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Session #73 – April 26, 1986 Gloria’s Circle
Present: Richard and Mary White, Eileen Horton, Sidney Smither, Bonnie Wisz, Peggy Muldoon, Ida Nevala, Betty Welty, Owen Cramer, Myra Perala.
The meeting opened with a study period directed at identification of the archangel to be invoked for the everyday problems faced by group members, conducted by Myra. Following a guided meditation on color, Judith joined the group as they sang ‘Open my eyes.”
Judith: Good evening, my precious ones. Thank you for your song. Let us go around our circle, each putting the power of his name into our midst. (Done.) And I am Judith. Welcome one and all. We have upon us the need to complete this series of presentations, for many reasons, some of them individual to you, and some of them peculiar to us. We must complete this segment of your teaching, and then Sheariam shall come to you again to expand upon that which I have given you, and to explore with you the development of the Realm of Self in which you find your focus at this time. So tonight, we shall discuss “Intention” and complete our discourses upon the Realm of Soul so that at our next meeting we can discuss and complete the discourses with the Realm of Ego. Now in the Realm of Soul are many Intentions. There are twelve “Primary Intentions” which have come to manifestation in your particular Realm of Self, and at this time, only these Intentions will have sufficient meaning to you to be worthy of the time and effort for your study. Now each Intention has many representatives. Many Soul Entities will profess a particular Intention. Consequently, an Intention may have many avenues of expression through the Realm of Ego. That is to say that there may be at any given time many Egos working upon the fulfillment of a particular Intention. We shall attempt to give you in a word the Twelve Intentions. However, your language is insufficient to truly represent the fullness of the Intention. As you study with Sheariam, these fullnesses shall be developed for you and with you. The Twelve are: Individuation, Accretion, Mentation, Conservation, Pleasure, Selectivity, Accommodation, Creation or Creativity, Growth or Dissemination, Utilization, Association and Dissolution. As I use the word “or” it is not that the Intention has alternatives, but that your words do not sufficiently give a meaning. These Twelve Intentions find manifestation through many, many avenues, each avenue taking on certain conditions, certain requirements, certain consequences. In its effort to accomplish the Intention which it represents, each Soul develops Egos as vehicles. In the conception of the vehicle, each Soul predicates certain characteristics peculiar to your situation as earthly life forms. These characteristics are peculiarly suited to the accommodation of the Intention which has given rise to the birth of your planet. As you can see, there are Intentions beyond the Intentions of the human Realm of Self, in that it is Intention which establishes the design for planetary life, or planetary forms, for solar life, for solar forms.As these Intentions are fulfilled, the thrust of the Divine Desire finds its target, gratifies its need, and comes to knowledge of Itself. In these few moments I have given you information that will take you lifetimes to digest. Consequently, we will close this discourse and discuss the presented ideas.
Sidney: You just said, the “thrust of the Divine Desire finds its target, gratifies its need, and comes to knowledge of Itself”. I wrote a question earlier today that seems to relate possibly to what you’re talking about. My question centered around the fact that the Fourth Root Race seemed to generate its thrust through its organs of reproduction. Perhaps that might be associated with one of your Twelve Intentions, that of Pleasure. And that the Fifth Root Race seems to generate its thrust through the organ of the cortex, of the brain, which perhaps might be related to your Soul Intention of Mentation. And probably, the Sixth Root Race will generate its thrust through the organ of the heart, which may relate to your Soul Intention of Association. First of all, am I on the right track in these observations? Secondly, is this then what is happening, that we will eventually go through twelve root races, each one which will come to conclusion or gratify the need of the Divine Desire? And once that knowledge is achieved, then we will arrive at a state of Dissolution. (You are most perceptive, young man.) (Remarks of astonishment among group.) Might you also give us a hint as to what the Seventh Root Race might be about? (Inasmuch as you do not yet know precisely the thrust of the Sixth Root Race, discussion of the Seventh would be meaningless.) Myra: I don’t understand about the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. (Sheariam will be discussing those very topics in greater detail with you.)
