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Session #41 – December 1, 1984 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Jean Chisholm, LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Richard and Mary White, Bonnie Wisz, Ida Nevala, Owen and Maxine Cramer
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. We are indeed gratified with the work we witnessed here this night. Judith is very pleased that you moved toward additional knowledge. And so, I have permission tonight to advance you on the path of the hierarchy. I will only give you a brief message, and then we will take time to deal with the work which you have accomplished. We would have you review the realms given by Judith and the elemental correspondences. We have dwelt long with you in the realm of Spirit, for Cosmos built the Universe upon the seven laws given, and it is Spirit which enacts those laws. You are all aware of what you term a “spiritual realm”. In this Realm of Spirit dwell beings of what you would call high evolution. This is not precisely true. The beings who live in the Realm of Spirit are beings who have not left that realm. Thus, they have no need to evolve back to it. The universe of which you are a part is a universe of generation, of degeneration, and regeneration, as The Absolute, in effect, separated a part of Itself in order to objectify, which is an assumption on our part, for we need reasons. But given that The Absolute has manifest Itself into the Divine, the Divine into the Cosmic, and the Cosmic into the Universal, we begin to believe that objectification is at least a part of the underlying purpose in creation. Now, as the Divine Self proliferates Itself, that which it produces out of Itself is at times identical, and at other times out of balance. As these emanations from the Divine Self become different from each other, they create an environment in which to function. When activities of these differentiated parts intermingle, or have affect upon each other, new environments are created. Thus, without going into a scientific explanation, we arrive at a realm of beingness in which we find what you could understand as individual intellect, not yet personhood, but individuation with initiative, with purpose and function. Out of this Realm of Spirit derives all the other realms below. But in this Realm of Spirit, the senses have not yet begun in the way in which you understand them. Thus, while the idea which ultimately manifests as mankind on your planet is in total created and existent in the Realm of Spirit, it is not yet degenerative. In the legends of your religious institutions, you have a belief in the “fall of man from Grace”. In the Realm of Spirit, this has not yet occurred to that which is the forebear of humanness. And in subtle ways and by indirection, the Realm of Spirit still influences your planetary life. Without that realm, none of the other realms below could exist. This is a realm in which noetic man, cognitive man, does exist. The idea, the Divine idea, the ideal man, is self-conscious in this Spirit Realm of existence, and in this Realm of Spirit begins this mix and match of proliferation which ultimately delivers to your Realm of Self such varied manifestation. When you pray, you actually pray or deliver your message ultimately to this realm. For it is beyond your comprehension to deliver an intellectual message beyond this realm. And, indeed, for you, this is the Realm of God, the realm of that which moves you. Ideas, creative ideas, which come to you to move you toward regeneration are initiated in the Realm of Spirit. All communication from the Realm of Spirit to the Realm of Self is brought down through the hierarchy. You do not have a direct pipeline to the Realm of spirit. Spirit has greater access to you than you have to It. For Spirit is not subject to the Law of Illusion in the way you are. When you come to the proper utilization of the Law of Illusion, you open a more direct connection with the Realm of Spirit. This is often done by you in meditation, contemplation, in the quiet moments of your life. However, a message initiated in the Realm of Spirit can be put through to you even in your busiest moment. We will now allow you to chew on that until next time. We will now move towards effective affirmations and invocation of the hierarchal powers in accordance with the assignment previously given.
LaMar: Could I ask a question please? (Please do.) Going back to what you just aid about messages from the Spirit being given to us even in our busiest moments. Just before that, did I understand that we could not contact Spirit? The reason I ask that, can we call healers directly if we are in problems and need help physically, let’s say? Can we contact the healers directly to come and help us? (The healers of which you speak do not dwell in the Realm of Spirit, but in realms much closer to you and thus be more immediately contacted.)
