thank you very much. I also wondered if Naomi and Doris are still with me as guides. I used to see them or be very aware of them. Lately I have not been that aware.
Sheariam: You will recall in a meditation of the pathway, they said to you, “We cannot walk this path with you.” (Yes, I recall that.) You have now chosen a life companion, and it is to her that you must give these thoughts and energies. It is not that Naomi and Doris have deserted you. But because of their feminine orientation, they draw certain energies from you which now are needed by your new flesh companion.
LaMar: Very good. I wondered why I had not been so aware of them. Is there anything that you could tell me as to the reason behind this feeling of depression periodically that I have to fight?
Sheariam: That is by way of a karmic condition of your character. You must examine your expectancies of your own performance in various areas of life. You become depressed when you do not live up to your own expectations, when you do not fulfill certain goals. You are now in a state of adaptation, as given before, in which you will examine what you expect of yourself. As you become more firmly established in this new pathway, those periods of depression will become less and less as you become more confident and grow into this new person which you have styled for yourself. (Thank you very much. I appreciate that.)
Bonnie: I have something that’s troubling me. I seem to understand that in order for me to continue to grow spiritually and for this healing to develop, that also means I can’t have a companion in my life. I’m wondering if that is the choice I have to make at this time. Will I always be alone? I don’t really want to spend the rest of my life alone. Yet I also want to grow.
Sheariam: You will not spend the rest of this lifespan alone. It is necessary at this particular time in your life that you have all of the energy functions of your body available to you in the development process. Perhaps you can imagine yourself as an infant, for that is where your development is in this new effort. An infant must first go through many stages before he is able to walk hand in hand with a companion. When your skills have become established, and you have learned to control the energy flows, then you will be in a position to again walk hand in hand with another human being. For now, you must be content with the non-physical companions which are supporting you and caring for you and serving your needs. As this healing energy becomes more developed within you, you will find surges of this energy pouring through you without your control, not at your behest. Were you to be in an intimate relationship with another fleshly human being, this energy could be detrimental to that person as well as to yourself. Thus, you must study and learn and learn to control the energy, learn how to use it, and when to shut it out. When you become competent at that, you will find a companion in the flesh who will be sympathetic, cooperative, and functional in your life, and you in his. (Thank you very much.)
Jean: In my meditation I get the well, but I don’t see my guides. (It takes time. They will come. They are there, and you will see them when your consciousness is in the right condition. Do persist.) I am interested too in doing something better in helping people through my massage and the work that I do with it. Do you have any suggestions?
Sheariam: As you have become a part of our circle, you will be helped through your well meditations. As you become aware of the people who are here to help you, you will receive instructions. You will learn to use your hands and other articles in a more effective way. This is our message, and we ask that you stay with it.
Myra: Sheariam, I have tried very hard to go to my well, and I find that it escapes me when I’m consciously working on it. But earlier this week I had a dream that struck in my head and I wondered if it was kind of like the well. I was standing in a river in about three feet of water that was moving very fast. Then, all of a sudden, a female form swam up the river. There were three fish in the river, and they swam up. It probably was as wide as this room. There were rocks on the bottom, and it was rippley on top. This person swam up the water, and that’s all there was to it, but it comes to my consciousness quite often. So, I wondered if there was anything significant about it.
Sheariam: There is, of course, significance. There is little that one’s mind produces that has no significance. This dream tells me that your life is moving very swiftly. Events seem to tumble about your feet, and you are attempting to swim against the current. In your meditation, if you would concentrate on relaxation and simply suggest to yourself that you will go to the well, you will be more successful. You, like our other friend, try too hard. (I’ll try that. Thank you.)
Bonnie: I have something that I’ve been wanting to ask you. I don’t know if it’s a fair question, but with all the things that are happening in the world right now, I’d like to know what’s in your heart.
Sheariam:A wish that in some way we could reach more people in the flesh form to bring more consciousness to the level of self-understanding. Only when mankind comes to understand that he has no power to control anything but himself will he cease to war against his neighbor. Only when mankind reaches the understanding that he has full control over himself, will he no longer wish to be at war. It is thorough groups like this that we reach as many as we can, and always our prayers are for peace. But that must be the peace that lives in men’s consciousness before there can be peace in his actions.
