1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Session #56 – August 3, 1985 Gloria’s Circle Present: Myra Perala, Peggy Muldoon, Eileen Horton, Ida Perala, Sidney Smither, Bonnie Wisz, LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Richard and Mary White
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. We would this night ask you each to simply state your name. Do not preface it with “I Am”, but state your name as a mantra. (Done) Thank you. We welcome you this evening. There is much to be discussed. We would point out to you the events that have transpired, not only in your nation, but throughout the world, during the past few days. You will recall the information given about spacial ice storms. You have been given an example in the midst of your nation. (Severe thunderstorm with 2 inch hail and 5+ inches of precipitation causing flooding and some deaths in Cheyenne, WY) This is just one small example. Witness also the many errors in judgment that have brought about what you call "accidents in your public transportation systems. These are all manifestations of the illness abroad in the thoughts of men. This week your moon is what is called a “blue moon” which has special emphasis for this group. The year in which you established yourselves as a group to study together was a year of the “blue moon”, and did indeed occur around the holiday you call Christmas. You will remember the powerful meeting you had at that time. The next blue moon will occur in the year 1988. We ask that you hark back to what has been given about the changing times in which you live. You are now beginning to see that of which we spoke, which makes it more imperative that you intensify your efforts to study, to comprehend, and to utilize the information that we give you. We appreciate the obstacles of time and space which deter you from disseminating the information more broadly, more quickly. We are gratified with your efforts. The effort which you put forth, when combined with the effort put forth by the other groups with which we work, are having effect. But you are witnessing examples of what is to come. With that, let us now move onward to your study. Before we deliver the information prepared for tonight, we will entertain any questions you may have, as our eves-dropping prior to our communication reveals some puzzlements.
Owen: Sheariam, before we get into that, what is a “blue moon”? (A blue moon occurs when you have two full moons in the same month.)
Richard: Why is that significant or important? (It only occurs every 2 1/2 to 3 years of your time, according to your current calendar, but it has to do with consciousness. Your moon is very representative of the way in which life on your planet responds to stimuli. At the full moon, your emotions are more open. You are more sensitive to impact. You have less control over your self-discipline. There are more errors in judgment. Errors in judgment cause human catastrophe. This is also a signal time in which human events of far-reaching importance make their appearance. Would you have thought in 1982 that you would be here tonight, understanding that which you now understand, empowered by that which you have encompassed? Would you have been able to foretell the changes that have occurred in your lives? This past week was also your third anniversary.
Owen: Sheariam, another question which I’m sure you overheard us discussing…
Myra: Before your question, is the blue moon the first or the second? (Second.)
Owen: We were talking about archangels and angels, and we were wondering how the archangel can be part of us and still be supervisory over angels which are not part of us. (As you have been told, the archangels are Divine Aspects or Aspects of the Divine. As energy systems, they exist within the Divine. They exist, then, within the Cosmos, within the Universe, within all Realms. They exist within all manifestations of the realms. It is that direct link with Divinity. When you invoke the archangel, you stimulate that center within you that is also a center within the Divine which has that power of command. Thus it is that you do not command the angels; you invoke the power of the archangel. You call upon that power within yourself that is a direct link with the same power within the body of God.) A following question: are the archangels and angels active on their own, or only when invoked? (Archangels become activated by invocation. You are not the only invoking power, for that power exists in all realms, in all manifestations. The angels are also active on their own within their prescribed responsibilities, but they are subject to the same laws as you in that they cannot interfere with your life unless asked.)
