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Session #49 – May 4, 1985 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Peggy Muldoon, Myra Perala, Ida Nevala, Jean Chisholm, Sidney Smither, LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer, and Bonnie Wisz
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. It is with great interest that we listen to your comments as you try to study and understand. It is this dear dedication which calls us to you time and again, for which we are most sincerely grateful. It is my intent this evening to deal with some essential unclarities, not with the material given so much as with certain attitudes. It is important that you get the right perspective on that which we are about. As we talked last, it appeared that our project had somewhat a grandiose scheme, and in fact, this is true. But you are a small part of the overall effort. Do not permit the seeming responsibility to inhibit your efforts for personal understanding. As this information is delivered to the human condition in the earth life, it will appear in many places, as it has of old. Your efforts will combine with the efforts of others, and so it should not intimidate you in any way. If the subject matter seems deep and impenetrable, do not accept it as such. In each of you lies the desire to understand yourself, and it is this desire which our teaching is to assist. As individuals come to understand motivation, desire, individuality, all of the condition understands. We would like to discuss some of the questions you have as to intention, as to your participation, to answer some of your doubts, to deal with some of your timidities. Those among you who feel out of place, overwhelmed, have been brought into this effort as a challenge to bring you along. You are not out of place. Each and every one has purpose within the group. And, as has been given before, the group is not the same when any member is not present.
Owen: Sheariam, one area that I think concerns us is the extent to which we will receive direction in the area of publication of the workbook. I know that the “Eight Keys to Cosmic Consciousness” was given mostly as our own project, and this has shown us some of our inadequacy in the project up to now. We have been wondering to what extent we will be guided over some of the hurdles so we won’t maybe have such a difficult time getting the workbook into distribution.
Sheariam: All that we ask is that you continue to meet and to study, and allow the book to develop. When the time is right, when the information is needed, it shall be given. Do not worry and do not hesitate. You have set yourself a course of study in self understanding. Pursue that course. This is all we ask, and we shall be with you. As a little side information which may be helpful to you, in the way of life there are cycles, there are periods of time in which certain things must occur. Your group has now arrived at that point in its cycle of life in which understanding shall be attained through action. The action suggested has been the compilation of a workbook, but the primary target is understanding. Also, in the conjunction with this timeliness, the group, as it is comprised, experiences changes in its makeup. Thus we welcome newcomers, while there may be those who drop away. This is a time of flux, of fluctuation, which will continue for you for the balance of this earthly year when this particular phase will come to an end. As members of the group, each of you will be aware within yourselves of these changing energies, these changing relationships. We give this that you shall understand what is going forward.
Sidney: It was stated previously that our challenge was represented by the Pentateuch. Does that mean that in this group we have entity representations of people from the Old Testament of those five books such as Aaron, Moses, Jacob, Caleb, or others mentioned in those books of our holy scriptures? (The authorship of those books is greatly in error, but the essence of the answer to your question would be “yes”.)
Owen: To follow that, you have mentioned that our channel’s entity name is Jerome. Does Jerome refer to the channel’s Soul Body or her Higher Self, or how do you classify what Jerome refers to?
Sheariam: As we have not yet discussed the realms below that of Spirit and Mind, this has not become part of your information. However, to answer your question, the entity is formed in the Realm of Ego, and from that realm reaches down into the Realm of Self to wear many different personalities, until that entity fulfills its cycle. You will recall that the Realm of Soul lies above the Realm of Ego. Thus it is, each of you represents a personality being worn at this particular time by your entity. At given times in the process of life, an entity forms and generally retains the first name adopted in that cycle, despite subsequent names of personalities. That does not mean that the new ego is completely new without previous experience, for it does not happen that way, but has in depth the soul experience upon which it draws. Thus Jerome had great understanding as the entity “Jerome”.
LaMar: If I understand this correctly, then, when we incarnate, such as we are now, when we return, we go back to that name that we first took in the cycle which would be our entity name? (To the Ego entity, yes.)
