1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P11 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1. P12 2.
Session #68 – February 15, 1986 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Owen and Maxine Cramer, Richard and Mary White, Sidney Smither, Ida Nevala, Myra Perala, Peggy Muldoon, Jean Chisholm, and Bonnie Wisz.
The circle group attended a memorial service and potluck in celebration of the graduation from the physical earth life, of our beloved member, Larry Horton. The study session led by Owen focused on the River of Life, the Law of Dominance, and the Garden of Eden. Richard led the opening meditation, followed by the usual singing.
The next circle will be held at Eileen’s. The group voted to accept Betty Welty as a regular member since she has completed study of the transcripts and participated as a facilitator at the Healing Retreat.
Judith: Good evening my precious ones. We are once again pleased to be with you. We were with you earlier as your thoughts went out to that member of our circle who is even now with you but yet not with you. As he knows his freedom, he also knows his fear, and thus it is well that you bless him with your thoughts, that you love him with your heart, that you give him the regard of your mind. He needs your support as he struggles to re-establish control over much of that over which he had thought to have lost control. While your passage is truly a graduation, it is not as simple as stepping through a doorway. There is an obligation to be fulfilled. You and you alone are responsible for the way in which you conduct your lives, for that which you incur, for that which you aggregate, acquire, for the relationships you establish. You are responsible for a particular goal, an obligation, a contract which you make before you are given the opportunity to don a physical body. Death is not merely the shedding of that physical body. It is an accounting for your dwelling within that body, for what you leave behind, and for what you take with you. This interim period of review and evaluation is not always easily accomplished nor immediately done so. In the case of our friend, there are some deep fears which he must face and know the reality thereof. You can only help with your blessing and love. Grief detains. It is true that you, in your physical bodies, are going to feel the absence of his physical presence. But know that his finer physical presence is still with you, is still in need of your regard and your support, but not your detention. Give him thoughts of encouragement and urging, as you would urge a child to face an unknown fear, for the fears which he must face are similar to those fears that a child has of the dark. When he comes to know this, it will be the same as if you turned on the light in the frightened child’s bedroom. In addition to this, he is not yet ready to sever that last connecting link with this earth’s family, as they have not yet been able to reach that point of consciousness in which they no longer detain him. So in your thoughts, bless them also. Encourage them also. In this way, you serve your friend best. Now let us move on to the topic for this evening’s lesson. We congratulate our member for the picture which inadvertently is upside down. (Laughter.) Take a lesson from the Hindus. Their “tree of life” has its roots in The Absolute, and its trunk and its branches hanging downward. Thus it is that your picture would be reversed, for the Rod, the River, comes as a mighty stream and branches out into lower realms. These branches are not tributaries, as given in your picture, but rather stem from the River as the River divides itself into various manifestations. One thing further, we would also wish to point out, which perhaps we have not stressed sufficiently: You good people have been immersed for centuries in a system of thought that is grounded in a system of morality. These lessons, as we have been giving them to you from The Absolute, through the Divine, the Cosmos, etc., is the involutionary spiral, and is non-moral. As the process goes forward, it is a Qualifying process of the Quantity emanated from The Absolute, which becomes the lower realms. You cannot quantify a Quality until that Quality is established. As the emanation proceeds, and the realms come into being, they become Qualifications. It is in the Realm of Self that the Qualities which you know become manifest. That Quality of humanness dons a human body, but in the Realm of Mind is not yet a Quality, only an Intention. As Adam devises means by which to fulfill the Divine Intention, certain Qualities become shaped out of the formed matter. But still there are no moral values established. Morality is the result of the civilizing effort. Morality grows out of funded experience. It does not fall like Divine rain upon you. You are not born in sin. There is no such thing. There is only incomplete expression of Intention and the lack of purposeful activity in the fulfillment of responsibility. In the “involutionary spiral” of which you find yourself a part, the Intention is to take the Divine Germ Cell down to its lowest level of functional activity that does not deny the “evolutionary potential”. Reincarnation is a process peculiar to the Realms of Soul and below, and is a means designed by Adam as a means to fulfill the Intention to accommodate the responsibility for which it was formulated. Thought, itself, is neither moral nor immoral. Thought pre-exists this physical manifestation. Thought is the product of the combination of Volition and Consciousness. Now