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Session #46 – March 30, 1985 Gloria’s Circle – Open Meeting with Karansa
Present: Regular members (except Larry) plus 80 guests
(Opened with a short meditation and singing ‘Open my Eyes….”)
Karansa: Good evening postulates, novitiates, students and friends. I greet you from the temple, and the Council blesses you. There are those here tonight who had not met with us before. And there are those here also who have the second sight. So, I, Karansa, High Priestess of The Temple, introduce to you, myself. The circlet that you see upon my head is not so much a crown as that which suspends my emblem of office to the proper place upon my forehead. There you see the ruby, which is my emblem, it being that gem worn in the upper left-hand part of the priestly breast plate, that stone worn over the heart – that is the organizer. That is the director. It is that stone which is only slightly less in power than that of the diamond. Thus, it is my privilege to wear it as the Directress of The Temple. It is I who come to you tonight, inasmuch as you, for the most part, are not acquainted with the teachings. In your planetary time understanding, about 3,600 yeas ago, those custodians of the secrets knew that the time had come when the arcane must be brought into the profane, if mankind was to accomplish his destiny. Now, as you near the end of this century, you near the entry of the last 400 years of this phase of your development, of your involuntary and evolutionary growth. As the mysteries were brought to the ears of those who would profess the love of the Most Holy, man in his egotism found the ways to corrupt the knowledge. And thus, it is that the knowledge now available to you cleverly conceals the true mysteries which you must resolve for your own redemption. In your holy scripture you are given a very brief account of creation, which is supposed to describe to you how you got into this condition. Unfortunately for you, the very first renditions of this magnificent story were lost through ignorance and criminal activity. There were dark days in your evolutionary process. During the times that you call medieval, again the mysteries had to recede and be imparted to the select few. But man is a growing being. Man is the holy sanctuary of the Holy Spirit in the manifestation of this condition. It is for you to save your world. If you do not, then mankind will go again into the deep sleep. And some many phases will transpire before he can again walk in knowledge of himself. For you here tonight, the urgency is immediate, for the threshold of the latter phase is a difficult one to traverse. This will be the time of great distress as the world convulses in its consciousness, and the shock waves move throughout the universe. If it gives you any comfort, you are not alone. There are many manifestations similar to that of the one which you now experience, which are also in the throes of these final days. For you as physical creatures, wearing bodies made of the very substance of your planet, there will be geological changes of such magnitude that even your continents will be reshapen. But always there shall remain the remnant consciousness. Creation, itself, cannot die. Life is eternal. If you would study what you are to do, the most available information to you lies in the first five books of your now Old Testament in the story of Moses and the wanderings of the Israelites. In their hardships, in their experiences, and in their redemptions lie a capsulated pattern of the involution and the evolution of The Absolute into the physical. You as mankind represent the “allness” that is in the “manyness” of yourselves. During the coming seven years, for you, your scientists will discover that secret link which exists now in the invisible between you and all other life on your planet. And during the coming final phase of this expression known as “man”, provided that you do survive the entry into that phase, you will also come to know how to penetrate our realm without these difficult mechanics we now experience. At approximately the turn of your current century this next to last phase entered a period in which a certain state of consciousness could exist, which enables us to make direct contact with you as individuals. In your terms, we might call this “conscious mediumship”. It is in the moments of your quiet contemplation that inner doors crack open slightly and enables us to make a contact with you. In your outward life, if you will study that which is available to you, the inner secrets and mysteries can be revealed to you through your own inner workings. While contacts such as this do give some opportunity for us to place a wedge in the consciousness, it is not totally satisfactory. The real work is done by you in your aloneness, within yourselves. Each of you have the power to know. It is your right to know. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to know. We cannot urge you strongly enough to seek the pathway of initiation. The children that you now bear will be the ones to direct your social order. If your awareness is not sufficiently open, these young people will not have the opportunity to do what they have come to do. Entities are now coming to you for the express purpose of the redemption of mankind into his spiritual inheritance. But you arrived at the state in which you now find yourselves over many millennia. Do not expect that in one instant all will be changed. There are changes coming. There will be spacial ice storms as your recorded history does not include. Many will die. Those provisions that you now attempt to make are but feeble gropings in the dark. You must arm yourselves with knowledge. You must apply yourselves to know, to know yourselves. Assist your children to know themselves. Deny them no knowledge. Deny them no exploration. Guide them and protect them with your love as we protect you with ours. This is the main thrust of my message for you: to learn, to seek truth, to arm yourselves for survival. As created beings, it is in the natural order for you to grow. So, there is involuntary growth, but the same time, due to choices made, you, as creators have created, set in motion, forces of your own destruction. As creators of these forces, only you can take them back into yourselves and re-polarize them. Examine yourselves. Listen to what you’re saying. Observe what you do. Learn about yourselves, for you are the greatest mystery. If you resolved the mystery of yourself, all other mysteries will be revealed. At this time, I will answer a few questions if you so desire.
