1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P11 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P12 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
Session #59 – September 17, 1985 Gloria’s Circle
Present: All regular members except Richard and Mary White and Eileen Horton.
Following a short meditation, we opened with “Open my eyes”.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. We have much to discuss this time. We would first have some comments upon your last open meeting. Much occurred there of which you were unaware. Some of you were aware of some physical phenomena. Most of you were aware of some noise interference. Only some were aware of odor. We would advise that this was a representation of inimical entities brought into the meeting by certain attendees. The reason this is mentioned is not to point the finger nor to ask you to bar their attendance. We do not intend to tell who these individuals are, but to advise that it was of this planned attendance that we recruited Joshua to be with the entity and to protect the channel. This is one of the obligations of Joshua taken upon himself in joining Gloria’s group. When we from the temple come through, the natural defense systems are set aside. Because this allows, then, invasion by alien intellect to interfere, it was necessary to have someone closer to Gloria in vibration to protect. As you are aware, it worked out sufficiently well, and your meeting was accomplished without disruption. To this end, we extend our “thank yous” to Joshua. (Expressions of appreciation to Joshua from the group.)
Owen: He did a remarkable job, and the acceptance by the people that commented was all highly complimentary. So many figured that he was speaking to them personally. (That is because he comes from a condition more nearly similar to yours than is ours.) Could you explain that Sheariam? Is he of the Spirit-Physical? (At this time, Joshua functions much more in the physical. There is a degree of proportion between the realms which we have not described nor discussed with you. But at this time, Joshua is more physical than non- physical.)
Sidney: Would you compare him to Silverthistle in terms of physicality? (You might say that Silverthistle is more nearly in our condition than in the physical, but more physical than we.) Myra: It’s a matter of degree, then? (Yes.) LaMar: Did he use Gloria’s physical body differently than you do? We were wondering why his voice was so very, very soft? (Yes. It takes less effort and force for Joshua to speak through the entity than it does for us. There is less adjustment necessary, thus delivery can be more normal.) Bonnie: Do we look forward to Joshua coming through again? (When the occasion warrants such. It is our intention for your lesson tonight to instruct you in some semantics.)
Myra: Sheariam, before you go to that lesson, I wonder if I might ask if the entity that brought the radio interference is connected to the person or entity there that was sort of an alien entity? (Yes.) And this reference to the City of Jerusalem: was that connected to that person, too? (Yes. As we have given many times, the physical world manifests out of the invisible. A city, which might be called Jerusalem, cannot be built until the bodies which will occupy it are developed. Look about you. Your cities result from the bodies which you now inhabit. You cannot change the body by changing the city. The reverse is true.)
LaMar: Going back to the, I hate to call it music, garbage that was coming over? So long as that person or those persons who were responsible for its coming in were there, then there really was nothing that we could have done to prevent it so long as our setup with the mikes was concerned. (No.) Myra: Should this person not be invited to come to the next one?
