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Session #40 – November 17, 1984 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Jean Chisholm, LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Richard and Mary White, Larry and Eileen Horton, Bonnie Wisz, Peggy Muldoon, Ida Nevala, Owen and Maxine Cramer
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. Again we come together to study once more. How have you fared since last we met?
Owen: Well, we just had a study session, and I suppose you were probably observing it. There are difficulties and questions, and I’m sure some problem with the expanse of time since when we were studying more intently.
Sheariam: We are indeed gratified to see your difficulties, for then it means to us that you are striving to understand. If this came easily to you, you would not need us or the teachings. Man would have evolved to the condition past earth. All we ask of you is that you try. That makes our efforts worthy. So let us then entertain some of the questions which you have.
Richard: I have a question regarding working on the affirmations. We did some of that when we were together last time, so we were talking this evening especially about questions we had in regard to forming an affirmation. We were working with Tzaphkiel, for instance, and trying to understand how the Law, the Principle and the Attribute worked together. In making an affirmation, would we want to use a definite sequence such as the word “Illusion” which is the Law, followed by the word “Balance” which is the Principle, followed by the word “Understanding” or “Knowing” which is the Attribute. Would this be a good rule-of-thumb to use for any of the nine different laws?
Sheariam: Yes, that procedure would be perfectly acceptable. One of the struggles you are having is in putting words together without adequate sentence structure as you are used to doing. Do not allow this to prohibit your efforts. Inasmuch as your language would require many words in order to be specific, these words were chosen as the best to express the essence of what is intended to be conveyed. Thus you can use the Law, the Principle and the Attribute as an affirmation, even though it is not structurally sound to your ears. If you feel more comfortable with a structured sentence, then by all means prepare such a structured sentence. For what is important is that you bring your consciousness into alignment with the end result which you desire as a result of making the affirmation.
Richard: That clarifies quite a bit for me, and I think for most of us, because we were trying to pick out which ideas, even so far as the Attributes of the Archangels themselves. In the case we had “waking dreams” and wondered how important that was, and the idea of “thrones” for the Order of angels. We were trying to decide which words and which items were important for the purpose. And then we tumbled onto using the Law, followed by the Principle, followed by the Attribute, and maybe that was the best way to approach it in most cases.
Sheariam: For affirmations, do restrain yourselves to the use of Laws, the Principles and the Attributes. The other language used in connection with the Archangels and the Angels was an attempt to acquaint you with the function or the power of that particular manifestation or characterization. (Richard: I think that puts it in a lot better perspective for us. Thank you.)
LaMar: Another question we were debating is: How broad are the Archangels in their functions? For instance, we decided on trying to create an affirmation to be able to understand these things better when we study. “Sandalphon” seemed to be the choice. Would “Tzaphkiel”, for instance, have been a good choice there? Is it necessary to find exactly the right one, or are those energies overlapping?
Sheariam: That is very perceptive. They do, indeed, overlap. It depends upon what understanding you seek. If, for instance, you wish to have something revealed to you which previously has been hidden from you, you would go with the Law of Illusion. However, if there is some resource which you would wish to be made available to you, you might ask for “Sandalphon”, because as you harmonize, you become one with the thing which you seek, and thus nothing can stand between you. If you want to widen or deepen your understanding, you might seek to find higher realms, such as the beauty of something. You see there you would work through that Attribute, through those laws. (LaMar: Through Haniel?) For abundance, yes. But you would go then to another for beauty. (Raphael?)
Eileen: Which one of the Archangels would be best to invoke for healing? (Again, any of them. For instance, in a healing process already begun, you might ask for abundance of healing through “Haniel”. But if the healing had not yet been instituted, you might seek assistance through “Sandalphon”. Or if you wished the healing process to be finished and complete, you might seek assistance from “Raphael”.)
LaMar: This is extremely helpful as far as I am concerned. This is the thing which has been holding me back from doing this work, because I simply didn’t have enough understanding of the things that you were just saying there. I really feel that I was doing an adequate job. (But being a creature in a realm of form, if you do not struggle first, you do not develop the questions. If we give you answers without questions, you do not then understand.) Thank you, very much.
Richard: I have a question. Speaking of “Haniel” coming under the Law of Relinquishment, you’ve just been talking about abundance which is the description of Haniel’s characteristic. I have great trouble in seeing how abundance comes from the Law of Relinquishment. (When you relinquish all, you give it to the universe. Then all the universe is yours. There is no greater abundance. As you withhold from the universe, you restrict your own supply.)
