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Session #89 – November 29, 1986 Open meeting with Chezray
Present: Approximately 65 guests plus Betty Welty, Clista McPherson, Eileen Horton, Ida Nevala, Jean Chisholm, Jeneeka, Richard and Mary White, Owen and Maxine Cramer, Peggy Muldoon, and Sidney Smither.
Meeting was held at the Waverly Heights Congregational Church. Following announcements by Owen, and a guided meditation on color led by Richard, the session began with singing “Open my Eyes.”
Chezray: Hello. (Responses.) Owen: We are honored to have you with us. Chezray: Thank you. It is my privilege to return. When last we spoke, we gave a few thoughts upon the topic of Meditation and its accompanying activities: Contemplation and Concentration. One of the main questions that arises in the minds of metaphysical students is the place of Prayer in their lives. This is especially so in this western hemisphere among those raised in religious belief systems. The word, prayer, itself, has become tarnished, misunderstood. The activity of prayer is grossly misused. Prayer is a significant activity in the life of one who struggles to develop sensitivity, to attune to that Divinity which is the image of perfection. So let us discuss this mysterious activity that is described by the word “Prayer”. In essence, Prayer is an act of Self Will addressing another Will of equal or greater potential in some aspect of its Self. As you mostly have been taught to pray, you have been taught that it is an act of submission to a higher authority which in some way may grant you some “goodness” that you desire. The most precise prayer that one can utter lies in the four words given by your teachers: “I will Divine Will”. Any other prayer is seeking some deviation from that expectancy. Prayer has been used widely in your western cultures to seek favor, to plead for something you see as being absent, to alter the course, as you see it. As you plea for favor, you are in effect making a statement that you are not fulfilling your highest potential. As Self Conscious beings, you are aware of being less than you desire to be. Thus a prayer, addressed to a higher authority to take precedence for you, is thought to resolve those problems brought about by your inadequacies. I do not mean to tell you that this is not so, for each and every incarnation involves many more beings than the one manifestation in this earthly habitation. This manifestation of an earthly body is dependent upon greater resources. The emotions, the mentality, the personality, the character – all of those things that go to make up an individual are, indeed, only a very small portion of the total beingness being represented in this small manifestation. So, you, as singular human beings in this earthly realm, are given that avenue of communication which we call “Prayer” so that you may address your needs and your wants to that reservoir of assistance. You have every right to receive that assistance. As the teachers have been giving, you have the right even to demand from the realms higher than yours. In some instances, it is your imperative to so demand, for you do not appropriate all that is yours. Appropriation is an act of Self Will demanding that which is yours, not that which belongs to anyone else. Culturally you have been trained that “demanding” is rude, that you must be polite and “ask”. So you have been given prayers which ask, which have become pleadings, which have incorporated words of denigration of the human condition. This is error. You are not here by mistake. You are not in your particular manifestation by mistake. You are what you are because of what you are. All of that from which you have come desires to assist you. You do not live in an unfriendly universe. All substance necessary to your success is granted with you and for you and because of you. But it is necessary that you understand the form of address that is most successful for you. The four word formula which I previously gave is the most perfect prayer. But we, even we in the spirit-Physical, oft times fail to assert ourselves in such a way as to find that prayer satisfactory. Because such a need exists, other prayers are answered. It behooves you to learn of those forces to which you pray. It behooves you to develop self-understanding so that you know that when you pray, you are not asking for something which will deny you something else. This is why the teachers give you not to pray in certain ways, for your limited understanding sets up denials for others as well as yourself. It is not within your purview to so fully comprehend the needs of another that you can successfully pray for them. You cannot even know your own needs sufficiently to successfully pray for certain things. How many times have you prayed for a certain condition to exist, and when your prayer is answered, and you receive the abundance, you are not ready to deal with the responsibilities which accompany it? Your New Testament gives you, “Ask and you shall receive”. This is a universal verity. Whatever you wish for, you get. It does not always come in the form in which you think you would most desire it to be. Thus we teach also to appreciate what you have. If you do not appreciate what you have, piling more on top of it only buries you beneath it. Make the most of what you have before you ask for more. Those who pray for freedom very often do not have the self-discipline required to handle that freedom. Those who pray for money or material things very often are not equipped with that which those things require either for their care or their use. Many people confuse Prayer and Meditation. It is our hope that we have pointed out a significant difference in these two activities. Both are modes of communication, but they are not the same. They require different aspects of consciousness in order to be successful activities. Prayer is an action of the Self Will. Meditation is receptivity without demand to the Divine Will. Each has its place in your life. You may pray to your Source, to your Higher Self, to any of those realms which go before and follow after. Just remember, Prayer is always the seeking for something to be received, even a prayer of thanksgiving. You are asking that which is addressed to accept your thankfulness. It is an action. Of all prayers