Tag Archives: creativity

Your Conversation with The Universe

Everything you experience, from your waking life, dreams, and other states of consciousness, is “the Universe” talking to you.  Your response in moment  to moment choices, conscious or otherwise, is you talking to “the Universe”.

A simple statement, perhaps, but within it are some very profitable concepts.

What do I mean by “The Universe”?  In this case, I mean “All That Is”. I could say “God”, but I would mean “All That Is”. What if what you’re experiencing is unpleasant or painful?   You would then have to examine the choices you made to be at that place and that time. Then use that as a lesson. Make choices which allow you to express a more enhanced version of yourself. Make changes in yourself. That is you responding to “The Universe”.

Mental and emotional experiences are as real as physical experiences, and mental and emotional choices are as significant as physical choices. You can take advantage of this by using your imagination, your creation slate,  to experience things more in line with a more enhanced version of yourself, whatever you decide that to be. Bottom line, focus your consciousness where you want it to be. Add focus time (chosen experience) where you want to learn and grow.

Take/make 2 experiences and call me in the morning.  🙂

Seymour Lovejoy



Steps are phases of focus. The term “minutes of focus” has been used by proponents of focus, and often their sales, like “10 minutes of focus a day will create a new you”. I like to use it as a measurement of where you spend your time… as in, “Rate your activities in ‘Minutes Of Focus’, or “MOF’s.”, if you will. It’s a simple way to categorize, quantify or measure what you have experienced, i.e. by accumulated duration. The directions of focus measured in minutes of focus, when placed in order by total, as a report, will be a clear indicator of the personality you have accumulated to the present.

Then, of course, you can choose a new set for the future.

Before I started writing this, I decided to google the term “Minutes of Focus” and found a site for the book “Focus Manifesto” (http://focusmanifesto.com/) that has a Zen approach to a calm, creative lifestyle. It appears to be very clear, as one might expect from thousands of MOFs in Zen practice.

This begins a series of blog entries under the category of “Steps”. These can be steps forward, back, or to the side, mine and those of others, mankind even, factual or conceptual. I hesitate to label anything as a step forward or backward, proffering an opinion, as it were, but generally I would consider peaceful creative living, love and compassion as forward, and warring, hateful injurious activities as backward. But, hey, the world is unlimited in expression, and, of course, there’s the old saying “10 million idiots can’t be wrong”. I would hesitate to call anyone an idiot (unless,  perhaps it’s referencing a clinical condition) because even an idiot, has a large number of MOF’s in some category and could be considered highly experienced and very knowledgeable in that category, all things being equal. And we’ve all been “idiots” and we still dabble in “idiocy” on occasion. Right?

Seymour Lovejoy


Your Super Powers – Tzaphiel

Remember, the Archangels are actually powers within you, activated by invocation and intention, which assist you in creating your world, enhancing it and moving on to the next creation. These super powers allow you to create in multiple realms in this universe.

Again, the formula is:
The Archangel invokes the power of the law, working with the principle, to produce the attribute.
Tzaphkiel, pronounced TZ-OFF-KEE-EL, invokes the power of the Law of Illusion, working with the principle of Balance, producing Understanding.
Traditional Invocation: Tzaphkiel, Tzaphkiel, Tzaphkiel. Divine illusion settles the properties of this matter and brings balance and understanding.
The teachers said: “You have a power center with the Archangel Tzaphkiel, Divine Illusion. When you are in doubt, invoke Tzaphkiel for enlightenment. ‘Tzaphkiel’ means ‘to dream’ including both sleeping dreams and aspirations. This is to give you the hint that true balance comes in form, but not necessarily form found in your earth-physical manifestation. You witness in the earth-physical more imbalance than balance because there is such lack of understanding. The illusion is that form is the reality, when that is not true. The reality is what lies behind the form. The reality is The Divine Fire. Thus it is that you must give form to your thoughts, to your feelings, to your, what you call, spirit in order to establish the balance.”

“The Principle of Balance stands behind man’s attempt to reach God. And it’s all operative under the Law of Illusion, for if one did not expect to find reality in the form, one would not be in ignorance. But inasmuch as this is the way your universe has been constructed, that is the way you must travel to achieve understanding, through balance. ”

“When you have balanced the forms of one level of experience, you can then move on to achieve balance in the forms of higher levels of experience. With these lessons we are approaching an understanding of everyday life and the meaning of that life, what may lie ahead of that life, what may be accomplished with that life, how that life can be better in quality.”

