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Session #35 – March 3, 1984 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Myra Perala, Ida Nevala, Bonnie Wisz, LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Richard and Mary White, Owen Cramer
Silverthistle: Good evening. (Exclamations of greeting and surprise.) I have just stopped by to say congratulations. (Thank you’s.) There is much joy here in the work that you are doing. We are working on a method of communication that will be easier to understand, so I may return to you. For we must continue the lessons in your Bible. (Comments of anticipation.) Our plan is to take up the Parables based on what you have already been given by Judith and Sheariam. Our difficulty tonight is because we are working with the channel on this transition. We are hoping to make the connection so that we can use more of her consciousness and thus make the work clearer.
Voice: Is there anything we can do at this time to help?
Silverthistle: No. It is a matter of synchronizing with the channel’s physical and conscious self. So, I will not linger, but bid you adieu until we meet again. Blessings on your work. (Everyone was thrilled.) (Silverthistle’s transmission was greatly strained and laborious for Gloria.)
Sheariam: Good evening friends and students. (Greetings.) We are pleased that you are pleased with your surprise visitor. (We are pleased that he was pleased.) We are greatly anticipating what is to come out of your current efforts. (So are we.) But we would hasten forward now to complete the lessons on the laws. There is much I must give you tonight. So, let us then look at the last law which is the Law of Relinquishment. And what Principle then? (Principle of Purpose.) So now we come from the fulcrum or crux of the matter to the point. The Attribute? (Mastery of self and life.) Is that not your goal? (Yes.) And the archangel who shall help you with this? (Haniel) Which means? (Abundance) And is not mastery abundance? You have all the sounds necessary now to work through the meaning of Haniel. I would hear from you how you put these sounds together.
Owen: I’ll offer one integration of the meanings of the sounds: Illuminated channel through which manifestations of Divine Energy flow as expressions of Inner Force. (That is the best synthesis given in this group to date. (Comments and repeat.) One thing I was wondering. Is it best to take the meanings of the sounds in the order in which they appear in the name?
Sheariam: That is not necessary. We began that way to break you in. Remember, we have given before that you are to use your intuition. You are to expand upon that which you are given. As you put these thoughts together for yourself, then the true meaning of these truths that belong to your consciousness come through to you. All study is in vain if you do not find the truth that is yours. I would recommend that you go back over all of the names and draw for yourself a picture of the essential meaning of that name using the sound method. Now, to speak for a moment on the last law. As was given in the Law of Dominance, it was explained that life, consciousness, force, substance, whatever, flows through the channel which you create for it. This is the meaning of “Michael”: the container of the flowing water, the flowing water of life. As each of you is unique under the Principle of Differentiation, so will you form a unique channel through which life shall flow, that as you dam up the flow of life in the striving to dominate another, you effectively dam up your own life. You do not develop the understanding and the feeling and all of the other attributes and principles. Now as we come to Relinquishment, it is not merely sufficient that you allow life to flow through you without becoming dammed up. Remember that you are creators. Your thoughts create. Your deeds create. And those thoughts and deeds are also creators with lives of their own. But you are not without responsibility for the things that you create. You ultimately answer for all the sins of commission or omission of that which you create. Thus, you must learn to completely let go. Relinquish everything. If you are to find your purpose in life, you must let go of all the things you use to dam up the flow. These are attitudes and habit patterns established on experience. They are the culmination of all the things you have garnered throughout all of your experience. Thus, you become as the new-born babe in the finest realm of being and begin the circle again. Now the Law of Relinquishment is practiced by you as human being in the earth planet when you give gifts without strings, when you give of yourself without expectation of reward, when you relinquish your fate to the Divine Plan of which you are an actualization of an individuated part (of The Absolute). It is here that you begin to practice trust, love and harmony. If you give without expectation of reward, you are practicing true love. If you trust to your Higher Self that your abundance is ever-present, that you do not need to store up food in the closet or money in the bank, then you are practicing the Law of Relinquishment. You are living in your true self. Now this seems to be an ambitious project, and it is. It is not a project restricted to one life span. These laws which we have given and explained to you apply to all your life spans in all your realities forever and ever. As you focus your attention upon these principles and attempt to live in accordance with the laws, you are moving toward that mastery which is your goal. And therein is your purpose. The point of life is to perfect itself. Now we must go back to the very beginning of the lessons if we are to understand what this is all about. Do you recall what was said about the nousphere? (Myra: OK if we look back?) Of course. Look to the components. (Myra from notes: The Omega Point has nine components, and the Divine Dewdrop….) The Omega Point does not have nine components. The Omega Point is the point of emanation out of The Absolute, out of the Incomprehensible Cause of All That Is. So, the Omega Point is the emanating point of All That Is, and thus becomes the nousphere of existence. This is Cosmos. The nousphere is where the Divine becomes individuated. There is consciousness, but not self-consciousness – all-consciousness. Are you with me? (Myra: The nousphere is where the Divine becomes individuated, which is not necessarily self-consciousness.) That is correct. (So, it’s outside the realm of the individual person.) The individual person is encompassed within that sphere. That is the sphere of all that exists. Then out of that “all” is born the universe which you know. So, individuation becomes individualized. Look to the sounds given you. It is important that you at least dimly perceive this. This is ever present, because it is out of the noetic (Ed note: based on intellect) action that all you have, all you are, all you can be is derived.
