1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P11 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 1. P12 2.
Session #72 – April 5, 1986 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Richard and Mary White, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Jean Chisholm, Bonnie Wisz, Betty Welty, Sidney Smither, Ida Nevala, Myra Perala, Eileen Horton, and Peggy Muldoon.
Richard led a review of the Law of Harmony, and in the absence of LaMar, also did the recording. Following a short meditation prepared by Richard, communication began following the usual singing of “Open My Eyes.”
Judith: Good evening my precious ones. Let us go around our circle this night and state our names, if you will, please. (Done, complete with “Judith”.) We from the temple welcome you this night. We are very pleased with your topic of study, for it ties in with your lesson tonight. We gave our channel a cartoon for you which we will be discussing in connection with your biblical story of Cain and Able. On the cartoon (“Mitosis” by Martin), you will see the initial one, and as the idea occurs for differentiation from the expression thereon, you see some surprise. And so it is with you. As that circumstance or situation arises in your life when change is mandatory, it often comes to you as an idea or an urge to diversify or to change direction, to do or be something different, usually from that urge to become better, more elevated, affirmed, benefited, gratified. But look at the pained expression as that change draws parts of the one away from each other. Herein is your discomfort, your fear of the unknown, of becoming separated, of becoming, perhaps, even lost. And then finally, in that last ultimate effort, the separation occurs and objectivity is obtained. And there is a reflection of you in your environment. In the cartoon you see that the two after the one are alike but different. And in that differentiation lies the seeds of the urge to rejoin -- magnetism, liking, loving. In this message lies the secret: to find in those differentnesses the very thing you need for harmony. As you yield to that magnetic attraction, you touch and you begin to meld. And in your stated condition, there is erotic sensation, and you choose to join with another who appears to be separate from you, but who indeed in the matrix of God-stuff is not separate from you but is a part of you. And as this urge to meld is given sway, the last “h” of Sandalphon brings again a union into one: one mind, one idea, one effort, which again is going to feel the urge for change, for separateness, and diversity and repeat of the process. So it is with all of you, with all parts of you. And you are given this in the allegory of Cain and Able. They are said to be the sons of Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve are one being, just two differentiated parts of the same oneness. So Cain and Able are two differentiated parts of the same oneness. And in their characterizations in your scripture, each is given personality traits of the other. They both husband the earth in some way to produce something. As you husband your circumstances, your lives, your attributes, your talents, you are bringing to the altar of Life your offerings. This is the way of Evolution, while Cain and Able represent Involutionary beings. To put it in terms of developing worlds, developing materialities which you experience as tables and chairs and bodies, the ERTs are differentiated parts of the One which are drawn together by that urge for union demonstrated in the cartoon. Now it is not just two becoming one, but the one made of the two is urged to join another one made of two. And in this collection, this drawing together of Star Seed, stars are born. That power, that energy, that off-giving heat radiator which you see as a sun, is a collection of ERTs which have been drawn together by this magnetic attraction. And in their coming together, they generate power. This is reflected in your lives when you experience the power of group action. You are told in your esoteric studies that like attracts like. And yet you know that in separateness there is difference. You are drawn together by your differences and by your commonalities. In this joining, you create a power entity, something that radiates, gives off influence. In the instance of stars, there is radiance and radiation and innumerable frequencies of energy. It is in these coming-togethers that your material world comes to be. As you have been given, your earth is a cooling sun. And as this cooling transpires, certain other organic processes occur. Getting back to the story of Cain and Abel, Cain is said to slay his brother Abel. This is an obscuration of the joining of the two different entities into one. As two different selves come together, one literally eats the other, the more powerful of the two takes into itself those attributes, traits, presences, whatever is there, and joins them with its own. It is then, no longer the same as it was before. And yet, in some respects, will more nearly resemble the stronger of the two, rather than the weaker of the two. And so it is said that Cain slew Abel and buried him so as his body could not be found. Yet the blood stains belied the crime. When two units join, the fact this stronger unit has ingested the weaker unit cannot be concealed, for the stronger, then, has those attributes of the weaker as well as its own. In this way, life began on this planet as it cooled and made possible the union of certain unities at freedom in this environment. As given before, among the Star Seed were those unities which you call