one might render, the Prayer of Thanksgiving is one of the most important. Except for the primary prayer previously cited, any prayer should firstly address the entity to which the prayer is directed. There should be an acknowledgment of the power possessed to which one is addressing one’s self. Then the content of the prayer should be a clear statement of that which is desired. The prayer should always be concluded with an attitude of thanksgiving that the prayer is answered. Because if you have no confidence in that to which you pray, why render your prayer? Why plead in vain? Now the teachers have taught a form of Invocation which is a form of prayer. Those of you who have been so taught, know that your first obligation is to address the ultimate source and to make the perfect affirmation of prayer. “I will Divine Will.” In those four perfect words of affirmation there can be no harm to anyone or to anything in any way. He who prays for harm in any way is in effect uttering a curse. In the sowing of such words, the consequences are harvested, not only in one lifetime, but in many. This causes us great concern, for we hear words uttered without conscience and without thoughtfulness and without heart searching. When you pray, do so thoughtfully, in all earnestness. Prayer is not to be a rambling dissertation in the midst of a group of people, nor a harangue on a street corner. Prayer is uttered within the heart. If love abides within the heart, the prayer can at least be pure in intention if not perfect in form. As life evolves upon the face of this planet, each of you is engaged in increasing your capacity to act in Self-awareness. This is the development of thoughtfulness. I use that word advisedly, not as a term of politeness, but as a term describing the outcome of contemplation. As you focus your attention on some aspect of living, you should take into account whether or not you wish that to be a permanent part of life for everyone. For what you incorporate into your life for yourself, you incorporate into life for everyone. Consciousness may seem to be a personal thing, but your consciousness combines with the consciousness of all others to form the consciousness of all mankind and ultimately affects the consciousness in the higher realms. As individuals leave your realm of existence here on this earth and move into other awarenesses, other aspects of physical life, they bring with them the consciousness developed out of the lifetime just abandoned. That consciousness they bring into our realm, and we in turn are affected by the consciousness, more so than you are affected by our consciousness. You have a heavy responsibility for the outcome, the ultimate outcome of this species which you call “man”. Each of you in many phases at different times and in many ways have served to create that which you now experience. All along the way the action of Prayer has been with you. It is a powerful tool. Use it properly. Seek to understand it. When you address yourselves to our realm, we always hear you. When you address yourselves to realms higher than we, you are also heard. No thought goes unnoticed. No prayer goes unanswered. No meditative action goes barren. You are accountable in all facets of your life, and so are we. And so are those beyond us. We are all “One”. We are all connected. So monitor your thoughts. Think through your prayers, and meditate regularly. This is all. I will entertain questions. Corbin: How do you compare the Lord’s Prayer to what you have just said?
Chezray: That prayer is a very valuable prayer. While the words over the centuries have been misinterpreted, and because of certain teachings, you are unclear as to that which you address, it, nevertheless, is a perfect prayer for the human condition because it does abide by all the rules. When you address a “Heavenly Father”, you are addressing that male energy, the seminal side of the Creative Force which has brought into being your physical manifestation. It is that side of the Creative Force which does release abundance into physical manifestation. So that respect of addressing the Father Principle is perfectly judiciously correct. All of the words of that prayer as given, even in the English translation, are appropriate. But in your prayers, also address the Mother Principle, the Heavenly Female, which not only shares in the creative activity which produces your physical manifestation, but is that side of the Creative Principle which allows the abundance granted by the male to become fruitful, to multiply into many blessings for you. So while you demand your “daily bread”, give thought to that other side which allows you to digest that bread.
Jenika: We have a prayer for addressing the Male Principle. Is there a prayer in existence to address the Female Principle? Or, if not, how would one go about addressing the Female? (Inasmuch as your scriptures have been developed through a patriarchal society, the prayers to the Mother Principle have not been brought down to you in written word. I would be remiss to give you words to use. I am just a simple teacher. But hold in your heart that principle of protection and usage and productivity. As you pray for abundance, always know that something must be done with that abundance, and it is the Female Principle that has the job of doing it.
Betty: Could you explain a little bit more about the part of the Lord’s Prayer that says “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”? (Any time that you pray, and you address a higher authority, you are also activating within yourself those coordinates to that entity. As you address the Father Principle to be bountiful to you, you are activating within yourself that Male Principle that can also be bountiful, be outgoing, be blessing. When you address the Mother Principle, you are also activating that Mother Principle within you that gestates and gives birth. So it is that within yourselves you have both the power to be positive and the power to be negative. The higher realms do not lead you. You “will” yourselves. In that translation, there has been an omission insofar as making the prayer knowledgeable as to what is being addressed. You are seeking that part of the Father Principle which gives opportunity to the negative power within yourself, to not tempt you to be negative.