“When you call on Tzaphkiel, the answer very often will come in a form of something that will demonstrate to you perhaps the futility of your expectation or will be representative of another aspect of the situation. When you are puzzled by a certain set of circumstances, you may call upon Tzaphkiel to interpret the form of the thing for you. The answer may come in dreams, in intuition, and even everyday symbology. This is that level of experience that gives you physical signs.  For instance, a book falls into your hands, or you unexpectedly meet someone. A picture appears unexpectedly or in an unanticipated place or manner. A word may be said you, in some way, little signals are given.”

“If, for instance, you wish to have something revealed to you which previously has been hidden from you, you would go with the Law of Illusion.”

My favorite invocation for Tzaphkiel is: With Tzaphkiel I joyfully declare, “Understanding illusion maintains my serenity and enables my creativity.

Discussion: This invocation format states the intention of the invocation prior to the invocation, and affirms an attitude of joy. Joy is a necessary component of the enthusiasm that is part of the fuel of creation. Here I’m declaring that I understand the messages that experience gives, have balance (serenity) and am able to use the images and ideas that come to me and the signs that appear in daily life to answer questions that arise, and to bring forth new creations. The word imagination comes up in the discussion of illusion. I prefer the word “imager” to describe the faculty we have to give form to something that may not already be demonstrated in the physical. If you want to understand something, form the question, invoke Tzaphkiel and watch for the answer to appear as life unfolds in front of you.

Seymour Lovejoy

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What is Life? What do I do now?

What is Life? What do I do now?

These are the questions we generally ask ourselves. They come natural. People have been asking these questions for ages, writing about them, building social structures and group practices based upon their answers to them.

But take a look at these questions. They assume life is something static and that there is a best or right answer for the person in the current situation. It’s an understandable response, because it’s easy to do… take a snapshot and make a judgment.

What would happen if, instead, the first questions we are taught to ask are, “What can life be?” and “What can we do now?” These questions assume potential, multiple choices, because we know life is not static. It’s always becoming something more than it is. Changing to these questions would be the first step in expressing our creative/angelic nature as a basic principal of society. It would be less like a duality-based society (right/wrong) and there would be more potential solutions to work with.

Imagine how fast change could take place if we all considered ourselves creative and always saw options for the greater good. It’s focusing our awareness on possibility.

What can your life be? What can you do now?

Seymour Lovejoy


You Are a TV Set

For a moment, think of yourself as a television set. You have capacity for many channels and have no preference for any particular channel or program. You simply do your job and show whatever is sent to your screen. You are not attached. You are content to be of service. The story does not affect you emotionally, but unlike a regular TV set, you can learn from the information presented. You are truly dispassionate and objective.

Now, consider a video game on this television set. Let your awareness switch and now you are the controller of the video game, you are the driver of a very sophisticated robot aware of its environment. It can do anything a human can do and even morph itself to be and act like an ant. You have complete control of this robot and can generate an environment that persists around it. The purpose of this robot is to improve the story, to add value, your purpose is to lead the robot through experiences that benefit what is, in some way.

This robot manifests in multiple dimensions simultaneously. It has awareness of a physical environment where things appear to manifest slowly and dissolve slowly, and awareness of a less solid environment where things change immediately according to one’s intention and imagination, and dissolve when no longer needed.

Our challenge now is to use our imaginations to create a universe we would want to live in by describing it. We’ll describe it by declaring our divine attributes. Start with awareness and potential.

Draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create awareness and potential by exhaling and invoking Khamael (KHA-MAY-EL 3 times), “I am disciplined forcefulness of the Absolute. And so it is.” This is now an aspect of our universe: You are aware and create anything.

Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create intentional control by exhaling and invoking Gabriel (GAH-BREE-EL 3 times), “I will Divine will. And so it is.” This is now a second aspect of our universe: Creations conform to Divine purpose, that is, to benefit the whole.

Now draw in creative energy with your in-breath and create love and compassion everywhere by invoking Tzadkiel (TZAD-KEE-EL 3 times), “Mercy, Love and Compassion are infinitely reproduced. And so it is.” This is now a third aspect of our universe: Every thought and action is loving.

Now let’s take this skeleton of a universe and make it available for all to experience and build from.

Would you like to live in a wonderful world? Play the video game and enhance your inner world and the outer world.

Seymour Lovejoy