Bonnie: Could we make up an affirmation for abundance? (Would you like to begin?) Richard: Can we use that rule of thumb: Law followed by Principle, followed by Attribute? (Try it.) Bonnie:I’m trying to figure out how to use “Purpose” in that.” (Use “purposes” as a verb. “Purposes”.) Richard: To bring it about. (Several tries) Can Attribute which is “mastery of life” be “mastery of self”? (That is what is purposed.) What are we relinquishing? (More discussion.) Maxine: Relinquishment purposes mastery. So I suppose what you need, if you want abundance, you need to relinquish some things that you have that are unnecessary. Would that be it?(You are only beginning. “Relinquishment purposes mastery.” Think about it. Divine Relinquishment. You as an entity have been relinquished, released, to find your own mastery. There is Divine Purpose in that. When you relinquish a problem to the Universal Solvent, you are purposing mastery for yourself, are you not? Is that not what you wish?)
Richard: Relinquishment purposes Mastery. (If you feel more comfortable by preceding the Law, or something in your words that means that law, with the word “I”, then use it. You might affirm “I relinquish my life to the Universe, and abundance is mine.) Bonnie: I like that one. LaMar: I do, too. I understand that. “Relinquishment purposes Mastery” doesn’t mean much to me at this point.
Eileen: Is it possible to have a rapport or affinity for some particular archangel and feel comfortable calling on that person for different purposes. (Yes, indeed, that is most likely so.) I feel an affinity for Raphael. Perhaps that is because I am an artist, but I find myself calling on Raphael quite often. Richard: What affirmation do you use? Eileen: It usually pertains to my art work. The affirmation would be personal with me because of the beauty and the art work. You see the idea of beauty ties in with the work I’m doing. I probably wasn’t using the right affirmation. (Discussion of who will work up affirmations for whom.)
RetaMae: Sheariam, we would not be offending any of the archangels, would we, by not using them? (The Archangels do not take offense. The purpose of the affirmation is to bring your consciousness into alignment with the Archangel. So it behooves you to make an affirmation that will perform that function for you. The affirmations become more powerful as they incorporate the words given you for the Laws, Principles and Attributes.)
Bonnie: The Archangels are in us. (They are characterizations of the Divine which have manifest in you.) LaMar: The light comes on every so dimly. (That gratifies us greatly.) (laughter) Richard: Let’s hope it gets brighter. LaMar: I’m in hopes it will get much brighter. Bonnie: Oh, then let’s do an affirmation for brightness. (Suggestions to do our own affirmations and go to lesson.)
Peggy: Can we use these Archangels in getting something to take place, like if you want something to happen in the future, like a few months. Could you use these Archangels for that? (Of course. Remember that you have a Law of Process. In your universe, time exists. Everything takes time to manifest. You will recall Silverthistle has told you that we in the Spirit-physical are also subject to time, not your time, but our time. We have points of reference by which we can judge process even as you have points of reference to judge how much time transpires.)
Richard: So your life is sequential? (Yes.) Larry: I have a question. Could you create an unknown archangel and use it for your own benefit instead of the ones that have been given to us? (In all likelihood, anyone that you would choose, whatever you might design within your own mind, would be a part of one already given.) We created one many years ago which seemed to give good response. Of all things, we used the person, a “Deadready-Jackson”, who, when called on, would bring protection or would lead or guide as we asked for it. Now that was created many years ago: Deadready Jackson. A few of us back in about 1943-4.
Sheariam: Remember that the armies of angels are individuals in certain conditions, all of whom have names as well. And, as has been given by us, we take on names which attend our intentions. As you call forth some manifestation of the universe, such as protection, you give it a name. It does not matter what you call it. It is your consciousness that calls it forth. The idea behind the names of the Archangels as we have given you is that these are the sounds forming together to deliver the essence of the representation or the characterization. These are names which have been used for many centuries, and thus there is a general consciousness within mankind that responds to these names when spoken.
Eileen: Something that has been flitting through my mind has been about the middleman, here, you might say. It’s somewhat like the Catholic faith praying to a saint. Why can’t we go direct to the source? Why do we have to go through an Archangel? (You are going directly to the source. None of the Archangels are separate from God, but part of the Divine Character. You are simply appealing to that particular aspect of the Divine Source.)