LaMar: Regarding your statement about our raising the consciousness of others and letting this material that you are giving us be known, I have such very strong feelings that I would like to see these lectures that Judith gave us, and all this material that you have given us, these laws and how to use them…. I would like to see them being spread out and given to other people so that they could use them. I know that there are many, many other souls that would like this information. Do you see us publishing a book on this, or how else would you see that we might bring this material to others?
Sheariam: There is, of course, little that we can do other than what we are doing with you here. It is man in the flesh who can help man in the flesh. In this way, you are your brother’s keeper. There are many ways in which such schooling assistance can be given. It is not for us to dictate to you, nor do we have the authority to even suggest. It is for your creative effort to bring into ideation. Then we can lend our energies to assist the idea into manifestation.
LaMar: We certainly do very greatly appreciate this material that you are giving us, and as I say, I personally, and I know the rest of the group must feel the same way, would like to make this material available to those who would like to have it.
Sheariam: In any way that you should choose to do so, we will help you. (Thank you very much.)
Bonnie: Should this be done on an individual basis or should it be done on a group basis? (Again, it must be your idea whether you work as an individual or whether you work together in groups. We cannot tell you what to do.
Myra: You don’t have anything about it that you would put restrictions on then. We can do anything we want with it? (Truth will stand on its own. Truth cannot be misused. Remember, in all the lessons we have given you, everything has its consequence or price.)
LaMar: There must be others who have questions. We have asked for this wonderful person to come to us tonight. Let’s don’t waste her time.
Larry: You said I had trouble to relax. True. I’ve been under quite a strain for a year, over a year. I have mixed feelings. Sometimes I feel like I should drop out and not offer my help or get involved. Would I be doing justice to others if I just take that attitude to drop out and not try to be a help?
Sheariam: One often does an injustice by helping. You invade the area of responsibility of the one that you would help. In the case of parents, particularly, it is very hard to see your children fall and become bruised, but you cannot hold them upright and protect them from falling for they do not learn. This is true in the case of friends as well as strangers and must be taken into account in any of your charitable activities. To return specifically to your question, it would be beneficial to all concerned if you withdrew your good advice and your assistance. It is not that you do not know what is right, but others must struggle and learn through their own mistakes.
Maxine: Can we best be of help by being an example in the way we live and our attitudes, and that would be what others would have to see? Sheariam: This is the season in which you are celebrating the birth of the Jesus Christ Consciousness, and the example given there is exactly that, an example. You have the truth at your finger tips.
Mary: I have something that I’ve been wondering about. Everybody in this group is here because we want to grow. At least I’m fairly sure of that. And I believe that each one of us is very grateful to you and your whole group. My question is: are we rather limited in how fast we can grow and assimilate these teachings. Is there such a thing as going too fast and getting into a little trouble, or should we, how should I say this, take it a little slow and learn well rather than trying to take it quickly and maybe stumbling and falling. What is your advice?
Sheariam:Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. We know of the thoughts you harbor when you think, “Oh why don’t they get on with this? Why are they taking so much time?” As it is, few of you have truly studied what we have given you. If we were to give you more and faster, our work would truly be in vain. If you were to study and to speed up your understanding, we would speed up our teaching.
Mary: Then we could handle learning faster? (Within certain limits, certain things could be done more quickly.)
Maxine: I find things that I have learned in the past that I have come to accept as being the answer are maybe the things that are in the way of learning some of these things now.
Sheariam: Gong back to the lesson on consent, when the assignment was given, no one seemed to understand it. Now you are coming into an understanding.
LaMar: I find that more and more I am discovering things that I had not realized were a part of my life by consent, and things that I really don’t want there, that I simply did not realize that was how they got there. Since the lesson, or lessons, we have had on that, sometimes it comes to me in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping. I think that someone is tapping my shoulder and pointing. (Yes, you are all much easier to reach when you are asleep.)
Myra: This last Monday was an interesting day for me. I felt miserable at school, and I decided I should have complete material for a sub. I called at home and told my family that I didn’t feel good and that I was going to work late and get everything finished up. When I got home at quarter to seven, nobody had started supper. So, I went out to the kitchen, and I made supper for everybody. I kept getting madder and madder, and then when everybody had finished their supper, I told them off. (Laughter) Then I got sicker and sicker. The next day I was really sick, and I kept saying, “I don’t want this cold. I don’t want it. Go away and leave me alone.” But it wouldn’t I wondered if I got sick because I got mad.
