1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1. P6 2.
SESSION #3 – AUGUST 14, 1982 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Ida Nevala, Myra and Nestor Perala, Mary White, Rebecca O’Dell, Larry and Eileen Horton
After meditative group singing and a prayer for protection and guidance, Silverthistle came through his “instrument”, Gloria Rivers
S/T: Good evening.
Group: Welcome, Silverthistle
S/T: I have much to discuss with you tonight. Things for you to think about during the coming period when we shall not be together. First of all, you must understand about conditions. Your expectancies of me and Gloria need to be modified. As I told you before, I am as physical as you are, but I am not in the flesh as you are. Because you have not yet been trained to communicate directly with Spirit-Physical, these kinds of communications are necessary, but, believe me, they will not be necessary for much longer. People who are studying in circles such as this are in a process of initiation which will soon bring them into a consciousness enabling them to make direct contact, at least in the realm in which I exist. My world is parallel and juxtapositioned to your very own. Sometimes it is nearly identical. There are certain conditions under which Spirit- Physical combine with Fleshly-Physical so that flesh sensorial can perceive Spirit-Physical as though it were flesh. Do you understand?
Myra: No. What do you mean? Like we can see you as flesh?
S/T: Yes, You have reports of visitors who appear solid flesh. In years gone by, such manifestations have been made in circles such as this one. Because the consciousness of mankind is being raised all over the planet, more and more often you are witnessing Spirit-Physical in what appears to be the fleshly form, but which is in actuality condensed ethereal substance. (pause)
Myra: I’ve heard of that before. Silverthistle, shall we expect that to happen in this group?
S/T: It could happen eventually, as you pass your initiations. I simply wanted you to understand that since I dwell in a realm as physical as yours, I am limited by certain conditions as you are limited in your condition of flesh. There are certain things beyond which I am not able to penetrate. As there are barriers in your fleshly world, so there are barriers in my world. I, however, do have access more directly than you do to certain activities which take the interest and attention of beings who are evolved intellects that can then come through, as has happened in the past. From time to time as I am instructed, these teachers will come to you to bring a message that is necessary. (It is) for you to ask at that time. It has been in Gloria’s mind the thought of the purposes of your organization, and the need to prove continuance or survival. I shall attempt to be instrumental in providing such evidence insofar as I am capable, and insofar as I am permitted. But it is more important that you learn the higher truths so that your mortality is more contributive to the overall existence. We each, whether we here in the flesh or in the Spirit-Physical, or in other conditions of higher evolution, are nevertheless responsible for a certain amount of contributive effort. There is little purpose for the effort that it takes for this kind of communication if it is to be used only so that your realm can speak to those who they think are in this realm. For it is not necessarily so that this is the case. Upon departure from the flesh, there are many conditions into which one enters. And much of the time the departed one has so much else to do and to experience, that the fleshly realm is only a dim memory – a dreamlike essence in their consciousness. That is why it is a rare occasion that one can truly communicate from your condition with someone in my condition. And there is an overwhelming amount of deceit and fraud from both sides, in that the Spirit-Physical world, of which I am a part, contains those who would attempt to re-enter the physical fleshly world before it is proper. Thus they will represent themselves to be anyone you would desire them to be. It is my job to monitor who would come through this channel, and to the best of my ability, I shall protect both my channel and you from such deceit. But I cannot function as other people’s consciences. In our conditions we have the capacity to deceive each other as well. So if there are those who manage to get by me, I sincerely offer my apology, but you have my earnest assurance that it will not be as though I were assisting such deceit. (pause) I have now said my peace. (pause)
Myra: Very thought-provoking and helpful. Mary W: You spoke of the idea that we were going through our initiation. Is that as an individual basis or is that meaning this circle? Do you have any suggestions to help us?
S/T: Both. Your quiet time is essential to your initiation process. It is in such a period of at-rest-ment that your own teachers can make direct communication with you. You people in the flesh tend to allow physical concerns to cheat you out of contemplative time. Thus you retard your own progress. You should make a definite effort to spend a few minutes in each day in a receptive state of mind. Do not become discouraged if nothing seems to happen for a lengthy period. It takes time for those who would teach you to enter your vibrations sufficiently strong enough to inspire you with an idea. But it is those teachers who come to you in dreams and hunches and other perceptive devices to give you guidance. You have been admonished to seek the small voice within, and that is how we as teachers can speak to you directly. Each initiate is given a certain assigned group of teachers and guides and monitors to urge you along the way to learn that which it is for you to learn at what place you are in your development. The best effort that you can offer is the desire to learn and to provide the time in which it can happen. Do you understand that?
Mary W: Yes, thank you very much. It is very helpful. Eileen: Are you speaking of meditation?
S/T: In a manner of speaking. Meditation is something different to each individual. The trials, obstacles, problems, whatever you have encountered that causes you concern, are only means to an end. And as you sit in silence and mull things over with the sincere desire that you will grow from the experience, the answer comes and this is a form of meditation. There are other forms of meditation which are designed to alter consciousness states for various purposes, but it serves nothing to discuss them at this time.
Rebecca: Clarify for me. Are you saying that anytime that we can just be by ourselves and mull things over, whether in the shower or just a time you can get by yourself to think things over, is that good enough, or should we set aside a certain time to do that? Is that necessary?