Jean: Would an affirmation for Raphael be “Divine Process makes all beautiful? (Perfect!) Sheariam: As Judith proceeds with the hierarchy, you will better understand what lies between you and the ultimate Divine Source, and why the creation of saints and intermediaries and intercessors. In fact, Silverthistle’s message for you tonight has to do with this to some degree. Do you have any further questions with regard to this current discussion? (Peggy: Is it true that everything happens at its own right time?) That is Ratziel.)
***Jean: I’m not satisfied with my affirmation for Michael. Divine Dominance, and then, Appropriates, but that doesn’t fit well. (Several suggestions.) (What are you attempting to achieve? Michael has to do with you as an individual forming the vessel through which the Divine flows. Thus, as you take dominance over your life, you appropriate the substance of life and control your own destiny. As you relinquish all to the Universe, Divine Dominance appropriates whatever is necessary to flow through you to complete your life.) That’s a different meaning. Divine Dominance fulfills my emotional needs? (Yes.)
Eileen: Would it be effective to make an affirmation for another person? (No, unless that person asks you to do so.) Peggy: We could use the law of knowledge that they could be aware of the affirmation that they need. (You are still interfering.) Eileen: We talk about praying for another person, and that seems to be effective. (How do you know what the consequences of your act are?) From what we hear. It seems that prayer is very effective. (It can be effective negatively also.)
Owen: But when we invite those for whom we have concern to come into our circle and partake of the energy that we have generated here, is the distinction that they are invited to come? They can if they like. (Precisely.) Can we do something like that in the way of prayer? We can invite them to be aware of something?
Richard: Hold them in the Divine Light. (You can do that.) RetaMae: And then let go. (Very good. Most human prayer is a petition for something to happen.) LaMar: Isn’t that a positive approach? How would it ever turn out to be a negative reaction? (You pray for someone to get well, and you have in your mind the debility. You are actually empowering the debility.) Richard: It’s hard to think of someone who is ill without thinking of them with illness.
Larry: A lot of people are asking for help, but they don’t know how to ask. And here you’re trying to give positive strokes to the fact that they’re just not attuned to ask in the proper way that we would say is the proper way to ask for help. LaMar: It has been my belief an understanding that if we don’t even know what the problem is, we’re better off. (That is true.) Then we simply see them as whole, as one with God, etc., and we are not then tempted to focus on the problem, but rather to totally ignore the problem and bring them in line with the creator.
Eileen: Focus on the way it should be: their wholeness. (But when you give thought to the fact that you are asking for wholeness because someone is ill, or because they have personal problems, you are making a judgment.) Richard: So you should simply see them as whole, and that’s it, all in God’s perfection. (That is correct.) Nothing more. Peggy: Does this apply to your loved ones getting the right employment they need to survive? (Yes, because their choices have brought them to whatever condition they are entertaining. And it is not for you to make choices for another.)
Eileen: Then the safe thing to do would be just to send a person love. (That is the very best. Thus the injunction: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”) And let them work out their own problems. (Yes.) But you’re be sending them positive energy that way to help them work out their own problems. Richard: Keep it simple. Keep it perfect.
LaMar: On this thing that Larry and Richard were talking about a few minutes ago. Ambrose Worrel tells a story about a little girl he was helping. On the first evening he was working on her healing, nothing seemed to be happening. There seemed to be something blocking the energy that should be coming to the girl. So, he questioned the parents. They, knowing that he was going to work about that time, were trying to help. Only problem was the parents were too close to the situation, and they were focusing on the problem and they were just blocking what he was doing. Then he convinced them to get out of the way, to leave it alone, and let him take care of it. The healing came through. And the next time they went to the hospital, the little girl was sitting up cutting out dolls. The parents had been too close and were focusing on the problem.
Larry: That’s hard to realize that could exist, because don’t we all have a tendency to want to give more to somebody else than to yourself, especially when you can help, mostly on healing. When they need healing or help, we want to give more to them than we would give to our own self.
Jean: Can you give us an example of the words we should use to send love or help to someone? (What is the matter with the word “love”? Can you not say, “I love you”? Is that not an adequate affirmation?) It seems too easy. (This is one of the failings of earthly life. You lose sight of economy.)
LaMar: I would say that it would be appropriate if each one of us would make an affirmation for the various things we would like, so that we could give them next time and see what successes and failures we may have had. (That is an excellent plan.)