Sheariam:Yes, of course, the resentment. A cold, as you call it, the head congestion, the chest congestion, result from anger and resentment. (But it hasn’t gone away. I’ve decided that his is ridiculous. I don’t need it. Go away!) (You have already accepted it, and now you must let it run its course. (Laughter.)
Myra; Oh, that’s it. When he talked about acceptance, I wondered if a cold was an acceptance thing. I guess it is. (Your own language tells you how far you go out of your way to “catch” a cold.) How could we express it so that wouldn’t be true? What could we say? It caught me?
Maxine: I can see there are times when it’s very hard to personally not resent certain things. And this is something to develop in yourself where you don’t resent or don’t accept resentment.
Sheariam: May I also comment that you accepted the responsibility for fixing the meal? (Myra: I thought of that, too. Why didn’t I just say, “skip it”. I don’t know. I thought about that, and I said to them later, “I’ll never do this again.” But I usually don’t get sick. I haven’t been sick in years. (But you also tried to punish them by impairing their digestion.) (Laughter.)
LaMar: You waited until their stomachs were full so you could really give it to them. Richard: What thoughts went into that food?
Bonnie: Could we ask some questions about our dearly departed this evening, or aren’t we going to be able to do that? (You know that we are not oriented in that direction. We would prefer not to.)
LaMar: Following up what Myra was saying, I have a question I would like to ask to see if you could help me with it. About 30 or 40 years ago I had a very rough time with motion sickness from cars, boats, or most anything I got on. I have been free of that for quite a number of years. Recently I have been experiencing it again. I’m wondering if it’s something you could help me with as to why it has returned.
Sheariam:Motion sickness is a result of an imbalance between the B vitamin complexes and vitamin C. (Thank you.)
Myra: Could you explain that a little bit more please. (An imbalance is too much of one and not enough of another.) But how do you know how much to take of each? (That is on an individual basis.) Bonnie: Are you suggesting supplements or natural diet? (Either way.)
Eileen: Some of these remarks that have been made bring questions to my mind. I had a feeling that when I reached a certain age I would be able to shed some of my activities and move into the golden years they talk about. It seems that in the last two years I keep doing more and more and more. Also in the last two years I haven’t been well, and I don’t seem to be able to shake these problems. I’m wondering if there is an inner resentment of all the activities I seem to be accumulating and piling up on myself. I enjoy doing them, and I can’t seem to say “no” to things I enjoy doing. Could you comment on that?
Sheariam: Comment from me is hardly necessary when you already understand your own problem. (In talking to Myra, all of a sudden it dawned on me that maybe this is my problem. So I’d better just do them and enjoy them and quit resenting them.) If you choose to do them, do them with joy and good will. (Thank you.)
Mary: I’d like to ask about a meditation I just had. I have felt that if, somehow, I could understand a past life that had directly to do with the life I’m living now, it would better help me to understand what’s happening with me and why I have some of the emotions and strong feelings that I do have. So, I asked in meditation for a life that would help me. The picture I got was a picture of a nun who was Chinese with children around her. I didn’t get any words or messages with it. I simply got the picture. She wore little, low gold-rimmed glasses. I guess I feel like it was real, that it was actually telling me something, but I guess a part of me says, “Is this really true? Can I really do this? Can I really ask my own self about past lives and really get a true picture? If so was this one real?”
Sheariam: There is much I could say to you, but, perhaps I had best ask you what question you want answered.
Mary: You mean, why was I asking for the past life?
Sheariam: Were you asking, “Was it possible?” Were you asking for an interpretation?
Mary: I’m asking for an interpretation because I feel that it is possible, but I don’t want to disbelieve myself, but I feel that was real. I guess I’m talking in circles.
Sheariam: Very well. We understood. We wanted you to understand also. This was a life of yours as Sung Yen in a province of China high in the mountains. You were a member of a monastic group, and you had many talents for creativity. So, you gathered around you the children of the village and taught them to sing and devised plays for them to play at. Eventually one of your students became very special to you and is now a member of your current family. (And that life has a lot to do with what I am doing in this life?) It has to do with the creative side of you which you have not allowed to develop as readily as some other aspects of your character and personality. The time has come when you should allow this to happen.
LaMar: I have wondered many times about my immediate past life. I have had readings in which I gained knowledge of some of my past lives. I have wondered about my immediate past life partially because in dealing with iridology, it appeared that I had come into this world with a very weak physical body. The iridology showed that it is now improved and webbing over and, apparently, I am on the right track. But I had wondered many times if I had brought that weakness in from a past life, or, if not, why I arrived in that condition.
