1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 1. P6 2.
Session #76 – May 31, 1986 Opening meeting
Present: Regular circle members except Maxine and Jean, plus about 25 guests.
The meeting was held at Waverley Heights Church on a very warm afternoon necessitating use of many fans. Introductory remarks were given by Owen, and Bonnie led the meditation. We began with the usual singing of “Open my eyes…”
Pelah: Greetings and welcome dear friends of the future. I am Pelah, lately come to be with Gloria, to be with Jonathan, to assist Joshua and the others in this great mission undertaken recently, as the instrument is directed to assist those brought into her life across the threshold into the New Age. I come to bring strength and courage, to uphold, to render love, to fill in those vacancies which the human spirit finds too large to fill. Tonight I come to bring to you a message of the New Age. Of late, your teachers have been telling you of the changes wrought in recent days, of those times which are no more. I would speak to you tonight of the necessity of true love and enjoyment. You have come into this earth to experience the sensory world. In order for this to happen, it is necessary that you forget whence you came, although that memory lingers beneath the threshold of your consciousness. It resides there as a foundation, a springboard from which you can launch yourselves into your efforts. What you call love is not love. Love is a joy of nurturing, of cherishing, of extension of yourselves into Life itself. If you truly love, you harbor that which you love. You nurture. You cherish. You support the effort of growth. You do not insert yourself in the way. You do not stand between the goal and the striver. You make the way clear. You assist in removing obstacles. You encourage. With each thought of selfish desire, you create obstacles. You place barriers between the striver and the goal. Thus it is as immortal life dwelling in this condition of limitation, that you must recognize that you cannot truly love everyone. You must learn to be selective and direct that nurturing supportiveness towards those few whom you truly can regard with unconditional freedom. Love does not clutch. Love does not grasp. Love does not strike. Love does not confine. True love can only be expressed with open arms, open hands, open hearts. This requires self- discipline. True love is not the wild expression of undisciplined passion. Love endures. Love is there when passion is spent.
(Pelah uses slow, graceful gestures to accompany her slow, soft speech. Her eyes open briefly from time to time. She sits forward, almost on the edge of her chair.)
Thus, to move into the true Age of Affection, you must choose your spouses with care. Choose your friends with care. You must realize when you have reached that limit of your own earthly condition, and then grant the rest freedom to be, to whatever extent they can be. For, your duty as a lover is to help those you love to become the greatest they can become, to live life to the fullest it can be lived in your limited condition, to encourage all of those you love to expand themselves into their greatest potential, for as you love in this way, so you grow into your own greatest potential. This requires separateness. It is the most important lesson you can learn from this earthly condition: to love wholly without restraint, but with self-discipline as an individual. The truth of the new Age of Affection is that an individual can stand with other individuals, and the integrity of the society thus formed is held solidly in common purpose, in freedom for each and every individual. You are not to abstain from using any sensory function granted to this condition, but you are to learn to use that sensory function with self-discipline, with forethought, with caring. This is true affection. Your children are not extensions of you. Each child is an individual on its own merits, even as you. Do not pass by the opportunity your children offer to experience the freedom and the joy of innocence. It is said that innocence cannot be regained, but my friends, it can be rebuilt. In the Age of Restoration into which we now step, we must rebuild innocence. It is in the innocent heart that true love abides. For it is that innocent heart that loves unconditionally. It is not in that wisdom gained through experience or making what you call mistakes. Innocence is rebuilt through loving, and love is expressed in innocence. Thus, you cannot expect the worst, for that is what you will get. If you love, you expect the best. As you expect the best of us, we expect the best of you. You are our hope for the future. There will be a future. The structure of that future depends on the amount of rebuilding you can do in the time that you have to do it. Your prophets have told you of the coming times and tides of events, and the signs are even now upon you. But he who despairs expects not the best, and thus will not be disappointed. If you would have the best future, expect the best, not only of your future but of yourself. And fear not that you can give it, for you are the best. It