Huna – The Secret

Of course there have been many who have said that they have “The Secret”.  Some may, and some may not. What I’m saying is the definition of the word “Huna” in Hawaiian is “Secret”. What kind of secret is it? It’s not a secret that isn’t told. The information is available.  For instance, the Evergreens website has recordings of channeled information about Huna that give the whole rundown. And there are books by Max Freedom Long that give good insight to Huna. But what is it?

Huna is a functionality built into each one of us which we can use to optimize our life, to manifest our intentions in a most efficient way. As a functionality it can be used to help ourselves and others and it could be used to hurt others, but because of the way it works, using it to hurt others backfires and seriously hurts and eventually eliminates the hurter.

We’ve all heard of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, and there’s also a superconscious mind. Huna calls them the “mid self”, the “lower self, and the “higher self”. The higher self is unlimited in its ability to create and manifest, but the “secret” is that access to the higher self is through the lower self under direction of the mid self. And, as my guru has said, “It’s simple, but it’s not that easy”.

The subconscious mind, as a good servant, takes whatever concepts you give it and does its best to replicate the world you expect and take you where you think you want to go, but “where you think you want to go” is based on everything you’ve been told and everything you’ve experienced, regardless of its validity or truth. Add to that complexes created by the intermingling of experiences and emotions tied to experiences. If the subconscious mind is filled with “garbage”, that’s what you will get in your life.

So, in order to effectively use the subconscious mind to access the superconscious mind, you need to do a lot of “housecleaning”.  For instance, we often do things or react to things in ways that may have been appropriate long ago, but are no longer appropriate because we’ve grown older or our circumstances have changed. It takes self-examination to see why we do things and react the way we do, and it takes will power and guidance to change the way we respond to things.  This is why “It’s simple, but it’s not that easy.”

The beauty of “the system”, if you will, is that an experience is an experience is an experience, i.e. if you use your imaging faculties to create images and tie to them positive thoughts and emotions, you can rewrite the meaning of an incident and, with your conscious mind, tell your subconscious mind, “This is the new meaning and it’s much better for us. Thank you for letting go of the old meaning, and letting the new one persist. Now, whenever ‘this thing happens’ you will respond in the new way.”

So, work with your subconscious mind. See what responses you have that are no longer appropriate. Re-interpret the past, respond in a manner that helps you and others. Create a new world, one step and one smile at a time.

Seymour Lovejoy


THE REAL DEAL – A Series of Commentaries

Perhaps it should be “A Real Deal”, since “The Real Deal” sometimes connotes singularity, as if there isn’t another deal that’s real. So first of all, what’s “Real” and what’s a “Deal”?

“Real”-ness comes in many flavors. You have your “physically” real, and “mentally” real and, some would say, “spiritually” real. Then there’s “relatively” real.  But those definitions are time consuming.

But what’s the point of a “Real Deal”?  If something is said to be “real”, why is it categorized as such? To whose benefit is it for something to be real?  (Now we’re getting somewhere!) Supposedly if someone says something is real, they are telling you about a phenomenon they have recognized, whether they know what to name it or not, and the information is given to you to use and respond to, as guidance, perhaps, and possibly to help them in some way.

But bottom line: “reality” comes down to significance, and what’s real and significant to you need not be real and significant to someone else. And then what’s a “deal”?  It’s a benefit to you. So a “Real Deal” is something someone says will definitely benefit you significantly. And they expect you to believe them.

So you have to determine if you trust them. If they are someone you have known or known of for a long time, you may fully trust them and respond in a manner that meets their expectation. On the other hand, if you don’t know them, you may ignore the information and consider it insignificant, or you may at least give it the “sniff test”, i.e. see if it’s plausible enough to investigate further.

So in my case, if I say something is a “Real Deal”, I would hope that you would give it a “sniff test” at least. Explore further. Try things. Do they make sense? Do they benefit you in any way? I would hope so.

-Seymour Lovejoy


Learn to Love by Seeing How You Learn to Hate

I know it sounds strange, but the Evergreens suggest this and it makes sense, with an explanation. What they say is: Pick someone and find a fault with them, then another fault, then another fault.  What you’re doing is building up hate for that person, just by fault-finding.  So, hopefully, knowing this, you’ll start doing the opposite, i.e. stop finding fault and start looking for things to like. This goes along well with one of my favorite sayings: “You don’t have to forgive someone if you don’t take offense.” For sure we’ve been taught to find fault and take offense, but we really don’t have to live that way from now on.

Here’s a good exercise, then.  First of all, be watchful of what you think when you see people you know and don’t know. Find something likeable about them, even if it’s something small.  Smile at them.  You’re seeing more, you’re loving more, and you’re in joy more. What a gift to the world!

Seymour Lovejoy