Sheariam: It is unlikely that such will again attend. The communicator’s name, if given, will reveal the identity. Let us merely say that the name of this entity means “son of my sorrow” was changed by the father to be “the builder of the right portion”, which means a builder of materiality. The second part of the name is the name meaning “agitator and disruptor.” I will not give the name. While we are on the subject, you might be interested to know that the meaning of Jubal is “that which flows with pomp and ceremony”; and the name Hilarion means “that which comes to boast.” Let us move on to our lesson for tonight. We have advisedly used certain words for certain reasons. In times past, you have asked why we did not give you foreign words if they would serve better. You must know that historically language has its roots in the Semitic languages which are still today spoken on your planet in Arabia, in Syria, in Egypt, Palestine, in various countries and nations on the North African continent. All languages stem from these roots. Communication began before sound. As has been given, sound emits from cellular structure. My previous statement is incorrect inasmuch as it is incomplete. Communication began before vocal sound. Sign language, body language, and such are the rudimentary means of communication which is still in effect in the plant kingdom to the greatest degree. As the physical body of man evolved, and the vocal chords evolved, sound also evolved as a means of vocal communication. And we have given you the meaning of the essential sound values which you use currently in your language. Written language began as pictorial representations of concepts, followed later by extrication as words derived and then syllables and then alphabetical symbols of the sounds. Thus it is that we gave you as the first word “Absolute”. This word was chosen because, in its parts, in the roots of its syllables, is found the meaning of that which is “not in solution”, is in itself self-identified, self-moved, unlimited, undefined. The next realm we called “Divine”, not because of the connection you make in your mind with “God” as a deity, but because the roots of the word, the sounds which comprise its meaning, represent separation of particles. Thus it is that in the Realm of the Divine that The Absolute can examine parts of Itself. But in the Divine, all remains in balance, as given in the description of the Divine Germ Cell. In the Divine still exists what you would term “chaos”, an indistinguishable mixture of Component parts. We call the next realm “Cosmos” because that is the word of order. Out of chaos comes order. It is in the Order of Cosmos that consciousness can establish itself irrespective of prejudice, attitudes, bias. All in Cosmos is in order. Cosmic Consciousness is that consciousness which recognizes order in all things. We call the next realm “Universe”. A universe is a closed system of reality wherein there is adaptation to various uses, shapes and modalities. In the Realm of Universe are found sets of fundamentals, as in your universe you have seven laws. The Realm of Universe is a realm of total sum of possibilities. It is a realm wherein the uniformity of the Divine and the Cosmic is transformed into variables. We call the next realm “Spirit” for several reasons, nor merely the connection that you make through your tradition and training, but through the roots of the word: that of “breath” and also “spiral”. You have been given that the Realm of Spirit is a realm of archetype, of blueprint, of pattern. Here it is that the patterns of expansion and contraction are established. The Realm of Spirit is one of the variables of the Realm of Universe. It might be said that the Realm of Spirit is the Cosmic Egg. The Cosmos being worked upon by the Universe brings forth an entity which we call the Realm of Spirit. It is that realm in which polarization is first patterned. It is in the Realm of Spirit that the formulae for various manifestations are developed. Now there has been discussion among you as to the pronunciation of certain things, and the wish to comment especially on the Law of Ideation. Some of you conscientiously reading your dictionary believe the pronunciation should be “eye-deation” (long “I”) Inasmuch as the words chosen were chosen by virtue of their sound and their root meaning, we advisedly pronounced that word “ideation” (short “I” as in “it”.), for the law is not that the idea of God should move without interruption, but rather that the law represents the fact that consciousness can contain idea. The root word “id” means “to see”. If the Divine Idea was allowed simply to flow without flowing through something, you would not exist. Thus it is that the first law of your universe is “Ideation”, the conceptualization of the ultimate manifestation. The idea is, for a time, retained and shaped and worked upon. Now, in a lesson some time ago, we gave you three formulae: Sound, Number and Function. And we let it rest to gestate in your minds that you might now be ready to encompass some further explanation. Again, the word “sound” was chosen because of the roots. Think about the properties of “sound”. What is the form of sound? It is a vibrational energy which occasions sensation. For a moment, consider what it is in your experience to which this applies. Expand. Do not be captured in the thought of sound as a vocal noise or a melody played on an instrument. Think of “sound” as that vibrational energy which occasions sensation. How else besides the ear can you perceive sound?
Owen: Through the eye. Light follows that definition of a vibrational energy that causes a sensation. Heat is another. (Very good.) Myra: Do heat and light cause sound? (They are products of the formula “Sound”. Think of some more.) Voice: Sometimes sound is annoying, like a squeaky chair. (Go beyond what you hear. Think of the Formula Sound as a vibrational energy which occasions sensation.) Jean: Rubbing gives a feel of touch. (Friction.) Bonnie: Something that moves. (Anything that moves. Very good.) Jean: Everything vibrates, Everything oscillates at various speeds.
Sheariam: Now think about the propagation of sound. Jean: Sound has to have something to vibrate, and something to react to that vibration, something to carry it, air, metal, or something like that to carry it along, and then it has to have something for us to hear. (But you have gone beyond what I asked.)