in the fulfilling of this Intention to reduce the Nine Components to a condition as nearly the lowest ebb as can be reached without loss of any portion, the ratio of Volition to Consciousness is reduced. The Mineral Kingdom is just as conscious as you. Should I ask you, “What is your mission?” Why are you here?” Could you tell me? And yet you say that the Mineral Realm is not intelligent because it cannot tell you its mission. Intelligence, sentience, inheres from The Absolute. Did we not give you that there are Two Minds in the Divine Germ Cell? Where there is Mind, there must be something else. Volition and Consciousness and Minds make communication possible. Communication is not merely words, but action. Communication occurs at all levels of life. Each ERT is comprised of all the Components of the Divine Germ Cell. Space is merely expansion of ERT. Solid matter is merely the conjugation of ERTs. So space and matter are the same. Space and matter both have Minds, have Force, have Life. Have Quality, have Quantity, Volition, Consciousness. Space is not inanimate. Space lives. It gives birth. Now, in the Garden of Eden, we have Matter formed, ERTs have arranged themselves in certain relationships. As angels come to be in the Realm of Spirit, so they also come to be in the Realm of Soul what we call Devas, to serve the Intention of Adam Kadmon. In your experience these become Nature Spirits, for you have no language with which to comprehend their existence, their activity. But you do have the intuitive capacity to know their presence. In this manner, all that you would consider inanimate as well as that which you consider animate is ensouled, has capacity to communicate, has capacity to change form. Each Deva has a particular responsibility to fulfill, some portion of the Intention which it is assigned. A mineral deva may become the deva for one of your automobiles, one of your appliances, or anything in which a mineral becomes part of the constitution thereof. Because of the nature of these entities, they have the capacity of union differently than you experience union, as they can meld with each other. That melding may not always be cooperative, happy, and when this situation exists, you may drive what you call a lemon. Because these are intelligent creatures, they respond to your communication, and you can perceive them if you so choose. By their very nature, they tend to be attracted to those dispositions, characteristics, personalities which most please them. Now remember, I told you that in this Involutionary State, there is no such thing as morals. So these devas are a-moral. They do not know the difference between what you call right and what you call wrong. They simply know. They respond spontaneously to any stimulus which comes along, but only within those limitations granted them. Thus a mineral deva can only join with certain other devas of certain substances in certain ways. These creatures are not reproductive in and of themselves. They people the reflected Garden of Eden, and here is where your scripture leads you astray. You are led to believe that the Garden of Eden is some place, possibly Mesopotamia, and is occupied by flesh and blood people. This is not so. The garden of Eden is Involutionary and certain creations come alive in it. Some remain in it, and some depart from it. In the evolutionary cycle, when an entity evolves back to that level, it is said to be “in the state of Eden”, the Garden being then within. So as you struggle to understand the lessons, remember that you cannot comprehend these things in terms of evolution, but in terms of evolutionary potential. All matter must reach that point of inertia just above loss of consciousness before it joins the evolutionary cycle. The “deep sleep of Adam” of which your scripture speaks, represents eras of time beyond your comprehension, during which matter was quiescent, was changing its direction, although “direction” is not quite the proper word. But at that level of inertia, there comes a turning point when mineral begins its evolutionary trek upward. And as was cited in your last session, the calcium becomes part of plant life and plant life becomes part of animal life, and animal life becomes a part of human life, and human life becomes a part of, for lack of better language, “spirit” life, and on up the evolutionary spiral. Now reincarnation is that act of returning to a state similar to that state just exited from. A human reincarnates as human, an animal reincarnates as animal, a plant reincarnates as plant, and mineral reincarnates as mineral. What confuses you are the long eras of time which some creations require in their reincarnational cycle. It is very difficult for you to comprehend the reincarnating mineral, but it happens. That piece of carbon which may have been taken up the evolutionary spiral a ways, may, through a process of transformation, return to the mineral kingdom as carbon, but perhaps a different form of carbon. Now these devas of which I have spoken have to do with the formation of the “subtle bodies” and the “life spans” of the material manifestation. You see your devas as your, sometimes called, “guardian angels” or “spirit”. You have so many names for them and so many concepts of them, most of which are erroneous, that we find difficulty in speaking of them without laying sufficient ground work. It might be said that Adam Kadmon is the deva of Adam. And Adam becomes the deva of all that grows in the Garden of Eden, all of the ideation which becomes shapen in the Realm of Ego. Devas do not have Ego, but