Bonnie: This evening when we had our beginning meditation, there was a wonderful heart that developed in front of me with all wonderful colors, and it seems to tie in with what we’re discussing this evening. The heart, of course, symbolizes love in our society many times, but where did that come about, and that shape; what energies does that have? (The heart represents love merely because it represents a focus of life projection. The shape of the heart form, which you draw as a valentine, is determined by the orbits of your planets Venus and Mars, as they cross each other’s pathways in the sky.) Myra: How did we know that? (Your astronomers of ancient and lost civilizations knew of these things, and the reincarnation of those entities had that knowledge to bring forward.) So when children fold a paper and cut a heart, this is a result of their reincarnational knowledge? (Of a racial knowledge. Now the heart is merely that physical organ of your body which provides for part of your circulation system. Consequently, it has become associated with the affectional preoccupations of the human mind, because without those affectional associations society itself, as you know it, would not circulate. It would lose its Life Force.)
Peggy: I’d like to get a clarification of what you mean by “your racial interpretations” that you have been speaking of. Is it what we call here on our planet the same? (You are of the Human Race, which shares a common memory, which has been created by all members of your kind over billions of centuries.) Myra: And all the experiences of all those people contribute to the racial memory? (Yes.)
Sidney: In discussing astrology a moment ago, you talked about ancient astrologers, and I have a couple of questions about astrology here. In present time the earth’s North Star is Polaris. But about 4,600 years ago, at that moment, the earth’s star was Thuban in the constellation of Draco. And about 4,000 years hence it will be Cepheus, and in about 9,000 years from now, it will be Cygnus, and in about 13,000 years it will be Vega. And this raises some questions. First, of what value is the ancient astrology, or the ancient astrology texts in the present, if the relationship between the earth and the heavens is constantly changing?
Judith: The relationships of the heavenly bodies are patterned upon a Cosmic Plan which is evolutionary in nature. The science and discipline of astrology is empirical in nature in that it consists of mankind’s self-conscious observations. So long as it pursues this course of history, then the evolutionary process will be in correlation with what happens in the planetary relationship with the stars. At the present time the North Star represents the Seat of Wisdom. This is why we have told our channel to sit in the northern chair. Because of the energy vortexes and meridians, it is easier to harmonize vibrations if the channel sits with her back to the north. As you meditate, you would find improvement if you seated yourselves with your back to the north.
Sidney:Some say it is better to sleep with the head to the North. (That is true, for much information is brought to you on waves of consciousness which revolve into dreams.) Sidney: I have a second question which related to this issue. You have taught us that there exists in the Ages of Mankind, cycles that are approximately 4,000 years in length. Hypothetically speaking then, this current Fifth Age of Man roughly corresponds to a planetary North Star shift from Thuban to Polaris, and the Sixth would roughly correspond from Polaris to Cepheus, and the Seventh from Cepheus to Cygnus, the Eight roughly from Cygnus to Vega. Given that mankind continues to grow, are the astrological influences designed to correspond to further such growth? (That is merely a paraphrase of my former sentences.) True, it is. Let me get to my next question then. After Vega has become the North Star of this planet, it will take about another 8,000 years or so, or about a third of the total cycle of 25,827 years of which this galaxy supposedly circles the central sun, for the earth to again reach a major star as its North Star. From this fact, can we deduce either (a) that those of mankind who have not reached spiritual perfection in the next twelve to thirteen thousand years will start all over again through the cycles of man, or (b) that mankind as a whole will assume a more spiritual identity and move into what is now the unseen, become a moon, if you will, to a then existing cooling planet which might be the Sun? (We cannot predict what self-consciousness will do.)
Myra: So it depends on the self-consciousness of each individual, or of the entire planet. (Race Consciousness depends upon the evolution of the individual self- consciousness. Consequently, race cannot go forward unless individual goes forward.)