Comments: Tapping would propagate sound. It’s propagated by something in motion. Something to work against. It has Volition. It takes some mechanical object to react on something else. (You have gone beyond propagation.)
Jean: It’s the vibration that makes the sound. (Exactly. Progressive longitudinal vibratory disturbance makes sound. Additionally, there are areas of condensation and rarefaction. So you see, in the formula for sound lies that representation for you of being able to expand and contract.) Myra: That’s the condensation and rarefaction? (Yes. When you condense your thought, you narrow your vision. When you expand your thought, you open to penetration. What do you think of when you say you want to be spiritualized?) Your consciousness gets expanded. (What happens in your physical experience when something is expanded?) Response: It’s enlarged. (And?) It becomes more porous. There’s more space between the components. So when you’re spiritualized, you have your consciousness more open. Jean: More spaced out. (Laughter). Comments: It’s true. The molecules are farther apart in your consciousness. You may have an outlook from a higher level.
Sheariam: Now let us discuss intensity. What is the property of sound insofar as intensity is concerned? What affects intensity? (Responses: It’s more piercing. It’s louder.) By virtue of what? (Responses: The force behind it. Penetration. It’s the amplitude of the wave.) Very good. Amplitude and what else? (Response: Frequency is increased.) But what does frequency have to do with? (Responses: Number. Number of vibrations per unit of time.) Which has to do with? (Response: Expansion and contraction.) Distance. Intensity is varied by distance. Now you may speak of modification by the medium, the density or motion of that which carries the vibration.
Owen: The denser the medium, the more rapidly the sound is transmitted. Comments: It carries faster when it’s dense? (Yes.) Metal carries better, and cotton doesn’t carry. Water carries faster than air. Metal carries faster than water.
Sheariam: Now what does that tell you about your physical condition? You just said that sound travels more quickly through the denser body. Remember that we are discussing sound beyond your concept of what you hear.
Myra: You were asking how it connects to spirituality. Is this connected to that thought? (Yes. Why do you think that physical condition is one of the better ways in which one can accomplish karma?) Jean: Well, part of me says that the spirit should be able to go through us faster. (What is spirit?) Responses: It’s breath. Spirit is not dense. Sound travels faster through our dense body. That’s the breath; that’s the pattern. Could vibrations come in here? You asked: why do we figure the physical body is the best vehicle for accomplishing karma. For the most part it is the vehicle that we are aware of all the time.
Sheariam: Expand your consciousness of the Formula Sound. Get out of that rut of thinking sound is only that which you hear. Jean: In the physical body we experience a great many things. We experience pain, and we experience joy, we experience love. We experience all kinds of things. (All of these belong to the Formula Sound.) Myra: Because vibrational energy which occasions sensation is sound, and those sensations are related to developing spiritually. The more you can experience those sensations, the more you are experiencing sound. Is that it?
Sheariam: Very good! Now we have the properties of exhibition. Sound exhibits itself by reflection, by refraction, by dispersion, and by interference. The Formula Sound refers to the subjective side of your physical condition. Jean: That would be the feeling side. Myra: In other words, that formula that you gave us, “vibrational energy which occasions sensation”, refers to the spiritual side? (The subjective side of the physical condition.) Jean: And the subjective side is the side that feels the sensations and emotions. (This is the right brain activity in the human organism.) This would include pain, too, wouldn’t it? (Most indeed so!) Others: Anger? (Yes.) Anxiety? (Yes.) Imaginations? (Yes.) Creativity? (Yes.) Spirituality?
Sheariam: All of the formulae refer to spirituality, coming from the Realm of Spirit. It is our desire this night to expand your thinking about the formulae. Next time we will take up the Formula Number. Think now how vibratory energy reflects, refracts, disperses, and interferes in your lives. Jean: Interfere would mean a stopping. (It causes deviation.) Myra: So how do vibratory energies reflect, refract, disperse, and interfere in our lives. Is that the question? (Yes.) Jean: If you give out love, you get back love. Myra: Whatever you give out you get back. Jean: So all of your emotions you give out come back. (Karmic law.) Refract, bend back. Well, both those, reflect and refract would be what you give out, you get back. That would be refract. Sidney: Doesn’t that have to do with the breaking up of? Owen: It doesn’t necessarily come back. It breaks it up into its component parts. (Gives you an idea of responsibility, does it not?)