Owen: The reason I asked, it seemed so amazing to me that the individuals of Jerome, Jonathan, and Joshua would honor us by their presence. I thought that it might explain it a little better if they happened to be representatives of a Soul Body which might be composed of many folks related to each of those. But I guess that’s not the case. (That is the case.) So are there then, at this time, a number of entities who might use the entity name, Jerome? Or a number of egos who might use the entity name, Jerome? (Yes, but they would not be the same entity, nor the same Jerome. If you take the sounds which comprise the name, you can begin to grasp the thrust of the entity. And all entities taking that name would have that thrust. They would not be the same entity.) Then they would not necessarily be from the same Soul Body. (That is true.)
LaMar: Does the entity decide its name, or is that assigned? (Sometimes one, sometimes the other, and combinations.) The next obvious question is, who is it that helps assign it? (Member of the parent Soul.)
Sidney: Are there those among us who are entities who have been represented by name in the holy scriptures in the New Testament? (Hesitantly: Yes.) Judging by the slowness of the answer, could we assume that it is our own responsibility to determine which of us those are? (That is correct.) Myra: Or is it necessary? (It is not necessary, but it is inevitable.) Peggy: What if one isn’t as fast at picking this up as some of the rest? (The ever- doubting Thomas.) Well there is some of this that goes over my head. (No, it is not. It is going through you. You will remember, you were admonished to bathe yourselves in this. It is more important to soak it in than it is to pick it apart.) Myra: So just keep reading it and accepting it, and don’t fight it.
Bonnie: Sheariam, my entity name is Kerathyn, and I have a real feeling about that name and what it represents and how it fits. I feel like I want to be Kerathyn, but I’m still not sure how to integrate Kerathyn into all of this. (You have it backwards. Kerathyn is integrating Bonnie into Kerathyn.)
Myra: Do you want us to call you Kerathyn? Bonnie: Well, I use it. I think of it a lot, and I think of myself as Kerathyn sometimes. But no, I’m not going to that extent. (The importance is that you become aware that the personality is simply a gown worn by the entity.)
Myra: But when the sounds of the name are spoken, that causes things to happen, doesn’t it? (Yes.) So it seems it would be more than a gown. As people said the name, Kerathyn, wouldn’t that reinforce what you want, Bonnie? (Kerathyn is not the gown. Bonnie is the gown. You, as personalities, have little effect in the ongoing process of the entity. The entity is a do-it-yourself project. But the entity of you which wears you has effect of a greater power… Poorly expressed.) In other words, Kerathyn is coming to become a more active part of Bonnie’s life and make her think of Kerathyn. Is that it? (The more aware Bonnie is of Kerathyn, the more effective the personality “Bonnie” is in Kerathyn’s development.)
LaMar: In the light of what we have just been talking about, would you explain the meaning of “gestalt”? Or am I on the wrong track? (“Gestalt” is a German word representing a construct of many parts. For instance, a group is a gestalt of many parts known as individual personalities. To apply the word, gestalt, to the realms, God is a gestalt. In your finite minds, God represents All That Exists, All That Is. You, as an individual, are a gestalt when you connect the Ego Entity and the personality and other personalities which that Ego might be manifesting. A personality is incomplete in and of itself.) It has been my understanding that we can be incarnate in more than one body at the same time. In other words, the Ego could be wearing more than one gown. Is this correct? (That is correct.) Sidney: Is this possible in the same reality, or would they exist in different realities simultaneously? (Both. You see, your thinking is so narrow. Your consciousness focus is in this physical realm you call Earth. Thus it is difficult for you to understand that a personality existent on the other side of this earth can be part and parcel of your own Ego Entity. But that can indeed be so.)
Maxine: I have a twin brother, King. Are we both from the same Ego? (Not necessarily. Twin births do not necessarily occur because one ego wishes to wear two visages.) Owen: Might that be a possibility, though? (It is.) If there is another personality that my Ego is wearing, would I always be aware of that? (No. Seldom so, at the level of evolution of your condition at this time. But this is the explanation for past life regressions being similar or the same by different personalities.) How does it happen that an Ego will divide? Is this the choice of the Ego? (The Ego does not divide. You see again you are captured by the focus of consciousness. Do your fingers not belong to the same palm? But the palm does not divide. The fingers are simply extensions of the palm. And when you hold an orange in your hand, those extensions of that palm reach around different portions of the orange, do they not?)
