1. P1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. P4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 1. P7 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 1. P8 2.
Session #79 – July 12, 1986 Gloria’s Circle
Present: LaMar and RetaMae Bell, Richard and Mary White, Betty Welty, Sidney Smither, Ida Nevala, Owen and Maxine Cramer.
A going-away picnic was held at the Bell’s for Bonnie in lieu of a regular channeling session on July 5th, so this is a make-up session. Richard led the opening meditation.
Sheariam: Good evening students and friends. We are most appreciative of this opportunity to make up, as it were, that which was passed. As we have given, time is short, and we are anxious to complete this course of lessons. As you have been given, there are twelve Intentions predisposed to your condition, of which I gave you the Nine States of Being. And you have also been given the divisions of the River of Life. Who recalls the four divisions in the Realm of Mind. (Silence.) Let us not spend time. They are: Creativity, Thought, Voluptuousness, and…. Now, do you recall the fourth? (Silence.) Such tardy students. We shall leave that for you to look up, for that will force you then to review. And then in the Realm of Soul, you were also given the four divisions. Do you recall any of those? (More silence.) Division, Manifestation, Reflection, …. And what is the fourth? (Resurrection). Something else for you to study. We review this tonight in view of the lesson to be delivered. We would ask you also to cast your minds back to the first lesson Judith gave you on Tension, to the birthing process of the Divine Germ Cell. It is this same birthing process which gives rise to your condition, your world of matter, of what you know as matter. It is not our intention to solve the riddles of physics for you, as it is more important for you to know that which lies behind your condition if you are to develop, to grow, to evolve, to Quantify your Quality. The Two Opposing Forces, as Judith gave, working upon each other generates what, in your understanding, could be likened to an electrical charge. Everything has a limited capacity, and when that charge builds to a certain capacity, there must be a discharge, either a discharge into a random arrangement, or a discharge of potential into a lesser potential. And so it is in the Realm of Soul that Life, that “urge to be”, responds to the tension and spews forth what comes to be a cosmic soup. Within this cosmic soup are particles, some charged so that they are radiant, and some so charged as to be congealing, and some both. And so these particles, by repulsion and magnetism, draw together to form those attributes which you call stars and planets and comets and other such special occupancies. Thus it is that the twelve Intentions burst forth to devolve into what you now are a part of called Planet Earth. We are not going to spend any considerable time describing the multi-billions of years of devolution to that point in time at which your planet began to sustain what you now call “life”. Your scientists are doing an admirable job in this respect. It is for you to work upon those things which lie behind and hidden by matter. Life stems upon your planet from those same motivations which cause all of creation beginning with the Divine Germ Cell. What science is unable to reveal to itself is that “soul-ness” behind matter. What occurred that “life” should evolve into its current forms on your planet? Many events have transpired upon your planet to cause Life forms to adapt to certain conditions, to ultimately evolve the bodies which you now wear. Your bodies are adaptations. But unlike the scientific community, we are determined that you shall know that the adaptive activity is more a result of mental and emotional factors than what you term “laws of physics”. As Soul emits this activity which becomes your world, there is devised in the Realm of Ego, bodies which pre-exist the life forms of your planet. Even at the formation of the body of the planet in the time that it could have been called a star, it was then endowed with Soul and with Ego, and other bodies then near matter. In the ertiate state (“ert” condition, not atomic) still exist these, what for now we must call “subtle bodies". Even as life-form upon the planet has adapted to its geographic necessity, so have the forms of these subtle bodies adapted to the mental and emotional necessities. The human spirit has always existed since the creation of the Realm of Spirit. While the bodies that you wear are indeed an adaptive evolution, as your Darwin has espoused, your Mental Bodies and your Emotional Bodies and other subtle bodies, which have been outlined for you by Silverthistle, have been endowed from the beginning, from the Adam and the Eve, to be vivified by the Life Principle. These bodies which you now wear, including the Mental and the Emotional, have been so designed as to fulfill the Intention of the twelve. Now, while there are the twelve main Intentions, they are not singularly one soul per Intention, but there is one Intention per Soul. As the mental and emotional necessity arose, a Soul, bound to fulfill an Intention produces out of its Soul, lesser souls. And indeed, we could spend considerable time discussing the hierarchy of souls. Just know that in each realm there are levels of beingness and sub-levels and sub-sub-levels. In each level there is that capacity for creativity through Mental and Emotional Bodies to develop Egos. As you have been given, that which is created has independent life of its own. But each life, each particularate of Life, has Purpose, has meaning, is born of Intention