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Session #38 – May 6, 1984 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Bonnie Wisz, Lamar and RetaMae Bell, Ida Nevala, Myra Perala, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Peggy Muldoon.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. And how have you been since last we met? Do you recall Judith’s last lesson to you? She also gave you additional information.
RetaMae: Nine Realms or levels around the Hierarchy.
Sheariam: Correct. Tonight, I would speak to you on polarity. In your nine Components, you are aware that the two forces are Opposing Forces, that the two minds, while twins, operate oppositely, one taking in and the other giving out. Now of the three, Life, Quality, and Quantity, these three combine to make what you would commonly call Spirit. Consciousness and Volition combine to make what you call Thought. These form a polarity, Thought being the positive, or the seminal pole, and Spirit being the negative, or receptive pole. It is only by action of these two that substance can take form. Thus, the five Components must work with each other. In your universe, which is subject to the seven Laws of Creation, these five form a great part of the substance of your existence. Force and Mind also, but less controllably so. For anything to become existent, there must be Cause, Impulse, Agency and Carrier. So, I would talk to you tonight on the subject of developing worlds in connection with the Realms as delivered by Judith. Can you name the nine Realms? (Ans: The Absolute, Divine, Cosmos, Universe, Spirit, Mind, Soul, Ego, Self.) Very good. As given before, each realm is given out of that which precedes it. You have also been told that three is a divine number. It is in the Realm of the Divine that all exists in equal proportion, given the Divine Germ Cell. Now as the Divine Germ Cell divides Itself, causated by The Absolute, the impulse of the division builds a tension. As a cell divides, Light and Sound are emitted. Light is of the positive polarity and Sound of the negative polarity. It takes both of these to create worlds, or realms, however you wish to describe them. So as the Divine proliferates Itself, creating by dividing itself, Cosmos is born. In Cosmos, you have then the division: the I Am and the I Will become apparent. As existent in the Realm of the Divine, the Divine Fire and its shadow appear to be one. So, Cosmos becomes the realm of objectivity, a realm of witness which The Absolute can see that which it has brought out of Itself. As the Divine Cells divide themselves, each of the divisions takes on different characteristics because of varying apportionment of the nine Components. Balance no longer exists when division has taken place. Then out of Cosmos, out of the causation of I Am and with the impulse of I Will is born Universe. So, we come to that portion of Cosmos which is represented in your existence. One of the major mysteries your science struggles with today is the impregnation of the ovum, the development of a fetus. It can understand the mechanics, but it does not understand the subtleties of existence. Now in your Realm of Self, you find the polarities identified by masculine and feminine gender. This decisiveness, this agency, is carried in the seminal sperm, but it is the receptive ovum which chooses its impregnator. Thus, Spirit chooses Thought. Many thoughts are thought. Only some are given certain manifestation. This is by choice of Spirit, which is comprised of Life, Quality and Quantity. Now while gender is not manifest in certain of the higher realms, the polarity is manifest. While there may be a single body of manifestation, nevertheless, within that single body exists that polarity, even as you have electrical storehouses called “batteries”, which have certain electrical charges within them, but can only operate if the one entity has two poles. Thus, it is that even though gender is manifest in your earthly realm, each sex carries within it the polarity of the other. But as given before, as cells proliferate by division, imbalance comes about as more of one Component goes into the division of the cell, and more of another Component goes into another division. Thus you see, in the Quality of humanness, you have varying manifestations of intellect, emotion, abstract thinking, physical behavior. Whatever may be manifest by an earthly human being is representative of the imbalance in that manifestation. I will give you an opportunity at this time to ask questions about what has been given.
Myra: Could you please repeat the four things that you mentioned that are manifested in individual people. You mentioned thinking and emotion? (It doesn’t matter. Those were only exemplary.) Can there be more? (Many, many more.) Then each individual would have a characteristic that would be more pronounced than any of the others? (Predominant, yes.)
Bonnie: Are there ways to change that? Since that’s been on my mind a lot lately, the mental capacities. (Of course. As creative beings, you have the power to divide your own cells and produce what you would in your lives. We have brought this down to the embryonic cell division, but it pertains in all facets of your life.)
Myra: So if you choose to be more intellectual or more emotional or a difference from what you have now, you can change that? (Yes. As creative beings, you create your bodies. You create your environment. You take an initial genetic code in the physical organism which you inhabit, but you have the choice to grow that body to actualize its potentials in whatever way you so desire.)
RetaMae: Do we sometimes let this go dormant and not use this capacity? (Most human beings in this earth plane today do not use their creative potential to improve their own condition.)