Myra: From the noetic action, the nouspheric… (The nouspheric activity – yes. You will recall, when the components were given to you, motion and tension were both mentioned.) We talked about the different forces. Would the four basic forces of the universe be part of it? (That’s part of it, yes.) The two opposing forces, the expansive and the contracting, in a spherical motion; then the twin minds: the perceiving and the creating minds.)
Sheariam: Very good. Now you have the basics. Now, as these opposing forces work against each other, a tension is built. We must use the word “tension”, for it comes nearest in your language to what is meant. As the tension builds, it reaches the point at which it must discharge itself. It is in this discharge of this built-up power or force that the individuated becomes individualized.
Myra: And when those four basics are working against or with one another, they build the tension up, which is ….
Sheariam: The forces build the tension, and when the discharge occurs, the minds create the individualization. The Perceiving Mind perceives what has occurred, and the Creative Mind creates something from it. In your experience, it becomes your universe. There are other universes built out of this same basis -- all of those universes containing all of the nine components as their beginning. That is Cosmos. But you will not know other than your own universe.
Owen: Are the other universes in different realities? (Yes. You could say that.) So that astronomers would never be able to detect the other universes. (That is correct. Nor will your sciences, physical or non-physical, detect their existence.)
Bonnie: But we exist in other realities also, or parts of us do. (Parts of that out of which you have come, yes.)
Owen: And possibly to which we will return? (Not “possibly”. To which you will return.)
Myra: (Searching notes with help from Richard.) I was trying to remember the nine components: Life, Quantity and Quality, the three attributes, having to do with Spirit. The duality of mind is Creative and Perceiving. The duality of Force is centrifugal and centripetal, or outgoing and inflowing. And then there is Volition and Consciousness. (Correct.) Those are all included in the Divine Germ Cell. (That is correct. Thus they exist everywhere in everything you can possibly perceive or conceive.) (Comments on the complexity of this concept.)
Sheariam: Now we are going to build on this with our lessons in the next few sessions to bring you to that point of creation where you as an individualized human being with a limited life span come into existence. So, do go back and study those early lessons.
Bonnie: I heard the words, but I didn’t understand what you said about the point of creation. (Everyone here has complained of not being able to use that which has been given in daily life.) Are you listening?. (laughter) Of course. It is our intent to bring this down to your minute-by-minute life. We do not come in vain. We have told you that before. But if you are to really maximize the actualization of your potential, these basic lessons had to be given. We also are grinding our own axe, for we wished to get this information through.)
Myra:And you have hopes that we really can understand it?(You can understand it if you can understand “I Am”.) When you have confidence that we can, then we can; then we know we can. (We do not waste our energy either.)
RetaMae: We have to apply ourselves. Myra: That’s why we have to study this stuff, and use it.
Sheariam: Now, sometime ago, we gave you an assignment to decide on a project of manifestation using these laws of creation. Give some thought to that also.
Richard: Could you give us an example. I don’t know that I understand what you’re saying. (You would wish to manifest perfect wholeness and health?) True.
Myra: So you’ve got to make it happen using these laws. (It need not be that significant a project, for manifestation occurs in every minutest detail of your life.) Do you wish that we write it down or discuss it with you, or how should we go about it? (This is a private matter which may be shared with the group at personal discretion.)
