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Session #64 – December 7, 1985 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Richard and Mary White, Sidney Smither, LaMar Bell, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Eileen Horton, Ida Nevala, Myra Perala, Peggy Muldoon, Jean Chisholm, Bonnie Wisz.
Following a study of the Law of Dominance led by Owen, the meeting began with “Open My eyes.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. We listened with great pleasure to your studies. We are greatly gratified that you are now taking more effort, becoming more involved. As you are aware, your calendar year is drawing to a close. You are moving into that time of your experience in which there are great religious feelings. It is during that period of time in which we take a hiatus. So it is that this will be our last communication for a short while. In our last meeting we discussed some of the last information we are designed to give you about the Realm of Spirit, but sufficient to prepare you for the lessons which Judith shall begin to bring to you when we meet again. You will find the next segment of the teachings to be very exciting, because they reach into the realm of your own personal experience. As Judith begins to give you what might be considered to some scholastic minds, the Second Creation, you will find there the root of your own knowledge, of your own experience. Many of your questions which we have had to put off will find answers. As you move into this new dimension of learning, you will then understand our attitude. We would express our pleasure and gratitude for your patience with us when we were not able to answer your questions in such a manner that you could understand. So we come at this time to consider a review of the material which has been given, inasmuch as the first chapter in your book of Genesis gives you such a sketchy outline which we have attempted to flesh out for you. In the original writings, what we have given you was therein, and those writings were destroyed by those who would not allow the knowledge to be disseminated. Thus in the reconstruction of that information, much was omitted and garbled. Let us now return to the beginning, to the Divine Germ Cell. In the latter lessons, it has been quite easy for you to lose touch with the concepts of the Divine Germ Cell and its components being ever-present, being that vital stuff of which you are comprised. Let us experience together your understanding of that first emanation of The Absolute. What know you of the Divine Germ Cell? (Question is greeted with silence.) You know not of what you are? (Myra recites the Components.) Correct. Have you given any thought to those Components as they appear in your daily lives?
Myra: I noticed when you first, or when Judith first, mentioned the Twin Minds, she mentioned first the Creative Mind and then the Perceiving Mind. Later we discussed them, and it turned out that Perceiving Mind was first, and then what the Creative Mind does with what the Perceiving Mind sees. (In that particular instance, that is a process. Both Minds come forth simultaneously.) I’ve noticed using that in my own life. I see this happening all the time, my creativity depending upon what my perception is. (Very good. It becomes more and more important that you become acutely aware of these Nine Components as you move into the next segment of the teachings. Thus the review.) You mentioned so many times the Qualifying of the Quantity. (The reverse.) You have mentioned that expression, Quantifying of the Quality, many times and here I had it backwards.
Owen: Quantifying the Quality Human. Jean:Make the Quality greater. (That is what you are about.) Sidney: In our particular state, that we find ourselves in the Quality of humanness, is it our task to be a little more balanced in these nine areas of Components? (No. In the Quality which you are, you have been given certain portions of Life, a certain limit to the Consciousness. Not well said. In your terminology of time and distance, that Quality which you are, human, is apportioned to you by virtue of choice which you have made in other times. In the Quantifying of the portion of Quality, you are in the business of expanding the Consciousness which is a part thereof, utilizing that portion of Volition which has been granted you, with that amount of Opposing Forces, and with that capacity of Perceiving and Creating Minds. What you call Life is a very dim concept of the livingness that is Life. One of the erroneous concepts of your scholars and philosophers, especially in the occult realm is that the farther creation moves from that center of creation, the less potency and the less light it has. This is untrue. You, in your Realm of Self, have no less an intensity of the light than Being has in the Realm of The Divine. You simply have a smaller portion with which to deal, but not less in intensity or importance. We have told you many times how important you are. As a member of the Whole, your development develops the Whole. The Whole depends upon your little spark. That little spark is no less intense and no less important than the original Life in the Divine Germ Cell. This is why you are told, “Be who you are. BE ALL that you are. Appropriate all that is yours. Experience all that is yours.” This is the true use of the power of the Law of Dominance. Owen: This is saying, live as fully as we can, then. (Indeed yes. Actualize your fullest, greatest potential. The Intention of the Human