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Session #53 June 29, 1985 Public Meeting Present: All regular members except Larry and Ida and about 80 guests.
Opened with a guided meditation by Richard and everyone singing “Open my eyes….”
Voice: Greetings. (Group: Greetings) I am Torbion, servant to the Chasmalim, (Order of Angels with Tzadkiel, with Attribute of Mercy and Love.) I come to you this night to speak to you of your Holy Scripture. You have there a most important instruction which you so often cast aside. To explain my name: Torbion means “whirlwind”. And you, each of you, is a whirlwind, a vortex of psychic energy. I speak to you from the psychic realm. (Not one of the nine realms specifically described to us.) Your Scripture tells you that in the beginning God made Heaven and Earth. Upon this statement hangs the entire message of your Scripture. It is true. Your Bible is an anthology. It is a collection of teachings first handed from Adept to Student in the oral tradition until such time as evolution provided a means by which these immortal words could be recorded. This occurred at a time in the history of man’s evolution when the social order was that of male dominance. “In the beginning, God made Heaven and Earth.” These represent two principles, the Principle of the Active and the Principle of the Passive, one not existing without the other. If there is a mover, there must be that which is moved, and that which is moved must have a mover. The Earth is representative of substance which is moved. And Heaven represents Spirit, that which moves upon the Earth. You are Heaven and Earth, but you have forgotten this. Thus it is that energies such as I represent, come to cause you to remember your Divine heritage. You see yourselves as separate from that which made you. But in the beginning, all existed together. As All moved upon Itself to make the mover and the moved, neither the mover nor the moved can be other than the All. How then can you see yourselves separate from your Maker? For you are the Creator. You are the creative medium and the creation. As the mover moves upon substance, vortices are created, and other things come into form, already having being. Heaven and Earth are being, existence. But being cannot move of itself. There is that outward push, that urge which causes to be. And within each of you, that urge is alive and well today. With it you create the miasma of fear and apprehension and illness and lack. With it you can create anything you wish, but you must first make real to yourselves that you are Heaven and Earth. You are both the mover and the moved. Substance cannot become without a becomer. “In the beginning God made”. This is The Absolute, the indivisible undivided One which emanated Itself into the mover and the moved. When you understand the secret code in which your Scripture was written, you can derive from that first sentence everything. You can understand all there is to know. But it takes that urge within you to know. If you do not desire something better than that which you have, you will not have anything better. For you have the best. You have what you created. When you learn that you are the substance of your life, that you are the mover of your substance, then you are in the Kingdom of Heaven. Man is a five-fold being. Man is Spirit. Man is Mind. Man is Soul. Man is Ego. Man is Body. When you think of man as a three-fold being, you overlook his properties as a creator. As a three-fold being, you are incomplete. As a five-fold being, you fulfill the Divine Intent of this planetary creation, and move into evolution rather than involution. The secret to understanding the Scriptures is to understand the symbolism, the allegory, the metaphor. To understand that the people are not merely historical figures who lived and died in some remote time in some remote place. They are principles. They are representative of states of being. The places in which the drama took place represent conditions of existence, states of consciousness. When you understand this, you can re-read the Scriptures with great discovery, for the Bible as it now is in your hands, is the story of man’s traveling through involution into ever-expanding evolution. It is true that the Scripture you now read is incomplete by virtue of decisions of theologians of old. But there is, nevertheless, sufficient there for you to do a better job with your planet than you are now doing. There are vortices of energy now moving upon the face of your planet that are utterly destructive in their force and intent. Mankind has created them. In our realms these vortices cause great disturbance. As you listen to the news on your various media, you experience apprehension, anxiety, worries, anger – any number of negative and unnecessary emotions. This is psychically disturbing. It disturbs you, and it disturbs us. As we become disturbed, our mentors become disturbed, and the ripples move throughout your galaxy and into others. You do not inhabit space alone. You may feel confined to your little spaceship you call earth, but the things you think and the things you do affect the life on other planets in your solar system, affect the lives of all who live in the invisible realms. We would that you sing. We would that you be joyous. We would that you live in harmony. This is the direction in which you move, but more of you must direct your efforts in that mode. It is not sufficient that your scientific community discover the physical laws of your universe. You must also be responsible for the moral and ethical laws which give intellect the power to control the forces unleashed. When you begin to live in equality, when all men are free regardless of gender or color or belief, only then are you going to secure your planet in the hierarchy of planetary powers. To that end, we urge you to commune with us, to study your Scriptures, to strive for enlightenment, and to be the love that you profess. I could continue to urge you, but this is my message. If you would ask, I will remain for a short time to answer your questions. And then one of your usual teachers will be with you.