Myra: When you first gave us that assignment, I spent quite a bit of time considering what to choose. And at that point in time I had been struggling to try to take my life into my hands and make myself become in control of my eating habits. I am so thrilled to say that I am on the way. I’m beginning to lose some weight, and I feel like I’m coming to the point. I’m still not there. I know that by using these laws I’ll be able to do better. But I feel very good about how you have helped me to do that. (Very good. Excellent. Now I have another assignment given last time. You were to work out your social karmic pathway using the sounds. Did anyone do the assignment? (Yes, I did.) We would have you share.)
Myra: I sat down and typed up all the letters of our family, our last name, my husband’s first name, Nestor, and all the children, and tried to determine the meaning of each of the names. And, my goodness, it was amazing to see that these names really describe what they are. The name “Perala” has delightful sounds in it: The Divine Fire, the “p” being the fire dammed up and then released, with the head faculty or the director organizing in the “r”. Then the Inner Force of Divine Fire manifesting in Spirit, all illuminated. I feel like I haven’t used my intuition to make it flow easily in its definition. (You are on the right track.) I look at “Nestor”, though, and I look at how our whole family seems to be spiritually oriented in attempting to live a life of spiritual consciousness, and growing spiritually, and trying to, without preaching, to live that. And I think this has been demonstrated or manifested in his name, which is a karmic pathway. And we seem to have a whole community that’s developing, even outside of this circle. It’s exciting. (No one lives alone. Remember, we have said before, your influence extends far beyond you as your thoughts march completely around the globe.)
Owen: I worked on both the middle name and the last name. The middle name, which we use as a middle name, “Putman”, was originally, for several hundred years, has been part of the family name. I’ll start with “Putman”: released energy flows and makes the connection with Inner Force as it builds dynamic moving Mastery. I’m not sure that makes sense but…. (It needs some work, but you are moving in the right direction.) Another possibility for the name ‘Putman” was: dammed up force flows and is connected and synthesized with the Inner Force and becomes the Power of Mastery resulting in movement of Divine Energy. That’s “Putman”. Then “Cramer” seemed to tie in fairly well with that: shadow of a real organizer and director putting things together as motivated by the Inner Force tying with Divine Order. They both seem to have very similar meanings. (They should. They belong to the same people.)
Bonnie: This is what I came up with for “wisz”: my consciousness is connected with the joy of God. (Is not that beautiful?) Is that correct? (Yes.) Oh, good! (Next please.)
Richard: I have a pretty good idea about our family name, “white”. It worked out: the quiet controlled emanation, the joy of God through consciousness. (Do you not feel that appropriate to yourself?) I feel it is. (So do we.) But I had trouble with the name “Richard”. It seemed to hinge on my lack of understanding of “head faculty”. I don’t know whether “head” refers to…. (That is an inept description. It is the Organizing Principle.) All right. If you could come back to me in a few minutes, I think I’ll have it congealed.
Mary: My intuition didn’t work that well. With the “m” for synthesis in putting it together: “a”, the Inner Fire becomes the power of mastery. Then again, the “r” as Dick had, and then the “y”, the Inner Fire expresses Itself, or power. I just didn’t seem to be able to put that together to make it flow. (As you synthesize, your intuitive knowing with your rational thought, you then express the truth of your being both inwardly and outwardly. Thus “Mary” becomes the word representative of “the Mother of the “earth.”)
Bonnie: Probably the most important name we have. Myra: And “Myra” has the same letters, but it has a different sounding. (It is the sound that is important. Sounds are what make language. Language is merely a vehicle of meaning.)
Mary: As long as there is a little lag here, could I ask a question? We were wondering when our name is spoken, does it reinforce what it means to us? (Very much so. As a matter of fact, in your culture, you are quite aware how rude it is to refer to an individual by a pronoun in his presence. Even your cultural conditioning has universal meaning behind it.) Did I understand that there was hardly any other way we would have been named something else? (Even had you been given another name due to the lack of intuitive capacity of whoever was responsible for it, you would have ultimately chosen a name compatible with your character.)
