Tag Archives: Death

Gloria Rivers –- Live On in Peace


In the language of the Temple Teachers, the entity who adopted the personality we knew as Gloria Rivers, our channel for the Temple Teachings, inhabited a physical body from 4/12/28-11/26/14. We celebrate her life as we knew it, and as it continues in the Spirit Physical. She still has her vital body, her emotional body and her mental body and has freedom to navigate the realms open to her. We trust that she is joyfully pursuing her next objective.

We, the students of the Temple Teachings are most grateful for her gift of over 150 channelings and for being our teacher and friend, giving life readings, publishing books and newsletters, and enduring the physical hardships of trance channeling. She demonstrated with her life a passion and dedication for her work and had a tremendous grasp of the Teachings., which she had to study as well, since she was not conscious during the channeling. She showed us what it means to be in touch with one’s guides and others who are available to help us be the best we can be and to enhance humanity with understanding, love and joy.

We miss her physical self, but rejoice in her increased capacity.

Seymour Lovejoy