Jean: Disperse goes on in every direction, like dropping a pebble into a pond, and it goes on and on and on. And then comes back when it hits the edge. And then when it comes to the middle, the waves interfere and interact. Myra: So these vibratory sensations in our right brain… or would this be any brain activity? (The Formula Sound has the greatest bearing on the right brain activity, but remember, no formula stands alone. All must work together.) Jean: How do you define formula as used this way? Like recipe? (Yes. Good description.)
Sidney: When they speak in the New Testament about Jesus calming the waves, are they referring there to refraction and dispersing? Sheariam: Yes. What happens when you calm a disruptive situation, say an argument? Maxine: It disperses the action that is going on. (Very good.)
LaMar: While we are on vibration, could you tell us how this commotion, the “music”, and I use the word very loosely, that was disrupting us the other night, how that was accomplished?
Sheariam: The interfering entity simply attached certain subtle energies to the body of the channel to act as an antenna. (A radio antenna?) Yes. But channeling certain sounds from outside the physical condition. (Does that person know it?) The physical individual present was not aware.
Jean: He did not carry some sort of material instrument that brought about the interference? (No.) There was a physical person present? (A physical person present brought a less physical entity.)
LaMar: Gloria was acting as an antenna to bring that through the microphone that she was using. So it evidently was a sound that was being created here in this atmosphere as a radio or television station somewhere? (Not entirely.) Some of it was? (What some people have called spirit noise.) This was what I was trying to get to, was whether it was coming from actual instruments here on this plane. (In terms of plane, you might say, astral.) Jean: How did it happen that only some of the people heard it? (Because of the nature of it.) It was not the fact that those people who didn’t hear it had a personal hearing loss? (No.) I didn’t hear it, and I talked to other people who didn’t hear it either, but who heard the lecture. I couldn’t understand why some people heard it and some didn’t. I knew I didn’t hear it because I have the hearing loss. RetaMae: Sheariam, it was not picked up on the tapes, and the one I listened to that he had did not have the jazzier whatever, but there was a low tone that came through on the tape. Was that part of the thing you are talking about? (Yes.) Owen: I think it did come through on the tape that I transcribed from, but the volume wasn’t nearly as annoying as at the church. Jean: The person I talked to said she heard it for a while, and then screened it out and didn’t hear it any longer. She didn’t know if it went on the whole time.
Myra; Could you connect that experience with what we were just talking about? How the vibratory energies reflect, refract, disperse, and interfere. Could that be called an interference? (Yes.) Sidney: Now the purpose of the person in the astral realm was to disrupt so that nothing would come through. That’s why you chose Joshua to be the deliverer? (Yes.) So then the purpose was to entirely counteract the proceedings? (Yes.) Were there any greater purposes than that? There must be. (There was some hope of demonstrating to the individual, not accomplished, however.)
Jean: Which individual?
Sidney: The one who was not conscious of having brought that individual… Is that what you are saying?
Sheariam: Yes. Conscious of that person with them not ready to believe a disruptive influence.
Jean: I am confused. Was the purpose to affect a certain individual, or to affect the whole group, or to affect the purpose of bringing the lessons? (Joshua came to protect the channel, to protect the effort, and to promote your industry. The other entity came to disrupt the proceedings because that is that entity’s nature. It was our intention or hope that, in allowing some of the disruption, the individual would realize the disruptive nature of the entity. That did not happen.)
Myra: I’d like to change the subject back to the formula for Sound. I looked in my notes and found that Sound is composed of Creative Mind, Quality and Quantity. And in thinking about the right brain, the right brain is the Creative Mind. Is that the reason why Sound has more to do with the subjective parts of the mind? (The right brain is connected with creativity in the human organism, but is not the sole responsible entity. All of the subjectivity of the Perceiving and Creating Minds is involved, but primarily the Creative.) And does Quality and Quantity connect with Sound? (Quality is a vibrational energy. You as a human being do not vibrate at the same frequency as a flower, or a tree, or a dog. Also, each individual has its own key note.)