Sidney: You spoke of the breast plate. I understand from the Old Testament that the Hebrew High Priests wore breast plates with twelve precious stones in them. I understand that they also wore a garment that hung from the shoulders called the “ephod”. And there were two things underneath the breast plate that supposedly they got answers from God for – I don’t know if they were “yes” and “no” answers or what. One was called the “thummim” and the other the “urim”. Could you tell me what the particular significance of those particular things might be? That information has been lost to mankind now, but would be helpful to man if they were discovered now?
Karansa: First of all, I would tell you that the “urim” and the “thummim” are not “things”, as you seem to think they are. As you consider the breast plate and the gemstones therein, that truly is a thing in relationship to the “urim” and “thummim”. These two items are “forces” not “things”. They are not things manifest in the physical as the breast plate is. But they are things in the invisible as existent forces as operated upon by, let us say, extra-terrestrial powers. They conveyed certain messages to the nervous system of the individual who wore the breast plate. Inasmuch as there are many in this room who are not familiar with that of which we speak, I would ask you to accept this answer for now.
Myra: How do you spell those words? (In your scripture, it is spelled “t-h-u- m-m-i-m”. The other is spelled “u-r-i-m”. But these have changed in past times.)
Val: You spoke of the destructive forces we had set in motion, and we need to re-polarize. What suggestions do you have for re-polarizing?
Karansa: Everything must begin with yourself. You cannot change these forces by counter force outside yourself. You must first work with your own negative energies or negative thoughts, your negative feelings. It is better to be cool and detached than involved and hostile. Exercise your right as a creator to bless not only yourself and that which is important to you, but all that you see as being negative and destructive. Bless the entity who is operating on this wavelength, that that entity may seek to re-polarize within himself. But first you must re-polarize these destructive forces that exist within yourself.
Sidney: You spoke of the ruby being second only to the diamond. In reading a transcript of previous sessions, I saw that Silverthistle chose to describe the Temple of Initiation as, at least in his mind, being composed of diamond shapes. Could you share with us the significance and the power of the diamond shape?
Karansa: Because we deal with you as residents of this particular planet, and we must work with those elements available to you, and the language available and understood by you, Silverthistle chose to describe the temple as a structure of diamond-shaped substance. The diamond, as you know, is a result of a very long process of heat and pressure exercised upon a basic element of your earth. The diamond is symbolic of selfhood evolved back to the Realm of Mind. The diamond-shape is representative of the number “four”, the foundational basis for much of your life. It is probably not wise to continue this discussion at this time, for there are too many here who would not understand some of the things I would have to say to fully answer the question. But let it rest in that the diamond is honored by you as a precious stone, and well it should be, for its symbolism of the future of mankind. I might add, regardless of what you might believe, that is the reason you wear precious stones or gold or silver or other metals. This practice is founded in truth. It is a practice handed down to you from ancient times. These talismans and amulets that you wear, you call them necklaces, wedding rings, broaches, bracelets, whatever. They still have the power of protection and guidance and healing. Again, I urge you to learn. Study the ancient teachings so that you work in awareness, so that you live your lives in awareness, and do not grope in the darkness of ignorance.
