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Session #45 – March 2, 1985 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Jean Chisholm, Ida Nevala, Peggy Muldoon, Bonnie Wisz, Myra Perala, Richard and Mary White, Larry and Eileen Horton, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. It is our pleasure to be with you once more. It would seem there are certain questions that need to be discussed before we go further with the class information. You have questions in your heart?
Owen: We have just completed going over the meditation that you gave us last time, and I know that we are curious about the other meeting that our meeting coincided with that seemed to be a special event. Can you tell us about what that was?
Sheariam: Inasmuch as that meditation was given at that moment in time, you will find that by reading it, you do not experience the same results. There were at that moment others whose consciousnesses had expanded into such condition that your expanded consciousnesses also met. This does then increase the power generated. As such a thing occurs from your earthly condition, that generation of power calls for power from other realms, and also from those conditions which lie parallel to your own. Even as you deal with the powers of destruction in your earthly condition, there are powers of destruction also at work in parallel conditions. And when a vortex is created by expanding consciousnesses, powers to offset are greatly increased in all conditions involved. For the time being, that is the best explanation I can give you.
Owen: It sounds something like a chain reaction. We reached a critical point where thoughts generated additional thoughts to join and it cascaded and grew as it went.
Myra: But the powers of destruction in another realm are influencing the powers of destruction in this realm. Is that right?
Sheariam: All realms interpenetrate. Conditions lie parallel and in juxtaposition, but influencing. We are nearing that time in the lessons of the realms when this will be more-clear to you.
Myra: We talked about our group offering resistance to those powers of destruction last time, and we were wondering tonight about what kind of protection we might offer to our earth with regard to those powers of destruction. The question was even asked “How about violence toward these powers of destruction?” Is this something like the violence that might have been done to Hitler, had he been done away with before the second World War? Would that have been an appropriate thing to do?
Sheariam: No. That would not have been an appropriate action. You are, of course, asking a question for which the foundation for the answer has not yet been laid. As given before, it is in the Realm of Mind that moral and ethical issues arise. And that will be discussed shortly.
Myra: I’ve always been convinced there are better ways to solve problems than through violence. (In some instances, but as we discuss the Realm of Mind and the development of earthly life, you will better comprehend the function of violence in your society.)
Owen: It was mentioned in the last session that the council had made some decisions about the format for our continuing lessons. I recalled the use of the term “council” before, and I wondered if you could explain what the “council” is? (As has been given, all life is a hierarchy of power, and we have explained to you at different times some of the structure of the temple. There are beings of high evolution having lived in the earthly condition, having lived in many parallel conditions, having aggregated great experience, who are now in the position of determining when, where, and how certain things will occur. A particular, few of this great army of wise ones have a particular responsibility for the activities of our temple. These we call “The Council”.) Is there a term for the general group of which The Council is just a part? Those who concern themselves with all activities? (The best one to give you perhaps is that which was just used, “The Wise Ones.”)
Jean: This question is in a little different realm, but I’m somewhat troubled tonight because one of my very close friends, who has been a very fine, wonderful, and productive contributing woman on this plane, is fast reaching the transition. She believes that life stops. She believes that this is all. I have talked with her, telling her that I’m very sure that she is not correct. But still it troubles me some. Is there anything more that I can do? (As John so aptly stated, “Let not your heart be troubled” for one does not live in ignorance of continuity for long.) You’re saying that she’ll soon find out that she can communicate from the other side? (She may not be able to communicate, but she certainly will know that she continues to live.) I told her that she was supposed to send me a message and let me know that she found out she was wrong. (Laughter.) She said, “I’ll put that in my resume.”
Larry: You talked about questions and decisions. In the last two weeks I’ve made several decisions, and my latest decision was to go for broke, which I think was the one and only way to go. I don’t feel that the question would be, “Did I make the right decision”. I feel the question would be on my last decision to be with me on Tuesday. My question would be this. I’m really asking for help for myself for my Tuesday operation at 8 a.m. (You know, of course, that we certainly shall be with you.)
Mary: I have a question, more like a curiosity. Inasmuch as this group has been studying with you and other people from the temple, when we leave this life, is it probable that we would work with the people in the temple? If we desire to do that? (It is a possibility. It is not within my realm of privilege to inform you of what awaits you and the decisions which you must face. But one of the choices which you might make could ultimately lead you to join our ranks.)
Peggy: Would our consciousness have something to do with that? (Everything.)