Sheariam: This was by way of compensatory action. As a wilderness man of some stature and strength, you used your body many times beyond its limits, not out of self-serving necessarily, but as you strove to help others. But, in this life, you were required to destroy human life, and consequently the weakened body has enabled you to answer a number of obligations both by compensation and by nurturing and developing the current body.
LaMar: Thank you very much. The comment about self-serving leads me to another question. I’m wondering if that is why Silverthistle had told me that I was leaning too far toward serving others and not enough toward serving myself. (The past life did not have to do with that. You simply had gone too far in one direction.)
Eileen: Speaking of past lives. I’ve always had a very strong feeling, and there have been many, many indications, and I have been told, that I was a boy in a recent past life. So many things in my life have pointed toward that. I feel it has been rather recent. Is there any way you could tell me if this is true or not? Did I die as a boy rather than a man?
Sheariam: There comes some information but it is sketchy. It would seem that you were a boy called Piper. In this life as Piper only extended for less than two decades of your time. It was a life as a pioneer in some frontier of the nation in which you now find yourself. It would also appear that the life was terminated in some kind of accident in the woods having to do with sharp objects, saws or something of that nature. The life was so short, it has little impact upon you and thus is difficult to read.
Eileen: As a young person I always wished I was a boy. I always wished I had brothers to play ball with me and to climb trees and do all the boyish things. I did have an opportunity at one time in my life to be a real tomboy, and I played with a lot of boys, and I was so happy. I went around in overalls and whittled wood and all the things that boys do. I just seemed to be very happy in that role. I was very disgusted with my sisters who couldn’t catch a ball and this sort of thing. When I was in school, if I had to memorize something, I’d very often take something that a boy would be giving like the poem “Tommy Atkins” and things like that. Then later I had been told by a psychic that I had been a boy. (Yes, this yearning is for a life that was, what one might say, unfinished.) I don’t want to be a boy anymore.) (Various remarks from the group and laughter: “Your husband will be happy.” “The next go around.”)
Jean: I’m quite happy with my life as it’s going, but part of the time I feel I should be doing more. I particularly feel that I’ve had a lot of training, and I should be back in teaching, particularly the high school group on interpersonal relations and some of the things they need to know that are not really taught in the academic field. Something holds me back, and yet I feel that I should go ahead and do it. What is your thought on this?
Sheariam: You must listen to your own intuition. Again, we are not here to tell you what to do. We only help you when you have made a decision. We cannot usurp the responsibility or authority over anyone’s life and would not if we could.
Myra: I wonder if I could ask a question about my past life. I am intrigued by the information you have brought to us tonight for those who have received past life thoughts. So, I would like to ask about my own. When I was a little child, I always wanted to be a teacher. I pretended to be a teacher, and took care of everybody’s kids. It was just the natural thing for me to do. When I went to college I decided “Nuts to that stuff.” Everybody tells me I’m going to be a teacher and I’m not going to do it. So, I changed my mind and graduated as a business major, got a job in business, and my boss told me I’d make a great teacher. (Laughter). So, I went back to school and became a teacher. I’ve enjoyed it all these years, but I’ve wondered if my current life as a teacher has been a result of something that has happened in a previous life.
Sheariam: In an English lifetime, you were a tutor to some noble children. But because of the belief system and the political structure of the day, you were not permitted to truly teach the children. This restriction was accepted, and that is why this time you are such a rebel against the restrictions and requirements of the system under which you teach.
LaMar: This has also been a very ongoing thing with me as to whether I had made a decision before I came into this life to be a teacher, or whether I came back to learn something that was to teach me. I so thoroughly enjoy working with my hands doing carpenter work and that sort of thing. From time to time I’ve been severely tempted to go into this. The thought of not teaching… it seemed that was what I was supposed to be doing no matter how much I was attracted to other things. Could you tell me, was that something that was decided before I came into this life, or something that was a result of my past lives?
Sheariam: As each incarnation is planned, there are certain covenants made. There are certain commitments made. Teaching was one of the promises you gave. You could not have done otherwise. (Thank you. That was what I thought.)
Myra: I wanted to go back to your comment that I have been a rebel as a teacher. That fascinates me because I didn’t think I had been, except that after you said it, I realized that it’s true. (Laughter.) So, could you elaborate a little bit more on that lifetime when I was not allowed to teach in England?