Jean: People say that each individual has their own sound. Marcelle Vogel says that when he sees a person, he hears a sound. (That is true.) Myra:Would that be Quality or Quantity? (It would be a Quantity of Quality. Quality has a distinctive representative frequency which then achieves Quantity.)
Sidney: Is the Quality that is human within a certain range of Quantity? No. Quantity exists within a certain range of Quality.) Jean: As a person becomes more spiritualized, does this change? (The Quality becomes quantified.) I think of quantity as how much. (How much consciousness does Christ Consciousness have?) Myra: That’s Quantity. (Of the Quality “human”.)
Sheariam: As this is a lesson in semantics as well as information, it pleases me to give you the roots of the word “human”. The root “hu” has to do with liquid. The ancient philosophers believed that man is comprised of four liquids or humors. The syllable “man” comes from the root word meaning “hand”. “Human” represents those liquids delivered by the hand of God. Thus it has come that man, the generic term, represents human beings on this planet. The word “woman” is “man” preceded by a syllable which represents the fruitful and yielding.
Jean: May I ask? Sound causes sensation. It’s connected with spirituality. If a person becomes more spiritualized, what sensations does he become aware of? (All of the sensations, all of his sensoria. The less aware an individual is, the less he can perceive the impact of stimuli.) In my experience, the less bright children perceive much less and are aware of much less of sights and sounds and so on. I took a group of children from a class which had been divided between the bright and the slower ones. We went out for a walk, and we kept a list of all the things that they said, etc. And when we came back, the less bright ones had a very short list. The bright children had much higher lists. At that time I tied it to intellect, but it would seem from this that it is not. (Why is it not?)
Myra: What is intellect? Jean Intellect is more than just left brain. (Intellect is a property of Mind. Brain is not Mind. Brain is a tool for Mind.) Myra: Sometimes what we consider a less aware child can have a different awareness, though. I offered a problem-solving puzzle to my kids this past week, and a child that I didn’t dream could do it came up with the answer very quickly. I was thrilled and astounded at the insight that he had, that in my perhaps not aware consciousness sort of categorized him as sort of a slow child, which he may be in one way and not in another. (This is why we advise you not to judge, not to set standards, or impose your beliefs on another.) Jean: I’ve read of the Down’s Syndrome children that people said were very spiritual. And yet that doesn’t seem to fit into what we’re saying. (You confuse perception, sensation, with the capacity to express same.) Myra: Then a child could perceive the higher consciousness but not be able to express it? (Yes.) Not only a child, but anybody. (How often have you found yourself in the position of being unable to express the way you feel? We will discuss expression under Formula Number next time.) I was looking in my notes and discovered that I had connected the formulae of Function, Number and Sound which incorporates the Nine Components of the Divine Germ Cell, and realized that those three divide the Nine Components up into three parts. This is something that you gave us a longtime ago. (Yes. This is all we shall give tonight. Do you have questions or discussion?
Sidney: I have a question on “vine” and “divine”. Devine” could, of course, mean also “of the vine”, and that might also refer to “vine” as being The Absolute. In our bible, and also in the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, it refers to Christ saying “I am the vine and you are the branches”. Does that mean then that everything below the level of The Absolute is of the vine, and The Absolute is the vine of which the Christ Consciousness is part? (The vine is an allegory, and we will discuss allegory under Number. May I postpone my answer? Now, have you been working with your gemstones?)