and has destiny. So it is that there are no accidents. As the Intentions developed their plan of action, it came about through mutual agreement that a certain arrangement would be made, which became what you now know as Planet Earth. Through the process of sun coolant, ultimately rock devolved out of the ertiate state, through gaseous state, through liquid state, into what you call solid state. It is from that lowly beginning that all life forms comprised of what you call matter arise. But in that arising has begun the evolutionary process, which then fills the realms above. So you come from Soul, through Ego, into Self. All on this planet belongs to Realm of Self. As you know, not all is capable of expressing its self awareness. Thus you were given the meditation on the rock. And as you repeat that meditation, you come to understand that self-consciousness is within every minute particle of what you call matter down through the smallest sub-atomic particle. But that is an evolutionary result. The ERTs which were brought together into that star-sun which became your planet, while ensouled, were not self-conscious. Self-consciousness is rising through the forms of life on this planet in accordance with what you know. Self-consciousness is also arising through life forms on other planets, but in accordance with their knowledge of their condition, fulfilling the Soul Intentions which gave them birth. The twelve Soul Intentions previously given to you are peculiar to planets Earth. As you have been told, there are other planet Earths in other planetary systems that are similar to you. Their life form is similar to yours, but are not all in the same evolutionary age, however. What is of concern to you is not the algae, nor the bacteria, nor the chemical processes which provide you with a body. What is concern of yours are those subtle bodies, those motivations, the self-consciousness which enables you to Quantify your Quality. In so doing you evolve the Realm of Ego. You expand the boundaries first imposed there by Realm of Soul. As this occurs, you evolve also the Realm of Soul, giving, if you will, more room for more Intention, for greater accomplishment, for greater quantification. As you were given, your planet was devised for the Purpose of working out the ramifications of the Law of Dominance. Thus it is that life forms arise upon your planet in response to these kinds of pressures. What you call pain and suffering are pressures which assist you in the evolution of your Mental and Emotional Bodies. It is how you act to adapt to these pressures which give your potential the opportunity to be discharged into the lesser potential, as from the human into the animal, thus allowing animal to become humanized, even as we, from where we are, discharge our potential into you so that you become more Spirit-Physical and less Earth- Physical. This is how you build your realm, and we build the realms above us. It is because we serve in this manner that we must demand service from those realms. Those realms cannot demand of us, for that part which would demand of us is not yet built. It has not yet evolved. So in this way, you are building God. Do you understand? This is sufficient food for thought, but it brings us to that point where we can begin to talk about real human evolution, your purposes individually, and how you can operate in the Realm of Self to fulfill your mission, to build your Ego Realm, and to move back into the Soul Realm. It is only through living this earthly life to your fullest potential that you can best serve the Purpose for which you were created. We will attempt to teach this to you through using your own legends and your own mythologies, your religious history, and your human history, for your histories at one time were the future of those who made them.
Owen: Did I understand you to say that portions of the realms above us do not exist, the portions that we would demand help from? I’m not sure I got that straight. (You may demand help from that portion already built by your predecessor, but you are in the process of building more, which those who come after you can then demand from.) Is this the reason why Soul Netsok is waiting, because we have not built the portion of his realm that enables him to incarnate? (That is so. You witness the dependency of higher realms on lower realms in the life forms on your planet.) This is with respect to how we’re dependent on plant, animal, mineral. (Nodding. And your bodies came from those life forms. Next we will take up the building of the Astral Realms. What you call “Astral Realms” is not a true nomenclature.)
Betty: I do not know how to ask this question, but I will try. In incarnating, I assume this is in a lower realm as we incarnate in the flesh. But Netsok’s incarnating – does that mean that we will expand this realm until the fleshly realm is more into the Realm of Soul, or do we move out of the flesh, incarnate in the flesh and go on to the Soul Realm? (Parts of you will move into this Spirit-Physical, but there will still be a material realm, but it must be functioning at a higher level of compatibility before the age which permits Netsok’s incarnation.) It goes on to that business, as we fill our Intentions, the parts disperse to build others. (Yes.) Do some incarnations almost form as a breather or a rest and recuperation from Intentions? (Yes.) But ultimately, the Intention is there, and when push comes to shove, it goes back to Intention. (Yes.) And the personality is more pushed aside, (Absorbed.) Are there several Intentions represented by those incarnated in this room, or do a lot of us share the same Intention? (Some share; some do not.)