Sheariam: You would have taught the children to think for themselves, but you were not allowed to teach things that you knew about other political systems, about religious thought. You had within your heart the soul of a free woman, but you were not. You were a bondswoman. Thus, you could not go against your master’s wishes, and did not. Thus, you have that opportunity now. This is also evidenced in your wide interest in all of the current things that go on in your society today, as you experience them through your children, as you experience them through your husband, as well as through your own career.
Jean: Can you tell me anything about my past lives and how they have influence my present life? (Which of the many thousands?) (Laugher.) I don’t know. Can you tell me about one that influences me now? (In what aspect of your life would you wish discussed?) I guess the desire to work in the healing, particularly the emotional healing.
Sheariam: There is one life force, one energy stream, which has come through many lifetimes over many, many, many thousands of years. This one energy force carries healing through all of the manifestations, through all of the incarnations in which you find yourself. At times, it has been a life dedicated to medicine, others to science and research, and others to investigation of the natural attributes or manifestations of the planet such as herbs and stones. This has been something that is a permanent part of you. I could not isolate one particular lifetime that would serve to inform you. You heal minds as well as hearts. Your teaching incorporated a great deal of that. (Thank you.)
Bonnie: I’ve always been curious as to whether I have ever lived a lifetime in the gold rush country of California. (As a dancehall girl.) (Laughter.) I just love it there. I always feel so good when I’m there. (You were among the first to take advantage of the all male population.) (Laughter.) Oh! Is that why I still like doing the can-can? (More laughter.) All male population. I certainly slowed down, didn’t I?
Richard: I would ask a question. In this lifetime, I seem to be so enamored of the physical aspects of the planet, interested in science, interested in manual things that I can make with my hands, things I can touch and feel and perceive through my five senses. Yet at the same time I am quite interested in other things, archaic things and things such as this group is involved with. It all makes sense to me, but at a deeper level I am constantly having trouble. I want to make it part of me, and yet there is something in me that keeps saying, “No, you’re not really sure.” In spite of all the manifestations, the fact that you’re here should be proof enough, and yet there is something about it that I still can’t really accept. I was wondering if this was a result of a past life, or what is my stumbling block? Can you help me there?
Sheariam: Part of this is karmic. As you were very active in a group of men who persecuted Tycho Brahe Ed. Note: 1546-1601 Danish astronomer who proposed the stars are changeable, after discovering a nova star.) So now you persecute yourself, that part of you that finds new things in which to place one’s faith. The other part of you punishes by doubt and by fear. Forgiveness of one’s self for past transgressions is one’s best avenue towards eliminating these kinds of conflicts. (Thank you very much.) And now time is getting on. It is indeed our pleasure to have been with you tonight. We had promised you a surprise. We are going to attempt to unveil our eyes. If you will all take some deep breaths and build some energy to enable us to withstand the shock. (LaMar: Would you like this light off?) A dim light would be appreciated. (Lights adjusted) We want very much to bring the instrument to that level of competence where the eyes may be open. (Myra: We can’t see your face, Sheariam.) Give your eyes some time to adjust to the dimmer light. In the meantime, if you will look around the instrument’s head and beside the body, you may see the manifestation of some of the other people who are here. (Would it help to sing, Sheariam?) Not necessarily. The important thing is to be relaxed. (With eyes open, Gloria’s head gradually turned, completely scanning the group, though not appearing to focus on any individuals.) Bless you all.
Silverthistle: And a hearty “good night” to you all. (Many exclamations of surprise and greeting.) You are celebrating. I have heard your call. What about the book? (Owen: Do you approve of our intentions so far?) I am delighted. (Owen: Do you have any particular advice that would lead us toward a successful start in this area of publication of the material we’ve been given?) I can only lend my energies to assist you as you move forward.
Bonnie: Were you with us Tuesday when we had our first meeting to discuss the book? (Somewhat.) (Myra: Could you tell us where you have been and what you have been doing?)
Silverthistle: I have been gone from this instrument for so long it is taking some effort to learn the mechanics again. There seems to be more room now. There is a spaciousness in the consciousness. The instrument has developed certain areas of expansion.
Bonnie: Who is the channel you’re working through now? Where is that person? Would you tell us? (It is in Canada, and we are working on a religious book.) What Province in Canada. Could you tell us? (No. I would have to go back and ask. It is only consciousness which is important.) A religious book! (Why do you sound surprised?) Well, because, I guess, I always equate religious with dogmatic things, but I’m assuming it’s going to be a universal thought that we’ll all enjoy. (Of course.)