Jean: This seems trivial, but I always say, “There is a parking place near”. But that is an affirmation, isn’t it? (And Haniel’s abundance provides.) And I’m amazed that it’s always there.
Larry: Getting back to what Richard and LaMar said, to check yourself out to see if there was any good or bad, the one that I have liked that about the time I think of someone, they begin to make improvement or things came about in a pleasant or peaceful way for them. (Remember that at any time you command a situation either by saying “This will happen to them at a particular time” you are involving yourselves in their responsibility. This outcome might be suitable to you at this moment, but in the overall picture you may at sometime regret having exercised that much control over another’s destiny.)
Jean: Now I’m confused. When does helping get mixed up with control? (When the person has not asked you.) Eileen: What if you know that a person wants a particular thing, and you go ahead and make your affirmation? (That again is a judgment on your part. If that person has not asked you to intercede for him, you are standing in his place of authority.) Even if you’ve heard them expressed? (If that person has expressed that to you, then it perhaps could be an implied request.)
Larry: We have a healing circle, and you know someone that needs your help, and you place their name in the pool for some energy to be sent there. They didn’t request that. (You are not placing them in the pool to send energy to them. You announce their name to call their consciousness. You offer them an invitation only.) Eileen: In other words, this is reaching them on a different level than their conscious level. (On the intuitive level, yes.)
Owen: There was one instance when we did that, and you mentioned that a number of those that had been called had not come. (Not everyone wants your help. Not everyone wants to be healed. They have created that situation for a purpose, and until the purpose is served, they will not accept the healing.) Bonnie: If a person were to simply say, “Cross your fingers for me”, would that be enough? (That’s a request for help.)
Jean: So the request for help doesn’t have to be made in words. It can be a look? (Yes.) Eileen: Could it be your intuitive feeling that they are in need of help, and by confiding in you they are asking? (Usually a confidence is a plea for help, yes. But be careful at the intuitive level, because ego will lead you astray.)
Jean: When a child is acting out, and you can know that this acting out generally means that they need help, is the acting out a way of asking for help? (Remember, as given before, there are primary applications of responsibility when it comes to children. The parents are first and foremost responsible. When a grandparent steps into the parents’ place without the parents’ request, you are usurping the parents’ responsibility.) But what if the parents have asked for help? (Then you have been asked.) Then the child doesn’t have to ask? (No.)
Peggy: If they say, “Say a prayer for me”, that would be asking, wouldn’t it? (If they ask you to pray for them, they are asking for help.) Jean: And sometimes they just say, “remember me”. That is asking for help? (Yes.) (Others suggested such as “keep the good thought”, “send me your energies”. These received “yes” from Sheariam.)
RetaMae: When our own child has become an adult? (Then that authority has transferred. (Questions as to when.) (Chronological age does not always answer the question.)
Peggy: I was told once that you are responsible for the child until the age of twelve, then they do their own thinking. (That is rather arbitrary.) (Comments about differences in maturity between children.)
Jean: What are we doing when we say, “God be with you” or “God bless you”? (The right thing.) (Laughter.) Richard: That’s putting them in God’s light. (Discussion of other ways of sending love: by touching, by giving a compassionate look, or by listening, by stopping them, and these may be healing.)
Sheariam: Are you ready then?