Owen: Are you in the Realm of spirit? (No, indeed.) Maxine: Which realm are you in? (Part of me resides in the Realm of Ego and part of me in the Realm of Soul.) Myra: Is that different from Spirit-Physical? (Spirit-Physical is an environmental condition, even as planet earth.) So the Realm of spirit and Soul are different from the environmental realm? (Go back and review the lesson as given by Judith on the nine realms.)
LaMar: On this affirmation, I started out with the statement: “The creative power which fashioned this body is still resident in my mind ready to serve me at any time. I now call upon this, your creative power within me, to correct and eliminate any and all bodily imperfections that I may have perfect health and wholeness. As I do so, I know that re-creation is taking place in every cell and nerve, gland, tissue and organ. And so it is.” And I wanted to apply that to the lessons that we have been getting on using the archangels. I had forgotten that you had said that if you want healing to take place, you start with Sandalphon and then possibly go to Khamael after the healing is started, and if you wanted it completed, to go to Raphael. I discovered that almost any of them that I would go to seemed to fit that affirmation. As it is so far, I would apparently go to Khamael three times, ‘I am Eternal Life”, Gabriel three times, “I will Divine Will”, and then Sandalphon. As I’ve come up with “Divine Harmony attunes me to creative power reaching outward in expanded consciousness, growth, and knowledge.” And then, for my own good, I guess, I repeat this affirmation that I just gave. Would this seem like a logical way to start?
Sheariam: This is an excellent plan. Remember, my friends, that the archangels are all of one piece, even as a faceted diamond is one stone, but with many reflective surfaces, each one reflecting the Divine Light through its own prism.
LaMar: That is good to know. Then with Haniel, I would use abundance. “Haniel’s abundance provides” for the affirmation. For Raphael, Divine Process makes all beautiful. And Tzadkiel, “Reproduction grows new tissues which permits healing”. (Do not overlook that Haniel operates through the Law of Relinquishment. You will not be healed if you do not relinquish, let go of your illnesses.) That’s very good. Thank you.
Maxine: All right, now I want to know, how do you know if you are still hanging on to them? How can you be aware and find out if you are hanging on to these? (When you do not experience healing, you know that you are not being healed.)
Myra: So you say, “I relinquish this ailment”, consciously deciding each day, just choose that.
Sheariam: When you release to the Universe, the Universe will assist you to be in tune with it. All of the realms of the hierarchy want balance, even as your body attempts to maintain itself. When a cell gets out of alignment with the body intention, that cell must be disposed of by the body. But when a cell attunes itself to the body intention, it functions in harmony with all the other cells. You are a cell of planetary earth, which is a cell of your solar system, and so on and so on. But each must relinquish its own individual eccentricities to the Whole or be cast off and recycled.
LaMar: In dealing with people who are ill who have come to my place for healing, many, many times I have told them, or people on the phone, when they would say, “Remember, I have an incurable disease”, and they are simply asking for relief from the pain or something or other, I have told them, “There is no such thing as an incurable disease, there are only incurable people.” Is this a correct statement? (There are only beliefs of incurability. There are no incurable people as such.) That’s what I meant. We have a very close friend who is elderly, has emphysema very seriously, can hardly get enough oxygen in her lungs to keep her going. It is my belief that this is not incurable. She does not have to live with that until it kills her. Is this correct? (That is correct.) Except that she believes it. She hasn’t released it.
Jean: May I ask a question that goes back a little bit? Does the Kabala correctly diagram the hierarchy? (In one aspect, we would say “yes”, but there are some things which have been omitted through lack of knowledge.)
LaMar: Back to this affirmation. In searching through these and trying to decide which to use with the affirmation I read, the thought came to me, “Why should I choose just one or two or three when they all seemed to fit.” Can I not use them all at different times during the day? (Of course. Inasmuch as you are creatures subject to time, you have a time consideration, but there is no reason why, using the triplets as you have been instructed, you could not go through the entire seven.) And this would be of value? (Very much so.) My affirmation to Tzadkiel was, “Reproduction grows new tissue and permits healing”. (That is a verity.) And for Ratziel I had, “Through ideation, migration and wisdom I achieve healing. (That is a potential.) It could be improved upon though, apparently.