Myra: When our daughter was born, our youngest, we had not planned on a girl. On the way to the hospital I said, “What if it’s a girl?” So, we really fast chose a name, and we named her Norma Christine. For three days we called her Norma, and we squirmed every time we said it. She’s never been called that. So, we started calling her Christie, and that’s been her name. That’s her. Norma didn’t fit.
Ida: My second name was Maria in our language, but we’ve never used it. Mary: Would that be the same as Mary? (Essentially yes.) Richard: We wondered about the various forms of the name “Mary”, “Marie”, and wondered about how much difference that makes, and wondered if the original name was Jesus’ mother’s name, or if that’s really significant. What difference does it make what form it takes from one culture to another? (It does not make any difference. If you will look at the sounds as they were given, you will find different pronunciation, of the vowels, for instance. All are simply aspects of the same essential thing.) I see. We should look at it in that light then. (Yes.) I was working with the name “Richard” and with my nickname which is “dick”. I was trying to see the similarities, and yet they’re not the same name. Quite different and yet it’s remarkable how many similarities there are.
Myra; The “d” is in both. Richard: The double “r” is the one thing that’s missing. (That is why you should always use the name “Richard”. ) A number of years back, a numerologist friend of the family said it was very important that I use the name “Dick” because it was a friendlier form. And that’s when I left the name “Richard”. I’ve been using Dick for, I guess, 20 years. (It depends upon whether you wish to be humanly friendly or spiritually advanced.)
Myra: Dick has to do with emphasizing the solitude. The “d” is in the solitude, in the within-ness. Richard: The best meaning I’ve come up with for “Richard” is “organizer bringing the force of the Divine Fire out of the silence into manifestation. (Do not overlook the “I” sound. “Container”. I didn’t know how to use that. (Your Organizing Principle enables you to shape your consciousness so that you take action based on rational decision which you make inside rather than dependent upon external advice.) That makes sense.
Bonnie: My older daughter’s given name is “Michelle”, but before she took her first breath I called her “Mitzi”, and she has been called that ever since. She loves that name. She doesn’t really care for “Michelle”. One is beautiful and one is kind of cute. Mitzie sure suits her.
RetaMae: The last name “Bell”: going to the utmost of the Inner Force expressing Itself, the sound of power meaning the Light. (Can you synthesize that?
Bonnie: Anytime there is a double letter, what does that mean? (It doubles the power only because it is then both external and internal.) (Some discussion on this point.) (Now remember, when you are working through these meanings, you are looking at a karmic pathway of development.)
RetaMae: Let’s go back to the “Bell” if we may. (You have a specific in the “e” that precedes the “l”. Then you have specific illumination, both inner and outer, which goes to the utmost. Thus, the karmic pathway is to experience the Light, both inner and outer, to the total capacity which this life enables. Consequently, there has been great suffering as well as great joy.)
LaMar: I presume that refers back to the thing with the neck that I had mentioned before? (Yes.) My choice of the manifestation project that we were talking about a few minutes ago, was to overcome this neck and headaches I had been experiencing without going to a doctor or chiropractor, and take care of it through use of calling upon the archangels, etc. I believe this has been successful.
Sheariam: You worked with Michael to get rid of that condition. You need to shape your consciousness so that things flow through and do not become dammed up and thus inflexible. As you meet resistance, it is due to inner resistance, and thus you bow your neck and cause strain on that part of the anatomy, although that action is taken in consciousness.
RetaMae: Sheariam, when LaMar and I got married, of course, I took the last name “Bell” and yet I use my other name. I have dropped my middle name which was “Mae”, and I feel a missingness or something. I always went by “RetaMae”. (You should retain that name, because it is the synthesis of the Inner Self which you need for integrity, even though you have entered the karmic pathway of another. You are on the end of the joy spectrum. You still need to Retain that individualization for yourself.) Thank you. I felt that way. I just wanted some reassurance from you, I guess.
LaMar: Should she also drop the “Vogt”? (Her own consciousness must make that decision, for it is her karmic pathway, her choice.)
Ida: When I got married, my husband neither called me “Ida” nor “Eda”. He always called me “Mama” just as soon as we got married. And everybody calls me “Mama”. That’s been my name more than “Ida”. Myra: We’ll call you “Mama”. Ida: I’m used to that. I’ve been used to that for fifty years. (Please do not, because the condition that you now have results from that.) From the “Mama? (Yes.) In what way? (In that it has built up a consciousness which could not be sustained to the end of the lifetime. Now you are no longer in a position of “Mama”, and thus you have a problem.) That was my nickname. Everybody called me that.