Silverthistle: Good evening. I will not take much of your time tonight, but I would refer you to John 14. Let us look back for a moment to what I gave you earlier about the name “Jesus.” That is in truth Jeshua which is the Active Discriminating Power manifest in Spirit. Jeshua represents a condition of mankind in his evolution when it is necessary for him to use and be used by Divine Discrimination. It is man in his evolution before the dispensation of his own intuitive capacities. You will be aware that the life of Jeshua was thirty-three years. That is between the sixth and seventh octave of man who is five. Numerologically, five times six is thirty, and five times seven is thirty-five, so the length of this life time gives the meaning insofar as the evolution of human consciousness. Now in John 1:15, Jeshua is telling his disciples about his imminent departure. The disciples, themselves, represent powers of human expression. So, this manifestation of Divine Active Discrimination is leaving, or being supplanted by, the twelve powers which you have and which you use at an intuitive level. And so Jeshua is quoted as saying, ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I shall pray to the Father, and he shall give another comforter, that he shall abide with you always. When the spirit of truth which the world cannot receive, for it sees him not and knows him not, for he dwells with you and shall be in you.” Now when Jeshua is saying “If ye love me”, refer back to the lessons given by Judith and Sheariam. What is the Law of Love and Mercy? (Maxine: The Law of Process.) Very good. At least I received an answer. What is the Law? (Maxine: The law of love and mercy is the Law of Reproduction.) Thus Jeshua is saying, “If you would reproduce me in your lives, keep my commandments.” And what are those commandments? (Love one another.) Reproduce, reproduce. It is bidden in the laws that you be fruitful and multiply. And then Jeshua said, “I shall pray to the Father”. He is saying that the Active Discriminating Power of the Divine I Am is your intercessor. “And he shall give you another comforter.” This is not the comforter spoken of in the Beatitudes. In the Beatitudes that Comforter is the Divine Consoler, is outside, in a manner of speaking. It comes into you through Divine Spirit upon being called. But this comforter that is promised through the intercession of the Discriminating Power is the comforter of strengthening and is with you always. It is now part of your consciousness, is already a part given you in place of the externalized Active Discriminative Power of The Divine I Am. You now are endowed with the strength of the personal I Am. For the I Am abides with you always. This is the achievement of mankind in reaching true self-consciousness as a spiritual being. Now the “Spirit of Truth” of which Jeshua speaks is a mistranslation of the original intention. It is occultly the exhalation of God’s breath which carried the moisture of the Divine Dew. And those of you in the consciousness of the personal I Am are moistened, fertilized, moved by the Divine Dew in a very special way which the world cannot receive, because the world is that condition of man in which the I Am is not revealed. “It sees him not. It knows him not.” When you are of the world, in the world, you lost that sense of divine identity. That is the sacrifice of the Jeshua in leaving the disciples. Even as you spoke earlier about caring and helping and doing for another, the time has come in human evolution that man must do for himself. He must achieve mastery for himself. “For he dwells in you and shall be in you.” And so ends my story for this night. (Expressions of thanks.) It is my greatest pleasure.
Owen: Silverthistle, you had started last spring on the parables. I’m not sure this qualifies as a parable, but will you be continuing with the parables? (Part of the time, yes.) Another question. We’ve prepared a rough draft of a letter to a television channel here suggesting that we think it might be appropriate for them to invite Gloria to be on their program to discuss the book, Eight Keys to Cosmic Consciousness. Do you have a feeling about this proposal? (We would be greatly excited and most delighted, but we do not expect that your plea will be confirmed.)
Richard: But it’s worth a try, though. (Yes. Do not be dissuaded.) Owen: Are there other alternative avenues that you might see that we might pursue? (We have chosen to give this responsibility to you.) Jean: Is there anything we can do to increase the possibility? (The invocations as Sheariam has taught you.) Thank you. (And now I am going to usurp Sheariam’s usual privilege and guide you in your meditation this night. (More thanks you’s.)
Silverthistle: Unburden your bodies. Put down your accouterments. Bring physical balance into the physical parts of your vehicle. Breathe deeply. Allow all tension to depart from you. And now, with your powers of visualization, imagine being encapsulated in a golden bubble. You can see out, and you can be seen from without. But you are safe. You are secure within the golden bubble of the Divine Dewdrop. You are nestled in the very bosom of God where there is perfect balance, perfect peace, perfect understanding. And as you nestle within this golden globe, allow that globe to extend to meet your neighbor’s. And like bubbles, the bubble opens and all become one within one huge golden bubble. In this Divine Breast there is no fear, only peace and joy. There is no imperfection, only wholeness and replete-ness. The Divine Energy of Life flows through you, flows throughout the bubble. Let now that bubble expand and expand so that the Divine Idea of Life in Earth moves to encircle the entire planet. And thus the Divine Idea serves all needs everywhere for everyone. And yet your portion is not diminished. You have as much as you ever had. As you go through your daily routines, whenever a concern should arise, think again of this golden bubble. Allow yourselves to nestle within the bosom of God, and know that the Divine Love conquers all. And as you extend this sense of peace and wholeness around the world, those about whom you have concern are served, served properly for their need, as only the Divine knows the within of them. And so you are blessed, and you take this blessing with you always. It dwells with you, and it is in you. And you share it by being yourself. And so I leave you now with my blessing, knowing that we are not separated. We are always one in the Divine Golden Bubble. Bless you all and good night. (Many good nights.)