Sidney: I was wondering, because of the fact that our galaxy is rotating around a central sun once every approximately 26,000 years or so, that assuming there may be magnetic or gravitational attraction between this galaxy and that central sun, is that what might cause this wobble of the earth’s axis, and also might be an influence in these shifts that may occur possibly gradually or suddenly, and that’s a question in itself? Could this change be dramatic and cause these possible dramatic earth changes that are ofttimes predicted? That is too simple an explanation. That is equivalent to your astrological community saying that sun flares are the sole reason for business economics to change). Well, is the gravitational polar attraction what basically causes the wobble of the earth’s axis so that the North Star changes frequently? (Many things enter into that, not merely the earth’s relationship to what you call a central sun. All things are connected; all consciousness is connected. What you do upon this planet affects what others do upon their planet and visa versa. So it is not merely the growth upon this planet that determines, nor is it merely the relationship between your planet and its sun, or this solar system and its galaxy, or this galaxy in relationship to another galaxy. You cannot simplify it that much and think that you have arrived at The Answer.) The twelve cycles that you have been talking about, or the twelve Soul Intentions, if indeed they do become root races for mankind, that would essentially be the equivalent of two full cycles of 26,000 years. (I’m afraid that in my compliment, I misled you. Each Intention is not purely a Root Race. One or more Intentions may become uppermost in minds or consciousness, but all Intentions are operative simultaneously.)
Richard: As I understand it, then, each Soul has one or more Intentions predominant in its Purpose. (Do not conceptualize Soul as “person”, but as “Intention”. And there is only one per Soul, if you wish, or one Soul per Intention. That’s not correct either. Many Souls may work upon the same Intention, as Soul is Intention.) Myra: When you say that many Souls work on the same Intention, are you using that word the way we usually use it?Or are you referring to many groups of entities that have the same Soul with the same Intention? (Yes, many persons will be of the same Intention, but not necessarily of the same Soul parentage. But one Soul Intention will have many persons working out the Intention.) And would they then be under different Soul umbrellas, so to speak? (They could be.)
Bonnie: Is there a particular reason why these come in this order? To me it looks like, as we go through our lives, we go through each of these Intentions. (It was not intended that they demonstrate a progressive order.) Myra: So do they have any reason for being in this particular order, or they could be in any order? (They are unlikely to be in certain orders in this particular earth plane.) So why are they in this order then? (Because that was the way they arrived in my consciousness at this moment.)
Sidney: If we are a projection of a particular Soul, then when we graduate to the Spirit-Physical on a more permanent basis, would that indicate that we have successfully fulfilled our Soul’s Intention? (No. You, as a personality, are a projection of an Ego Entity, which will be discussed at our next meeting. But the Soul Intention develops many Egos through which to develop and fulfill the Intention.) The reason I asked that was because of the very first one which was Individuation. In deference to the Gnostics through Jung, they feel that Individuation is the primary goal of our selfhood. (That shows their limitation. Individuation is not the sole Intention for this earth life, and that is “s-o-l-e”.)
Owen: You mentioned that the Intention established the design for planetary life and for solar life and so on. I think that we were given that Adam Kadmon had a great part in the design. How does Adam Kadmon relate to Intentions? (Adam Kadmon is the designer.) He designed the Intentions? (Yes.) Myra: All twelve? (And all of the others not enumerated.) So the others not enumerated would not relate to the earth planet. (Correct – this earth planet.) You have made references to this “planet earth” and other planets “earth”, and I’m always so curious as to where they are. (What would you do with them if you had them?) I don’t know. But you have referred to them so many times I thought that they must have some meaning for us. (They have meaning for that part of you that lives there.) In my dream state? (That’s one door of consciousness.) So it’s in another state of consciousness that I live there, too. (Yes.) Oh all right, then you have helped me to a little better understanding.
Owen: Following that, Judith, that doesn’t mean other Selfs of her Ego. (That, too.) Have we covered different aspects or realities of Self? (Not yet. Sheariam will do that.) Myra: Will she also talk about other planets earth at that time too? (If it so develops.)
Sidney: I have a question upon which I would like some clarification. Joshua, in the August open session, told us that the sixth Root Race bodies will be physical and substantial, but essentially “air bodies”. And in Session #65, you told us that the first human bodies were “air-like”. Could you comment on those two pieces of information? (In the evolutionary process, the bodies of your condition go through the “elements”, if you will, several times. As you repeat certain experiences, you will choose to live in a condition in which your body substance is different than it is now. I do not believe you have yet sufficient information to properly answer that question.) Myra: So an “air body” is beyond our physical comprehension? (No. But the return to that condition and subsequent developments would be.) Eileen: Now, is this a thing that the whole human race will evolve into? (Yes.) Myra: We’ll have to do that after the big blow, huh? (You tend to think in terms of population of only those which you can see, whereas, your planet is populated with people in all of these varying conditions. You see, you do not have enough information to understand the answers.