they are ensouled. Ego is an identifying qualification of substantive matter. If Adam has the Intention that a certain creation is to become a stalk of wheat, a deva is created to supervise the substantiation and the manifestation of that stalk of wheat. Because of the myriad manifestations with which you now deal, it is confusing to you for me to tell you that there is an ensoulment of food and an ensoulment of the wheat and an ensoulment of the various forms of creatures which you may eat. One belief which you most often entertain of each individual having a soul has some merit in that the “oversoul of earth” gives birth of itself to a soul of certain life forms which in turn is served by the deva. Thus a tree will have its own deva which serves it from the moment it sprouts from the seed to the moment it is completely discharged of its duty, which may be by burning or by being eaten or by decay. That tree is also ensouled by the “tree Quality” Soul which is a part of the “earth Quality” Soul. It is thus in the Realm of Soul that Quantity or matter begins its “qualifications”. It is in the Realm of Mind that the thoughts, the ideas of all of these things, exist and establish their communal relationships. So it is in the Garden of Eden that the Intention which becomes the Quality Human is established to gain dominion over all else. But it does not have dominion at that point. Dominion is gained through evolution not through involution. In the Garden of Eden a tree is equal to human, mineral is equal to tree. The Law of Dominance begins to be worked out in the Realm of Soul as the devas begin to struggle, begin the dynamic of materialization. This has been symbolized in the Garden of Eden story by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The implication of morality is there, but the state of savagery must exist before the process of civilization can begin. We shall call this sufficient in that we have confused you sufficiently. (Laughter.) There are some questions that remain from your study period.
Owen: Yes. We had a discussion about the understanding of the term “bestow”. I think the statement was made in the lesson that Adam Kadmon “bestowed” the Realm of Soul. We did not understand just exactly what that meant. (Let us put this in terms of your material existence. Let us say that the Realm of Mind is a realm of limitless money, and the accomplishment of Adam’s Purpose and Intention depends upon how well his creations can handle the responsibility of the money Adam bestows upon them from that limitless storehouse.) Now this act of “bestowing”, this isn’t direct giving. It’s making available the means by which it may be appropriated? (Yes.)
Myra: The source that something may be applied to in order to receive the need, is that it? (Except that in the Qualification process, certain limits are established as though Adam creates you, and says, “You must administer this, and this, and this to accomplish such and so. And in order for you to do this, I bestow upon you “x” amount of money and the responsibility, but I do not relinquish final say so.”) It’s kind of like a wand of the fairy godmother. (Cinderella had bestowed upon her the gown and the appurtenances with the responsibility to accomplish her deeds by midnight.)
Owen: Another question had to do with your use of the terms “Intention” and “responsibilities”. The way that was used, “Intentions and responsibilities draw to themselves primordial matter to manifest worlds suited to working out the Law of Dominance”... Are the “Intentions” and “responsibilities” in existence by themselves to draw the primordial matter, or were these designed by Adam Kadmon?
Judith: In your experience, it is quite likely that you could mistake or take for a deva, an Intention, or take for an Intention a deva. As certain creations have the responsibility for the working out of certain Intentions, which has to do with the relationship of Volition to Consciousness and Quantity to Quality, there are Intentions of construction and Intentions of destruction and Intentions of contentions and Intentions upon Intentions, and some, as the Intention of the mineral kingdom is to provide a certain type of support system. And it is the Intention of certain plants to provide a portion of the food chain, and the Intention of some plants to disrupt same, and each has the responsibility to fulfill these Intentions. Thus, you do not eat poison ivy, but you can gain great nutrition from a stalk of wheat. The wheat’s Intention is not to poison, and yet you know that there are certain humans that wheat does poison. But that is in the failure of the human to fulfill its Intention.
Myra: When a person is poisoned by the wheat, what Intention has the human not fulfilled? (That depends upon the human. It is different with each individual.) When a person is allergic to wheat, does he have an incorrect Intention? (Not an incorrect Intention, but error in fulfilling his responsibility correctly.) Jean: Can you say more, because I’m still confused? (You will remain confused until we get to the seven existences of the Self.) Myra: How would that apply to children who have these allergies? (They have these implanted attitudes and memories that are brought into the incarnation in the subtle bodies, as taught by Silverthistle.) And is this because of a previous lifetime, or because of a parent’s errors? (Perhaps some of both.)
Jean: You said that the carbon comes back as another form of carbon. Would that account for the isotopes of carbon? (That’s part of it.) And what’s the other part?
