1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 1. P4 2.
Session #62 - November 2, 1985 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Ida Nevala, Eileen Horton, Bonnie Wisz, Sidney Smither, Jean Chisholm, Peggy Muldoon, Myra Perala, Lamar and RetaMae Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
Channeling session began after an hour’s study session led by Myra. Assignments were made for topics to be covered in subsequent study sessions. Started with “Open my eyes.”
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. We would have you each speak your name to put your energy into a united circle. (Done including Sheariam.) We thank you. We are gratified to hear your discussion of your intention to buckle down and make some effort to understand and put to use that which we give you. We would this night continue what has been abandoned for a while. We will go forward with our discussion of formulae. Inasmuch as there is great fatigue present in the channel due to personal stress, we shall make this a short dissertation, but we wish to move the lessons forward. So we would introduce to you the concept of Formula Number. As Sound is the formula for the subjective side of “nature” so Number is the formula for the objective side of “nature”. Does anyone recall the three Components of the Formula Number: (Ans: Perceiving Mind, Quantity and Volition.) That is correct. And the three Components for Formula Sound? (Ans: Creative Mind, Quality, Consciousness.) That is correct. Number is that which gives proportion, relationship, and distribution to that which is brought forth by Sound. It is not merely that by which you can understand quantity, but rather the concept of identification of characterization. Sound would be undisciplined and useless without the accompanying Formula of Number, which gives it shape, which acts upon its properties of refraction and reflection and dispersion. It is only through the Formula number that you can have what you call a recognizable material world. Without Number you would not have chairs to sit upon. You would not have legs to carry your physical bodies, nor would you have physical bodies. Formula Number also carries accountability and responsibility. It is through Formula Number that every minutest particularate of The Absolute matters. Within the Formula Number lie the secrets of discovery of the technologies of your future. But it is only through the comprehension of all working together that you can transcend the laws of your planet. We will limit our discussion at this time, and carry forward with Formula Function another time. Then we will begin to discuss with you how these three formulae are acted through in the Realm of Mind, which is bestowed by Spirit. Between now and the next time we meet, we would ask that you give some moments of thought to the interaction of these two formulae, Sound and Number. Then we will again expand upon our remarks. Would you wish to pose a question?
Myra: Did you say that by understanding the formulae working together, we can transcend the laws of the universe? (Laws of your planet, not of the universe.) OK. The planet laws would be different from the universe laws, right? (Gravity, for instance.) Now you said that working together, like this group, to consciously understand the law of Number, that we can transcend the laws of the planet. Is that what you said? (As the formula is understood, as all three work together, as we discuss the creation of your planet, as we discuss the Realm of Mind, this will become clearer. We had planned for a longer dissertation, but sometimes we cannot interfere in private lives even to satisfy what might be a higher objective.) You gave us this information in Session #45 about the Formulae Function, Number and Sound. I studied what you said and noticed that each of the nine components was assigned to one of the three formulae: Function, Number and Sound. I was really intrigued to notice that Function includes the expanding and contracting Two Forces, and the component Life. And that Sound covers Creative Mind and Quality and Consciousness. Do I have this right? (Yes.) And then Number is Perceiving Mind and Quality and Volition. But I notice that they are drawn from different parts of the Components in different orders. (Yes. But these are primary. All Components are all present all the time. But in the Formulae, there are three which predominate.)
Owen: In our editorial group we were considering the seven Laws of Creation which we are developing lessons on, and the tie-in to Genesis on the seven days of creation. On the first day it described that God created the heavens and the earth. We were wondering, is this our specific earth, or is this a general term? What is being created in Genesis really that we can tie to physically? (If you will recall, at the time that was given, Judith clearly stated that was the time at which The Absolute separated a portion of Itself from Itself. This is what is termed in your bible as “Earth”, that identifiable portion of The Absolute which became the Divine.)
Myra: The bible called it “earth” but it was a lot more than that. (Certainly. It was all of creation.) Like all of the solar systems and all the universes? (And all the Cosmoses.) That ought to expand the consciousness a bit.)
Owen: That led then to: What did Adam Kadmon create? (Adam Kadmon is the progenitor of what you call Earth.) That’s Earth-earth? (Earth-earth. All planets earth.)
Sidney: Did he create our Universe? (He is a product of Universe.) Owen: Does that mean that if he was the progenitor of all planets earth, that’s not just limited to our universe then, or is it? (Go back and review the Hierarchy of Realms and clarify your language and concept.)
Sheariam: For the sake of the channel, let us go to our meditation. As we gave before, there are things being arranged in this life. As the next few weeks and months transpire, there will be more energy. Bear with us now. If you will settle yourselves, relax your mind, take deep breaths and relax your bodies. Allow your minds to imagine that you are separate from this body and free in time and space. Fly away from the atmosphere of this planet. Free yourself from this solar system. Be free in space, as though you yourself were a planet or a star. Allow yourself some concept of that limitlessness, that weightlessness, but also that complete integrity of being, that completeness, that wholeness which is yourself. Then look around you until you see a star which appeals to you. Know that star is an entity, even as you are. And for this time, acknowledge that star as being a part of your own higher consciousness, which can be for you a homing device toward which you can turn at any time that you may become lost. Because that star is an entity even as you are, know that you can communicate, that you can experience a relationship, an interchange of consciousness. To that star communicate a goal, a dearest wish, an objective, a desire. Now reach out your hand to the star, and ask for a stream of its light to place itself in your hand. Feel the connection of love. Now still clinging to that beam of light, bring your consciousness back to the material body upon this planet. Know that at any time you may look to that star to be reminded of your objectives, to find the method by which your goals can be fulfilled. The star does not do it for you, but it is a homing device, a navigational point. And as you keep contact with that part of your higher consciousness, you will stay more truly upon your own pathway. You can at any time feel that beam of light within your hand, which reminds you that higher guidance is always available to you. And now look to your star. See it glow very brightly, and know that is a blessing of illumination to your planet through you. You bless the planet upon which you live by virtue of the fact that you exist upon it. Do not forget that fact. And as you go about your daily lives, you radiate that knowledge, that brilliance of your star, and thus illuminate all of your planet. So know that you are blessed. Live your life in harmony and travel your path in peace. And so I bid you goodnight.
After expressions of good nights and appreciation, the meeting closed with “Let there be peace on earth.”
(Page added to synch with index)