Owen: I’d like to ask if you would expand on knowing yourself.
Karansa: As you know, in the early part of this century of yours, the study of mental activity came in the form as a resurgence of the ancient knowledge. And, of course, it was corrupted, as is the way of human nature. But if you will examine the innermost reaches of your heart and mind to understand what motivates you, what drives you, what impels and what compels, the better that you understand yourself, the greater your inner understanding, the more powerful you become in the redemption effort of mankind as a whole.
Bonnie: Are there any particular books or authors that you would suggest?
Karansa: There are so very many. But as you know, we in this teaching group honor the holy scriptures for containment of the secrets. We honor these writing, not from the religious point of view, but because they contain what you need to know. Religion is that inner urge to worship something greater than one’s self. If you are to truly worship that from which you sprang, you do so best by discovery of the ancient mysteries which are somewhat still available to you. Study of the writings of scholars and students will assist you along that pathway, provided that you can keep yourselves outside the prison of dogma. Understand that these scriptures are the result of thousands of years of man’s self-improvement effort. Many of the mysteries were well known to your ancestors long before written records. But in the nature of your realm, these mysteries become known and then they recede. Some become lost. And then there is a resurgence as mankind’s evolutionary progress brings him to a state in which the ancient mysteries can be expanded upon. This is a time now in your development when these mysteries will be revealed. You will find your enlightenment in the thoughts of current philosophers and scholars. Then you will find truth in the old revelations. That which is now thought to be revelations have become corrupted and obscured. When using the word “revelations”, I am not referring to the last book of your New Testament, but rather to the revelation man has recorded as a result of his search for himself. These latter-day searchers are revealing the truth minutely. And you are among those on that path of search. The truth you seek is truly best found within yourselves and not on a written page. The written page offers you the key, but it must be taken within to be comprehended, understood and assimilated.
Kathy: In our search to raise our individual consciousnesses, would you suggest that we strive to find a group to work with, or can we be just as effective working individually?
Karansa: Because of the nature of mankind, working in groups is greatly to be encouraged. As given earlier, in these latter days of this phase of your development, the scientific community is going to reveal to itself that connection which is now called etheric, that subtle energy which is truly physical, which, when individuals gather together, is greatly empowered as though electric current is being stepped up. Yes, do study in groups. One individual will perceive a flicker of enlightenment. Another individual will find another spark. If all of the individuals combine their sparks, you would have a flame that would light up your world. That is not to say that you should not spend time alone. You must spend time alone for us to be effective with you and for you.
Ann: You made the comment that it was essential for us to gain knowledge of ourselves for our survival. Could you expand on that? (What more can I say except that your planetary upheavals will reflect the consciousnesses of the inhabitants thereof?)
Sidney: You have used the word “seven” in reference to the time frame in which scientist will discover this etheric energy. That number is, of course, very prevalent in our bible, and I’m sure it has great significance as do other number in our bible: 9, 12, 40 and 44,000. Could you share with us the significance of some of these numbers and their meaning for us?
Karansa: Again, this is a topic not familiar to many in this room. But the use of numbers is a means by which certain principles are set forth. The idea behind a number is the important thing, not the number itself, for the idea is that of order. It is through the numbers that you can discover the secrets of order. This is truly a study to be undertaken by all of you. It is an essential key to the ancient mysteries and is a great wand of revelation.
Judith: Could you please expand more on what you mean by the words “ancient mysteries”?
Karansa: It has always been the nature of mankind to attempt to understand by comparing what he observes with himself. From the earliest time of any phase of development, knowledge is accumulated and not always disseminated. Prior to approximately the 3,600 years of which I spoke earlier, what man knew of himself had become a closely guarded secret given to the very few. At a certain stage in this particular cycle in which you now find yourselves, there grew a system of schools which are now called “mystery schools”. Because they were created, occupied, operated by those privileged few who had been given the esoteric knowledge by their own predecessors, these knowledges have been secreted again and again in the past 3,600 years. But each time they are brought to light, there is a growth in spiritual consciousness of greater numbers of people living in the earth condition together. These mysteries encompass how you came to be, who and what you are, where you are going, why, and how you will get there.