nucleic acids, which are the basis of the life forms on this planet. Now in other earths in other systems, there are other such unities providing the basis for life upon those planets, so that not all earths have life based on the nucleic acid. Thus, in eons to come, as Life progresses and is enabled to make contact with other solar systems, the life forms to be found will not be as yours. Thus there will need to be that consciousness, that awareness which enables you to recognize Life. Now, your Adam and Eve provide the system of life as you know it. Other Adams and other Eves, other Souls, if you will, other Intentions. But those in the Realm of Soul who have the responsibility for furthering Life upon your planet have chosen the life form which you now exhibit. We spoke earlier about the division of Adam to Adam and Eve, and the story which says that Eve gave into temptation and thus brought about those circumstances which cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, and God placed the Cherubim at the gate to prevent Adam and Eve from returning. This is an allegory that Life goes forward in the Involutionary Spiral to that point of inertia so that suns and planets and other forms in space can become. If Life were permitted to re-enter that area from which it came, it would not work out the Intention of the Soul Realm to develop the ramifications of the law. Thus it is that you do not remember where you came from, so you cannot go back. You can only go forward. Evolution must pursue. Life must not be found in its end of inertia. Thus it is that Consciousness is not completely separated from Volition in your most inert matter. Consciousness still retains some Volition. That is necessary in order to turn Involution into Evolution. So that what you might consider the lesser forms of life such as mineral, can serve what you consider a higher form of life, plant life, in the Evolutionary Spiral. This will end the lesson for tonight, and we will be happy to entertain questions.
Sidney: If Adam represents the Life Principle, are we not limiting ourselves as we invoke Khamael and state that we are “eternal life”? Would it not be better to go beyond the Cosmos and invoke that which is stasis and closer to The Absolute of which we are a part? (It is not appropriate for you so to do and still work out the Law of Dominance.)
Myra: In other words, if we did what Sid suggested, we would not be attacking the Purpose that we are here for? (Correct. Your affirmation, “I am eternal life”, is meant to remind you that you are connected with The Absolute, that you do not have the power to destroy Life.)
Owen: You alluded to the influence from the Realm of Soul on our form, for one thing, and Netsok talked about the Intentions from the Realm of Soul that guide our activities in the physical. The word “Intention” has been used rather frequently recently by yourself as well as Netsok so I was wondering if in the Realm of Soul, the Souls have classifications of “Intentions”? What I’m thinking of is that Netsok mentioned it is his Intention to bring in the New Race. Are there other “Intentions” that are quite different from his than of the Souls that are represented in humans that are in physical now? (In general, the Intent is to “construct”, to “forward progress”, but as your planet is formed, it also is ensouled. There are souls for planets, and souls for those life forms to which the planet gives rise. As we move along in our lessons we are going to discuss evolution on your planet. We are only now reaching the concluding stages of involution (Ed. in the Teachings).) I wondered a little bit more about the differentiation of Intention of Souls, because Netsok mentioned that he could not come in until we provided an adequate vehicle here. But we are each now representing a Soul – (Judith is shaking her head). We’re not representing a Soul? Well, maybe I have that twisted. But as I understand it, Souls have Egos, Egos have personalities or Selfs, and we are each Selfs. So we are each a part of a manifestation of a Soul. I judge that since Netosk finds that the vehicles that are present – I presume that he meant the physical manifestations now – the personalities here are inadequate for his incarnation. At least we had to provide some difference in the vehicle. I wondered where the problem was. Is this because of a difference in Intention of the Souls that are represented here now, or is it strictly a problem we have generated here in the physical?
Judith:Each Age is under the jurisdiction of a group of Souls, although your ages are not distinctly separate, one flowing forth from the other. Netsok is only one of the many Souls who will be forwarding the progress of Life in the coming age of mankind’s evolution, of this planet’s evolution. He is only one of many, and I use the word “he” because you seem to have difficulty acknowledging intelligence to something we call “it”. Netsok is neither male nor female but will produce Egos which in turn will produce bodies of both genders, but cannot do this until the Souls’ Intention for this Age is fulfilled by virtue of mankind coming to understand his estate as a creative being and fully responsible for that which he now must endure. War is an outgrowth of the evolutionary thrust and must be outgrown in the minds and hearts of mankind, even as mankind has outgrown his previous condition. As your lessons pursue, this will become more clear. I would only be misleading you by what I could give you in a few words.
Myra: It is wonderful to know that there is a chance that we can outgrow war. (You will. It is in the evolutionary thrust.)