Myra: Maybe you could encourage them not to, Ida. Ida: Well, I didn’t pay attention, consciously anyway. (More discussion of “Mama”. (That must now be relinquished.)
RetaMae: My son and daughter call me by my first name now, and we’ve been doing this since they were teenagers. I’ve felt no offense or anything by it. Periodically my daughter does call me “mother”, but most often she called me “RetaMae”. We’ve felt very comfortable in this aspect. (When there is that biological connection, and when there is a spiritual relationship of mother and child, it is perfectly all right for the child to call the other “mother”. In your particular instance, your own consciousnesses have led you to the path of power.) What do you mean by the “path of power”? (By choosing to use “Mae”.) It’s the self-respect type of thing? (Yes.)
Richard: Can we carry this a step further? Are you saying that if the child and parent both feel comfortable using first names rather than ‘mother”, “son”, “daughter”, that it’s better to do that? (It is better to use the name than the form of address.)
Myra: My children just adopted that, too, quite a while ago. RetaMae: Mine when they were in their early teens and starting high school. My son started out with “Reta Baby”. It was a fun thing. He was about ten or eleven years old. Even my grandchildren call me by my first name. It’s been a respectful kind of thing rather than disrespectful. You’ve made us very aware, Sheariam, of the sounds and what they mean. I think we took these things for granted. Richard: I was really perplexed until this evening. My wife and I both about this name business. How was it important. I can see that now. It makes sense.
Myra: I have a question, too, Sheariam. Lots of words have multiple meanings, and I wonder if there are other meanings that these sounds have that you haven’t told us about. (Yes.) The reason I ask is that it seems there are individuals who have very beautifully defined names through their sounds, but they have no consciousness or awareness of it. It seems like they must have other meanings to the sounds that would fit their patterns. (But again I must remind you. These are karmic pathways. One may not choose to walk that pathway.) That would be for the last names. I suppose the first names, too, then? (The first name is the personal pathway. The last name is the social pathway Remember that at all times you exercise a degree of choice. If one does not exhibit the consciousness of the name which he bears, it is because he is not enlightened.)
RetaMae: So are there meanings that you haven’t told us about? Is there a reason? (The reason is the limitation of time and energy. You were given the sound meanings which had pertinence to your study at this time. These are basic, however.)
Myra: OK. That brings me to my other question. Are there any sounds that have negative connotations to them? It seems like each of the definitions you gave us are all positive connotations, but there surely must be some negative sounds. (You can use the same meanings negatively. The Organizing Principle can become “nit-picking”. Going to the ultimate can be exercise of the Law of Dominance.)
Richard: Oh Ho! Now the light dawns. (General agreement.) Myra: And the opening through which something could pass could be a tiny opening instead of a large one. (Or misshapen.) RetaMae: This is strictly an individual thing, then, isn’t it, Sheariam? (Yes, it is.) Richard: So, attitude has everything to do with use of the name. (More discussion.)
Sheariam: I have one more thing. In connection with your project of manifestation, go through the sounds as you now understand them to be and develop a personal mantra, which we will teach you how to use when you have it tailored to your needs. So, you see, we are getting down to what you call the “nitty gritty”.
Myra: When we make this mantra, we should choose the sounds that appeal to our particular needs? (Yes. Any combination of sounds that expresses your completed desire.) Richard: Completed desire in regard to the project we choose at the time? (Yes.) Myra: Then we’ll fit it with our project.
Owen: Would this simply be then that we would have a mantra for a specific project and that this might be different from the mantra that we might have for our life as a whole? (Yes.) Myra: So this will be a temporary mantra for us until we manifest this idea you want us to work on? In other words, we could choose two, one for temporary and one for the long term? (Yes.) Bonnie:Now a mantra would have how many syllables?(As many as you wish. Take into consideration that odd numbers are numbers of consciousness, and even numbers are numbers of action.)
Richard: Maybe I need to ask you for the definition of “mantra”, then. (A mantra would be a series of sounds which you would chant to yourself.) Not a collection of words, then? (It should be only one word, one continuous group of sounds. The names of the archangels are, in effect, mantras, but universal in nature, you see.)