Myra: Would the Consciousness that we carry with us between now and then be possibly changed if there was a cataclysmic experience, like if there was a terrible fear or terrible pain? Could the consciousness that we’re having at this time be overcome by a traumatic experience at the end?
Owen: You mean wiped out?
Myra: Yes. (Oh, no. There is that possibility that for a time you might suffer from some trauma. But we have helpers on this side, hospitals, resting areas, all kinds of services to see you through.) That’s comforting.
Eileen: Is the Council of Wise Ones a fluctuating sort of thing? Are different Wise Ones brought in as others drop out, or is it a permanent group, or what? (In terms of your time, it would seem to be a permanent group, but indeed it does change.) How do they select their Wise Ones? (You earn your credentials.) Owen: Would these Wise Ones be characterized by being predominantly in the Realm of spirit? (Spirit and Mind.) Eileen: I’ve heard of the White Brotherhood. Does that have any connection to these Wise Ones? (That is comprised of the Wise Ones, some of the Wise Ones.) Myra: Would they be almost like an army of Wise Ones? A huge number? (Beyond your comprehension, as one would think of the multitude of angels.)
Owen: Are they concerned with more than just the Earth? (Oh, yes.) Eileen: Do they ever manifest on this earth plane? (By reincarnation when they choose to do so.)
Maxine: Could our guides possibly come from this group. (Some do.) What determines who our guides are?
Sheariam: As we have given, your body is a product of genetic coding. All of your bodies are products of similar genetic coding. When you are taught that an entity chooses an earth family into which to come, it is often overlooked that the entity has a spiritual genesis, a genetic code. And we gave you, not too long ago, about your spiritual ancestors. You are connected through this genetic code with your Sources, with your Guides, with your Helpers. We are all in some way family.
Peggy: Is that saying that they choose us to guide us through our life experiences here?
Sheariam: Rather the reverse. Because you have an ancestor’s brown eyes, does that mean that your ancestor has chosen to be your ancestor? But that ancestor cannot deny that relationship or the responsibility. In the spiritual realm the responsibility, the obligation of connection, is much stronger than what you consider family connection in your earthly realm. In this physical condition of earth, you can choose to alienate and thus live your life to its end out of communication with some member of your family. This is true of earth and of a number of other similar conditions. But it is a circumstance of this earthly condition which might be said to be an exception to the usual. Again, we are moving ahead of our lesson. As we move down the hierarchy of realms, it is our intention that you understand your earthly condition. All the teachings available to you in the earthly condition began from the bottom up. Man takes himself where he finds himself, and out of that extrapolates what he sees as God. And thus, over your centuries, man has worshiped many gods. Because of the coming events in earth consciousness, we are trying to deliver this body of information in order to formulate a foundation for future understanding, that this knowledge shall not be lost to the future as it has been over the thousands, billions, extent of time of the civilizations that have occupied your condition. Over the rise and fall of civilizations, unique knowledge is lost and must then be regained. In all the sacred writings now available to you is concealed the truth of yourselves. While our teachings may seem mysterious and difficult to comprehend, we are, in fact, trying to bring into your modern consciousness the old knowledge which has been concealed through corruption, repression, and destruction. There have been many civilizations on your planet that knew of these things, that know of other civilizations in other conditions and indeed could communicate, but the skills were lost. And now you see these strange things in your sky, and you say, “What am I seeing?” You have strange experiences, and you say, “What am I experiencing?” It is not only for the future, but also for the present, because, as your consciousnesses expand, your understanding grows. So, you will pass on to those who follow you, and the thread will not be lost. Ignorance destroys. Knowledge is salvation.
Owen: Along that line, we do have an obligation to make this material available and to pass it on. This immediately raises the question: “In what condition is it most appropriately passed on other than in our own minds, i.e., passed on to the next generation? I presume as some form of printed material? (You have many media. There are many ways in which to record what we give you, many ways in which it can be preserved, but the most precious lies in your own consciousness.)
Myra: When I think of how we struggled to grasp and absorb this information, it makes me wonder how we can pass it along. I find that to understand it myself, and how I’m going to send it along to my peers, makes me feel frustrated. (If you immerse yourself in a tub of water, you cleanse your skin, you relax your muscles. Concurrent with that, your mental body relaxes, and your emotional body relaxes. Now, you have not wetted the skin of the one who lives with you, but does not that bath affect the other person? As you bathe yourselves in this information, you experience a change, not only in consciousness, but there is a change in the very cellular structure of your beingness. And whether you pass on to another the details, the data, you pass on to the other that change in you. And that is the chain reaction of which you spoke.) I think the absorbing of it into ourselves, not consciously, rationally, logically, but sort of intuitionally, is how it will really come to be real to me. (That is precisely correct.) So, this is why I think it is important to be exposed to it daily so that it becomes a part of our being.