S/T:Your question is multi-faceted. It is true that the time you spend mulling things over, whether you are in the shower, making a bed, driving a car, or doing routine laborious duties, all serve to allow your teachers to come close to you. But if you set aside a specific time in your 24 hour cycle, then your teachers can make an appointment with you. You must understand that your teachers, while being assigned the responsibility for you, are also given others to be responsible for. Thus, they cannot be on call for you alone. But you will have a mentor who is concerned about the development of a particular facet of your character. And when you run into trouble because of that particular facet, then that teacher receives the message that you are in trouble, and at the earliest opportunity that one draws near to help you in any way you allow. Your prayers are also calls that bring such caring ones near to help you. Does that answer your question?
Rebecca: Yes, it does. That teaches me to be open. Eileen: Silverthistle, these caring ones, our mentors, are they spirits, you might say, whom we have known in our lifetime or what draws them to us?
S/T: They are all part of the Soul-Body of which you are a part. You are also contributing to the life of that Soul-Body. Some of them you might have known at some point in your development. And others you would not.
Eileen: Thank you. (long pause) Myra: Question, anyone?
S/T: If there are no other personal questions, at this time I will give you a biblical lesson.
Myra: That would be good.
S/T: “Blessed are the poor in spirit” is very much misinterpreted. “Happy is he who is without pride, arrogance and prejudice, for it is he who shall be in the kingdom of heaven.” In the flesh one may be rich as Croesus and still be without a pride of spirit. Blessed means to be happy and you have the capacity to be happy. So long as you cling to your prejudices, your prides and your arrogances, you then must also entertain the corollaries of jealousy, envy and greed. These isolate you from the loving companionship which you should be enjoying both in the fleshly companions and spirit companions. Do you understand?
Group: Yes. Ida: I’ve been a lot of everybody’s good companions.
S/T: Yes, indeed you are. But you are such a joyous person with whom to companion.
Myra: Amen.
S/T: One does not feel that one would ever be unwelcome to you. We are very pleased that Gloria is privileged to know you. And now, if there is no other personal question, it has been a long day for you and I shall bless you and retire.
Myra: Larry has a question for you, I believe, Silverthistle. Larry: Yes, I’ve been under quite a strained situation the past couple of days. My son had a complete loss in his mobile home by arsonist fire, and I know his life has been threatened a couple of times because of the work he is in. I just would like to get this settled as soon as possible for relief for myself. If there is other dangers or this could be solved within a very short time, -- Why was he selected to have an arsonist fire?
S/T: There are, of course, two considerations here. One being the condition of his spiritual life that brought into being this experience for him. And the circumstances extant in his physical life which made it possible to manifest in this manner. He is definitely still physically in jeopardy in his person. He must take care. He must not allow himself to be caught unaware in dangerous circumstances. I sense in your vibration, which is the way I am picking this out for you, that the whole occurrence was ineffective in that it did not serve the purpose for which it was intended. The perpetrators are not directly known to him. They were hired. And it was intended to take his physical life from him. Spiritually, the lesson he must learn is the fragility of physical life. He needs to treasure spiritual life more dearly. Does that answer your question?
Larry: It is very clear. Thank you very much. Nestor: May I ask a question: Is my interpretation of Nana’s story correct.
S/T: Again, I pick this up from your vibrations. That there are three categories or compartments here. Two are open to understanding; one is still concealed and needs to be opened for clarification. Does that answer your question?
Nestor: I believe it does for the time being. Mary W: May I ask a question? My daughter-in-law seems to be very unhappy and seems to have some real problems within herself. Is there anything that we can do to help her? Can you see the problem to help us?
S/T: As I enter your vibration of this question, I find a great deal of fear. This young person is at a division in her pathway. The choices that she makes at this time will determine the outcome of the next 15 years of her life. Her spirit quails, her courage falters. The best service you can render is to give her support, to encourage her, to help her face her fears, because that is what is making it difficult for her to deal with her problems. Do you understand?
Mary: Yes, I think I do. Eileen: Silverthistle, may I ask a question? Our older son is going through a very difficult time in his life now, and could you give me any indication of the direction it will take and whether he will find some purpose shortly?
S/T: Yes. He is like a leaning tree in the wind. And as the winds of circumstance blow against him, he is in peril of falling. As a person’s roots serve him to stand erect, your best service to this young man would be to shore up the soil around his roots. To give him the waters of your loving emotion to keep those roots firmly anchored so they do not come loose. As he struggles with his problem he is in peril of abandoning the traditions that will hold him secure. You must present these traditions to his attention in such a way that he will not turn away from them. Do you understand that?
Eileen: I’m not sure that I do about those traditions. What do you feel I should emphasize?
S/T: The moral and ethical values that you have founded your life upon. Do not be judgmental. Do not increase the power of the winds that are buffeting him about. Be the best example you can of those things in which you believe. Try to demonstrate the courage that one gets from having faith in God. Does that clarify for you?
Eileen: Yes. Thank you so much, Silverthistle.
S/T: Now I must retire. Bless all of you. Take care until we meet again.
Myra: Thank you very much for coming. Group: Yes, thank you, thank you.
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