Bonnie: Would it also mean at this time that those in the Spirit-Physical would find it easier to enter into another form? (This discussion will be more productive after you have further information which it’s not possible to give you at this moment in the short time.) Richard: Sounds as though we have enough information to be confused, but not enough to ask intelligent questions.
Owen: Netsok mentioned that it was his Intention to bring in the “New Race”. That means then that his Intention is Association. Does that follow? (Yes.)
Richard: Is it too early yet to ask the question: Why is it that a Soul like Netsok is in the position it is in, in that it waits until the earth plane has evolved further before incarnating, yet the Souls with which we’re associated are assigned to the earth plane as it is now?
Judith: It is not too soon to ask the question, and I shall attempt to answer. In the Realm of Soul, as in any realm, there are many levels of experience, differences in the combination of the Formulae Sound, Number, and Function, so that there are Soul Intentions which ensoul planets, comets, asteroids, all of the occupants of what you call “space”, including those which you cannot see, even with the most powerful telescopes. As stated earlier, these Twelve Primary Intentions have to do with the ensoulment of this particular piece of dust in this particular solar system, whereas there are many Intentions having to do with other bits of dust in other places in other times. All of these Intentions are pre-existent to you, and therefore their beginning and end is difficult for you to comprehend. When the vehicle for the working out of the Intention arrives by evolutionary means to a certain state then a Soul Intention gains access. So while Netsok may be standing in the wings, It nevertheless has access and influence upon those entities currently fulfilling the Twelve Intentions. Myra: Do we, in our evolutionary travels, turn back again? Do we keep the same Soul Intention each time we return, or do we have a new Soul Intention? (You are confusing “personality” with “entity” or “Ego” with “Soul”. If you will bear with me and give Sheariam an opportunity (some words missed in tape change) ..why you are what you are now, then this will become clear to you.
Sidney: I presume that a fetus is ensouled, and I believe that we’ve learned that the actual entity may enter the body as late as seven years, if there is a “baby sitter”, and probably does just before or during or after birth. Is that essentially correct? (Yes.) Then I had a question concerning what you said about Larry in Session #68, and I quote: “Larry as a personality had painful womb experiences which were the repetition of experience the entity has had in other personalities. In passing from this life, there is that memory that must be dealt with, for the entity knows that it must again come through a womb.” It would seem that if the entity enters the fetus just before or after birth, that would not necessarily have to be a problem, unless it is picking up the actual ensouled fetus’s experience that has accrued through the prior nine months. So I’m a little confused, and I would like some elaboration on that. Judith: Even though an indwelling entity does not claim the fetus until after birth, it nevertheless, in claiming that body, also must accept the fetal memory. The memories of that experience are emblazoned upon the matrix of the cellular structure, and thus are a part of the common memory. In the case of Larry, the entity which projected “Larry” must still continue to project through a womb experience until this has accomplished the mission those experiences are intended for.
Eileen: I don’t understand. If a person has experienced something, why do they have to experience it again? I would think they would have that behind them and be able to go on free of the experience. (Why do you, in this human condition, on this planet earth, continue to make the same choices with the same poor results? You say, “I will never do that again!”, and then you turn around and you do it again, because you have not accomplished the mission intended when you made the choice the first time.) Myra:You didn’t learn by your error? (Having the experience does not necessarily accomplish the desired end.)
Eileen: What I have understood in the past was that if you learned from the experience, then you wouldn’t need to repeat it. But a baby being born and having pain – what would a baby learn from having pain in birth? (Babies know a great deal more than you give them credit for. In fact, your civilization erases the memory of infancy.) Bonnie: How soon do we erase that memory? (Sometime between the ages of three and seven.)
Eileen: Would it be helpful then if a person with this challenge, I won’t say “problem”, was regressed and relived the birth experience to understand the birth experience and to be able to look at it as an adult and perhaps deal with it? Then would it be erased? (This is a mode of therapy in quite common usage in your current consciousness, and it is being successful for some.) Myra: If Larry had experienced that would it have helped him to overcome his fears? (How can we say what any entity is going to gain from any experience? That is purely up to the individual.)