LaMar: This brings me back to the question I was asking before the meeting started. I was reading this statement: “The archangels are characterizations of the Divine manifest in you” which you just said. “They are a direct link within the body of God.” Now, if I had a problem between my shoulder blades, and I was asking for healing, my thinking is that I am activating that center within myself. I am asking God. The question, as I understood it here, was then, “Where do the angels fit in?” If I invoke Khamael in asking for healing, where do the Seraphim fit into that? (The Seraphim must see that the Eternal Spark of Life is not extinguished. This they do whether you invoke Khamael or not. When you awaken the Khamael center, that same center within the body of God can dispatch, or relegate the responsibility to, the Seraphim to assist you.) To follow on that same question, this past week I was doing exactly that. I was asking for help for healing. I was calling upon the temple healers and healers in general, etc. Is it necessary, or does it do any good, or whatever the question is there, to call upon the healers of the temple? (Of course it does. As a human being, you do not exist in what you call a vacuum. You cannot survive alone. This is true in any of the realms, in any of the experience you may have, even as it is true in the physical experience, that one single human being cannot survive alone. Those manifestations of creation are all interdependent even as you are interdependent upon and with other physical human beings, as we are interdependent with you and you with us. If you pause a moment to consider, when the body is in pain, it is very helpful to know that someone else cares that you are in pain. It is additionally soothing to have someone minister to your pain, either through medical treatment or metaphysical treatment.) I think the question that was brought to my mind is… “If when I invoke the archangels, and I am opening a direct link within the body of God, do I receive healing even without asking the temple healers?” Or what part do the temple healers actually play that wouldn’t happen if I didn’t ask for the temple healers? (The temple healers can act as amplifiers of the healing energy, as when you, in this physical realm, join hands. You increase the energy by mingling your energies.) This is exactly what I was trying to get at. As I said before, if we know how to ask the right question, we already know the answer, and I was having trouble getting the right question. Thank you. (When you call upon the temple healers, they physically come to you. You may not be able to see them. They may not be within the visible realm. But they are there physically.) This is real neat to know. Thank you. Peggy: Is Sister Mary Ruth my guardian angel? (Guardian angels is a misnomer. The word “angel” means “messenger”. This is why we call these systems of energy “archangels”.) She’s an archangel, then? (No. She is an angel. Listen to what I am telling you. The archangels are messengers of the “arc” or the covenant God made with Itself when It manifest Itself. The angels are beings of Spirit Realm that are messengers carrying out the will of God. You know that you have individual will, but that will is also the will of God, even as the system of energy you call Khamael is a system of energy which is of God. Now, as we begin to move nearer to the Realm of Self, we will discuss what you call “guardian angels.” You have protectors who are beings separate from yourself, but they are not angels, not in the terminology in which we are using the word “angel”.) She told me she was with me from the time I was born. (That is true.) I can call upon her any time, can’t I? (She is a member of your guides, your Source Group.) She materialized for me once, and I saw her. She’s beautiful. Thank you.)
LaMar:Do these beings actually stay just behind our left shoulder and out a little bit? (Yes. That is a window, if you will, in your aura through which the invisible but physical beings can make contact with you.) Thank you. I’ve wondered for many years why I always saw those that were with me just behind my left shoulder. (Those who are psychic and have the sight, most often see the invisible but physical shape of the accompanying being in that area of the aura.)
Peggy: I could feel her with me, and I felt her presence in the room, but here lately I haven’t been able to get that, and I was wondering why.
Sheariam: One of the things which you earth inhabitants do is to close yourselves off from the very source of your well-being by the way you think, by the way you willfully determine your path. Thus it is that mastery accompanies a relinquishment. When you let go, you have the greatest mastery. We would also like to suggest to you, now that you have begun using the meditations at the beginning of our meetings, at the end of the meditation, you do not dismiss the energy, but hold it within the room. When we close our sessions with meditations, we dismiss that energy so that you can be free to go your separate ways. As you intend to follow that meditation by a group study, hold the energy here with you, and then allow it to be dismissed just prior to parting. Are there any other questions at this time? (Owen: We believe that there is an omission of a discussion of the Cherubim. Was this intentional, or am I mistaken? (We did discuss the Cherubim, but perhaps not as forcefully as to make the point. We gave that the Seraphim cannot function without the Cherubim, and the Cherubim cannot function without the Seraphim. The Laws of I Am and I Will are irrevocably intertwined for this manifestation of The Absolute. As the Seraphim perpetuate the Divine Flame, the Cherubim allow that energy to radiate, and support that flame with truth. The Cherubim are the Angels of Truth and Energy. When there is too much energy dispensed, the Seraphim calls back and protects. When the Seraphim are being too stingy, the Cherubim balance the action and radiate the energy to keep the systems going. Without the Radiant Energy, you would have no will. Divine Will could not be expressed. If there were no Divine Fire, there would be no I Am. Does this refresh your memory? (Yes, thank you.)
Peggy: Sheariam, will we see more of this ice thing like we’ve seen in Cheyenne? Will we see more of that in these freakish accidents? (That was given. You have been warned. Karansa spoke to you and to those you brought in from outside. You have been admonished time and again.) Then there will be more of it.
Sheariam: It has been some time since we discussed the use of your gems. Have you been working with your gem stones? During the interim period between now and the next time we meet, we would ask you to spend some time in contemplation of anything you wish while holding your gemstone over your third eye. Be prepared to report back for further instruction. Now, if you have no further questions, we will move on to the lesson for tonight.