Bonnie: Did you ever tell us what “Sheariam” meant? (I gave you a meaning for my name when I first introduced it.) Myra: Would you like to elaborate on it? (I would suggest that you either review the transcripts or work out the sounds for yourself.) The “sh”, you said, we should look to the “s” sound and the “h” part, but “ess” “ach” doesn’t sound like “sh” to me. (Use your intuition.)
Richard: Now in speaking to another group, you might use a totally different name? (Yes.) Should we be able to derive that definition, “dawn of the morning” (meaning given earlier for Sheariam’s name) from these sounds? (Intuitively, yes. But you must understand what “dawn” really represents. (“the beginning”, “the enlightening”, “the unfolding”, “brightness beginning in the darkness”, and other suggestions.) That’s a project we can work on at another time. What else do we need to work on now? I mean while you are with us.
Mary: Sheariam, are we going to be able to talk about our golden pyramids tonight? (Yes. Are there no further questions about the karmic pathway?) Myra: Do you expect we will figure a way to use the information you have given us? (I would certainly hope so!) In applying it in our contacts with others will help us to understand our purpose, or to put into action our purposes? (If not, we are certainly wasting our energy. Now we must move forward. I would now hear from you about your experiences with your pyramids.)
Mary: Well, I have gone through a long dry spell, Sheariam, as you probably know. And I was so delighted that suddenly it was like the dawn had come after going through a long dark tunnel. (Sheariam hums agreement.) The dawn of the morning, huh? This just happened this morning, so that’s why it’s so wonderful. I’ve just been living on a cloud all day. It had three parts. In the first part, it was as though I was on a flying saucer flying through the universe. There was a young man. We were outside of the saucer. The sky was a beautiful dark blue with stars, and he was on one side of the saucer, and I was on the other. I was dipping down into the saucer and throwing out all this stuff. It was like this is the junk in my life I want to get rid of. I don’t want it any more, and I’m releasing it, and I’m throwing it out. I’m just reaching down in and throwing it away. I’m just feeling wonderful as we’re sailing along. This was the first part. And then came the second part. It was as though someone removed my brain. They took it out and were holding it, and were working on it. It seemed that I was being told that it was being mended and healed, and the little things in it that were wrong were being taken care of, and it was being all put back together the way it should be. And it was put back, I hope! And the third part of it was just this wonderful feeling of just being filled with the most beautiful, wonderful feeling. It started at the top, I guess, after my brain had been put back in. It started at the top of my head, and it just started down through my body. I realized that it must be going through all the chakras. It was just so beautiful, I didn’t really want to come back. And that was my wonderful experience with my golden pyramid. The first real success I’ve had.
Sheariam: Excellent! Without wishing to begin a long discussion, I would mention here that the pyramids, as you know them on our earth planet, do have connections with other similar planets in other areas of the universe. Your experience has taken your consciousness into one of these other areas through the energy of the pyramid. I do not wish to say more at this time, but this will be discussed later.
Myra: Are you referring to the flying saucer part? (The entire experience.) Mary: And the part about the brain? (That, too.)
RetaMae: I’ve had great success with the pyramid. I really enjoy it very much. I visited with Sahib, my guide, and he informed me that he was leaving. He would not see me again, that he had to go prepare himself. He was going to be reincarnated. It was like losing a friend, and I didn’t want to say “goodbye”. I said, “Oh, I’ll never see you again!”, or something like that. And he said, “Oh yes, you will know me when I arrive.” I see you nodding your head, Sheariam. So, I assume I am anticipating expectations of a new child coming into being here that I will know. It was wonderful. And I heard the celestial choir, sounds that I had never heard before. And I wanted to ask you about last Saturday session when I was not here. I was home alone, and I had the feeling, Sheariam, that you visited me. Did you? (Yes.) OK. It was kind of startling because I knew you were having this session here, and you can be in two places at once. (So can you.) And Judith also was there? All right. I will say no more. But the pyramids are working great.
Bonnie: I’m not having any success, but I’m not trying very hard either for some reason. (You are doing plenty else.) I just don’t know what to expect when I do that, so I’m not getting any. I still want to go back to my well, which I do. (Continue with your well.)