Sidney: Would you please define “Chasmalim”. (We would prefer to remain with the message of the evening, if you would.)
Colin Mooney: You mentioned that things we do affect other people on other planets and universes. I’d like to know if the things others are doing are affecting us, and are we getting positive and negative power from that. A little explanation on that please. Torbion: Yes, the story of the Fall of Man is not merely the matter of planet earth’s human nature believing that it is separate, but a similar event, if you will, has occurred in all the conditions of the physical in which intelligence has taken form for the purpose of evolution. While life on other planets in your solar system has not taken on form similar to that which you wear, intelligence nevertheless exists in form in accordance with the properties of the planet. You are affected by what transpires in those conditions even as those conditions are affected by what transpires on planet Earth. But if you would be healed, you must be a healer. You are both Heaven and Earth. You cannot be healed unless you also are the healer.
Myra: Your last comment is interesting to me. If we are the healer as well as the healed, does that mean that we heal ourselves? Does that mean that we should heal others? (You first heal yourself. As you are a part of All That Is, your state of health enables others to be healthy. You cannot move substance which you do not directly have responsibility for.) So do we do the healing for ourselves through our mind’s power of concentration, or what’s the best way to heal yourself? (As I have said, you are a five-fold being. You have not only the power of thought, but you also have the power of Spirit. You have the power of Soul. You have the power of Ego. You must want to be whole. You must want to be becoming.)
Bonnie:Would you give us a definition of Ego? (Ego is the vehicle through which intellect can express itself in physical form.)
Owen: You mentioned the emotions that we experience when we familiarize ourselves with the news of events that we hear on television and read in the newspaper, and that most of these emotions that are aroused in us are negative. Is it desirable to, with our limitations of will power, to cut ourselves off from these sources of negative information and not pay attention to newspapers and TV and so on until we’re able to completely counteract them with positive thought?
Torbion: It is not for you to cut yourself off, for you cannot. You are part of what is happening. You must, as your teachers have taught you, expand, invoke the powers, and expand your aura to influence, to bring harmony, to bring mercy, to bring peace. You do this by expansion of Self rather than invasion of thought. If you cut yourselves off, who then will counteract the forces of destruction?
Myra: I was wondering if the best way to counteract the forces of destruction that are certainly reaping their harvest in our world today, if the best way for us to do that is to try to get together with one or two other persons or small groups to expand our consciousness? (That is the very best way as your Directress has instructed you.)
Voice: I’d like to know, when you say “read the Bible”, there are several versions, and there is a comparatively new one out called the “Aquarian Bible” by Levi. Would you comment on that, please?
Torbion: The Aquarian Bible is not one written as a result of the oral legend, but is one that has been transmitted through communications such as this. It, however, contains also the secret code of which I spoke earlier. If read in that context, it has its contribution to make. Your very own Silverthistle prefers the King James version because of the mystical beauty of the poetry, which is inspirational to the Soul.
Florence Burke: I would like to know if the meanings of the names and places in the Bible are accurate as defined by Charles Fillmore.
Torbion: To the greatest extent you have now available to you, knowledge is limited by the intelligence which gives rise to it. That author was a greatly enlightened individual but limited in that his work can now be expanded by the enlightenment which his teachings have provided and brought forth in the consciousnesses which have followed.