is only in your expression that you diminish what you are. It is time for you to go beyond hope. It is time for you to go beyond faith, and it is time for you to go beyond charity. It is time for you to demand your future, to appropriate your rightful heritage, and to expect the benefits which you have thought of as blessings. It is time for joy, not doom. It is time to stay. It is time to love your earthly condition, to express the best it can express. Do not allow the doomsayers to cause you despair, for if you expect to be despairing, you shall be. So expect joy. Live in all of your being. Love with all of yourself, but not with undisciplined passion, but with thoughtfulness, with caring, with purpose. In the troubled times of your planet, which are upon you, the amethyst in any expression, be it color, be it crystal, is your mightiest sword against your enemies. Your enemies you have created. They are the conditions you have brought about on your planet. Those of you who meditate, meditate the color purple. Meditate the deepest amethyst you can imagine. Those of you who work with the amethyst, give the gift of amethyst crystal to your beloveds. Wear the color amethyst in all of its varying shades and hues so that you call down from the Source of Power that force channeled through you, which is the creator’s love for its creatures, that which it has created. Raise your voice in song. Use the word “JOY” as a mantra. Say “JOY”. (Response “JOY”, repeated three times, louder as Pelah requests.) Now feel….. I am at your service. If I can answer, I will do so.
Owen: Since I have to type your name, I would appreciate the spelling of it. (For you, my dearest friend, you may spell it P-E-L-A-H)
Peggy: You mentioned something about the time we have here. Is there anything more that you can say on that? (Volumes. This is not the time nor the place, for there are those who would be afeared, and there would be those who would take what I say and use it incorrectly for lack of having sufficient information.)
Jenika: You spoke of the New Age. I’ve heard other spirits speak of the New Age. Can you tell me what the New Age is?
Pelah: In the history of your planet there are many cycles, many eras, many ages. Some of these lie within the others, as your biological cycles lie within the context of others. And so it is that consciousness has cycles of development and expression. You are coming out of an age of confusion, of searching for you know not what, into an Age of Knowing, of Affection, of genuine loving. Knowledge that has long since been lost in previous ages is coming into your arena of using. Consciousness must comply. Consciousness must grow. Growth is your measuring stick of Life as earth inhabitants. You do not see the rocks grow, but you know they do. You use the rocks that have grown for you. You call them many different things. And it seems difficult to comprehend that a rock has Consciousness, but it does. The Consciousness that you now enjoy, at some time in some age past has been the Consciousness you call “rock”, that condition of inertness which prevents a certain kind of expressing. As you in the human element move through that which you call “time”, you are entering this Age of Knowledge in which you will comprehend the Consciousness of a rock. You believe now that you have a secret of the Universe in your nuclear power. But let me tell you, dear friends, civilizations have fallen that have had far higher knowledge of the secrets of Life than you have now. Those of you who work towards the restoration by being the lovingness of which I speak make it possible for human Consciousness to handle with knowledge those inadvertent discoveries which some have the genius to make. If there is not sufficient Consciousness to cope with the consequences brought about by the discoveries, then knowledge must be removed, as it has been in the past. Ages have certain calendar correlations, but they are more predicated on Consciousness than upon what you call time.
Clarence: Will this New Age bring any radical changes to earth as we know it now? (Yes, indeed so. Many changes even in your generation. But an age can be immensely long in your conception of time. You are on the threshold of the New Age. You have not fully stepped into the New Age. Before the New Age is completed, the human condition will wear quite a different body than it wears now, as has happened in the past.) Owen: In our present society we see to many individuals who act and seem to have attitudes that seem to be at cross purposes with what most of us feel we know is right. And I think that we have been told that when a soul (individual) passes through the tunnel of transition into the spirit, this doesn’t necessarily mean they change. They take those characteristics with them. And presumably some of these characteristics would still be hanging on to incarnate into another physical life. It seems to me that such an individual would be completely out of place in the New Age. How is this to be taken care of? I presume we won’t have prisons, and there will be an entirely new way of solving that type of problem.