Bonnie: I have a question. I had lunch with Lee Lane yesterday, and we brought up her mediumship. She has been getting the urge now to attempt it. Is there any message or words of advice or guidance that you would like to give her? (She must first seriously consider the commitment she is making. If she is prepared to make that commitment, then she should ask that a protector be sent to her. In the same way which our channel has described to you of her meeting with Silverthistle, this one will meet her protector. When that protector makes its presence known, she can then safely attempt trance.)
Myra: Should she do that by herself, or should she have others around her?
Sheariam: Trance will not be successful unless there are other bodies present. As you have been told by the channel, our successful transmission and her successful trance depend on the presence of you. Thus it was that certain instructions were given for the seating arrangement at the public meeting. In terminology of old, the other persons present, the other physical bodies represent batteries. There must be an exchange of energies for a trance channeling. When such arrangement is not present, the individual is subject to certain invasions which can become deleterious to the welfare. Shall we then move to our lesson? Will you kindly refer to the next Law and Archangel? (Ans: Tzadkiel and the Law of Reproduction.) And so, we discussed then the Order of the Chasmalim, which is said to be what? (Ans: The Order of Light.) What does that mean to you? (Mumbles). What does Tzadkiel mean to you? (Ans: To intuit.) (Myra: Oh. When you catch on to something, the light goes on.) Very well put. (Myra:So the Chasmalim bring light to your intuition.) The Chasmalim are the messengers which carry the ideas which you intuitively perceive. Now in their manifestation, they may send psychosomes which may appear to you as beings of light, beings of inspiration, of guidance, always that which leads you onward. It is your intuitive faculty which keeps you in a creative mode. Whenever you wish to generate creative energy, it would be the Chasmalim who would serve you upon your invocation of the archangel. Mercy and Love are part of the creative force. To be truly creative, you must love what you do. You must love what you produce. When you denigrate the productivity of your life in any way, you are denying the power of Mercy and Love. Inasmuch as there is abroad on this planet much of this kind of thinking at this time in the consciousness of man, the Chasmalim are very active. There are many, many psychosomes being sent. Previously we spoke of the Grace of God. What may appear to be salvation by Grace, is very often the intervention of a psychosome sent by the Chasmalim because there has been that one mind or more that has said, “God help me!” When you affirm “God help me”, you are demanding your right. You are calling upon the Mercy and Love of the Divine, because you are a reproduction of that Divine energy now manifest in this particular formula. It is the job of the Chasmalim to enhance the proliferation of Mercy and Love among you. As you can see, they are having a hard time of it. Now be aware that the Orders of Angels also serve other manifestations. There are other planets in similar situations to yours. But there are also planets similar to yours who are balancing. It is the job of the Chasmalim to maintain this balance. You perform a blessed action when you invoke the archangel, because it empowers the Chasmalim to do their job, as you witnessed when you worked with us in the hostage crisis. It does not seem as though invoking the power of that system of energy within yourself could be that effective, when you are limited by time and space. But that is because you are not aware of the extent of your own beingness. Within your own consciousness, as you ponder Mercy and Love, as you work with compassion, you know that you feel better, bigger, greater, more effective, because in fact, you are. Myra: Could we do the same thing for the horrible things that are happening in South Africa? (Within certain limitations. This is why we gave you the information with the Malachim about limit of responsibility. That continent is in that situation because of decisions and actions of its inhabitants over centuries. This is not a lately come disaster. Those who are incarnating are there to experience the results of their own errors. Were this not so, the aid that has been rendered would readily have balanced the situation. Compassion has been expressed. Much effort has been made on the part of other humans, but Divine Will will not be gainsaid (contradicted, denied). Thus it is we admonish you, do not judge, because you do not know. The best you can do is to bless your own lives, to enjoy that which you have earned for yourselves. Know that your plenty is truly yours because you have earned it. If you were responsible for the disaster among those black people, you would be one of them.
Owen: In that respect, so many people are suffering the consequences of their past acts apparently. It would seem that in the physical life they probably are not aware of why they are suffering these hardships. When does this revelation of what the suffering is all about come to them? (You are looking at the situation as a 2 + 2 = 4, and karma does not work that way. However, as mankind around the world witnesses the disaster these people have brought upon themselves, awareness is awakened so that the same disaster is not brought about elsewhere. Methods of conservation are instituted now in your own country as well as elsewhere to preserve the natural resources. When mankind becomes aware that natural resources extend beyond minerals, beyond land, beyond plants, then mankind will truly be ready to move into the next level of consciousness.) Is this what might be termed a race karma rather than individual karma?