Sheariam: This is another very sound foundational reason that we encourage you to daily work with the archangels’ names. Then let us move on with our lessons. We know that you have not yet fully comprehended the process of the Realm of Spirit. If you can accept the process as being sedimentary, that in this sedimentary process formulae are born, we can move on and perhaps go back occasionally as would seem appropriate. Among the formulae which moves out of spirit and into the Realm of Mind are the formulae of “Number”, “Sound” and “Function”. Now it is not our intention to give you specific formulae. What we will give you will seem like a recipe for bread where we say you make bread by putting together salt, water and flour with a leavening agent. We will not be giving you the proportions. If you will recall, we explained that the blueprints, or the formulae, came about through the changing relationships of the powers of The Components. Now in the formula for Function, the Two Opposing Forces, combine with the Life Component in a special ratio, taking sufficient power to themselves to become what we call “Function”. In the formula for “Number” Perceiving Mind, Quantity and Volition join forces. And in the formula for “Sound”, the remaining three, Quality, Creating Mind and Consciousness combine. Now remember, that because certain Components join forces, that does not mean that the other Components are alienated. No Component ever becomes alienated from the rest. That is a basic understanding which you must make real to yourselves. And because this is so, there is no “Number” without “Function and Sound”. There is no “Sound” without “Function and Number”, and no “Function” without “Number and Sound”. Now these three words that we have used, “Number, Sound and Function”, encompass a great deal more than when used in your everyday language on earth. Hopefully, as we move forward, this will become apparent to you. But these three are important to you because they form a major portion of the ultimate complex formula which becomes your earth. Now as the varying formulae become available to the Realm of Mind, there is a drawing together by mutual attraction, and a separating from by mutual repulsion of varying formulae. As given before, cognitive man becomes identified in the Realm of Spirit. This is the “Adam” first spoken of in your bible. It is that spirit man who has dominion over the realms below. In the eastern traditions this is known as “Adam Kadmon”. This is “primary man”, a little lower than the angels, but still well aware of his Divine origins. It is this Adam who chooses the world in which he shall live. It is in the Realm of Mind that these choices are made. This primary man is in effect a god to inhabitant of planet earth, and all other human conditions in the physical. He is the “Our Father Which Art in Heaven”. The Divine Man which human man has extrapolated as being god, because of man’s understanding of his own condition. Had we said this to you in the beginning of our lessons, it would have met with little understanding and much resistance. We hope by this time that you can see the value of having begun at the top and worked downward. We have not taken your God away. We have added to Its dimensions. Man has always seen God as much less than he could have. Now as your bible gives you the story of Adam giving names to that which inhabits his paradise, this is the obscure way that this information has come to you, that in the Realm of Mind, Adam Kadmon makes his choices of what he will live with and where. As a divine man, he has the capability of living in many conditions simultaneously. Along with this right of choice comes responsibility, and thus arises issues of ethics and morals. Now this primary man, this Divine Man of which we speak, is both male and female. There is not yet that schism. As Adam makes his choice, he finds that some things fit better into certain conditions and other things fit better into other conditions. In this Realm of Mind Adam is still in close communication with the Archangels and all of the Divine Powers. Now we speak of Adam as being a single unit, when in fact there are many Adams. In the sedimentation process of the Realm of Spirit, many formulae are formed. Adam is the product of one of those formulae. But even as with a blueprint for a house, you can build many houses, so it is that with the formula of man are formed many men. We understand that the question will arise in your minds about Soul. We ask, at this time, that you try to comprehend a realm of mental activity in which there are no games, in which there are no franchises, in which there is almost complete freedom. And out of this creative potential will come the limitation made by choice which ultimates in the Realm of Soul. This lesson may seem short, but it is loaded, so we will not give you anything further, but we will be happy to discuss whatever we can at this time to help you understand what has been given.