Pelah: Because of the prophecies, you tend to regard this threshold of the New Age as being of short duration. You think in terms of a century, when indeed, this is not the case. There will be many more opportunities for those who move through the transition with characteristics inappropriate to the fullness of the New Age to incarnate and work through that Consciousness. Consciousness changes in the twinkling of an eye. The question is, in whose eye is that twinkle. One hundred years is more than most of you will live in this condition, and yet it may take 26,000 years for the age to reach its fulfillment. But as your wise Confucius says, “The longest journey begins with the first step”. You, my friends, make your first step now.
Myra: I was thinking of the first step. You mentioned earlier that we need to feel joy and love. (Yes.) Is that what you would recommend as our first step, that we concentrate on joy and love? (Every moment of your Consciousness expression with every fiber of your being.) As we attempt to do that, it may seem to others that we’re being rather ridiculous in the face of dire events happening around us. But nonetheless, we should continue to be ridiculous as possible? (Joy is contagious. Who can resist being joyous in the presence of joy? Joy is not foolishness or facetiousness or shallowness. If you self-discipline your emotions, then joy becomes the song of your being, not a foolish interlude.)
Peter: You speak of change of the body. What biological changes can we look forward to in the future from the form we have today? (The actual outward form is not predictable, as that will depend upon the adaptation the organism makes to the conditions created out of Consciousness. But as things stand with you now, human bodies are moving into the dimension of Air. Your bodies are becoming subtler. Gross matter is becoming more subtle. This, of course, will occur in natural order of mutation, of what you call evolution. It is not going to happen 24 hours from now, nor 24 years from now, but perhaps 24 Consciousnesses from now.)
Owen: I wondered if you might expand a bit on the term “subtle”. I think you are using that synonymous with trend toward air bodies, but what is that? (The subtle bodies, those which lie beneath the sensory experience which you enjoy. As your bodies become more etherealized, your sensory systems will become more sensitive. Even now, you have those among you who can feel the subtle substances of seemingly empty space. You have those among you who can see even now those subtle substances. Subtle bodies: you are in them. There are times that in spite of yourself, in spite of what you believe, in spite of previous experience, you are aware of your presence which goes before you.)
Bonnie: I have a question about color, which seems to be a very important thing at this time. I was told personally by my guides that I should wear the color red at all times. And now you’re talking about the color purple or amethyst. What is it about color that does to us or for us? (What you perceive as color is in fact a force. It is a manifestation of a life-giving force, an aspect, if you will. A refraction of light is like a ray of Life force. Each refraction of light which you call color carries its own message of beingness, and some of you respond from within that far memory of which I earlier spoke to that vibration of that specific color which will best bring forward your potency. And for you, my dear one, red brings forward your potency. The amethyst of which I spoke is a protective force for the human condition.)
Owen: I don’t like to monopolize this, but in the absence of another question, could you tell us a little bit more about yourself? (I am but recently come to this family. As you know, our channel stepped across a threshold of her own, and as this commitment was made, so were some of us called to be a part of that completion. My bonafides are of no purpose to your knowledge. The truth of which I speak is only of worth to you as it proves itself to be. My main purpose, for this time to come, is to assist this channel in completing the mission to which it has been committed, to render love, to give strength, to keep up the courage, and to keep the direction clear. To answer that curiosity, I have been with this entity before in ages past. We have served our fellows as we are now and as we shall continue to do. That is enough.) Thank you. We really appreciate your help to Gloria. She is a very important person to us. (She is equally important to us in our work. Without such links the continuity of knowledge would be greatly weakened. And now I bring to you the blessing of our truth. We are but human also in simply another condition. We love you in your freedom of beingness. We encourage you in the growth into your full potential. Blessed be all of your aspirations, and success to all of you on your journey. And now I bid you to sing your closing song as “Let there be JOY in earth”.
Closed with singing “Let there be joy on earth”, apparently missing the “in” as stated by Pelah.
(Page added to synch with index)