Maxine: Is there a way to find out what things that we hold in our thoughts and actions cause disharmony? Can we find out these things through meditation, through prayer? What are ways of making ourselves aware of what is holding ourselves back?
Sheariam: Remember, as we have instructed before, you create your environment out of the way you think and the beliefs that you hold. When you find disharmony in your environment, which can also be your body, you can be assured that is a result of a belief which you are holding. Go to the Law of Illusion. Belief is based on Illusion. If it were not, it would not produce disharmony for you. When you, through meditation, contemplation and true spiritual striving see through the illusion, the disharmony must disappear, unless for some ego reason you must retain the belief and re-create the illusion.
Maxine: Would the ego belief be something that you were born with, that you must work out? (It could be.) Myra: Or it could be from patterns of interactions with other people, misconceptions that we’ve gotten through other people’s treatment of us? (That is true.) Jean: How can you become aware of this ego belief that is standing in your way? (By examining the illusion.) You mean by just asking questions and listening to the answers? (Yes. You are given an intuitive body. You have access to people in the Spirit-Physical who are with you at all times. But you must do the seeking. That is your responsibility. But you will not see through illusion unless you are willing to do so.) You mean you have to be willing to give up your ego? (It is not a case of giving up the ego. Without ego you could not exist. But you must give up those protective devices developed by the ego. You must become vulnerable to change. You must be porous in order to take in the subtleties. You know in daily conversations with each other, you tend to hear what gratifies you to hear, and to avoid hearing that which you do not want to hear. That condition does not change just because you are communicating with your realm.) How can we help one another with this problem of ego and reducing the protective devices? (By being non-threatening to another. How can you be permeable to us when you build walls between yourselves?)
Myra: That takes a lot of desire to break down habits of lifelong development. (That is the process of growth. Your body does not grow except that you cast off the outworn cells. Were you to retain the outworn cells, how deformed your body would be, how inharmonious and how painful. As you retain the outworn cells of beliefs, so your life body becomes deformed and painful.)
Maxine: I can see where there is a problem of making judgment. We need to give up judgments in order to have perfection. Don’t we also need to use judgment in order to direct our lives? (When you are judging another in character or in action, you are putting your beliefs into that structure. When you evaluate advantages versus disadvantages for your own well-being, you are seeking to make a judgment, which is, in effect, a decision-making process, not indeed a judgment as such. When you judge another, you are saying that the other does not comply with your rules, and your rules are arbitrary to yourselves.)
LaMar: Are there specific traits of character, specific thought patterns which produce specific illnesses? For instance, another of our good friends who is almost totally deaf has a great desire to be rid of that deafness. Is there a specific thought pattern, a specific trait of character which produced that illness?
Sheariam: There are a number of things which can produce deafness in the human physical body. One can be an opinionated attitude which does not wish to hear anything antagonistic to one’s own held opinions. There is also the need to escape too much noise pollution, which can be idea pollution. So some people retreat into deafness in order not to be corrupted.
LaMar: That is very good. I recently had another outbreak of this problem on my face. Is there anything you can give me on that? I’m sure there must be some reason. I do not know what it is that makes that redness suddenly appear.
Sheariam: Your nervous system is so constructed as to entertain a great deal of tension. When tension builds within the body, the cells also become tense. When cells are in such state of tension, they struggle against each other instead of working in harmony, and thus the energy system becomes disrupted and results in certain chemicals rising to the skin-body as a process of eliminating some of the toxins generated by the tension in an attempt to re-harmonize the functions of the cells. (Thank you very much.)
Jean: Would you talk more about deafness? I would like to be rid of the handicap of deafness, and I find that it is getting worse.