Wave is Self-Mastery. You will not be self-mastered until you have actualized all of your potential in order to experience it. Until you actualize all of your potential, thus Quantifying your Quality, no other Quality can fully experience you. Bonnie: What does that mean? (If you were a tree, until you grew to your tallest height and your widest girth, whatever use may be made of your tree-ness would not be the fullest that it could be as it would have been if you had grown to that tallest height and that widest girth. Myra: It seems to me, then, that when we have secret yearnings or desires, we really should encourage ourselves to allow these to come forth and become active in our lives. (You should succeed in fulfilling your deepest yearning, for it is that yearning which will take you back to the original, back to The Absolute. It is that yearning which is that urge “to be”, which you must fulfill.) So when we dominate our space to allow this to happen, sometimes it is inconvenient to those around us. I mean, I looked at things that I wish I would do, but I don’t want to disturb the comforts of people around me. (Time.) Time, exactly. I was thinking how we use our time is crucially important. (There is a time for all yearnings to be fulfilled.) Eileen: Could this perhaps be in another lifetime? (It could, but that does not prohibit you from attempting to fulfill as much of that yearning as is possible, staying within the limits of personal rights. When you speak of personal rights, you begin not to see the rights of the group. A family is Quality to be quantified. It takes the cooperation and the good intentions of all members of that family even as it takes the good intention of all members of your body to fulfill that quantification of Quality which your body is. Sidney: When the tree quantifies its Quality, in terms of its height and its girth, then mankind can use that tree to its fullest potential of tree-ness, if you will. (The tree then bestows itself, its fullest self. The tree has no means by which to command man or the Quality Human, to use its endowment to the greatest effect. The tree has quantified its Quality when it grows to its fullest extent. You see, part of its makeup is a reduced Volition when compared to the Quality Human.) Well then it can bestow itself on man for its usage, given its limited Volition.(If it is not used by another Quality, and it quantifies its own Quality, to the greatest extent it has been given the possibility to be, it then dies, in your terms, to be re-born. Well, my analogy was going to be that of man who has quantified his Quality and at that point I was assuming that perhaps then man could bestow himself to be used by other members of the hierarchy that are greater than man finds himself in his Quality of Humanness. But even if that Quality is quantified, man would have to locally make that choice, and to submit his Volition to Divine Volition, or his Self-will to Divine Will. Is that correct? Sheariam: This is a departure from our original teaching plan. This is a discussion of the matters between the potential choices a portion of a certain Quality can make. as opposed to the overall plan, as a Human being on this planet. When you have reached the end of your span, to whatever extent you have quantified your Quality, you bestow the physical body which you have inhabited to the tree, if you will. This is the cycle which is interrupted when bodies are cremated. The ongoing parts of your Quality, those subtle bodies described by Silverthistle, go on then to other conditions of experience which continue to Quantify the Quality. But given that an individual life span has not accomplished the ultimate goal of quantification, those subtle bodies now incorporated with the experience of the life span, may be brought back to again live a span upon this planet, again to repeat the process. As Judith presents to you the creation of your physical realm, of which we are a part, some of this will become clearer to you. More of the intent, more of the passion, the purpose of what you call Life will become clear to you. Jean: Going back to the cremation, do I understand that if there is cremation, then the subtle bodies do not go on to reincarnate? (Oh, yes they do. You read something extra into my words.) Myra: Would you repeat what you said? (When the physical shell is cremated, it cannot be endowed to the earth which feeds the roots of the tree in the same way that it would feed that tree if it were not cremated. The chain is interrupted, not destroyed.) What about the subtle bodies? (The subtle bodies then must go on to complete their cycles. But, if the decision to interrupt the cycle is part of the experience then incorporated in those subtle bodies, then at some time, in some place, restitution must be made. For as you deny the tree its nutrient, you deny its ultimate quantification.) Jean: But my understanding is when something is burned all the elements are not lost. The material is converted into energy and ash is left, and nothing is lost. I don’t see… (You have missed an intermediary portion of the process.) The decay is important? (Yes. Fire transmutes into different condition than decay. Decay, yes, is a heat process. But there is a difference in time and intensity.) Myra: And the little roots of the tree cannot feed on ashes like they can on decay. (And the other life forms which also depend on that decay.) Jean: And so the ash makes it go back to a more primitive condition and have to start over? (Yes.)