Sidney: The current Souls that are manifesting Egos which are producing bodies in various sexes – what are they going to be doing in the future when Netsok and his group are producing the Egos and physical forms? (They will be doing the same thing that Souls of previous ages are doing.) Jean: Which is? (You would not understand.) (Laughter.)
Eileen: You speak of like attracting like, but also the attraction of differences, and that the stronger qualities eat up the weaker. I’m thinking of relationships between people in the physical. These statements seem very true, but would you comment on this aspect of attractions and the results?
Judith: Very often you are misled in witnessing relationships as to which is the stronger of a pair. As two human beings come together, whether to unite their minds in a common creative effort, or to unite their bodies in a common sensual activity, whether it is to formulate a marriage or a friendship, or a business partnership, there is a oneness recognizable that is made up of Attributes of both. The stronger of the two colors that unity more strongly, more evidently than the weaker. However, one who may present him or herself as the weaker may be the stronger, because in the passive aspect of energy lies great power. It is the power of magnetic attraction and manipulation. Placing this in the terminology of a human relationship, one of the two may appear to be physically less able, less strong, and yet that one may be the stronger of the two and the controller of the unity formed by the pair. These roles also are exchanged, and the unity takes on that countenance at any given time which is dictated by which of the two is the stronger in that situation. In the New Age, this exchange of strength and seat of power will be on an equal basis, whereas at this time in the consciousness of mankind, it is not. (Myra asks for a repeat) In the New Age of Affection, as Netsok calls it, two people in any kind of relationship will exchange the roles of superiority on an equal basis. If you and your husband elect to undertake a particular course of action, one or the other of you must acknowledge that he or she has more expertise or capability. And in that acknowledgment, give over the seat of power without any sense of personal diminishment. When that seat of power must change because of changing circumstances or a new undertaking, the reins of power are passed without hostility, but with affection.(Myra: And this will be the norm, the standard?) Thus, there will be no wars over territorial boundaries, because the exchange of power will be on an equal basis.
Peggy: What about these terrorists that we hear so much about now? (There cannot be any terrorists in the New Age because all will be equal.)
Sidney: The River of Life, we have been told, divides into four branches three different times, equaling twelve. Does this first division also represent the New Testament information that Jesus chose as his first four disciples, Peter, James, John and Andrew? (Judith nodded affirmatively.)
Peggy: I was wondering about our roles that we take. I’ve put my place up for sale, and I’ve had interested people, but nothing has been done. Is there something that I’m supposed to understand that it is not to be sold? (That will take place in the proper time. Your study period prior to my evidential arrival discussed that very topic.) I thought maybe I was trying to push something. I don’t want to push it if it’s not meant to be. (Be at peace. It will occur in its own good time.)
Myra: In the last statement that you made when you finished your talk, you were discussing Consciousness and Volition. You were talking about Involution and Evolution and a relationship between plants and minerals. You said something to the effect that this is at the end of the study of Involution, and we’re going to begin Evolution. Right? Would you describe some more about that whole turning point and the relationship between the levels of Consciousnesses? (That is coming.)
Owen: I’d like to follow up on Sidney’s question a little bit. He mentioned the first four of the branches of the River of Life. Do the other eight branches also represent certain personalities in the bible? (The reverse. And Sheariam will be giving you those lessons in the proper time.) I have another question that relates to the last time you visited with us. You remarked that the gonadal centers are to be raised to the pineal in order for the Sixth Root Race to move onward. I presume that the Sixth Root Race is also the same thing as the New Age? (Yes.) But I don’t understand what’s involved here with the gonadal centers to be raised to the pineal. (You understand in the animal kingdom that territory is of prime concern. Even your domestic animals stake out their territory, and defend it even with their lives. This instinct stems from the gonadal area. In the human being your wars are for territorial reasons and for financial power. This stems from the gonadal chakra. (Bonnie: It seems there is a long way to go, then.)
Jean: Something you said raised a question. Going back to the Soul, does Soul extend lower than the personality? I guess another way of asking this is: Do animals have Souls? (Souls have animals.) All right, then, Volition goes through the whole realm of…. (Volition is a Component of the Divine Germ Cell. There is nothing existent without Volition.) Wherever there is Volition is there also Soul? (Yes.) Sidney: What about the Realms above what we think of as the Realm of Soul? (That, too. Do you not recognize Spirit in everything? Do you not recognize Mind in everything?) (Several “no’s”.) Myra: How about curtains? They wouldn’t have Mind would they? (Everything has all Nine Components in some degree. Soul determines what Quality Life will inhabit and in what form.)