Owen: Some lessons back, Judith mentioned that one Intention gave birth to the rise of our planet. Could you tell us what that one Intention was? (I’m not aware of that particular statement. Perhaps it was in the context of a spirit Intention wherein the same word has been used for several different things? I do believe she gave you twelve Intentions, did she not?) Yes, she did. (All twelve Intentions are involved in the evolution of this planet.) (Quoting) She said, “In the conception of the vehicle, each Soul predicates certain characteristics peculiar to your situation as earthly life forms. These characteristics are peculiarly suited to the accommodation of the Intention which has given rise to the birth of your planet.” (The Intention being to work out the ramifications of the Law of Dominance.) This was a different use of “intention”? (Yes.)
Sheariam: In your studies between now and the next time we meet, review those Divisions of the River, and the nine States of Being, and the twelve Intentions. Begin to devise for yourself some means by which this will form a mosaic for you. It is very important for your understanding of the lessons to come. Consider all of these things in the light that your planet is intended to work out the ramifications of the Law of Dominance.
Betty: Would a study of the words, the dictionary definition, be helpful? (They could be. Again you must understand that we must choose among many words which best express what we wish to convey.)
Owen: When choosing words, do you have full awareness of, say, Webster’s dictionary definitions, or are you dependent upon the definitions in Gloria’s mind, or how do you go about this? (We try to choose those words which will serve the majority of the people in the group being taught. You have colloquialisms. You have connotations, usages, so that among another group, some other word might better express. The level of education and comprehension of a group must be taken into consideration.) Does this type of difference between groups then explain some of the differences between religions? (Partly, yes. Cultural considerations also.) You mentioned that we would be going into Astral Realms. Is that part of the Realm of Ego, or is that in Self? (That is Self. It is on your side of the Corridor of Transition.) But there is a lot of non-physical activity in those realms. (Non-physical in terms of planetary life forms.)
Betty: We talked before this session about the uneasiness and lots of events happening and things going on, seeming to. Could you add anything to that? (Your solar system has recently been visited by a traveler. (Halley’s Comet). As that traveler moves away from the central portion of the system, it leaves what might be called a cosmic wake, a special wake, which is causing certain turbulences physically. But as you are more mental, emotional, etc. than you are physical, human beings are responding to these pressures even as your planet is.) Is there any particular thing that we could do that would be helpful? (Be self-aware. Be in touch with that Rod of Life, that Disciplined Forcefulness which you are. The more centered one can be in times like these, the more certain one can be of fulfilling one’s Purpose, of not being distracted or diverted.)
RetaMae: Will these things continue – these wakes, these things that are happening to Mother Earth right now? (For a while, yes.) They are going to get more so, aren’t they? (Yes. There are, of course, other forces at work besides this “wake” phenomenon. These cycles we have spoken of before.) Owen: Are our physicists and astronomers aware of the physical turbulences of which you speak? (Yes.) Mary: I would like a little clarification. What do you mean by a “visitor”? (Your comet. This body is not a daily occupant of your system. Thus we termed it “visitor”.) Betty: They speak of its size as being so small, and yet it can make this much difference? (Yes, Indeed. By virtue of the path it followed. Each visit it takes a different path, and the turbulence affects something different.) They speak of its size as being so small, but is the energy pattern much greater? Is that part of it, too? (Yes. Remember, it also has what you call “subtle bodies”. You tend to think of things in terms of their matter and the form that matter takes. You must expand your thinking, and realize that when you look at a material object or person, that there is much more there to be seen, much more to be taken into consideration.)
Owen: The subtle bodies of the comet, I presume, would intersect subtle bodies of the other members of our solar system as the comet passed. (Yes.) And this would possibly set up a different kind of turbulence, a non-physical type of turbulence, also? (Physical, but non-visible to your naked eye.) Is this of the nature of electromagnetic turbulence? (Some.) Disruption of magnetic fields and gravitational relationships.