Owen: You, I believe, have not spoken much of “Affirmation”. We have been using your perfect prayer, “I Will Divine Will”, as an affirmation, at least some of us were calling it an affirmation. Is affirmation just another aspect of prayer, or is that another type of communication? (As I said earlier, the word “Prayer” has become tarnished, and in the growing metaphysical wave of thought, the word “Affirmation” has been brought forward as being more acceptable than “Prayer”. But when you affirm something, you are in effect plucking a tightly draw string, such as on a harp. When you pull it in the middle, it vibrates at both ends. An affirmation is the plucking of that string. It sets in motion a vibratory activity which strikes responses from both ends of the string. As the Father or Mother Heavenly Principle is one end, and you are the other, affirmation is a form of prayer.
Myra; As we have been taught in our circle to use the affirmation, “I Will Divine Will”, we connected it to the Archangel Gabriel with our other affirmations, too. I was just wondering how much of our prayer should be to invocation of the archangels and how much to our Father-Mother God? Could you explain that a little bit better please? (The archangels do not fail to respond merely because you address some other entity. As you have been given, the archangels are not entities. They are Power Centers within yourself and within that which gave birth to Life Itself. When you pray “I Will Divine Will”, that power center which you call Gabriel is stimulated, whether or not in consciousness you feel that you are addressing that power center. Surely you cannot believe that which created you ignores you unless directly addressed. Do you ignore your children simply because they do not say “Mother” or “Father”? All that the teachers give intertwines. Nothing stands alone. Certainly, no human manifestation stands alone.
Peggy W.: On December 31st, the Fortis (?) Foundation is having a peace meditation. It starts at 3:30 in this area. Everyone who really desires peace is asked to meditate at this time. Do you have any comment on this? It’s a form of prayer, too. It’s a meditation which is a mass meditation.
Chezray: The more people who unite their actions in creating a common “thought form”, the more effect that thought form has. Everything now existent in your experience on this globe results from mass action of thoughts combining with thoughts of minds working together. If you do not like what you have produced, then you must join together and produce that which you desire. If it’s peace, then get together and produce peace. When you affirm, you are making solid the thought form. When you pray, you are also affirming, but you are acknowledging a communication. Now peace is not something you can demand from the higher realms. Peace is only something you can produce for yourselves. One of the first things that you learn upon leaving this physical phase is the unity of All-That-Is, and how much you are a part of everything that is. Your first challenge is to operate in that Environment of Oneness, a challenge not everyone is ready or able to meet immediately. Hopefully, those of you here, those of you who sincerely study the principles being given, are formulating a consciousness that will enable transitioning individuals to more adequately and readily meet that challenge.
Michael: This is the first time I have attended a channeling. With all due respect, I would like to know where Gloria is right now. (Gloria takes these opportunities to join friends, participating in amusing activities which she often does in the dream state.)
Mary Anne: I had a question about many people that practice the rosary and do novenas and prayers of that form. Could you give me some information on the value of that at this time? (That is a tremendously powerful activity, because so many people participate in it, and because it has centuries of use behind it. The consciousness of the individual who is saying the Rosary or performing the novena is, in effect, modifying that thought form which has persisted for centuries, so that the thought form, itself, is constantly changing. So there is great power there.)
Owen: To follow that, is this a thought form that is in continuous existence and is continually supported by this type of prayer? (Yes. As is the war thought form. The establishment of your Pentagon was one of the most powerful forces to promulgate the war thought form.)
Peggy M.: In the bible it says that the father knows of our needs before we even ask. Is it proper to ask for things that we feel we are in need of, or should we just kind of let it be known that he already knows? (This is the ultimate goal for human consciousness, to learn to walk through life in that total confidence and faith that all abundance is present and to be used. It is already granted. As you pray, you reaffirm your lack when you are asking for that which you perceive to be not present. This was the warning I gave at the beginning of my discourse. “I Will Divine Will” in no way is an utter subjugation to poverty and want. You live in a friendly universe. All abundance is yours. If you do indeed will for yourselves Divine Will, you will have no lack. And now it is time to come to a close. I invite you to spend a brief moment of meditation with me. In the silence of your heart, know that resides there the throne of your own Godliness. In your own divinity you are utterly pure. As you focus your attention upon that area of your anatomy, you feel the physical evidences of that awareness. Perhaps your heart beats more rapidly, or your chest becomes warm, or you feel a general swelling in that area. Go to that center of love any time you are confused, any time you believe you are in lack, any time you are lonely. Seek there the truth of your beingness, for you are a beloved of the universe, and as you return that love to your universe, you do indeed align yourself there with the Divine Will. Now know yourselves to be beloved of us as well. With encouragement and hope, I bid you go in peace and great joy. And so it is done.