Myra: I’ve been having the same problem that Mary’s been having. My dry period seems to be sustaining. You told me to relax and not worry about it, so I’ve tried to just let it be. And I know it’s going to happen again, so I decided I’ll not be upset about it. I’ll attempt to put the pyramid there and wait. (Good.)
Bonnie: I had one question about one of my well experiences. When I got to the well, it was a solid cork of gold. I worked with a wedge and everything, and I got it out of there, because I wanted to get into the water. But it was such an interesting thing. It was like a cork of gold in there. I was wondering what would that mean?
Sheariam: That’s a representation of physical energies overextended. You have been working too hard. You must take some time to play. (Bonnie: Chase boys. That’s what I can do!) (Laughter) Your advice is well-taken. It’s ill-timed. (More laughter.)
Richard: I have a question. As I’ve told you before, instead of a well, I go to a spring. This spring part of it works out very well, but I’m trying to get better acquainted with the young man who sits just to the left of the spring. I’ve gotten him to stand up and look at me, but he’s still silent. My wife, Mary, suggested just today that I ask him a question to try to establish some dialogue. You keep talking about the importance of the pyramid, and I’m wondering if I should forsake the spring idea and work with the pyramid?
Sheariam: You must make your own choice, but if you are coming along with the well, and there is someone there to meet, then by all means continue that connection. You do not need to sacrifice one for the other, however. You may practice one at one time and the other at another. (I don’t have to get the well business all taken care of before I go on to something else? I can alternate. Thank you.) The pyramid will operate upon your consciousness in a different manner. It will not conflict. But up until this time, the group, as a whole, has not been ready in consciousness to take on that which the pyramid will bring. (I don’t need to rush it, then.) No.
Mary: So when the group has worked more with the pyramid, you can then better explain what happened to me? (Yes.)
Sheariam: The temple healers are with us tonight for your meditation. If you are ready, let us go to that at this time. They prepare for you a warm foot bath, so prepare your bodies to take advantage of this. Now, as you begin to breathe deeply and relax your bodies, you will feel your healer standing behind you with hands upon your shoulders. The warmth of the healer’s hands will move through your body. And now the healers have invited the water bearers, and they have created a communal pool into which the warm water is begin poured. You are invited to put your feet into the pool. There are aromatic herbs and oils and essences being added to the water. As you feel the energy from your healer’s hands move through your body, you should feel the warmth in your feet and the relaxation of the herbal treatment. Even as you breathe in, you inhale the aromatic emanations of the water. As these vapors fill your lungs, the healing moves through all the systems of your body. The healer’s hands direct the healing action. Breathe deeply, drawing in these healing vapors. These will assist your body in combating the problem that is abroad in your environment at this time. As you relax beneath your healer’s hands, you will find your scalp massaged, your temples gently stroked, and your spirits are filled with an ecstasy. As you enjoy the ministering hands of your healer’s touch, your consciousness begins to rise. Illuminations of love and joy permeate your being. While your physical body remains calm and cozy and comforted, your subtler bodies become stimulated, and you feel an expansion. As these subtle bodies expand, you unite one with the other, and you begin to sense the oneness which you really are. Now as you expand into each other, you feel the love and joy of each and every other person flowing into yourself, and yours flowing into them. You experience the genuine union as though you were all fingers on the same hand. Now your healer places his hands again on your shoulders, and you are free to call your loved ones to come and stand in these warm, healing, herbal waters. (Many names quietly spoken.) Now let the joy that is within express as a child. Allow yourself to get completely into the pool. Splash water on each other, frolic and enjoy. (Pause to experience…) Now your healer awaits you with a towel to dry you off, and you are patted dry, and return to yourselves. Those whom you have called are permitted to return to themselves. The water bearers come to take the pool. And the pool is lifted from your midst, is taken into the air, and its water mingled with the waters of the clouds. Thus the healing waters are carried around the globe to be deposited with the natural rain. Now, remember to give thanks to your healer for the service. Express your gratitude always when you are served. And so once again it is done. Take with you the joy and the healing and the love which you have shared. Bear it with you always. Know that you are always and forever linked with the others. And now I share with your joy and love, and I bid you goodnight. Go in blessedness. (Expressions of thanks.)
Closed with “Let there be peace on earth.”
(Page added to synch with index)