Owen: Were Larry’s birth experiences so unique that they were quite different from what most of the rest of us might have experienced? (Not at all.) Eileen: In other words, we might all have this type of a hang up? (But you might not respond to it in the same manner.) Betty: Am I understanding that the experiences are kept in the cellular matrix? (That is one of the storehouses of memory.) If we can release these? Oh, I don’t know how to ask the question. (If you can relinquish the pattern in the psyche, the cell will also relinquish the pattern.) And how can we do that? By recalling it, to bring it back to mind in memory and physical experience? (Recollection is one avenue, but the mere recollection is not therapeutic.) Myra: So this re-birthing experience might be very beneficial to all of us then? (It might be.)
Betty: If recollection alone is not sufficient, could you expand on that?
Judith:One must understand. One must seek meaning. One must look for that in the experience which engenders growth, understanding, development of compassion, the development of those Divine Attributes. This is true of all experience. When you are engaged in a painful experience, looking for the seeds of growth within that experience enables you to move on out of the experience in a positive manner so that you need not repeat such a painful experience. You must gain from any experience that which you can pass on to those who follow. It is not that you are then in a position to give advice, for you well know that advice is seldom accepted or followed, even when sought. How little you follow mine. (Laughter) However, as you grow through experience, you leave that memory within the cells, not only of your own body, but within the cells of Race Consciousness, so that those who follow you in the Race Consciousness have access to that experience.
Eileen: I’m curious about after we make our transition and before we reincarnate, if we choose to do this. I’ve understood that there is learning and progress made between lives and reflection on our lives. Now, couldn’t a person advance and have a perspective on what they’ve done and then choose not to repeat some experience that in this lifespan perhaps we didn’t learn by, but by reflection and whatever this learning process is, do we get any insight where we can progress in this interim period?
Judith: There is no interim period. Every moment is Life. Every moment is living. Every moment is learning. Every moment is expansion or contraction, or the two working against or with each other. You deem incarnation as the only life, and thus anything in between must be an “interim”. Whereas what you consider “interim” is more real life than your incarnation.
Owen: Following that, then, the life in between the physical incarnations is a period in which some of these things that Eileen mentioned could be accomplished? (Every moment of living) Myra: Then you can overcome any kind of problem you choose to. (Yes.) Sidney: Is it easier to overcome perennial problems in the physical or in the Spirit- Physical, or does it make no difference? (Each condition has its parameters, if you will, which you meet in this earthly condition within your skin and on your skeleton as solid resistive objects. In other conditions there are also resistances. If you will go back to my earlier discourses on Tension, discharge of Tension, and meditate upon that, you will begin to answer your own questions.) Then assuming that all of us here have problems that have existed from previous lives, is it necessary to dwell upon those past lives to reach solutions to the problems, or do we have everything available to us within what we might call our current consciousness to deal with those problems in this lifetime? (You do not have access to them in the rational Mentation process. Consequently, meditation or contemplation upon pre-birth memory can be quite productive.)
Betty: One more question about painful experiences and growth through them. Can I assume that if there is a painful situation relationship-wise or physically or something like that, this means that there is something that we have not resolved and we need to gain more learning from? (Pain is a means by which attention becomes focused.) So how do you know when you’ve got your lesson. No pain, then? (No pain, and other focus.) Myra: So when you are in pain, there is a time for you to start focusing on the lesson you need to learn? (You cannot avoid it.) But you can forget to learn a lesson. (That is true.) That is why we keep having the same pain over and over again.
Eileen: When we pray, are we praying to our Soul body, to Adam Kadmon the Creator, to The Absolute, or to our Source Group? (To whatever you are addressing.) Owen: As I recall, you said that most prayers addressed to God are actually prayers to the Source Group. (Adam Kadmon, the Realm of Spirit, is truly the farthest your communications go in a direct line. The concept of “intercessors” comes from that distinction.) Eileen: Well, when we feel that we want to go right to the top with our prayers, we only go as far as Adam Kadmon. (That’s it. That is as far as you can go, because that is what created you.)
Peggy: I was wondering, when my first boy was born, he refused to come, or so I was told. Is this possible when you’ve come that far, to change your mind? (That was merely a delaying tactic. Each individual fetus determines its emergence by plan. Either the indwelling entity selects that time, or the Overseer is given instruction by the Soul Body or the Ego Body, whatever has made that decision.) I always thought I had something to do with that. (Laughter.) I thought there was something that I was doing wrong. Eileen: Your son surely got born didn’t he? Peggy: He came, but it was so long. And the lady told me that it was because he changed his mind. He didn’t want to come out and meet the life that he knew was ahead of him. (That is not correct. The precise time was chosen, and that choice had to be honored.)