Bonnie: Could you give some suggestions? (Suggestions with respect to what?) To developing changes. (You must first establish desire. You already represent an idea. You already are differentiated.)
Myra: So those nine Components that you gave us, Laws actually… You mentioned desire, and that came up a long time ago. (That is an Attribute.)
Maxine: Is it true that some people don’t have this Attribute? RetaMae: We have it, but we don’t develop it fully. At times we let it go stagnant, too, don’t we? (Most of your potential lies unstimulated within you.)
Bonnie: I want to be stimulated!! (Laughter). (Remember, you have Consciousness and Volition. Those two, combined, produce Thought. Spirit accepts, chooses the Thoughts it will allow Itself to gestate.)
Owen: Then if Spirit chooses which thoughts are manifested, this puts spirit in control of our development. And if we have desires, these would be monitored or censored?(Do not split up and categorize. Spirit is comprised of Life, Quality, and Quantity. You are Quality of Humanness which has certain desires. It is for you to recognize your Quality and the potential, and then to desire to do something about it which sponsors all three components to accept the Thought, which Consciousness and Volition together produce.)
Myra: Would you say that desire is an attribute of all nine of them? (Yes.) It seems to me that desire sort of is an umbrella. (That is because you are in the earth condition and out of balance. What Principle and Law go with Feeling and Desire?) Dominance and Appropriation.
Sheariam: Correct. That from out of which your body has been built, that substance, is not used up just because you have built a body. It is endless. You cannot use it up. Thus, there is no competition for it. You can do and be and have anything you wish to have provided you go about it in the right way. Also for the right reasons if you wish not to build something for which you must pay an unhappy consequence.
Maxine: If you have a strong desire for peace, and you are not sure how it can come about, can you ask your dream self for ideas how to achieve this? (When you wish for peace, you must be peace. When you wish for success, you must be that success. This is why we try to teach you these things, that you do not see them as separate from yourself. You are what you have.) But sometimes you are not aware.
RetaMae: It’s the old basic philosophy of like attracts like that we’re familiar with. Owen: Is this to say that if you wish to have some influence on society to accomplish some goal, that you have to be that goal before you will have any effect? (To have the greatest affect.) Myra: In other words you have to practice what you preach. RetaMae: Yes. We have to be what we say. We can’t say one thing and then internally be something else. Myra: It’s really hard not to categorize, though. It’s really difficult to apply what we’re learning. (You have been so conditioned into separateness.) Comments: We have blinders on. We’re like ostriches with our heads in the sand. And then we let other people influence us each day, too, without realizing it. Myra: I think that’s it. We’re not conscious of it.
Sheariam: It’s your awareness. Consciousness is ever present in everything. Thus it is that certain knowledge becomes a part of your subjective mind without your daily awareness or rational mind involvement. But because Consciousness is ever present, Volition and Consciousness act together as Thought. It is Thought acting upon Spirit which produces what you are. So, you can change yourself at your own behest. Because you live primarily in the Dominance Law, you believe that desire produces. And it does. You do not have to live solely in the Dominance Law. We are trying to persuade you to live in all seven of the laws of your universe. Take to yourselves those Attributes. Find within yourself where those Attributes exist or manifest. See for yourself when you act upon certain Principles. Be aware when you invoke the law. When mankind, as a whole, moves on into the Life of the Law of Relinquishment, the cycle begins again, but you will have what your Christian community calls the “New Jerusalem”. Jerusalem is the word which expresses equipoise and balance. It is from which you came and to which you are to return.
Myra: Does that mean that if we are able to reach the point where we are living in all nine laws, or all seven laws, and we have that mastery of ourselves and our lives, that we could achieve that within this lifetime, or would it require several lifetimes?
Sheariam: Oh, it is entirely possible to achieve it in one lifetime if you are prepared to relinquish the material role. So long as you insist on having and owning things, you live in the Law of Dominance.
Myra: So the spiritual life, the religious life of people who cannot have any possessions are more apt to be able to reach that Law of Self-Mastery?
Sheriam: They place too much importance on having that life. Again, dominance. That life entitles them to certain privileges, certain prestige. It is when you will relinquish what you call Life Itself that you have it all.
Myra: So you could live in the life of owning things, but it’s not necessary. When you don’t feel the need to own things that you could reach that. Is that what you mean? (Yes. But there are few who would be willing to give away everything that they might own to one no matter how desperate the need might appear to be.) Real altruism.