LaMar: While I am here wearing this robe as LaMar, is the entity on the other side? Or am I it? In other words, if there were several of my entity wearing different robes around the earth, something must have remained on “the other side” that did not start wearing the robe called “LaMar”. (The entity is physical, mental, and wears earthly personalities. In your mind, you can be aware of different points in time, different activities, different expressions of your personality, can you not?) In other words, going back to your expression of the palm and the fingers, the palm doesn’t stay over there and send out the fingers. (The fingers and the palm are not separated. They are connected or the fingers have no life.) I wonder. Are several of this entity actually the same person just experiencing different things? (Not the same person. Person is personality. Entity is mind.)
Sidney: If the entity is the palm and the fingers are the personality, then in terms of what we mistakenly call death, if one finger is cut off, where does that part of the mind go while the others are remaining? Or does simultaneous death occur for all personalities that are extended from that entity?
Sheariam: The physical finger, which might be amputated from the palm, only disappears insofar as this earthly manifestation is concerned. But indeed its subtler bodies continue. I am sure that you are aware that amputees experience stimulation in the absent limbs. The subtle bodies remain so long as the physical manifestation remains, although the subtle bodies may not be visible to most.
LaMar: Is this why, if you take a picture of a person who has had an amputation, take a picture with Kirlian Photography, the arm, or whatever was amputated, is still there? (Yes. And so the personalities do not disappear. Only that physical manifestation which is visible in the earthly condition becomes invisible.) When we leave this physical body, do we take on another body then to replace it?
Sheariam: Yes... Well, you carry with you the subtle bodies for some time before you reincarnate. You, as the personality “LaMar” will continue when you leave this earth. You will leave behind only the physical vehicle, the flesh, bones and blood. The subtle bodies of Emotion, Desire, and Thinking, etc. continue as “LaMar”, as the personality “LaMar”. You will go on to experience extensions of this physical world until such time as the personality has completely served the Ego which created it. If you were to consider a certain facet of your personality – you have certain attitudinal roles that you play with certain other people. When you separate from those other people, that attitudinal role does not disappear. It simply retreats for a time. It remains as viable a part of the personality as when it is in evidence. So the personality remains a viable part of the entity, even when not in evidence in the earth.
Sidney: It sounds to me like at a lower level the Ego is very similar in description to the Soul at a higher level. Is that correct? (It is another realm. Remember that the Soul gives birth to Ego, and Ego gives birth to Self. We have not yet studied those realms.)
Owen: You previously mentioned something of the term “Higher Self”. How does the “Higher Self” fit into this? Or is that coming up later? (Of course we shall discuss it later. But the Higher Self, as we discuss it now, we really do truly mean the Entity Self and the Entity Soul Self.) [Editorial note: Self + Ego + Soul]
Peggy: Sheariam, how does this work out when there is a dual personality? (That is merely the manifestation of different personalities using the same physical vehicle. Same entity, different personalities.)
Owen: How does this differ from possession? (Possession can occur when a personality is taken over by an elemental or some other force, as though to snatch away the personality’s control from the Ego. You will remember, we said that the higher realms cannot command the lower realms. The personality is not under the command of the Ego. The Ego experiences through the personality, but the personality has autonomy.) And the elemental is from a lower realm? (Yes.) What is the nature of an elemental? (That is very difficult to describe to you at this time. We beg your patience as we move through the realms.)
Sidney: In discussing multiple personalities, our court systems frequently have found people not guilty for having murdered or committed other heinous crimes by virtue of there being a different personality. Yet from what you just said, that personality is indeed an extension of the same Ego or part of the same entity. Therefore, should guilt be ascribed, or is that inappropriate? I would appreciate your comments.
Sheariam: Regardless of what your social order may impose as consequence upon action, the entity must answer to the higher order of consequence even when a heinous crime is committed by a personality on the other side of your earth. For instance, a personality of your entity commits murder in China. You will not be sentenced for that crime, but your entity must suffer the consequences as a result of the higher laws.
Sidney: And yet my understanding from previous statements is that what we do as individuals affects the entire planet around us, so therefore it must also affect our partner personalities, if you will. (Yes, it does. Because your social order grows out of the relativeness of its parts.)