LaMar: All of the discussion we have had regarding cremation I have assumed had to do with the person who was cremated having made that decision. (True.) If a person passed from this life without a decision made as to whether they were to be cremated or what disposal was to be made of the body, and someone else made the decision that the body should be cremated, is there a negative effect on the person who was cremated? (No. The one who makes the choice uses the power of the Law of Dominance and must answer thereto.) Then there would be negative karma of some description to the person who made the choice. (Yes. Not necessarily “negative” karma, but a delay in quantification.) Eileen: You mentioned about our dreams and aspirations, that we should put forth every effort to fill our potential. A person can have so many desires and dreams, and yet one’s energy is somewhat limited. Is it better to focus on, say, two or three dreams and bring them to a forward potential, than to fragment and put their energies in many, many directions, and maybe not bring up the Quality of the ultimate results? How do you feel about this? Should we focus on fewer things and have finer Quality, or just try to do it all and maybe not do it as well? (It is better to be focused, to choose that which is most important to you, because that will be the yearning which this allotment is best suited to fulfill.) In this same line of thinking, if there are things that you have always wanted to do, but never had the energy to accomplish this desire, does that desire hold over when the individual is reincarnated and perhaps fulfill itself in the next reincarnation? (Yes. Each self that incarnates brings with it unfilled desires which result from incomplete quantification. You simply enter those circumstances most suitable for certain desires, but not optimum for all of them.) Jean: I’ve always said, in my next incarnation, I’m going to be able to sing and dance. (You have before.) Mary: Is that often true of the things that we feel we would like to do but don’t feel capable of, that we have really done them before? (But this time have not opted for those circumstances which permit the expression of those talents or desires.) Owen: Following the idea of pursuing the desire, or a talent, how does an entity develop a talent, as for example, a great musician comes into the life obviously with a great talent that has been developed in previous lifetimes. Where does this talent originally start? Is it just through hard practice and much hard work, or is there initially talent that is given that does not take a lot of extra work to develop? (Everything begins seed-like. Your geniuses, at some point in their quantification were only a seed-yearning, but by doing and doing and doing, ultimately reached that quantification. All of you are geniuses in the making. All of you right now are genius in some respect.) Myra: We find that hard to believe. (Laughter) (You may take my word for it.) LaMar: Maybe it’s genius in creating problems. (Laughter) Maxine: We have a grandson who very much desires to have a junk yard, and that seems to be his greatest desire. We have also had a life reading for him in which it was suggested that he should be a musician and should have music. I am wondering, could the person who gave the life reading have read something into it about being a musician? He doesn’t seem to show any desire for music. I’m wondering if we, as grandparents, should give him the opportunity to try music, or should we just leave all alone? Bonnie: Give him your junk. (Laughter and offers of contributions.) (It is not necessary that this entity proceed with the quantification of the music genius in this life span. You all carry seeds within you of the geniuses which you will ultimately actualize, but you will not actualize all of them in one lifespan. If this entity desires to be involved in the recycling of the pollution of your waste products, that is one of the grander geniuses of his generation.)