Maxine: I always feel I need to read over the material before I can ask questions. (That is why we give you a chance to ask questions before we begin the lesson.) Myra: (Asks for a repeat)
Sheariam: The Opposing Forces and Life are the three Components which take primary power in the formula for “Function”. (Myra asks for review of the Components) The Nine Components comprise the Divine Dewdrop which emanates at Omega Points. As the Divine Dewdrop proliferates Itself, creating the realms which we described to you, they formulate themselves in varying relationships in the Realm of Spirit to create the Realm of Mind, which ultimately creates your condition, among others. Function, Number and Sound each have all Nine Components, but the three named for each take the power. Any formula for anything in your earth, even the bread earlier discussed, the four ingredients named to make bread, do not exist in a vacuum. The three Components given as formulae, do not exist alone. They exist with the other six. And the three formulae do not exist alone, but with each other. None of the realms exists alone, but with each other. You do not exist alone, but with all of the realms. But you represent a formula which stems from a formula which came out of the Realm of Spirit. The formula for you results from a choice made by Adam Kadmon in the Realm of Mind. The three formulae given tonight were cited because they are choices made by your Adam which made your earth. They do not exist in other conditions.
Jean: You mean they do not exist on other earths? (No. In other conditions. Other earths have conditions similar to this earth.) You mean other conditions on this earth. (They do exist in other conditions on this earth. There are realms of being which are not earth. There are conditions of Life which are not earth. And in other conditions of Life that are not earthly, these three formulae do not exist, or do not exist in the same way that they exist in the earth.) Are you saying that there is earth, and there are other earths, and beyond that there are conditions that exist around? (You might call them Venus or Mars because those are names given to planets in your particular solar system. There is Life there as there is Life on the other star systems.) And these conditions exist in the space in between? (Yes, as well.)
Myra: What is the difference between our Adam and Adam Kadmon? Would they be different entities, so to speak? Or would they be the same? (Adam Kadmon is the father of your condition.) Jean: Adam Kadmon is not what we call God. God is over him? (God should be conceived as The Absolute. But in your Christian teaching, as one prays to “Our Father Which Art in Heaven”, the consciousness only extends, in most cases, heretofore in this civilization, to Adam Kadmon.) Are you saying that Adam Kadmon is “Our Father”? (Yes.)
Myra: How about the Adam in our Garden of Eden? (Adam Kadmon is his father. We have not yet reached the state of man which you call the Garden of Eden in our teaching.) Eileen: Is this because we have to have an anthropomorphic God in order to have some sort of communication in most cases? (It is because that is the way human consciousness in this planet has developed his God?) In other words, man has created God as much as God created man, in this case. (Man’s concept of God is created in man’s image.) Myra: Because of man’s limitations of consciousness? (Yes. But you see, the time has come for your civilization to understand that is a limiting thought.) Eileen: But as you said before, The Absolute is beyond our understanding, so we might as well leave it alone. (As you pray to “Our Father In Heaven, give us this day our daily bread”, you are asking of Adam Kadmon, who made the choices in the Realm of Mind as to what your bread shall be. It is only He who can give it to you. He gives it to you by virtue of his divine heritage.) Myra: So it really has a basis of truth to it? (Yes. It has.)
Bonnie: When we say “Mother-Father God”, we are actually close? (Yes.)
Jean: What term would you use to encompass Adam Kadmon or Our Father Who Art In Heaven, and all of the God-force above him? (God.) Myra: But our consciousness has to expand the idea.
Sheariam: This is why we started you working with the archangels, to expand your consciousness, to be able to conceive of your own divinity. When you look around you and see your limitations, it’s hard to believe that you are a divine creature. We are attempting to explain or demonstrate to you how that limited existence came to be, rather than trying to move from that limited existence to an unlimited reality.
Jean: And as we recognize that our existence is limited, we can expand beyond and increase our powers. Richard: I am curious about the three formulas for the Realm of Mind: Number, Sound and Function. At the next session will you expand on the reason for the choice of the three names and what their relationships are? (These are not the only formulae in the Realm of Mind. These three are the ones we chose to start with. These three are the basic formulas Adam Kadmon chose in the creation of this earth existence. There are almost unlimited formulae, and we shall be discussing some of them more.) But these are the three most important ones to us? (For starters.)
Myra: I’ll bet the Sound has something to do with the reason why you asked us to study the meaning of the sounds. (Sheariam nods and smiles.)
Sheariam: As you go through the coming period before our next meeting, give some thought in your meditative state as to how these three formulae interpenetrate the fiber of your life. How does “Sound” interpenetrate the fiber of your life. How does “Function”? How does “Number”?