RetaMae: If we could believe that our basic needs would be met, then it would be very easy to let go. It’s the fear of not having our needs taken care of. (This is one of the reasons Silverthistle took up the story of the Good Samaritan.) That’s where it all boils down to: our fear. (The guarantee is there. You do not exercise your right.) We have the fear. (I gave you this time last year that you must demand what is yours. You repeat the 23rd Psalm, and you talk about your cup that overfloweth, but you do not live your life in accordance with the words you speak.) We say one thing and then believe something else.
Maxine: Sometimes it is difficult to see where one’s self falls down. How can one find out just where it is they are falling down? (By studying what we give you.)
Myra:Studying and digesting it and living it. (Yes. It must go beyond the intellectual, the remembering of the words. It must be absorbed.)
Maxine: I can see where we may apply some aspects, but we don’t apply the whole bit. So, to find what it is we’re leaving out is important. (Look to the Attributes. Do you manifest all of the Attributes in equal quantity? The longest journey begins with the first step. You can only move from where you are. Inasmuch as we find you here in this earthly realm, then here is where you must start.)
Myra: But I look at my life over the last half century, and I recognize that I’ve changed a lot. Just having this group here together, all of us in this room, means that we’ve made a lot of changes in our lives. (That is correct.) So, we’re already started on the path. It’s still hard to change that much more.
Peggy: Do you believe in affirmations? (Of course.)
Maxine: So, if we see some point where we are lacking, we can use an affirmation to overcome that lack. (To inculcate that Attribute to develop the seed which lies within. It’s as though you are growing a plant. You simply do not cast the seed out willy-nilly. You purposely find the appropriate environment for it. And you water it. And you fertilize it. And you nurture it with your thought and your care. You see that it gets enough sunlight. You see that it gets enough air. Do you do as much for yourselves? So much for your lesson tonight. (Comments of appreciation.) Now, is there anything else that I can help you with?)
Owen: Yes, Sheariam. A question has come up about the advisability of inviting any other people into this particular group, knowing that they would have to acquire a lot of understanding and familiarity with lessons that have already been given. Is this desirable now, or do you look for that as a possibility in the future? (It would certainly seem that your circle is shrinking.) Hopefully that is just a temporary thing tonight. In view of that, you think this might be a suitable thing to do? (Provided the new entrants were sufficiently informed that unnecessary questions would not be wasting your time. Truth is for all. We would not willingly deny anyone.
Myra: I was studying the material that Gloria gave us about what you have said about the teachings of Judith’s material, and one of the things that you mentioned was that angels may appear in person, may manifest themselves in person. I’ve always been intrigued with that, and I wondered if you could expand on that a little bit. Is that a possibility for our group here? (It happens all the time, but you do not recognize it.) Has it happened recently? (To whom, and where do you ask?) To me. (Do you feel that it has?) I don’t know. The idea intrigues me so much. I always have wondered if it ever would happen to me so that I would know it, and I haven’t recognized it. (This again is a part of the human condition operating under the Law of Dominance. You always desire that which can give you excitement, importance, or whatever, even though you would not understand the meaning nor know what to do. Thus, you have been advised by your Holy Scripture that whomever you treat as a manifest angel may be that very thing.)
Sheariam: Do you have problems with your mantras that you wish to discuss? Have you found effective ways of saying them, of using them?
Maxine: I have in the past, but I must say that in the past week or so I’ve not been thinking about it. Owen: I used the mantra “Salgane”. You suggested I include the “g”. You didn’t say where, but “Salgane” seemed to be appropriate as a mantra to help me to become a more effective meditator, and this I’ve been doing. Is the “Salgane” appropriate? (It is as well with us as it is with you. If the mantra works for you, then it is appropriate.) Well, I’m still having what I think are rather unproductive meditations. I’m not having much success with the well. I have this well that I visualize and go to, and I’ve visualized some modifications. The water now is risen in the well far enough so that it comes through a spout in the side of the well. Now I get my water from the spout and drink it. The well was in a gazebo, and I’ve made the material of which that is constructed transparent so that it’s lighter and cheery, but I don’t seem to be able to attract my source people. (Then I suggest that you deliberately make an image, even as you would imagine what a child of yours would look like as a man. When you have an image, then Spirit may fill that image with life for you, and the visage will take on the appropriate contours.)
Myra: How would he use his mantra? Before he does his meditation or during?
Sheariam: One should first arrange the body appropriately. Then Consciousness and Volition, Thought, should devise what is to be presented to Spirit. That is to say, whatever the project is for which you designed your mantra should be given some thought, some consideration, some awareness. When saying the mantra, it is suggested that you use some of the instructions given to say archangels’ names first. Both of the first two and a third most appropriate to your goal. When these have been said, as has been demonstrated in your meditations in this circle, then say your own personalized mantra at least three times, and as many as nine. The same instructions would apply to all of you as you work upon your projects. Remember always to say your mantra or the archangels’ names in a series of three, six or nine. Now, recalling also that there are odd and even numbers, we will later get into how you would use those numbers. But we would have you, for now, work with the nine, six or three in combinations with the archangels’ names, at least to get you started.