Jean: Now this presents another problem. If Soul goes on after physical death, I have to reorganize a whole lot of thinking here… If Ego goes on beyond physical death, then our common language says “the soul departed”. It sounds as though the Soul does not depart. (It does not depart.) Myra: Well, what happens with the Corridor of Transition? (The Ego and those non-earth physical parts of you move through the Corridor of Transition.) Ego and…. Jean: So then when we use “soul”, we’re really using the wrong term? (Correct.) Owen: Is “Self” the right term? (Yes.)
Sidney: When we Quantify our Quality, does that bring us into a greater state of oneness with Soul? (Yes.) So, I presume that if the transfiguration is an example of what is possible, that would be a physical being who is so ensouled that he could translate himself into a higher realm without necessarily experiencing what we call “death”? (It would be a more evolved Ego (Ed. who could do that). The word “Soul” has been used in your language and understanding, and sponsored by your religious community, to mean that which we call “Psyche”.
Owen: Could you differentiate between “psyche” and “self”? (“Psyche” is that portion of the Realm of Mind with which you, as a personifying Ego, are endowed.) So that is the portion of us that is from the Realm of Mind. There is also a portion from the Realm of Soul, from the Realm of Ego? (Judith nods affirmatively.) Peggy: Does this come with the body as we are born? (It produces. It builds the body which you wear out of those materials provided for you by the fetus adopted.)
Jean:Can you define “Soul” for us again? (Soul is Intention, but larger Intention than you think of the word. You may personally have an intention to be a teacher, whereas your Soul Intention may be to increase the knowledge of mankind, and thus, you choose teaching as a means by which to fulfill that Soul Intention.)
Sidney The word “intention” or “intend” comes from the Latin meaning “to hold within” or “to hold in”. So then it would seem that the purpose of Soul is to hold the “personality”, if you will, within Divine Intention or Divine Plan, perhaps. (Within a certain thread, shall we say, of the over-all plan. Some Souls are given to furthering knowledge, and some are given to furthering other things.) (Bonnie: Such as equality? Liberty? Freedom? (Yes. (Ed. to all three))
Jean: What would be the Soul of a helium atom, or let’s say argon? (You are still thinking of materiality owning the Soul, when it is the other way around.) Owen: Maybe this question will lead to clarification of that. We are told that Devas are from the Realm of Soul. Are they the Souls that then are overseers? I’m not sure of the term to use. Of what we think of as inanimate things such as rocks, minerals, chemicals, atoms? (Probably, for your understanding, that is a good way to express it.) So a Deva of a particular crystal formation includes, or might include, argon, would be the Soul then that has…. (Would be the Psyche for the argon.)
Sidney: Devas deal with unities, it seems to be, and as we have learned, the Soul deals with many personalities. So I presume there is some similarity there. But does the Deva, in addition, act in any type of capacity in terms of Soul as we are discussing it now, to the individual differentiations that make up that unity? (Yes.) Owen: So there would be many crystal formations, as I mentioned, related to a single Soul, or a single Deva? (One of which may reside in the pocket of our friend, while another may still be in the mountain.) We’ve talked a lot about the Souls having Egos and the Egos having Selfs. I’ve been curious about the numbers involved. Is it possible to give an average number? How many Selfs per Ego and how many Egos per Soul? (That’s like asking me how many children any one person may have.) Well, that’s probably less than a hundred. (laughter). (How many sperm in one ejaculation? It depends upon the individual.) I was thinking of some kind of a general ballpark number. It was such a new idea that there was this subdivision in the hierarchy. I had thought that I had a spirit and that that spirit was independent. Now I find out that it is not only part of an Ego, but it is also part of a Soul, and we are working for the Intention of the soul and also the subdivision of that by the Ego. I’m just wondering how many people there are in the organization. How big a family am I? (Laughter.) (How many thoughts can you have?)