Jean: Now take Sound, for instance. It has its Components, and the other ones that are present but in less force. Can man, then, by his efforts, change the proportions and bring into bigger proportion some of the lesser Components? (The light glimmers!) (Laughter.) (We, in no way, intended to bring the teachings down to the level of earth and leave you there.) Man is doing this right now in transmuting things that he takes into his body and transmutes them, takes in one element and transmutes it into another element? (Of course.)
Myra: Through digestion, you mean. Jean: For instance, like the chicken takes in silicon and changes it into calcium in its body. So that is going on now. (Remember that we told you that you are not just creatures in evolution, that you live in a state of revolution. God is emanating and returning to Itself. This is a constant process. You tend to look at your earth life as being linear, starting here and ending there. To some extent this is true, but the involutionary process continues even while the evolutionary process goes forward.)
Maxine: Would the involution process be that such as healing a broken bone? (The involution process is that emanation process which we are now trying to describe to you, as The Absolute involves Itself in Life. Healing is a process of Life Itself.)
Jean: But the more rapid healing that can be brought about with the assistance of the mind would be what you’re talking about? A healing that normally would take three days, with the assistance of the mind it takes place faster? (That is the evolutionary process. The involutionary process is that of degeneration in the earth.) Then regeneration would be evolution. (Remember that you are speaking as creatures whose consciousnesses are limited by the earth existence which you now experience.)
Jean: In our dreams, do we go beyond the limitations of the earth existence? (Yes, sometimes.) And so, when sometimes we get information in our dreams, can that be coming from beyond? And if you can’t remember it consciously, does it still make some impression? (Coming from beyond what?) Self. (We have not yet discussed the Realm of Self. You will recall that even as we are Spirit-Physical, you are Mental- Physical, although you are not always functioning in the Mental Realm. And we also told you that Spirit reaches you whether you want it to or not. So, it would seem your question was answered before it was asked.)
Myra: So our dreams do affect us even if we don’t remember them. (Of course.) Jean: What do we have to do to gain better access to the memory? Through meditation? (Through mental activity, by thinking.) So, it will just come in when you’re not really aware of it? (Yes.) On these dreams that are recurring where I seem to be attending a seminar, but I can’t remember what the lessons were, maybe it was a seminar?
Sheariam: Yes. Even as we communicate here, at this very moment, you do not remember what was said some sentences ago, nor do you necessarily understand what you think you heard. Even so with dreams. But later, you find yourself behaving in a particular manner responding to a particular circumstance differently than is your custom, and then you say, “Oh, now I know!”
Myra: Or sometimes we suddenly recognize that what we heard you say to us a year ago comes to our consciousness in a brand-new way, and we now understand what you said before, but we didn’t then.
Sheariam: This is why we cannot always answer your questions immediately. We must wait until the foundation is laid. We would not willingly withhold any knowledge from you, but you cannot instruct a kindergartener in calculus. We know that your day-to-day concerns have to do with how you are to deal with the immediate emergency, the immediate concern, the immediate environment or stimuli. And we could have structured lessons that would help you do this very thing. But the consciousness of this group from the very beginning was determined by Karansa to be that consciousness which would be the best vehicle available to us to bring these lessons, this information, into the consciousness of this earth planet today. So, we try to make some advantage for you personally even while we take advantage of you.
Maxine: Do we pass this knowledge that we receive mostly through our children, our own immediate families?
Sheariam: Everyone whom you contact is influenced by what you are at the moment you make the contact. As what you are becomes changed, modified, increased by what you experience in this small group, so does your environment benefit from that change. The clerk in a store, the person on the other end of the telephone line, not just your family. And the chain reaction takes it onward beyond your imagining. You will recall very early we told you that your thought has the power to encircle the globe several times before losing its force. What you think makes a difference.
Maxine: Teacher, I can see where you have a great opportunity. Myra: I know. I look at all the opportunities that I have and how I don’t utilize them well enough with my consciousness. Although I can certainly see that my consciousness has changed enormously in the last two years. (All of you have changed. And we must say, for the better.)
Jean: In spite of our backsliding? (In spite of yourselves.) Eileen: What you’re saying is that rather than actively teaching or preaching, we just have to be. And from what we are, we will emanate a certain atmosphere that will affect other people. (Yes. We have not asked you to formulate any kind of organizational effort. The fact that you take these teachings into your consciousness fulfills our intention. But we also knew from the beginning that this group has the talent within it to make these lessons a permanent record, and make them available to those who would request them.)