Jim: The “Course in Miracles” is becoming more and more popular with people. I’d like to have some of your thoughts on “The Course in Miracles”.
Karansa: This is an excellent study. We do highly recommend it, but it will do you little good if you do not practice the principles you learn therein. Any system of knowledge, or any bits of learning, anything that one knows, gives power. At this state of consciousness of mankind, power is still thought to be something to exploit. It is for those who would study any system to be sure they are not caught up in a power system. Study the Law of Dominance given that you truly understand the use of power.
D.K. Paul: Recently I have tried to start an organization, a movement called “worlday”, seven letters. I and a group of friends meet twice a year, on March 22 and on September 22, at the equinoxes. We meet at noon, and for half an hour we discuss world peace and the prospects for world peace and what we can do. Then at 12:30 we gather and go through a creative visualized presentation in which we imagine lights coming from us, from our own auras and joining up together in a shaft of light, which then goes up and over to Washington, D.C. and contacts President Reagan. Then it goes on to, in the last case, Mikhail Gorbachev. And we tell these two men, or ask them, and implore them to consider all they can, the necessity for peace, to stop working for war, to work for peace, because this is what the people of the world long for. Do you have any suggestions? Do you have any ideas whether this is a helpful, meaningful exercise, or are we just wasting our time? Do you have any suggestions on how perhaps we could improve? The meditation lasts for just one minute, and then we relax and talk a little while. Then perhaps we write to our politicians, to our congressmen, about our ideas. Then we break up. It only happens twice a year. It involves very little time. It doesn’t involve any money, but I think perhaps this might be a useful endeavor. I would like to have your advice and opinion on this.
Karansa:Whether knowingly or inadvertently, you have stumbled upon an ancient practice, time honored and effective. However, it is improper to direct your thoughts to individuals. You would be more effective if you would direct your energy to all of those surrounding these two central figures, those who truly have the power. These centralized figures are truly figurehead. In and of themselves they cannot comply with your demands, so waste not your efforts. Direct your energy to the politburo and to the legislators of this land, and to all of the truly powerful in those nations which are aggressive. Also to those in power in the non-aggressive areas, for as the power becomes weakened in one place, it must become stronger in another, if you are to achieve that equilibrium of peace which you must strive for.
Caleen: Could you tell me something about Jesus and his message and his part in the redemption?
Karansa: Without taking too much of your time and energy on this subject, let me simply re-state the premise made to the circle which we teach. The story of Jesus, as presented in your New Testament, is not the story of one person, but of the perfect life lived in conditions in this phase of mankind’s development. When you as an individual can live your life in accordance with this pattern, you will have achieved that level of consciousness which is commonly referred to as the Christ Consciousness. This is truly what you should be striving for. Unfortunately, this beautiful pattern has been covered over by centuries of misinterpretation and dogma in the use and mis-use of power, as mankind continues to operate from a center of fear rather than a center of love.
Meme: I have a question about my entities from other times and other planes that are coming through now to speak with us, maybe such as yourself. Are they all speakers of truth, or should we be skeptical and beware? Are there guidelines?
Karansa: As given to our circle we now teach, you must use your analytical mind. You must use common sense. It should be quite apparent to you that when an entity departs this condition of flesh inhabitation, that the entity, itself, has not experienced some miraculous change of heart, but continues in the same psyche with the same intentions as the life in the flesh was lived. There are those in the flesh habitation such as this channel I now use who have that capacity of self-abnigation, to open the door, setting aside the ego, to allow communication from these invisible realms. Inasmuch as there are as many different conditions in the invisible as there are in your visible flesh world, needless to say, there will be communicators who will intrude who will not bring truth. You must test what is brought through your own psyche. Do not follow blindly anything given, as you would not follow blindly a stranger that you meet on the street.