Bonnie: Are we all capable of getting in connection with our other personalities?
Sheariam:There is a veil for good and sufficient reason which can only be put aside by the quantification of your Quality. You have had the experience of meeting one with whom you felt an instant connection. This does not mean necessarily that is a personality of your Ego. But it may be a personality that belongs to the same Soul Body as your Ego does. But if you have developed sufficient sensitivity, you may find that instant recognition of yourself, or your Self Ego, Ego Self in another. I do not mean to infer that it cannot happen. But it does not happen very much at this time in your evolution. (Bonnie: Why is that?) Because you have not grown to the point of understanding by which such contacts can be of value. As you learn to treasure other individuals, to protect their welfare as well as your own, you bring mankind into the state of brotherhood. Then it will be safe for each to know the other, but at the state of evolution of humanness now, mankind is not prepared to protect his brother, but is more apt to exploit him.
Sidney: That makes better sense when one thinks about brother fighting brother in wars. That’s exactly what’s happening. Some of the names from my Source that have been revealed to me in meditation are Miriam, Mary, Bartholomew, Mark and Paul. First of all, are my interpretations of their names correct, and secondly, are any of them individuals who were represented by our holy scriptures? (Yes and No. You ask complex questions which would require great delineation to answer. It is not possible at this time. We must defer.) Would it be appropriate to ask a personal question? (We answer if the answer can benefit the group.) I wrote a book in 1982 that I have done nothing with. Would it be suitable for me to look for a publisher in the near future? (That is not a question to be brought into the group.)
Owen: Is our proceeding with the workbook committee going in the correct direction? We were hoping you were there and that we were picking up your instructions last Tuesday, but there is some uncertainty. (We are pleased with your efforts. We do not wish to lay stringent requirements upon you. We want you to use your creativity, your own individualities, and your understanding. If you stray too far from our intent, we will make our wishes known.)
RetaMae: I would like to make a comment about one of my regressions. I used the diamond as you suggested last time, and followed up on the one regression that I had started on that I had backed away from. And yes, I became quite upset to say the least, because of the fighting, and apparently I was the only one left living in this group. Or this was my interpretation of what I had gone through. I was wounded very badly in the right arm. It took place somewhere in the middle east. Could you give me a little more information on this? Was I just observing myself in this capacity of being left alive, or was I the only one left out of the group? (Both are true, for you did survive for a short time, and ultimately the physical body bled to death at which time you remained, not knowing that you were deceased. Thus you lingered in the malaise of sorrow and terror and fear until such time as the veil was dropped and you were taken on. You lost your family and all of your kin. It was a very terrible event for you.) Now was this way, way back, many, many centuries ago? (Yes.) The time element. I got somewhere between A.D. and B.C., the early part there. Is that when this took place? (Previous to that. This was a barbarian raid upon your family’s compound.) It was a walled enclosure, and it was in the middle east somewhere? (Yes.)
Owen: I was just thinking in terms of the time elements that archaeologists place on human activity, and I’m not sure their scales are always accurate. (Some are, and some are not. There is, however, no archeological evidence remaining of this particular incident.)
LaMar: Could I ask a question about my mediation, please? I have had numerous times in the past when I have seen this wonderful person in the white robe. You referred to him, I believe, as a monk some time ago. I recently had several meditations in which I went to the well, and found this person in the white robe. I presume it’s the monk. I don’t know if it is one of my guides. But he simply comes out of the well and takes me down the road to the pyramid where I have found the beautiful red stone, very much like the ring I wear. He wants to take me from the well down the road to the pyramid and into the pyramid. Would you give me any light on that? (Yes. He is a holy man from an Egyptian incarnation in which he was your instructor. At that time he called himself Estebius. He attempts now to take you to the pyramid in order to re-awaken that which he taught you before.) Thank you. I hope he isn’t too discouraged if I don’t catch on. I have some long extended conversations, but I haven’t the foggiest idea what’s been said. (But as he awakens that memory within the cells of your body, it serves you whether you have the rational recollection of it or not.)