Sidney: Well, perhaps, let me ask this question, then. How many current Souls are manifesting Egos and consequently, children who are physically making up the four billion that exist on this planet? Owen: Well, it can’t be more than four billion. (You are discounting all the life forms on your planet, those which you see and those which you cannot see. Do you think that I have no connection with a Soul?) Myra: You do have, don’t you? (Of course.) Owen: Well, if we just thought of the Souls that had the Intention of developing humans… (To what end would such information serve you? (laughter and several comments.) Would it help you live your life any more successfully?) Probably not. (Our stated objective was, is now, and shall continue to be: To give you that which will enable you to understand the condition in which you now find yourselves so that you can move your race into the new Age more successfully.)
Jean: The more I hear, the more I don’t know. One of the things I think is bothering me is changing the ideas and the idea that life goes on after what we call death. Now, what is the form in which that life goes on? My concept is that here I am something called “Jean”. Then after the death event I am still something called “Jean”. And that exists. And now you say, you call that “psyche”. Is that right? (No.) I mean, is that right? After the event of death, does Jean exist as an entity, or does Jean separate into her many parts? (Both. At first you remain “Jean”, self-conscious, aware of your family ties in this condition, of Jean, her feelings, her thoughts, her expertise, her strengths, her weaknesses, her whole beingness. That continues for some time. I cannot tell you how long because that depends upon your psyche. As you grow into becoming more than Jean, then Jean ceases to be Jean, and Jean is distributed among the many parts to become others.)
Sidney: It would seem logical that to the extent that one becomes aware of one’s multi-dimensional personality while in the physical, the more quickly one would go through the Corridor of Transition after the death experience. And conversely, the more one is focused into what one considers to be the earth personality, the more difficult it would be. (Yes. As you study Silverthistle’s teachings, and you become aware of the subtle bodies, these bodies go on with you past that door you call death, and it is only when those subtle bodies become disintegrated that the accumulation of knowledge and experience of this personality called “Jean” is recycled.)
Peggy: When that person reaches this time when they claim that death comes to the physical body, and they go over to this other plane, do we have a body, or do we have to earn this body? (You take your subtle bodies with you.) Oh, we do. I thought we didn’t have a body for a while. It wouldn’t be a physical body. (Hopefully your physical body will be six feet under.) (laughter.)
Sidney: That brings up an interesting point. In Gloria’s death experience that she had in May a couple of years go, she stated that she became aware of darkness around her. She tried to move that physical body and found herself unable to do so. And then she had the thought that “I am dead”, and with that thought she felt an expansiveness. I presume it might be some time until some people have that thought that they are dead, which might leave them with a feeling of entrapment within that body. I think a lot of horror movies have been developed about that one. To what extent does that happen?
Judith: It happens more often than you expect. Only people with some degree of awareness of after-life can immediately leave that body. This does not mean that someone who has professed these thoughts necessarily can, just because of that psychic awareness carried into each incarnation by the psyche. At that moment of death, there are those there to meet that one departing, if you will, and if that psyche is so conditioned, it will recognize its escorts, and will move away from that physical body. There are still, caught in the atmosphere of this planet, those who have separated from the body, finally, in desperation, but have not yet acknowledged they are still alive but in another condition. They wander confused and out of reach. You are solely responsible for the conduct of your consciousness, and cannot be interfered with, as we have been trying to tell you time and again. There are those who come to meet you at that door of death, but if you do not acknowledge them, they cannot interfere with your thought processes. Consequently, until there is a change, a person can be entrapped in what you call the “astral realm”. You will be taught more about this as Sheariam takes up her lessons.
Jean: Still continuing the thought before, I’ve read several times where, particularly it occurs in India, where a child seemed to be reincarnated and remembered the life before. That brings up the question: In the reincarnation, does that take place at the point, going back to “Jean”, while “Jean” is still “Jean” before it separates into the individual? (Yes.) Now is it possible that after it separates into the parts, it is reincarnated, but not recognized as belonging to the entity, or do the parts go on to a still higher realm?
Judith: Both. As “Jean” moves through the Corridor of Transition and into a condition where she can be prepared for the next incarnational cycle, she retains her sense of identity but may relinquish her clutch upon the personality named “Jean”. When that is released, the entity can take on another personality which might be named “Veronica”. After the cycle of incarnations, through the various personalities is completed, all of that accumulated experience and knowledge can be separated into various apportionments by the Ego and given to other cycles of incarnation.
Myra: So it is separated and goes different ways, then? (You move on into higher realms through the Realm of Ego. As an Ego successfully completes the Intention of the Soul which created it by producing all of these incarnating personalities, then it becomes separated in its parts, and the Realm of Soul distributes that accumulation of experience and elevated consciousness.) Sidney: So the Ego is the sum of its parts. However, as the sum is additive, then when it redistributes, that which is distributed is also greater. (Yes.)