Eileen: Sheariam stated that you are not a religious group. (The temple is not a religious organization, but a teaching organization. But if you will recall, early in our acquaintance I advised you that my obligation is to interpret the Holy Scripture, and that is why I am working in this part of the world. You are working on my interpretations of the Beatitudes, are you not? (Many “yes”.)
Owen: Do you work in other religions than Christianity. (Yes. There is also a project on the Bhagavad-Gita.) (Ed. Note: Hindu devotional work.)
Bonnie: Will we be able to have a special meeting with you just on the book, because there were some questions about some of the Beatitudes that we had? (That could be arranged.) Have you missed us? (As always.)
Richard: We are certainly happy to have you here. (Another voice: Yes, this is a treat.) (It is a special treat for me to be invited to your party.
Myra: Silverthistle, when you first came to us, you intimated at one time that perhaps it would be something to work toward your manifestation in this realm. Is this still a possibility? (I did not promise you that I would manifest. I said to you that when you were sufficiently developed, you would be able to witness such a manifestation. But it would not necessarily be me.) I’m glad I asked. Thank you. Are we working toward it? Are we about there? (You are moving in that direction, but you need to study more.) (Remarks and reminders about studying more from the group.)
Eileen: Can you tell the difference in our energies now from when you were here last time? (Yes. But I have visited you many times although I have not presented myself. You still have a very high interest for me.)
LaMar: Is there anything you would comment on that we can do that would be an improvement over what we are doing? (Study more.) (Laughter and further comments on “study more”.)
Bonnie: I don’t know… I could be wrong, but I seem to have understood that you said there would be a particular replacement for you. That hasn’t seemed to happen. Sheariam has been teaching us. We haven’t talked to anybody else since Judith, and that’s months ago.
Silverthistle: None can replace me! (Great laughter and agreement.) As far as a guardian for the doorway, the instrument’s experience sometime ago has provided her with the necessary safeguards. We no longer have any concern about that. I wish you now a very happy holiday and many, many blessings, that spring shall come quickly and gently for you all. And so, I will bid you goodnight.
LaMar: Would you express our deep appreciation to the Group over there: Judith, Karansa, and of course, our lovely Sheariam, and Anna, too. Reta Mae: Thank you for visiting our home, Silverthistle. We appreciate your coming to the Christmas Party. (Thank you for your loving hearts.) Bonnie: Are we going to have the healing meditation this evening? (That is up to you.) (Many requests for.) Then I shall retire and again bid you goodnight. (Many expressions of appreciation.)
(Group singing Hallelujah)
Sheariam: You wished to have a guided meditation? (Yes, please.) Then if you will, arrange your bodies. Breathe deeply three times... Let us say together the AUM three times. (Done) Now let the Divine Energy permeate all the cells of your body. Be gentle and relax. As you move now into the deeper silences within, feel the Divine Fire begin to warm the vital parts of your body. Visualize a flame of eternal fire burning at the center of your being. As you visualize the flame of eternity burning within you, allow the flame to grow larger and larger. Feel the heat extending its warm healing energy throughout all of your body, into your hands and into your feet. As you feel this spreading healing warmth, be aware of the peace within that requires no understanding: a deep abiding contentment and confidence in the Divine. As you enjoy this spreading warmth and its contented peacefulness, feel joy arising like bubbles in your blood stream. As it rises, let it move out of your body into the center of the room. Let all that warmth and peace and joy co-mingle until it forms a flame in the center of the circle. Enjoy the brilliance, the warmth and the love. Into this glorious attunement call your loved ones to join in the healing and to find peace and joy. (Many names softly called). Now as the flame grows higher and higher, it serves as a beacon. It calls into your presence to be with you many of the joyous souls that are about this night. Their energies are added to the group’s, and they take from that fire and spread it throughout the globe. Know now that even as the flame is allowed to dissipate, and the energy to encircle the globe, you have within you your own individual flame of eternal life, of peace, of joy. It shall be with you always. You not only warm yourself at your own inner flame, but you also warm those whose own flame has grown dim. Now, as your loved ones return to themselves taking with them the healing, close your meditation with that precious wish for peace on earth. Sing the joy that is in your hearts.
Closed with “Let there be peace on earth.”