Jean: I think I had a regression experience in which I think I was a man on a rack, a wheel-like rack, in a stone basement with a window above me, a tiny window. A short glimpse of this and extreme pain, and it was all over. (As you died the heretic in the Inquisition, yes. And thus, even though you now admit to certain conformities with your social traditions, you maintain the attitude of questioning. In this society you are put on another kind of rack for asking questions.) Then that was a real experience? (Yes. You will find that you do repeat your experiences. Otherwise the process of regressive recall would be of no value to you. But as you repeat these experiences, you do so in different context, as with our friend here who lost all of her family in this life. She has experienced similar kinds of losses, but they are mental and emotional.) Thank you. That’s amazing.
Sidney: In terms of some of these experiences that one does not find pleasant, what might one do to alter that historical pattern? (By finding the corollary activity in the current life, and resolving it in a higher order, as in the case of one who died at the hands of another, one must forgive those who now persecute. Sometimes a personality will repeat a reincarnative pattern intensifying the pattern rather than rectifying it. As awareness is awakened and knowledge of the higher laws is acquired, one can change the outcome of the pattern.) Is it correct thenthat this pattern would also manifest in other personalities of the Ego currently existent on earth? (Yes.) Then is it also true that one person having arrived at the higher understanding can then alter the condition of those other personalities? (Yes.)
Owen: In that situation, that is a problem to be resolved at the Ego level, not necessarily at the Soul Body level? (Yes.) Myra: This makes me think of the problem that Richard had. (That is an example, yes.) Owen: His other part then was another personality of the same Ego. (Yes.)
Bonnie: Sheariam, I have a request, too. I’d like to speak to an historian to get the background and the uses and the origin of the Ankh. When can I do that? (You mean from our side?) Yes. From the temple. (I shall inquire and inform you at the next time we meet.)
Sidney: What happens during the consecration and also the consequent taking of our holy communion and our holy Eucharist? (You do ask complex questions, do you not? It is not appropriate at this time to discuss the Eucharist. You are not prepared with the foundational material.)
Jean: I feel that I am moving forward in my work in massage and counseling and healing, but I would like to move faster and improve. What specifically can I do? (It is not for you to move faster. You would exhaust the vehicle and thus be useless.)
Sidney: By that answer you are referring more to a state of beingness than to a state of doingness? (The vehicle could not sustain a speedup of activity resulting from an accelerated understanding.)
Jean: What can I do to improve the vehicle? (Practice what has been given.) Maxine: I would assume that same answer would be for me, too? (Others saying “Me, too.”) (You answer your own question. Practice the Principles. Practice the Affirmations. Practice the Mantras. Use your gemstones. Use the Eight Keys. We give you much to work with, but still you ask for more.) Myra: What about the exercise, rest and nutrition that we know from other parts about taking care of the body, too. Would that not apply also? (Of course.)
Sidney: In calling upon the names of the archangels, is the power amplified by thinking simultaneously of the essence of the archangel? (Absolutely. This brings up a subject previously discussed in brief. In using the archangels’ names, you activate those aspects of The Absolute which have been manifest for you. In effect, as you call upon the archangels, you activate that power within yourself. The Christ Consciousness is an evolutionary measurement, if you will. When you call upon the Christ Consciousness, you simply call on the highest attainment of the Human Quality at this time available to you. But when you call upon the archangels, you call upon the highest power that ever will be available to you.)
Myra: In Session #28, I think it was, you mentioned a little bit about the Orders of Angels and what they mean. I think you only referred to two of them. But we didn’t really discuss what the Orders of Angels mean. I was wondering if this was something that would help us, too? (We have not discussed the Orders of Angels in depth because we have not dealt with the realms in which the angels become active, but we are on that threshold.)
Peggy:Which one of the archangels could I ask to assist me in finding the right employment and the right places to go? (There are three options you could use in addition to Khamael and Gabriel. Sandalphon, who opens doors for you. Michael who changes you so that you become a channel through which abundance can flow. Haniel who is that power of abundance itself.)