Myra: I have found it difficult to do this. I continued to try, and I tried it again today. When I sat down and was quiet, I found a blue gem. And when I put it in my third eye, it turned to be a beautiful, beautiful blue. And I enjoyed looking at the color, and suddenly I felt a wonderful lightness. I kept expanding higher and higher, and I watched my body feeling a sense of “expansion”, I think is the best way I could say it. I felt that my real self left my body, and I raised up about two feet away from my physical body. I experienced that maybe for, I don’t know how long. But I was reminded during this time of the training session up on Mt. Hood. I felt a sensation of love and joy. It was exciting for me because it has been hard for me to reach that place. I wondered if the gem could be a sapphire and if that is really my gem. (This is your gem for this type of activity. Very well done.)
RetaMae: I used my diamond in my third eye, and I had an instant reaction. There was the man in a toga or a tunic-type dress. He seemed like he had an Egyptian hair style, or something on that order, very long hair. It was in an area like it was a place of learning. I thought it was a library, but I didn’t see any books or anything. His name, he told me, was Azrus or Azris, or something like that. And he said “Welcome, I’ve been waiting for you.” And the next time he greeted me very warmly. He gave me the specific year of 35 BC. There was a group together studying scrolls and that type of thing. The weather was warm. It was a very congenial, respectful type of atmosphere. I was overwhelmed, to say the least. It was just an instant thing as soon as I used the stone. Can you give me some comments on this? (Yes, you are having a similar experience to that of Elizabeth Haight, in recalling a lifetime in Egypt. Continue and you will continue to make contact with the teacher from that time who can continue to teach you in this time.)
Myra:Could you give me a comment about my experience? (You were making your first tentative steps into living outside of your body, which you must be able to do by deliberate control if you are to meet your teachers.) It takes consciously making it happen then? (Yes.) Deciding that I’m going to do it now? (Yes.) Do you think that if I use the sapphire then that would help me? (Yes.)
Jean: I have tried to work with my gemstone in my third eye, and I can’t report anything very much. But a strange thing has happened. I have three new clients who have come to me. They all said they had come to me because they wanted someone who would work with them spiritually. Two of them have cancer. They are coming regularly now. They come in pain and they leave pain free, sometimes not completely, but most of the time much better or pain free. I feel like something is happening, and I feel very in awe, I guess, because it seems like a lot is happening through my fingers, and yet it is not happening in the way I expect it to happen. Can you make some comments?
Sheariam: Yes, I shall make some comments which pertain to all of you. Be careful what you wish for, for as you wish, so you shall be served. In your individual case, sometime ago you were casting about in your mind as to how you might keep yourself better occupied, of more service, in a teaching capacity, with increased income, with enhancement of your healing powers. You asked for these things, and then question when they come. Your attitude of splendor and awe combined with gratitude enables your spirit company to continue to fulfill your wishes. As you do so, you fulfill the mission of this time of your life.
Jean: Thank you. I have another question. The first time, I thought I had protected myself, and yet I really felt a physical upset after working on the two cancer clients. Then I protected myself more, and I didn’t feel the physical so much. My thought was that with the healing workshop coming up, maybe you can say more about that to all of us. You remember you mentioned that we were going to have to protect ourselves. Can you mention more about protecting ourselves in the healing workshop?
Sheariam: I am not preparing that workshop, but your teacher, Silverthistle, has that information, and you will receive it. But you are in the process, personally, of learning these techniques for yourself in a trial and error method. This is not entirely inappropriate, but think about the discussion tonight on the Formula Sound. All cells emit vibratory energies which then occasion sensation on the receiving end. Cancer cells are cells that have taken the reproduction mechanism and gone astray with it. As the cells of your physical organism respond to this stimuli, as happens in all crowd situations, each unit feels impelled to behave as the mob behaves. Consequently, you must assist the cells of your organism to recall their true identity and intent after the stimuli is removed from your environment. As you learn to protect yourself, your cells cease to accept that type of stimulation, and instead send the message of healing and cooperation to those errant cells in your patient’s body, thus enhancing the healing process.