Judith: You wish a lesson in physics, in chemistry, in biology. That’s not within the scope of the next few moments. Remember when we began these lessons, we told you that we could not give you everything that we might desire, that our intention is to lay a groundwork for the future by assisting you to understand what you call the past, and this is the reason why recent events have transpired in our channel’s life. You are soon to meet a new communicator at some time before your next public meeting. We had thought it would be this night, but the day’s events have disturbed the channel’s ordinary procedures.
Myra: Does that mean that you are going to continue with another one or are you going to be leaving us? (Our lessons will continue. We are far from finished.) (Laughter.) The last time you mentioned that there would be some changes. That wasn’t one of them? (Your group will experience changes. The lessons shall go forward.) Jean: Was Larry’s graduation one of the changes foreseen? (Yes.) Myra: And were there others? (Not necessarily graduates.) (Laughter.)
Richard: Inasmuch as Eileen Horton has damage to one leg and is not ambulatory, we were wondering if we might meet at her home rather than here for the next two or three sessions, and we were wondering about your thoughts on this. (We would be most pleased to serve our sister in that way.) Thank you. We will ask the channel if she concurs.
Jean: I have a partial picture of the deva, but I am still not very clear. (In your daily lives, you have certain nomenclature which you apply to these beings, and you give them certain categories. You call some “salamander” which are the devas of Fire, and “fairies”, the devas of Air, and “gnomes”, the devas of your earth, and “undines”, the devas of Water. You have many, many, many such names for devas.) What does the deva do? (It does what your guardian angel is said to do. It protects; it cleanses; it assists; it encourages; it loves.)
Myra: So as we begin to do something, whatever, would it be wise for us to get into the habit of discussing it with the deva? (Excellent.) I was thinking of Findhorn and how they talk to the devas before they garden. (You have many such excellent examples.) So when we do trimming in the garden, we should explain to the plants what we are going to do? (Of course. How would you like a surgeon to rush up to you and cut off your arm and say “that is for your own good”?)
Maxine: We could also do this when preparing vegetables for meals. (Have we not advised you? The deva of your house is a combination of the devas of the trees which made the wood, the devas of the minerals which became the nails, the devas of the plants that became your drapes and carpets.)
Myra: So when we feel protected, that is our protection? (Yes. It is sentient and active and can be violent.) So it’s good to talk to them.
Owen:Did you say “and can be violent”? (Of course. They are a-moral. If it takes violence for them to get their job done, they will be violent. If a rushing stream is to carry all of its melted ice water, it has no care for the deva of the shore, and they struggle together.) The deva of Fire is very destructive also of other devas. (But the deva of Fire is also the deva of your heat.)
Sidney: Is there any material object that does not have a deva? (None.) Myra: How do they feel about being ignored? Do they mind? (They have reaped their vengeance.) (Laughter.) I was thinking of the day that my car stopped on the way to school, and I talked to it, and told it that it better get busy, and the car started.
Sidney: So the modern resurgence of wiccas who are praying frequently to Mother Earth, are helpful then to the planet? (Yes.) And some of what we are doing that aids the planet and perhaps prevents a greater destruction, is in a sense ameliorating devas? (Yes.)
Jean: Are divining and pendulum swinging and so on picking up the deva, or the action of the deva when they find the lines of earth where the pendulum or divining rod responds. (Yes. It goes beyond magnetic field.) Are those instruments that can pick up the evidence of the deva? (The pendulum does not pick up the action of the devas. The pendulum responds to its deva’s instructions.) Myra: Oh. The pendulum itself has a deva too, and the divining rod would have a deva also. Well, if some people can use divining rods far more effectively than others, would that be because that person’s deva speaks to the deva of perhaps the water he is seeking? (Certainly.) Then others who don’t have that kind of communication wouldn’t have that ability to speak to the devas. Jean: Are you saying, then, that we have lost our ability to communicate with these other devas or forces, and you are trying to awaken us to their presence and the fact that we can communicate? (Yes.)
Myra: When there are accidents – you said there are no accidents – but when terrible things happen that appear to be accidents, would this be the violence that the devas use? (Yes, they are involved.)
Sidney: I just completed a book that stated that during the Fourth Root Race, the people of those civilizations naturally and at will communicated with devas, and that the end of those cultures and civilizations with the demise of Atlantis was due essentially to warfare that involved various factions fighting each other with devic powers. Is that correct? (Nodding affirmatively.)