LaMar: I’ve had no trouble whatsoever getting my band at the well or in the pyramid, but I haven’t the foggiest idea what they are telling me. (You have not been able to hear words yet?) No. (Then ask them to show you a symbol or to give you a gift which will create within you an understanding.)
Bonnie: My meditations have changed considerably. My whole room changed shape this morning. And also, I’ve been taken to a pyramid-shaped building again. We went through our mantras and some toning this morning. It’s all been very interesting, but I’m curious about the twins that are spending so much time with me that are apparently someone else’s guides. Is there something you could tell me about that? (Part of what is going on with you now is taking you back to a previous initiation which you have already experienced in order to awaken the memories of what you have already learned.) And the twins have something to do with that? (Yes.) All are involved in the same initiation.
Sheariam: If you have no further questions for me, I will, at this time, retire and allow Silverthistle to join you. (Expressions of appreciation.)
Silverthistle: Good evening. (Many happy greetings.) I come again to share with you another story from the bible. This, again, is found in Luke 10, beginning with verse 38. Before I proceed with the story, we need to talk about the principle characters in the New Testament. The name “Jesus” is a Greek word. The true name should be pronounced “Jeshua”. If you will go through the name of “Jeshua” with the sounds interpretations given by Judith and Sheariam, you will find that this is the name of a facet of the godhead, being the power of judgment or discrimination passing through actively: The Divine Fire manifest in Spirit acting judgmentally in order to represent selfhood. And so, we come to our story. When Jeshua visited a village and was welcomed by two sisters, Martha and Mary, Martha bustled about preparing food, seeing to the wants of the guests, while Mary sat at the foot of Jeshua and listened to the words. Martha seeing this, becomes very irritated and upset, and she asks Jeshua to bid Mary to help her. She sees it as inappropriate that Mary should not be serving the guests as well. And Jeshua says to Martha, “That is Mary’s right, and it shall not be withheld from her.” And so Jeshua would not command Mary to help her. Now this is the story again of humankind condition. The village is the earth, the condition of humankind set in place, stretched out. Jeshua, the discriminating judgment of the Divine Fire manifest in Spirit, comes to visit to deliver his message to man, to tell mankind of his own divinity. The two sisters represents mankind. The feminine gender was chosen to represent mankind in this story because the state of man is of the negative pole in the creation of this world. Martha and Mary represent the outer and the inner environment of man as he lives in his earthly condition. The outer life is one of hustle and bustle, of concern about material welfare, food, comfort, hospitality. The inner side of man is concerned with hearing the words of his own divinity, of aspiring to that state of divinity from which he came. Even as the outer life demands the inner life’s attention and cooperation, so the story gives you that the inner life must be maintained in accordance with its desire and shall not be denied. It shall not be commanded into outer bustle and servility, or even hospitality. Thus, it is that no matter what you do with your lives, you cannot destroy the inner side. You are connected. You do hear, and sooner or later the outer life must acknowledge that rightfulness, that appropriateness, of the inner life. And so, your lesson is ending.
Owen: Silverthistle, our book, as you are probably aware, has gone to press, and we’re very pleased with the progress we’re making. It looks very good. It’s going to be very attractive, and it’s certainly going to be very thought-provoking. One question occurred to me. We will be asked, I’m sure, somebody has already hinted at it. You have at your disposal as a student of the Holy Scriptures source of information that are not available to us here in the physical. I was wondering if it would be possible to explain any of these and recount them what you can to us that would help us to explain the stature of your authority as a student of the scriptures and your knowledge thereof. (You would only have my word for it anyway.) That’s all right. That would be fine.
Silverthistle: As I told you in the very beginning, I was educated in a temple of initiation many thousands of years ago. I was present during the telling of some of these legends which have become reduced to writing. And, as I gave before, my intent is to lay bare the essential truths which have been hidden for centuries by verbiage. You have been given such truths by others, but in such minute quantities, in such obscure ways, and with such diversity of communication, were you to put together what is actually available to you, you could arrive at these same conclusions on your own without my giving you interpretation. Inasmuch as you do not choose to do so, then I have been given the responsibility to reveal the truth to as many as I can. I know when I came to this group that you would have the intellect, you would have the desire, you would have the substance in which to set abroad my words. Those who will listen, and those who will see, will learn, and those who will not, will continue in darkness until such time as they choose to live differently. We cannot force upon you anything. We give as much as we can, as often as we can, in whatever way is made available to us. Then each seeker must find his own truth amongst all that is given. Later we will take up the parable of the wheat and the chaff.