LaMar: Two different nights in the last two weeks I have had people in our home to see this film “Psychic Surgeons” and ultimately end up trying to tell people when they come to try to attune themselves to the healing channel. It is very difficult for me to explain to people how to attune themselves. There are many who really sincerely seem to want to know. Could you give me any advice on how to explain that? (Putting it into the level of human relationships, one does not grab hold of another who is unwilling or unprepared for such advances, but you each in your humanness know how to enter the aura of another as “intention to love”. As you establish those empathetic ties, you tune into each other. As one goes to a healer to receive, one must go with the intention of accepting that love energy which does the healing. One must have a liking for the healer, or one does not benefit.) If I were to tell them, and I already have, very much what you just said plus that they must release the problem, get their mind off the problem and forget about it, and very joyfully give thanks for the healing, to put the same or more energy into rejoicing for the fact that they have been or are being healed as they put into it when they had the disease. (Yes. This latter action of gratitude and joyfulness and release sets the healing; makes it permanent; establishes it.)
Owen: Is there anything in addition that we could say to a youngster, for example, our ten-year-old grandson who will be going to the healers, to give him a better acceptance. (With children, it is very important that they experience the feeling of liking the individual with whom they must work, and continue to carry that feeling with them as the healing gels. It is difficult for children to understand “love” as we speak of it metaphysically. They do understand the word “like”. If you examine the word “like”, it represents that kinship, that sameness, as one is like another, and thus one likes another.)
Maxine: Our grandson accepts this and thinks it is wonderful, but I don’t see how he can have the opportunity to really get to know the healer. (He does not have to get to know an individual to like that individual. You can observe a casual passerby and know within yourself a liking or a disliking.) Myra: So it’s his attitude, his friendliness, that counts. (And that of the healer.)
LaMar: From what you just said about liking the healer or loving the healer, it would seem to me that in so doing, we unite ourselves with that healing channel he is trying to connect us with. (That is precisely the point.) This is most important for me. When people ask, to be able to know what to tell them, and know that I’m on the right track when I’m telling them.
Sheariam: And now it is time for us to unite in our own loving circle and share a moment of quiet meditation together. As you prepare your bodies, prepare also your hearts and minds. Relax. Be porous. Be receptive and be willing to allow the energies to pass through you. Do not stop them within you. Then you become an object in your own way and in the way of others. So visualize yourselves as a piece of gauze through which light filters. Open yourselves to the passage of the healing energies. Permit yourselves the fancy that you are a piece of gauze on the clothesline of God, as light shines from the heavens and the breeze passes through you, and you flutter with the breeze. The sunlight cleanses you, and the breeze carries away anything that needs to be eliminated from your texture. You are willing to flow with that, but you are always anchored. You are anchored in that connection of God’s clothesline. Thus it is that the winds of life blow through your experience. You can allow them to pass through as you remain true to your own nature. Your impurities become bleached by the sunlight of God. You remain ready to be gathered, when the time is right. Now as a fragment of the Divine texture, allow the healing energies of the universe to pass through your mind, through your hearts, and through your bodies. As they pass through you, they go on to pass through others. It is that eternal radiant energy emitted by The Absolute in the creation. Feel yourself cleansed and purified. As this energy continues to circulate, it builds a power which then becomes available. Visualize this passage of energy gaining in power even as a whirlwind swirls its way along, becoming larger, larger and more powerful. But this whirlwind is not one which gathers up debris, but remains the pure energy of The Absolute, the Radiant Energy, The Truth. As you witness this growing power, you become aware of it in your environment and in yourself. Since it passes through you, it is available to all. You may invite those about whom you have concern to join you in experiencing the whirlwind of loving healing. (Names softly called) The whirlwind gathers up from us that which we do not need, eliminates congestion, obstruction, all that is unnecessary, and whirls it away into the universal cleansing where it can be recycled. So release, release, let go, and be cleansed. Be renewed. As you are renewed, see the whirlwind carry away the negative energies of earth planet to bring change into the thoughts of mankind, to deliver peace and love, to purify this planet and this condition. Now release your loved ones to return to themselves. Know that at any time, you can stand within the holy whirlwind and release to its cleansing energies and be healed. Now go in peace with my blessings until we meet again. I bid you good night.
Many expressions of appreciation and good nights.
Closed with “Let there be peace on earth”.
(Page added to synch with index)