Jean: Thank you. I’m not sure that I completely understand. I’ll think about it a little bit more. LaMar: Jean must work so that the cells in her body are sending the message that does not accept the condition of her clients, so that her cells do not to take on their condition. You want the clients’ cells to take on the condition that you know to be correct. Have I got that straight? Jean: What I have been doing is calling on the archangels. Is that the right thing to do? (Yes.) That’s the part I wasn’t sure I was doing right. Did LaMar have the right picture? (Yes.) I have been calling on the archangels for myself and for them. (As they come to you seeking help, their asking is your permission. But remember, you can only invoke the power for yourself, and then emit the vibrational energy.) Now if they call on the archangels, they are calling on them for themselves. (Yes.) And it would be proper for me to tell them about the archangels and let them call on them for themselves. (If they are receptive, yes.) (Appreciation expressed.)
Maxine: Sometimes when we pray, we do not call upon the archangels. Is there a difference in what happens? We must call upon that archangel in order to see action taking place? (You invoke the archangels to empower you. You invoke the power of those energy centers which are God in their origin. A prayer is merely a conversation either with your Source Group, your own Higher Self, or perhaps the Spirit Realm. Remember that your prayers do not go to the Divine, and only certain prayers can reach the Realm of Spirit. Most prayer is received by your guide group and your Higher Self and dealt with at that level.) In a way, you don’t pray for others. Praying for others could be difficult. (Prayer for others requires judgment which you are admonished not to make.)
Myra: Unless you’ve been asked? (Even when asked you must give careful consideration to how you phrase, or how you act, or what you do.)
Maxine: Is this a time to ask how we might help Larry if he has asked for our prayers as he did one time before he left this group? In the condition he is in, would it be right for us to pray for him? (Given that you have common spiritual ancestors, you can direct thoughts of healing and well-being through your own Higher Self to that connection in the Realm of Mind which then becomes relayed back through his connection in the Realm of Mind, and his own Higher Self to accept or reject the healing as his consciousness dictates.)
LaMar: Do all of this group have direct spiritual ancestry? Maxine: Is it all right to pray for one’s immediate family, your husband, your children, without their requesting? (Within certain limits. When children become adults, they become self-responsible. When children are in your care, as you nurture their physical bodies, so you must nurture their subtle bodies. But just because a person is an individual member of your family gives you no more right to interfere than to interfere in the life of a stranger.)
LaMar: I asked that last question very badly. What I really wanted to ask was, do we have direct spiritual ancestry with one another? (The members of this group do in the Realm of Mind.) Myra: Is that because we have been together for three years, or was it prior to that? (Prior to that.) Would that go clear back to Atlantis perhaps? (And further.) Maxine: In other words we could say that we of this group are of like mind. (Well said.)
Sheariam: Let us now enter our closing meditation. If you will relax your physical bodies, and be at peace. Know that from the Realm of Spirit comes melodies of celestial music, which even though may not be heard by the human ear, nevertheless occasion sensations in your life. To whatever degree you find possible, open the center within your breasts, that seat of emotion, and like an empty cup receive this heavenly melody. Let it fill you. Feel the vibration. Allow it to rock you as a mother rocks a child. Feel how it soothes, quiets and calms you. Visualize this melodic infilling as light. As the chalice fills and reverberates, it gives off beams of light. The calmer, more soothed you are, the greater is the intensity of the light you emit. Visualize this glow moving through your subtle bodies and enhancing your auric light. Throughout your subtle bodies you are utterly luminescent with this celestial melody. As the light moves outward from each, it joins the light emanating from the other, and the room becomes filled with light and melody. As the light grows brighter, your body feels lighter, more porous. You feel very expansive. Now into this healing vibration of light and melody, invite those about whom you have concern. Instruct them to absorb, to drink in, and to enjoy this celestial harmony. Accept the healing within your own body as you respond to that beat. You become aware as humans that you have a common melody. You share in a community of harmonic beingness. Rejoice in this. Now, with the capacity for dispersion, allow this melodic light to disperse itself throughout the atmosphere of your planet, bringing light and harmony to all who will accept. Know that even as you go your separate ways, that connection still sustains. You are still melody-filled. You all sing the same song. And now as you allow your loved ones to go their ways, you may conclude your meeting with your own song of peace as I bid you good night.
After “good nights” and appreciation, we closed singing “Let there be peace on earth”.