Sidney: The first four apostles of Jesus were fishermen. Does this mean that our first goal as human beings is the appropriation of ideas and the multiplication of the fecundity of our hungry thoughts? (Excellently put.) To follow that, does this also mean that the first capacities to be conquered by us are the twin capacities of strength and faith, represented by Andrew and Peter, and the twin capacities of Love and Judgment through wisdom as represented by John and James? (As Sheariam teaches you of evolution on your planet, you will see how these manifest.)
Jean: Going back to the multiplicities, I have become aware of something that has come in my consciousness in several things: That one person had a pain in the arm, and the sister, thousands of miles away manifests about the same kind of symptoms and recovered. Another time, in this Ray program, someone is healed here, and the family, the people who are close to them, undergo feelings at a distance. There are more, but these are some of the things that I have become aware really exist. This pain that is felt here can also be felt someplace else, and the relief here comes simultaneously with the relief somewhere else. Can you comment on that?
Judith: Although you are apparently separate individuals wearing bodies separate from each other, you are all cells of a greater body. If in your body you have a headache, the rest of the body suffers. When a portion of a disabled body is healed, the rest of the body benefits. So it is with that greater body of which you are a part.
Owen: Would this effect be only between individuals of the same Ego? (At one level, yes, but at a higher level, all of mankind benefits as each of you individuals improve yourselves.) Myra: But Jean, you were referring to people within a family. Jean: Not necessarily, but most of the time that I was aware of it, it happened to people within the family. But I have seen it happen to people not related. This is a new kind of thing that I saw, and it’s so astounding. (Remember that not all of the individual personalities present in earth life at the same time, having been produced by the same Ego, will find themselves in the same genetic family. Myra: So it doesn’t necessarily require blood relationship. Are these people acquainted with one another, or could they be outside of each other’s acquaintance? (Completely outside of each other’s conscious awareness, as in the case of our friend here.)
Judith: It is now time to draw our evening to a close. Let us have a meditative moment together. Settle yourselves comfortably, and put aside for the moment the thoughts of our night’s study. Focus your attention at some mid-point at the center of your circle. As you focus your attention, there is a meeting of subtle bodies. As your subtle bodies come together, they establish a force field. As you think love, that force field becomes magnetic. Affirm aloud “I love”. And again, “I love”. And once more, “I love”. Now, because there are ties between members of this circle and personalities who have entered the Corridor of Transition, with your thoughts, distribute that force field out from the center of the circle into your atmosphere, for that is as near as your imagination will permit you to distribute it towards that corridor. As you distribute this force field which you have filled with your love, you give power to those confused, searching individuals, who feel too weak to move along that Corridor of Transition. As you distribute this force field of love, its magnetic attraction also calls additional power from other conditions of life, and assists in the connection between these confused, lost individuals and those members of their reception committee. Now affirm, “You are blessed” aloud. (“You are blessed” said aloud three times.) In this very simple and very easy exercise, you have given great assistance. As you go your personal ways, this is something you can do for those who have gone ahead of you, and for any who will be going on ahead of you. In the admonition “Pray for the dead”, this is the way in which you can most effectively do so. Now, I ask you once again to focus your attention in your midst, and build a force field by affirming aloud “I love” three times. (Done.) Most excellent. Now invite those about whom you have concern who are on this side of the door you call death, and invite them in their consciousness to enter that force field of love, and take to themselves whatever healing they would desire. (Many names softly spoken.) Now, as those who will answer your invitation arrive, I invite you to put yourselves into that force field and join hands and hearts with those who come, and take for yourselves that healing which you need. As you take that healing to yourselves, do not forget to be joyful, dance and sing, and express that joy. Now bring that healing and that joy back to this room’s consciousness, release your loved ones to return to themselves, and visualize that force field of love and healing as a golden pyramid to hang in the atmosphere over your planet so that it continues to bless, continues to be a resource of love and healing. As you visualize this, you make it a reality which people in my condition can use to help send thoughts of healing and elevation of the mind to those who govern the planet. As you close your meeting this night with your favorite song, continue to visualize that pyramid of love and peace. I bid you, beloveds, go in peace.
Meeting closed with “Let there be peace on earth.”
(Page added to synch with index)