Sidney: The bible, in terms of fasting – those that have fasted in our bible reads like a Who’s Who of the bible. What are the values of fasting? What are your recommendations?
Karansa: Fasting is a flesh practice of purification. It is important that the faster understand the cycles of his body and the cycles of flesh conditions in which that body exists. If the fast is to indeed purify, throughout the cycle of the fast there will be crises. Some will be crises of healing, as some now understand that phrase. If the fast is not also of the spirit, the purification of the flesh body will be unlasting.
Corbin: Can you explain the difference between the masters and the entities?
Karansa: Masters are entities, but entities are not necessarily masters. Masters are those who have learned to live in accordance with the Nine Laws, who have mastered their existences in the various conditions into which they have ventured. In common thought for you here, you think of masters in terms of one who has finished his cycle of reincarnations. That is not necessarily so if they finish the cycle of reincarnations in the flesh condition without reaching mastership. Mastership is confirmed after a number of other conditions have also been mastered. Entities simply are a particularate of the creation. The time has come when we should settle ourselves for a healing meditation. As members of the temple gather round and the healers come forth to pass among you, relax your bodies. And for these next few moments, clear your minds even of that which has been spoken here this night. Let yourselves be receptive. Open your hearts knowing that the room in which you sit is sanctified, is cleansed, and it is blessed. It has been prepared especially for you to share in this moment of communion and healing. Take some deep breaths and relax your abdomens. There is still much tension among you. If you would be healed, relax your bodies. Many of your ailments and complaints stem from tension, far more than from disorganization of your energy fields. Now as the healers gather round you, they lift their hands upon you, and they radiate their love out to you. In your mind, think of that light as a pink cloud, sparkling with pure light behind it as you might see a cloud at sunset. Know that the pink cloud contains the healing power of love. As it comes to you, it goes through you and onward to your neighbor, and through your neighbor and on, and on. Now with me, let us say the word “peace” in unison three times, and draw it out so the energy goes forth from your heart. Let love be behind your words. P-E-E-E-E-A-C-E…. P-E-E-E-E-A-C-E…. P-E-E-E-E-E-A-C-E Now if you have a specific request in your mind, allow the healer to touch your body. Accept the healing gesture. Feel the warmth and the energy pass through your body. As you feel that warmth and healing, give a thought of thanks. Bless the healer who has come to you. Then release that which you have claimed as an infirmity. Let it go. Disclaim it. Claim your healing and affirm it to yourself. Be blessed in that healing. And now, if there are those of your loved ones about whom you have concern, invite them to come in consciousness to join this meditation. (Pause) Now in united effort, direct that cloud of energy provided by the healers that it shall spread through the atmosphere, making itself available wherever there is pain and suffering, wherever there is a need that can be met. You have yet to realize the powers of your mind, but you can with that which you now know distribute this energy of peace and love throughout your planet. Now release your loved ones to return to themselves. (Pause) We bless all those who have come to join us from the temple. We honor the Council for its presence this evening. I give you my blessing. Go in peace, in love, and in holiness. And so it is.
(Closed singing “Let there be peace on earth.”)
Comments; Don Paul: I was impressed with the easy flow of speech. And two phrases particularly struck me. I hadn’t heard them before, but she spoke of “the prison of dogma”. I thought this was a very striking phrase. And she also said “groping around in the darkness of ignorance”. I thought these were two very clear, illustrative phrases.
Ira Gillet: I was very much interested in the question about “urim” and “thummim”. I spent 41 years in Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa, among the Swa people. They have their spirit doctors who have bones and various things like bones which they use in diagnosing the illnesses of people. These are a development of the “urim” and “thummim” that started away back there. I thought it intensely interesting that these black people of Africa, the Bantu people, as they moved from the north to the south, developed the “urim” and “thummim” into thirty special things. I have a set of those bones, if you want to see them sometime. (Laughter) I don’t know how to use them. (More laughter.)
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