Peggy: Could you slip in a little formula of knowledge in with this of being able to understand it all? (If we did not feel that you had the capacity to understand, we would not waste the great energy it takes.) Myra: Your confidence in us, Sheariam, is very impressive. You keep inspiring us. (If you will really look at your growth during the time this group has been together, how can you doubt that our confidence is well placed? You have demonstrated dedication, good intention and sincerity. We certainly could ask for little more.)
Ida: Will my son and his family learn something from reading these lessons? (No one ever takes in experience of any kind without gaining something from it. But this also points out to you the importance of how you spend your time and energy. Whatever you expose yourselves to modifies what you are.)
Myra: So if we spend our time watching Dallas (A TV program of the time). (This again reinforces what we have taught before. The words that you speak have power to change your own beingness. It is not just the effect that you have on another. It is what you do to yourselves by what you say.)
Eileen: If we expose ourselves to worthwhile things that wouldn’t modify us, would it? (It makes you more worthwhile.) (Discussion that modify can mean either up or down.) (And some people modify sideways.) (Laughter)
Myra: Sheariam, I wanted to share with you a thrilling thought I had in discovering an insight that came to me as a result of explaining the Nine Components to someone. It suddenly dawned on me that what you said last time: that because of the Law of Illusion, our consciousnesses had created a magnificent ball of energy. Then it just hit me that the Law of Illusion had given us our perception, the Creative Mind had created this through the Law of Illusion. And the relationship between the Perceiving Mind and the Creative Mind was within us. I saw the polarity of the two minds and it was a great thrill for me to recognize that I had taken these two ideas and put them together and come up with one that was fresh to me. I felt like an original idea. (For you it was original. Excellent work.)
Sheariam: Have we satisfied your questions sufficiently for this time? Then let us settle ourselves for our healing meditation. Relax your bodies and be comfortable. Breathe deeply. Cleanse and purify yourselves. Set aside your thoughts of daily concern. For a moment take out your gem stone. Feel it in your hand. Enjoy the depth of its color and beauty. Now choose some particular bodily ailment that you wish to work on, and press your stone to that part of your body. Allow your gemstone to become the conductor, the focalizing agent, of the healing energies soon to be brought to you. As the stone touches your body, you will begin to feel a pulsation. The pulsation of your body accords itself to the rhythm of the stone. Now the healers join the circle, and to each individual comes his own particular healer. The healer covers the stone with his own hands, and the pulsation becomes a throbbing as the pulsation of your body and the stone and the healer come into accord with each other. As these energies come into alignment, one with the other, the proper state of health is made known to the tissues of the body. Where the tissues have gone astray, they come to know what is truth for them. The energy of the healer calls forth that truth. Even as you understand how much more comfortable and peaceful it is to function in the right place in the right way, so all the cells are made to understand that the proper function is the most desirable and the most enjoyable. For a few moments of silence, allow this instructional process to go forward. Now bless your body. Thank your healer, and take your gem stone between the palms of your hands. Feel the pulsing energy. Allow that energy to move to the center of the room forming the pool of the waters of healing. The healers join you, contributing their energies to the pool. There is great power now in the pool of healing for general re-organization. There is healing there not only of the physical but of the mental, the emotional, healing for relationships, as well as disability. You are welcome to invite those about whom you have concern to wade into this pool of re-organizational energy. Remember the members of your group who are absent. Put your own feet into the pool and take of the general healing. Feel the warming stimulation as the energy moves through your feet, up through your legs, up through your body and from the core of your being emanates out into the other subtle bodies. Enjoy the peace, the balance, and the harmony that is here available to you. Now carefully put your gem stones away. Release your loved ones to return to themselves. Crimp your toes and touch your fingers together locking within your bodies the healing that you have taken from the pool. And now with the ultimate love for your planet and its inhabitants, imagine the pool of energy being absorbed into the atmosphere, even as water is taken out of the ocean into the clouds. And make that image within your minds of this healing energy being carried through the atmosphere completely around your globe, to be available to any who would bathe in its energy, to bring truth, peace and harmony to all the peoples of your planet. Carry in your consciousnesses the thought of “Let there be cooperative effort”. And so, I give you my blessing. Go in peace till we meet again. I bid you good night.
Many good nights and thanks yous conclude the meeting.