Sheariam: Remember also that you inhabit bodies which are still in the process of degeneration. Mankind has not achieved that state of consciousness of total regeneration. You are moving in that direction. As a body, a physical earth body, moves through its chronological process, certain parts of the body by demand take away from other parts of the body that which is regenerative in result. Sometimes it is nutritional. Sometimes it is mental. And sometimes it is emotional. In order for you to sustain the grey-matter in sufficient integrity to support the longevity, some of the other senses have had to give up some of their energy. You will find also that you are not only losing the sense of hearing, but also some of your other senses are diminishing in order to retain the capacity of clear thought. (Would a macrobiotic diet help?) The part of your hearing apparatus which is ceasing to function is probably the least living tissue in your body, and nutrition is not necessarily the solution. (Is there anything that I can do?) Stimulation of the nerve centers on the body which stimulate the energy processes of the inner ear would help. (How do I do that?) Stimulation of the energy meridians as in acupuncture or acupressure, massage. (How do I find a competent person to do acupuncture?) This leads to another teaching, but I will try to make a brief statement. A practitioner in any field is as competent for the one he serves as that individual and his source group decides he must be. Think upon that. There will be further elaboration at a later date. (Thank you, very much) It would seem perhaps a good time for the closing meditation, as you have much to think upon. Your meditation for tonight is not only a meditation, but also something of an assignment. We would hope that you will practice this meditation and have some results to bring back at our next meeting. So if you are now ready, settle yourselves in your seats comfortably so that you can take your attention away from the physical body. Imagine, if you will, that you are standing on a road in a desert-like panorama. The sun is shining, but it is close to the horizon. Imagine also that the road stretches infinitely behind you. And it stretches infinitely before you. And as you walk along the road, you are following the sun, and so it never sets upon you. As you do this, become aware that time is no longer a particular for you. Time is as limitless as the infinite road behind and the infinite road ahead which allows you to stay always in the sunlight. And so on this road you have all the time you need or could ever want, and thus you find yourself freed of one of the confinements of which you are usually conscious. And now as you walk forward on the road in the sunlight, become aware that, coming up over the horizon, are the tips of pyramids. Because you are not limited by time, you may move as quickly or as slowly towards those pyramids as you feel comfortable doing. One of the pyramids is sparkling white in the sunlight. Then another appears to be golden, radiant like the sun. As you move and other pyramids come into view, you see that they are of different colors, all beautiful in the sunlight. Now I invite you to come with me into the white pyramid. As you approach the base of the pyramid you will see the door. You will enter a narrow passageway, dry, cool, welcoming, comfortable. Not too far along, this narrow passageway opens into a reception room comfortably furnished. We invite you to find a seat and make yourself at home. Look around you. Enjoy the appointments, the furnishings, whatever there is that draws your attention. Now from an opening in a wall in the room enters a being robed in white. This being moves near you and blesses you. As you receive the blessing, you experience an expansive feeling as though suddenly you could understand all the mysteries of the universe. The being sits conveniently near, and the two of you converse. As you experience the interchange of energy between yourself and this being, you know that what you learn is for everyone. You ask permission of the being to invite those whom you would to join you, and the being graciously acknowledges your request and gives permission. Invite those whom you would to join you in the white pyramid. Be not concerned whether your invitation is accepted or not. Those who will learn, those who wish to share, will join you. And those who are not ready will choose not to do so. As your guests enter, they also receive a blessing, and you feel very united. All of you are as one great thought. In this union, relationships are healed. Little irritations are set aside. Even great differences become unimportant as you relax, and you bask in the glory and the glow of this being. The words are like music to your soul. You are at peace within yourself, but radiant with vitality. Now the being rises and blesses all of you, and bids you return to your daily lives knowing that you will take with you the radiance which you have now experienced. And so you part, moving out of the pyramid by way of the passage through which you entered, and return to the road. Even as you bring your consciousness back to daily routine, the road awaits you. Return to it often. Seek out that which lies within the other pyramids. And so I give you my blessing. Until we meet again, go in peace, in love. Good night..
Closed with “Let there be peace on earth.
(Page added to synch with index)