Sheariam: It is indeed. Now shall we move on to the next Archangel and Law? (Sandalphon, the Ashim, meaning Souls of Fire, the Beholders, Angels of Witness.) Sandalphon is the passive energy of the archangel, is the feminine, and supports change. This change is the transformational change. What is the Law? (Harmony) How is harmony brought about? By transformation. As you suffer the consequences of the errors of your thoughts, you must transform, often by beginning over, sometimes seemingly farther back than where you started in the first place. The Ashim are those who assist you to see the error of your ways, who help you make those changes necessary, who help you find the courage to start over when you are totally decimated, when all you have worked for, when all of your gain seems to be taken from you by powers beyond your control. As you invoke Sandalphon, you are in effect saying, “Here I am. I am ready. Use me. Let me be.” Now, in the past of your culture, that affirmation, “Let me be”, has come to mean “Leave me alone”. Do not use it in that intent. Affirm “Let me be”, meaning “Let me be all I can be”. You will recall the channel brought to you the active characterization of this energy system, Mefathiel. The reason we did not give you Mefathiel in the original presentation was because by invoking the power of Mefathiel, you can create a holocaust in your own lives. That is a power you are not yet ready to use. We urge you to invoke Sandalphon, the passive side of that energy. When you invoke Sandalphon, you must be willing to be changed. You must be willing to accept change in any form in which it comes to you. If you invoke Sandalphon and then declare the conditions under which that change must occur, you in effect handcuff the Ashim. (Jean: Would you say that again?) Do not do a rain dance unless you bring your umbrella. (Laughter.) You cannot do your rain dance and say “But it must only rain on this tree and not on that one.” When you invoke Sandalphon, you are asking for harmony to be enacted. The Law is impersonal, and change may come where you least desire it, but if it comes as a result of your invocation, you can rest assured that it occurs where it serves you best.
Mary: So it would be for our own good, our own growth. We’ve asked for it and we should go with it. (Yes.)
Eileen: And we shouldn’t specify what we feel should be changed? (When you make those specifications, you are placing obstacles in the path of the Ashim. If you have declared certain specifications, you have closed your mind to other options. Are there any other questions?)
Jean: I am working with a divorced mother with two children, and I want very much to help her help herself. I think it is very important that these children be given help at this time. I’d like to give her this information. She is eager to learn. She feels unable to cope now. She does respond to suggestions I make. I’ve been afraid to talk to her about this, but I’ve invoked the archangels before I’ve worked with her. (That is the means you must use at this time. This one is not equipped to deal with this kind of power. She has much growth yet to accomplish.) Thank you. That was my feeling, but I’m eager to move ahead faster. I mean, help her move ahead faster, and I was afraid to move too fast. (That is a productive fear. As you have been told in many disciplines, you must flow with the current; you must not try to push against it. If you flow with the current, you will ultimately be brought to a harbor of calm. Of course, you may go over many falls before that.) My little grandchildren are asking me questions that are very deep, spiritual questions. I have wanted to give them some of this knowledge. I’m giving it to them a little bit. What advice do you have there? (Children are very wise until their adult world convinces them that they know nothing. As you build upon the wisdom they express, little by little you can give them this information in language which they would understand.) Then, one third question. As I begin to accept this information, I think I feel a little guilt because it doesn’t always agree with the bible or with what I’ve been taught before. (Invoke Sandalphon and allow the Ashim to bring reconciliation. You have been taught to feel guilty.)
Myra:And Sandalphon is a good one to invoke if you feel guilt. (If you seek reconciliation of two seemingly diverse things. But beware, for you will be transformed in the process. Very often human nature is such that it is unwilling to give up its guilt. For when you give up your guilt, you become less like your neighbor. Read the Eighth Comic Key.)
Jean: And so, if you want your neighbor to like you, this becomes dangerous to your own feeling of security and conformity.
Sheariam: That is the information we wished to give you this evening. You have asked to be informed of the passive side of the archangels. And we would give you some of that now. We have already given you Sadie. The passive side of Raphael is Hannah. Hannah is order. If you would keep things whole, you must have order. If you would make things whole, you must be in order. And the next one is Aida, the compassionate. If you do not have fellowship of feeling, your intuition will not work well. This is the connection. Then, of course, you know of Mefathiel, the opener, which is the active side of which Sandalphon is the passive. And we will end with that for this time.