Peggy: Eileen told me that Larry was buried without being embalmed. Can we demand this same treatment when our time comes? (If it concurs with the state law, but I am not an authority on your state law.) Jean: If it is done within 24 hours? Owen: That raises another question. I think I recall someone advising that a body should not be buried or anything done to it for a period of several days after apparent physical death. Is this a problem with burial within 24 hours? (There is no problem with burial. The problem is with embalming or destruction of the body.) What is the nature of the problem with embalming as related to elapsed time after passing? (Biological death is not always the death that severs the subtle bodies. As I opened my remarks this evening, there are “passage rites” which must be observed, certain obligations which must be fulfilled, and in your terms, that occasionally takes time.)
Myra: Could you elaborate? What do you mean “passage rites”? (Those which I enumerated in my opening remarks.) Owen: And these are somehow obstructed by the physical processes of embalming? Myra: Are you talking about his fears and his need to work through the fears? (Those are his particular passage rites...) So every individual would have different passage rites? (Yes.)
Peggy: Today at the memorial service during a prayer, my eyes were closed. I saw a three-cornered pyramid, and in the center was something like a rod with a light in it. As it was forming, little things fell away from it, leaving a brilliant light in the center of a rosy-pink and yellow color. Would that have anything to do with Larry? (Of course. Everything that transpired at that service had to do with the passage. That was the form of your social structure. And you tend to believe these images of mind to be non-physical. But they are not non-physical. They are physical.) Yes, I understand. (Then why do you ask if it has something to do with what you were doing? How could you imagine that it would not?) I was wondering if it could be his… (If you are saying “that is Larry”, no, that is not Larry. It is an image of your mind. It is a production of your soul. It is a substantiation of your ego. And it is a manifestation of yourself.) Myra: In other words, Peggy was able to discern this image? (All of you experienced the same thing, but not all of you accepted it into your consciousness.)
Sidney: In the beginning you said that our hearts and our thoughts and our minds should go out to Larry at this time. I’d certainly think that I’d speak for everybody here if I asked that our meditation tonight be in that direction. Is that possible? (Looking and smiling at Sidney: Anything is possible.) (Laughter.)
Owen: Are these deep fears that Larry faces then simply in the matter of transition from one form of life to another? (No.) I remember he had expressed a lot of fear of the wells that he kept visualizing when we were trying to find a well. (I believe that I can say without detriment to his passage that Larry as a personality had painful womb experiences which are repetitions of experience the entity has had in other personalities. And in passing from this life, there is that memory which must be dealt with, for the entity knows it must again come through a womb.)
Maxine: Is there any way for a mother at the time of birth to make it possible so there isn’t that painful entry? Do the mother’s thoughts have action on this? (From the time of conception.)
Owen: Another question about Larry. The past year when he put in such a valiant struggle for life, the purpose for his hanging on escapes me. (His devotion to his family held him much longer than he wished to stay.) The suffering, then, was not to learn a lesson. (It was a choice made.)
Myra: I was curious about what you said about the “Tree of Life”, that Owen drew. You said it was upside down. As I look at that picture, I wonder how do the branches of that Water start in the Realm of Self. Is that what you meant? Could you please elaborate? (As given now many times, the River of Life begins at The Absolute, continues through the Divine, through the Cosmic, through the Universal, and on down through the realms. The Realm of Mind, in the Garden of Eden, it branches into four branches, symbolic.) So that really doesn’t become the Rod at that point. (That River of Life is that Rod of which Silverthistle speaks. You tend to put things into material molds feeling that if a river branches in the Realm of Mind, it must remain branched all the way through the other realms. This is not so. These are allegories.)
Owen: So it would be appropriate to show this as one stream coming from The Absolute, branching in the Realm of Mind, and then coming back together in the Realm of Soul. (As a tree branches from the stem or trunk, and twigs branch from the branches, and leaves branch off of the twigs, they all contain a central core that comes from the tap root.) So what I have drawn as the Rod is merely one of the twigs. It’s an example twig. Myra: That would be for an individual, one manifestation in the Realm of Self. (In manifestation, the degree to which something may be created may be greatly less than another manifestation. For instance, one of the branches is also that Repeated Process. And yet I gave you this very night information about the devas who do not have egos and who do not reincarnate.) So does this mean that the devas do not do Repeating Process? (Devas change form, but do not die.) So when they have completed a particular Intention, like they’ve been a tomato and it’s been eaten, then that particular deva has another job to do someplace else? (Yes.) So their repetition would be in a different form for another item. (It might then take on a tomato which grows from the seed of the tomato it formerly supervised. The tomato, in effect, becomes reincarnated.)