Thatcher Robinson: I am very interested in evolutionary processes and have thought about them much. What function is served, and I ask this not in controversial spirit but in a serious one, by placing messages in an encrypted or secret form, to use the words as I understood you giving them, in the Bible. . Torbion: As I just suggested, knowledge is limited by the intelligence. When power is placed in the hands of the ignorant, you have chaos. The secrets hidden within your Scriptures have the greatest power. If given to those who were ill- equipped to handle that power, the human race would long since have had to begin over. As the code is broken and the secrets withdrawn by intelligence, there must also be the moral and ethical laws implemented with the knowledge of the power. Thus it is that you are told: “He that has the eye shall see.” The truths are there, have been made available to all for centuries. But as Paul admonishes you, you must be discerning. It has been my pleasure to visit with you for this short time. I shall retire now that your temple teacher may come to you. I bid you peace. (Expressions of appreciation.)
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. So you have had a new visitor. I come to you now to direct you in your closing meditation, unless there is something you would discuss first.
Owen: Torbion mentioned coming from the Psychic Realm. The Temple of Initiation is in the Spirit-Physical. Is Torbion part of the temple, or where is she or it placed in the hierarchy? (Torbion is a servant of the Order of Chasmalim.)
Myra: Is that an Order of Angels? (Yes. Non-physical. As we have given you, of ourselves, we are subject to physical law even as you are, somewhat differently, but nevertheless quite physical. But there are other realms which are not subject to physical laws, but are subject to mental laws, psychic laws.) Richard: Are you referring now to Torbion? (Yes.)
Owen: Sheariam, when last we met, there was just beginning great concern for people on an airplane that has been in Beirut for some time. We spent our meditation on that subject. Are you able to see that the forces, the energy balance is changing favorably at all in that situation?
Sheariam: Yes. If you will examine the events which transpired shortly after your meditation, there was someone of great sanity put in charge of the situation. At the time of your meditation, other of our groups also were meditating with the same affirmation, the same decree. And thus you have witness to the power which you have available to you. The situation is resolving itself. It is our intent that your meditation tonight carry forward the work that you began before. So if you are ready, make yourselves comfortable. The words that we shall use may be unfamiliar to many of you, but if you will join your hearts and your good intentions with ours, we shall be effective. Let us begin by relaxation. Breathe deeply. Let us follow the breathing with three AUM. Then we shall invoke the power of Khamael. Then we shall invoke the power of Gabriel. Then we shall invoke the power of Tzadkiel using the affirmation “Mercy and love are infinitely reproduced”. Let us begin. (AUM – three times.) Khamael, Khamael, Khamael. I am eternal life. Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, I will Divine Will. Tzadkiel, Tzadkiel, Tzadkiel, Mercy and love are infinitely reproduced. As you feel the influx of the power, allow that power to build into great force. Feel it heal up your bodies. As Torbion gave, you are Heaven and Earth. Deliver this message to the cells of your body, to the cells of your auric bodies. And as the power pours in, expand yourselves. Feel yourselves becoming one. When you are united as one, there can be no separativeness, no inequality. As you expand, give invitation to those for whom you have concern. Include those in charge of your hostage situation. Invite them to come in consciousness to share in this unity, in this power of healing. As member of the temple join you, as those whom you invite come in their consciousness, the power field expands. Reaffirm with me now: “Mercy and love are infinitely reproduced. Mercy and love are infinitely reproduced. Mercy and love are infinitely reproduced.” Feel that affirmation in the cells of your being. Feel its movement in your psyche. Know that as you are moved to mercy and love, so are those whom you have invited and who have come. Now with the power of your mind, with the thought that travels round your globe, spread that mercy and love to the atmosphere. Make it available to all who would partake of it. It is tangible, measurable, substance. As a mover, move that substance throughout your planet. Make healing available. Now as you have been taught, seal your own healing within your own bodies by placing the hands together and drawing them in. Express your gratitude to your Source, to the members of the temple, and to the Divine Beingness of which we are all a part. Now I wish you continued peace and serenity until we meet again. My blessings to all of you.
Closed with singing “Let there be peace on Earth” and “Hallelujah”.