Bonnie: Silverthistle, while we are on the subject of books, how is your book coming that is to come out with your Canadian group? (It should already be in the stores.) Can you give us the title of it? (I may not.)
Myra: How can we research about it? (That is part of your learning process, even as I spoke about the book which you are now producing. Remember what Sheariam has given you this night about Thought and spirit. If you put the Thought out into the Spirit, the book will come to you.)
Owen: In a visit from you, I believe it was at Christmas time, you took us on a tour of the Temple of Initiation, and we visited the library. I had wondered, if in the library there might be sources of information that you had used. We hear of the Akashic records, for example, and I had wondered in your study of the bible, if you had access to what actually happened, what was originally said, and that kind of material that skips over the intervening hundreds of years of passing on and maybe missing words, and points, and meanings, and so on. Are these things like the Akashic Records and original thoughts involved then been given to you, or is this something that you have to work out and develop through putting together material from a vast number of resources?
Silverthistle: Both. Some of these legends I have helped to tell throughout the centuries and now am able to reveal the truth of them. Some I have had to research through contact with those who did tell them. The books in the temple library are what you call “astral replicas” of what you have in your physical world.
Myra: Is it possible there are books in the astral realm which have not yet been published in this realm? (Of course. When the time is correct for it to be presented, a certain one will be chosen, and the information will be given. Thus, there will be an inspired writing which will receive a certain degree of attention. You have had many such throughout your centuries, one compilation now being your Holy Scripture.) So the book we are preparing, The Eight Keys, has really already been printed in the astral realm. (It is only being developed in the astral realm in the current form in accordance with the timeliness of its preparation in your physical form.) So would you say that the book we are preparing is being influenced by the astral one, or is it visa versa? (It goes both ways. What you saw in the library in your meditation was the projection of thought, the thought form. Then as it becomes a reality in any particular condition, it also becomes a reality in that condition. It is time then that I retire so that Sheariam can bring you your meditation.) (Many expressions of gratitude for the visit.) (It is always a great privilege and joy for me to be with you, especially with this new freedom of speech. And so, I bless you and bid you good night.)
Sheariam: Get yourselves settled comfortably. Become aware of the egg of aura around each of you. Feel yourself nested within that egg. And even as you become aware of that egg, you realize that it interpenetrates the one next to you, and indeed flows throughout the room. Now become aware that those energies are in a pulsating rhythm. There are varying rhythms within the egg. Some are fast and some are very slow, but they all work together in a symphony of color and sound. Now visualize strongly a very clear, green light emanating from your solar plexus, as a ray goes forth from the sun. And as the ray from each of you meets in the center of the room, it forms a pool, a reservoir of healing energy. And to the degree that you can feel the rhythm in your auras, that healing power of the green ray is enhanced. And now visualize a very clear golden ray coming forth from your heart and blending with the green healing energies in the center of the room. As the gold meets the green, you see it sparkle and gleam, and particles of color bounce off of each other. But they do not blend their colors. They stay distinctive, golden and green. Now begin to absorb some of the green light in through your left leg, in through your toes. Then absorb some of the golden light in through your right toes and up your leg until the two colors come together in your abdomen, and you feel that effervescence within yourself. Let that mingled light rise up through your body, and return to the center of the room through your arms and hands. And as the light circulates through you, you feel the warmth of the lovely gold, and the coolness of the sparkling green. The balance of the two gives you healing. Now allow some of the combined light to enter through your brow, to fill your head, to flow down through your throat, and again out your arms. Allow that to circulate, and to bring balance into the body. Now that you have washed your interior clean, your thoughts and your emotions are pure, invite your loved ones to come and share in this healing energy. (Many names softly called.) We welcome all of those who choose to come. And even as we share these energies, we accept the blessing for ourselves. Now for the community of desire for peace in the world, allow this created ball of healing energy to spread out, to move around the world as though it were a cloud, depositing itself in those various parts to which it is called. And now we release to themselves those who have chosen to join us. And each of you become aware again of your own individual auric egg, its rhythm, its balance, its protectiveness. And in acknowledgment of the universal energy which enables you to be healed and to be healers, sing together. (“Let there be peace on earth” is sung.) Thank you and blessed be. Go in peace until we meet again. Good night.
Closed with the Alleluia