Sidney: And devas that have become combined, such as the deva of a car, when that car is destroyed, do they break apart into their original components or into other components with other tasks? (As a vehicle ceases to be used as a vehicle, there are various ways in which the vehicle is disposed. The deva of the fender would remain with the fender on any other vehicle to which it might be attached. The deva of the door frame would stay with the door frame until it becomes oxidized. It would be impossible in this space of time for me to go through the details of what becomes of each deva. You might as well ask me to tell you the fate of each grain of wheat. Some of your understanding must come from your own extrapolation.) Well, in the melding of all life, my understanding was that the fender and the door frame become all part of the one deva for the entire vehicle. So that in a certain sense then, when the vehicle stops functioning, then the individual devas do go with their component parts. (Since you are so unaware of the various parts of yourselves, it is difficult for you to comprehend these combinations and re-combinations.)
Owen: Another question was raised in discussion about one of the branches of the River of Life and the terminology. In the diagram, I called the first branch “repeated process, and I indicated in the outline that included both reincarnation and evolution. Am I mistaken about that, and what is the proper term for that branch? (Repeated Process. The opportunity is never cut off. You always have a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, ad infinitum. This is not evolution. Evolution occurs when you no longer need to repeat that process.) (Ed. Note: When you have learned the lesson.)
Myra: Then it would be reincarnation? (Yes, among other things.) Owen: Does this imply then that evolution is not included in one of the branches? (It is not. The branches occur in the process of involution. And it is because they exist that the Realm of Self can participate in evolution.) Myra: I don’t understand that. It’s because the branches exist in the process of involution that “what” can participate in evolution? (It is because the branches exist that the Realm of Self can participate in the evolutionary cycle.)
Judith: Let us draw our session to a close. Set aside for the moment those thoughts that have recently occupied your mind. Relax your bodies and be comfortable. Breathe deeply several times to oxygenate the brain tissues and to relax the abdomen. We will again this time do as we did previously. To the greatest extent possible, free your minds from your bodies, and feel that part of yourself which you call “spirit” rise and expand and experience freedom. Feel yourselves lighter than air, and know that in this portion of yourselves lies the capacity to move to any portion of your planet that you so direct it by your thought. Let us go first to our absent member, Eileen, and there surround her with yourselves. Join your hands as you are wont to do. Be joyous, be gay, be loving, and be light hearted. To Eileen sing “Eileen, I love you”. (Done several times.) Very good. And now, to Larry’s son, Harvey, although you might not be able to picture where he is in body, envision him in your midst. Dance about him, and sing “Harvey, I love you”. (Done three times.) Very good. And now, let us dance around Dennis, and let us sing “Dennis, I love you”. (Done three times) Now let us surround our brother, Larry, and again, dance around him and sing “Larry, I love you”. (Done three times) And now in your minds, bless the bonds his family has established between its members, and reassure Larry that those bonds shall continue even as he goes about the obligations he must fulfill. With the love you have extended to his family, he comes to know that they are supported, that he is not alone, and that they are not alone, that any of them are welcome to call upon your psychic support, your loving heart, your companionship. Now the temple doctors go to serve Larry, to be with him. As you feel the freedom of your bodies, celebrate the freedom Larry now has from his pain- wracked body, that he can now release it, and it is all right. He moves toward joy, and because he is a part of us now, we will in our subtle bodies, in our hearts and minds, go forward with him until he enters that corridor of transition, which he will not do until he has fulfilled his passage rites. Until that time, continue to send him your love, your compassion, your mercy. Above all, as you think of Larry, or as you think of Eileen, or as you think of Harvey, or as you think of Dennis, hold only joy in your thoughts. Let Larry be lifted by your thoughts of joyousness. Now we invite you to bring your circle back to this room. Remain outside the prisons of your body. Remain free and joyous, and invite your loved ones to come and dance and sing with you. Come. Come Kick up your heels. You can be more joyous. Now the temple musicians join you in your closing song as you return to your daily consciousness, and your loved ones return to theirs. We bless you, and we keep you, and we love you. And so I bid you adieu.
Closed as usual.
(Page added to synch with index)