Myra: Is this for the purpose of being born at a particular time for astrological purposes? (The astrological picture is only a picture. It is not a purpose. The indwelling entity or the hierarchy of power which makes those decisions selects that moment in times in accordance with the spacial context which provides the most opportune condition, or the optimum matrix access.)
Eileen: This might explain then why parents will sometimes try and try to have a child and won’t succeed, and then they will succeed later. That child evidently didn’t want to be conceived. (This is sometimes the case, yes.) Peggy: We have a time to be born and a time to leave. (And sometimes the entity’s purposes cannot be served if the personality becomes a parent. (questioning) Again, this will be discussed by Sheariam.)
Sidney: The Buddhists symbolically speak of forty-nine days spent by the psyche in the Corridor of Transition, which they call the Bardo. That roughly corresponds to the forty to forty-nine days of testing common to earth teachers, like Jesus in the wilderness and Buddha under the fig tree. Could you comment on the similarity and related significance, if there is any? (It is the time-honored step of initiation when that particular step is arrived at. There is little I can elaborate on when you do not have the basic foundation of information.)
Myra: Could I ask you about “subconscious”? We talked about conscious and consciousness and psyche. Could you talk about the subconscious as relating to, say what we usually think of as, our fears being in our subconscious. You did mention that when we talked about the Law of Illusion and our fears being hidden in our subconscious. Could you talk some more about that please?
Judith: There are barriers which I cannot describe to you at this time, which prevent awareness from crossing certain boundaries. Thus you are aware of a rational consciousness which requires certain treatments in order to be altered. One of these barriers is wakefulness. Thus in sleep that barrier is breached, and the psyche then can access certain memories in such a way as to bring the awareness developed during that time back through the barrier into rational consciousness. This sometimes occurs in meditation, but most often occurs in what you call “the dream state”. The subconscious is that portion of the Race Consciousness allotted to you, each of you, as an entity. To the entity, the subconscious is the rational consciousness, and what you call your rational consciousness is only a minute part of that. Does that help you to understand?
Myra: Well, you sure didn’t answer like I expected you to. I think you said that our rational mind is really our race’s subconsciousness. Is that what you said? (No.) Betty: The subconscious is a portion of the Race Consciousness. Myra: So our subconscious is what houses the shock experiences of our childhood, you might say, as when something terrible happens? (Among other things.) When something awful occurs, then it causes us to react in a certain way, and we don’t know why we act in this way, it’s hidden in our subconscious so that our conscious mind is not at all aware of it. Our consciousness is made up of Thought and…. Let’s see. (Myra trying to organize her thoughts). Thought is made up of Consciousness and Volition. How is the subconscious related to that? Subconsciousness is a portion of all Consciousness. It is only subconsciousness because of the barrier between rational consciousness and All Consciousness.)
Betty: If we can pull stuff out of our subconsciousness and bring it into our consciousness and deal with it there, look for the lessons to be learned and the experience, that’s when we make progress, as I understand it. Do we need to get to the point where we can look at any experience objectively without emotion? (Ultimately this Fifth Root Race will reach that condition when it then can move into the Sixth Root Race.) Myra: When we quit having subconsciousness as a barrier to the way, will we actually get rid of the barrier, then? Betty: When we become more objective about what happens in our life, more understanding? (That is part of it.) Are emotions valid at times? (At all times.) I have some confusion with emotions and with becoming objective and looking at them. When is that appropriate? (It is always appropriate to view emotions objectively, for emotions are only the out-picturing of how you feel.) View the emotions objectively. Could you give an illustration? (You may experience the feeling of desolation when you see an abandoned house and know that at some time that house was built and occupied with love and now finds itself unloved. This is a feeling. To weep tears is an emotion. To view yourself objectively, to contemplate why you cry over such a feeling, will enable you to find the roots of the feeling. It does not mean that you will get rid of the feeling, but you may overcome the emotional response and find it unnecessary to cry every time you see an unloved, abandoned house, or an unloved abandoned child, or anything else in your condition about which you have feeling responses.)