Betty: When Gloria was teaching us about the subtle bodies, etc., especially talking about them expanding and contracting, she was teaching us that in order to handle emotional things and aggression from others, etc., to think in terms of expanding our subtle bodies. (Yes.) And let it go through. (Yes.) That is something that we could be doing at this time. (Yes.) Think of them as being porous, and just letting this stuff go on through us. (Yes.)
Owen: I’m not familiar with your term “ertiate”. Could you spell it? (Your spelling: ERTIATE.) That does not mean in the earthly condition. (In the ERT condition rather than atomic. Gaseous is atomic. Even within your atmosphere there are vortexes wherein matter returns to the ertiate state.) Betty: Could you tell us about them? They talk about one down near Gold Hill, Oregon, and one being near Sedona, Arizona. (No. Not those. Your famous Bermuda Triangle, for one.) Owen: That would imply that within those areas the atoms actually dissociate into ERTS? (Yes.) Does that involve a great release of energy? (Yes.) It’s strange this hasn’t…. (It’s due to ancient technology which your physicists have not yet caught up with. Certain constructs upon the face of your planet have been, I believe you call it subducted. But power still emits, even from so deep under the crust of your earth. Some of the disappearances over the millions of centuries of history of your planet are due to such subductions, which has given rise to some of your mythologies about life at the center of your planet.) Betty: You will go into all this later, then? (Perhaps not all.) Then people that are on the planes or ships that go into this area, and they are returned to the ERT stage, that takes them past the Realm of Ego and Soul. What happens? (Only matter.) Owen: Is this, in effect, what happens to people in ships that go into this area? (Yes. And the ships, and the planes.) Betty: But even if they do that, they still have to deal with their Soul Intention and everything, and they may come back and incarnate. (Yes.) Doggone. No way out!
LaMar: They have found what appear to be buildings, roads, etc. under the water there. Does this have to do with the city or continent or whatever was there at one time? (Yes.) Betty: Atlantis or before Atlantis? (Atlantis) Owen: Does this Bermuda Triangle result from activities of the Atlanteans? (Yes, in that their technology created that which is still operative, although it is technology based upon natural phenomena, namely, crystal.) RetaMae: Were any of us there in Atlantis at that time? (Yes.) Is that why we are so fascinated with this? (Partly.) Betty: And this is another reason why the caution with the working with the crystals, too. (Yes.)
Sheariam: Are you ready then for a closing meditation? Allow the information just given to pass from your conscious awareness. Focus your attention on a point in your atmosphere as far as your consciousness can reach. As you do so, you will feel a going-out-ness. You are in actual fact moving a part of your physical self outward and away from the earth plane. While you are highly focused, you will feel very expansive. Move your consciousnesses into that focused point so that you can look back at the planet and see it as a jewel hanging in space. You see its blue and white atmosphere, which provides you daily with the breath which you breathe in and breathe out. From that distant point, you become aware of the vastness of space, of the opportunity for expansion. You become aware of a gentle force which holds you, caresses you as a breeze. For you, in this consciousness, that is the breath of God, which breathes upon you, which blesses the inert matter of which your bodies are comprised, with that which you call “life”. This gentle breath makes you aware of the quality of humanness, which you are. You know also, that the loving breath is the same breath you breathe. Allow that breathing to cleanse you, to soothe your aches and pains, to absorb your fatigue, to vivify you, to energize you, and to make you whole. In that detached, loving atmosphere, accept your divinity, pledge your wholeness. Know that the mundane cares exist only on the surface of your planet, and that at any time you can rise above them. In that joyous freedom, that loved wholeness, invite those for whom you have concern to join you, to leave this planet and join you in the Breath of God. (Names softly whispered.) Now with that sense of healed, cleansed, wholeness, draw back again within the atmosphere of your planet. Bring your awareness back into the realm of matter, into contact with the surface of your earth. But know that in your mind and within your heart, you are also connected in that consciousness of the God Breath. Bless your loved ones, and allow them to return to themselves. Bless yourselves and give a heartfelt thought of gratitude to those in the non-matter worlds who love you and support you, guide you and cherish you. Then, when you are ready, bring your consciousness back to daily awareness. We in the temple give you our love and blessings, and bid you go in peace.
Closed with singing “Let there be joy on earth”.
(Page added to synch with index)