Owen: Could we discuss a little bit the difference between the active and the passive. I was just thinking when you were mentioning the active and the passive in relation to Sandalphon, that Sandalphon, the passive seems to be quite active. I’m wondering how you differentiate.
Sheariam: The difference lies in the Yin and the Yang in the Eastern thought. The passive is magnetic. Sandalphon does not make change. Sandalphon supports change, Mefathiel makes change, but the change that would be wrought by the invocation of Mefathiel would be beyond your powers to withstand. Thus it is, we give you the passive side, and as you invoke Sandalphon, the passive, magnetic side draws change to you which you can handle.
Myra: You said that the passive is magnetic. What would be the counter-balance of magnetic for the active or the corresponding? (One is drawing into and the other is going outward. You act. Force. Application of force.) The twin, the two forces. (Yes.)
Jean: Do Khamael and Gabriel have a passive form? (Yes, we will give that to you in the future.) I think you partially answered this, but when do you call upon the passive and when do you call upon the active? (We began with the active because we had a goal in mind. As you followed our instructions, you assisted us in our intention. As the lessons progress you will begin to see when it is more advantageous to call on the passive.)
Sheariam: If you have had a sufficiency, then we shall move to our healing. Now we have been working with you for some considerable time. Tonight we wish to test your powers of visualization. We would ask that you relax your bodies. Relax your minds. Breathe deeply, and be at peace. Now each of you in his own way begin to visualize a rod of blue, electric blue light rising in the center of your circle. Use your imagination. Use all of your powers of visualization. Make that rod of light as real to yourselves as you can. Keep working – it’s rather bumpy. No, we do not want a cross. We want a rod. Just a simple column of electric blue light. Smooth the edges. Make it cylindrical. That’s better. Very good. Empower it. Make it stronger. Very good. That should suffice. Now, as though that were a column of water, allow it to spread out over the floor as though carpeting the floor, running under your feet and under your chairs and out behind you. No, do not let it get holes in it. Keep it thick. Keep it brilliant. Let it be very smooth. Very good. Now you may relax. Workers from the temple pick up the edges as though this were a brilliant blue cloth, and pull it up behind and around you, and close it over your heads as though we are all enclosed within the petals of an electric blue flower. Begin to feel the security, the closeness, the intimacy, the intermingling of your energies as they are held within the ball of this closed flower. Now in this very intimate circle, each bless each member of the circle. Expand your auras. Take into yourself all the others. Become one. This brings together now the energies which you brought into the circle with the expression of your name as a mantra when we first began. With the project which you discussed before the lesson, you are linking your physical energies into a very powerful dynamo. We are assisting you in this effort because you have invoked, because you have asked. As we have said before, we cannot do these things for you; we can only help you do them. Now you have built up a very powerful hot arena of energy. The temple workers now pull back the enclosure, and you feel less confined, but still intimately linked with each other. As the temple workers place the blue material back upon the floor, with your visualization powers, draw it once again into the rod standing in your midst. Now the temple healers come to assist you, and with their powers help you to build a very large, very powerful rod which begins to rotate. As it whirls about, it emanates a healing energy. Accept that healing energy into your body to whatever degree you wish. Continue to visualize the whirling rotating rod of electric blue light. As you accept that healing energy into your bodies, you should be feeling strengthened, empowered, enabled. As you take this energy into your own energy, you are balanced and harmonized. Now this energy is circulated in this room. Invite your loved ones who would care to join you. Speak the names aloud if you would have the consciousness respond. (Many names spoken.) Now as your loved ones respond, just feel yourselves bathed in the energy. Allow them to also bathe themselves in this energy. Now release your loved ones to return to themselves. With the help of the temple workers, visualize the rod of energy rising straight up into the atmosphere still whirling. As it whirls it begins to flatten out and spread out throughout the atmosphere, whirling its way around your planet, making itself available to all for whatever purpose they need – for their healing, for their change, for their transformation, for their understanding, for their harmony. As you see the energy disappear into the atmosphere, give a word of thanks to the temple workers and the temple healers. We extend to you our thank you for the good work you have done. As you go your separate ways, you now carry a part of each other with you. And as you work upon your proposed project, this link will serve as a dynamo to accomplish your goal. We shall work with you. And so I bid you goodnight. Go in peace with our love.
Closed with “Let there be peace on earth.”