Eileen: When you’re looking at your response to a feeling objectively, couldn’t you say, “This is OK to respond this way”? (Certainly.) There’s nothing wrong, and you wouldn’t have to not do it ever again necessarily. It could be all right. Myra:The capacity for feeling and Emotion is the Attribute for the Law of Dominance, so it’s a beautiful thing to be able to feel those feelings. (But if you are driving a vehicle past an abandoned, unloved house, and tears stream from your eyes, you are endangering yourself and those around your vehicle.) So it’s very important to find out why your reaction is that extreme. It may be that you lived in a house like that or had an unhappy experience with the house, and then generalized it into all houses like that. Peggy: Or maybe you even lived in that house.
Sidney: If there is a barrier between All Consciousness and rational consciousness, then that indicates that the other half of consciousness then would be irrational or what we might call “abstract”, perhaps. And in this Fifth Root Race people who think extremely abstractly and think in ways that we call irrational are the people we lock up, when perhaps maybe one of our functions at this point in time in this Race should be to study those people and understand those people, and perhaps see beyond the limitations of our own rationality. Is that a possibility? (First of all, it is not half and half. There is much less rational consciousness than irrational consciousness. And it is not that one should observe the irrational behavior of certain individuals, but to understand why, how, where, and when you individually respond to their aberrational behavior, and find that irrational part of yourself which lies below that barrier or beyond that barrier.) Well, I would think there might be a great deal of value in abstract thought, in things like psycho-drama where we don’t necessarily understand what’s coming up, but react to it. (Indeed so.)
Betty: Could you comment on the situation with Quadafy and the U.S. attack, and give us any suggestions for what thoughts we could think, or what we could do that would be of the highest good of all concerned? (As you were given in times past, you are to project joy and love and mercy to those whom you consider to be the offenders. And with that, it is time to conclude this session. Let us have a closing meditation.)
Owen: Judith, before you go, is there any particular comment you have on the direction that our quarterly newsletter, The Cosmic Connection, is going and the meeting that we had this week and plans for the next issue? (As we have given, we understand you in your efforts. We are pleased with your intentions, and we shall work with you as you spearhead the physical effort. We will support you from the non-physical level. (Expressions of thanks for the help this evening.)
Judith: Now settle yourselves, and put aside for the moment our current discussion. Clear your minds, and release tension from your bodies. As you breathe in, visualize breathing in a very deep indigo blue. As the air circulates through your lungs and oxygenates your blood, allow that indigo blue to become very light, so that the expelled breath comes forth in a sky blue. So it is that you not only oxygenate your own blood supply, you carry away the toxic waste of your own body, but you also expel with your breath the spirit of healing. As you take in the indigo color, you take in the Divine Healing Force. You circulate it through human consciousness and expel it in a form of healing force which can then be appropriated by others of your kind. As you expel your breath, see this light blue force penetrate a dynamo ball of energy in our midst: electric, evanescent, powerful. It pulses as it is a conductor for the very electromagnetic force of your physical condition. Now into that electric field, pour all of the love, mercy and compassion that you can muster, for the victims of hardship and oppression and conflict, no matter where they may be. As this force field grows in size, feel it surround you and enclose you and invigorate you. It generates even more power from within you, and that is a constant feeding process. It heals you, and you empower it. As you feel the strength of this power permeating the very essence of the cellular structure of your body, know that you are being invigorated and made whole. Now, into this ever-growing force field of healing, invite those about whom you have concern. (Many names softly spoken.) Because of the nature of this force field, you can also invite those who have transitioned. (More names spoken.) An remember your countrymen who have recently entered the corridor. (More names spoken.) Now as you think your thoughts of love and compassion, of mercy and blessing, the force field turns a deep amethyst color. Allow it to grow, and release it to the atmosphere of your planet that it shall become available to all who would partake of it. And even as you release it, its benefits remain with you, and with all of those invited who have chosen to come. Now with a deep breath on the exhalation, allow your invited ones to return to themselves. Lock within yourselves the healing you have taken by placing your palms together, and bring your consciousnesses back to your respective persons. Feel the blessing and peace within. I thank you for sharing, and I bid you, beloved, go in peace.
Closed with “Let there be peace on earth”.
(Page added to synch with index)