Tag Archives: Environment

What is “Spiritual”?

People often think that being spiritual requires some extraordinary activity or some prescribed activity, when it’s not really the activity, it’s more about your consciousness, not just while you’re doing something, but even if you’re “doing nothing”. You can be sitting in your chair in front of the TV set or you can be on a missionary trip in Africa. The secret is your perspective, not just “the way things are”, but the way they can be, the way you use your thought.

Creation expands as things are produced and differentiate. The totality of Creation, including both pure potential and potential manifest, is constantly expanding as things happen. The accumulation of what has happened, what has been created, is growing moment by moment.  Part of that creation is the mental climate/environment of mankind, the combination of all thoughts of mankind.  We contribute to that climate/environment with each thought. With that in mind, the more you love, the more love there is “in the world”, and you don’t need to be in any particular place or be doing do any particular thing to think a loving thought.

Simply, “spiritual” progress is choosing to enhance or make something “better”, to add value to what is.  One of the beauties of Hindu perspectives is seeing or being reminded of God all day long, because every type of thing, culturally, relates to some aspect of God. So there can be a spiritual significance to any experience. This perspective enhances an ordinary experience.

Take, for instance, washing the dishes. Let’s put it in a context.  Are you doing it because it’s a chore and you “have to”, or is it because having clean dishes and a clean kitchen enhances your life and that of your family.  It can be an act of love. You can enhance it further by being joyful, being at peace, and sending blessings.

So to make your life more spiritual, enhance the mental environment. Put the otherwise ordinary things you do in a spiritual context. Look at them in a different way. Do them for love.  Love as you do them.  Laugh. Be joyful. Appreciate those who have helped you. Appreciate what you have learned from each experience. Be aware. Step outside yourself. Observe yourself doing what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, what you’re thinking. Watch for insights.

It enhances your life, doesn’t it?

-Seymour Lovejoy


Benefit the World Right Now

How can I benefit the world, you may ask? (Go ahead… ask!)

What IS “the world”?

Good question.

The world is our environment… where we live, but more than the physical planet we call Earth.

The world includes all living things, and all dead things, all elements, everything we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, our thoughts and mental environment and, for that matter, things we can’t sense and the source of all potential.

So that being the case, everything we say and do and think affects this larger “environment”. There’s a common saying that reflects this concept: that a single butterfly flapping its wings in Africa affects the entire world.

So, with this perspective of “the world”, any loving thought or deed, benefits the world.

So, wherever you are, at any time, you can do something or even think something that benefits the world, whether you’re alone in a room, in front of a computer, or in a crowd, or out in nature.

And, of course, the more “Minutes of Focus” you put into benefitting the world, the better you get at it and the more benefit there is, and the more people involved in the same thing increases its effectiveness.

Do you see the power you have? A good thing to use wisely, right?

Seymour Lovejoy