Peggy: I’ve been looking and hunting for employment. Can I ask help from your side?(You must seek that help from your own Source Group. We come to teach. We do not come to govern. You have those with you who are contractually obligated to assist you. Each of you has such resources. Do not fail to demand of them. They are there like the air that you breathe. But also, do not forget to be appreciative. Recognize when you have been served. Service is often rendered in very minute ways. All miracles are not of such splendor as rising from the grave. You look into your lives for those stimulations, for the spectacular, for the miraculous, and fail to recognize the moment by moment service rendered by your Source Group.) Jean: This may be a good time to express appreciation for the help of your group who, I think, have been helping in my massage. The results that are happening have gotten to be more than me. (As you follow our teachings, and you invoke the archangels, you do receive substantive help from the healers of the temple.) There has been very much evidence of that in the last couple of weeks, and I’m very appreciative and so are they. (Your expression of appreciation is gratefully received.) In invoking the archangels, some of the people are not ready. They haven’t had the background and they’re not ready. So the last time I just had them say “Kah” and “Gah”, just having the initial sound and the vowel. I didn’t explain it to them, and it seemed to be effective. I wondered whether that was right or wrong. They needed to invoke, and yet they weren’t ready to accept the whole concept. Yet it seemed a little bit that I was not tricking them, but…. (As you were given, when the sounds were provided you, the power of your own voice is creative, constructive, and healing. When you encourage your patients to speak the words of power, the sounds of power, they do not need to know the meaning behind the sounds.) Now do they have to say the whole word if they’re not quite ready to accept it? (Every sound has its power. Review the meaning given for the sounds.) LaMar: If they are not ready to accept that, is she misusing some of the laws in having them do it until they are ready to accept that? (If they come to her requesting her help, she then can rightfully use any expertise to which she has access.) Myra: I thought of the number of things we’ve covered since Judith gave us the Divine Germ Cell lecture long, long ago, when she said she was testing us out. There are so many topics that we’ve covered which I feel in my heart I’m not putting to work in my life, for example the use of the gemstone. I am conscious of it occasionally, but so often I forget, and I didn’t go and find myself a beautiful sapphire. But I still have that wonderful blue color that appears in my third eye area when I think of it. I know there is something I could be doing with it. Could I ask you to advise me on that please? (You always answer your own questions in the asking.) Tell me more. (You tell me that when you do a certain thing, a certain thing occurs. Then you ask me how to do it.) I guess my question needs to be then: “Help me to understand how to utilize the experience to its fullest. I’m not clear in my mind what is the purpose of finding the blue. (For now, simply allow yourself to luxuriate in the sensation of it. Be porous to the energy. Just enjoy.) Jean: I’ve just finished reading a book: “The Ultimate Frontier”. It talks about “the Brotherhood”. Could you tell us something about the brotherhood and how it….. I guess it’s a matter of understanding relationships? (Again you ask to be told something which would take far more time and energy than we at present can devote to it.) Then can I ask another thing? Apparently this “Ultimate Frontier” has really been partially realized, and there actually are two areas that are following the instructions of the Brotherhood. Is the Brotherhood an actual group on the higher planes that is directing people on this plane? (There are many such groups.) Myra: Would that be compared to our Sources? (Beyond that. There are Source Groups for your groups. There are Source Groups for governments. There are Source Groups for medical communities. There are Source Groups for scholastic communities. There are many, many, many.) Owen: Are there Source Groups for athletic teams? (Yes.) It’s always been a little bewildering how a team just consistently miss on one night, and then just as consistently hit everything perfectly on the next night when there are many individuals involved. It seemed that there might be a little competition on the other side as to which team gets the preference on any given night. (Laughter.) (It might appear thus to you from where you sit.) Jean: I’ve also read about the person who wrote the material for the Course in Miracles”, and it seemed to parallel so much of Gloria’s experiences that I was very much impressed by it, and want to know more about the parallelness. I think you partly answered it. There are these groups. (And people such as the channel belong to a particular group which in turn has its governing resources. (coughing) We are losing it. (More coughing) Group sang “Hallelujah” followed by “Let there be peace on earth” as Gloria came out of the trance with the coughing. She immediately asked what had happened, seemed to feel OK, and was more alert than usual following her trance period. In this session Sheariam seemed to be pronouncing more distinctly and precisely than usual.