Tag Archives: hree

HREE – Exceeding all limits

Suppose you positioned your mouth as if you were going to whistle, and blew at the roof of your mouth, versus your focusing on your lips. If you make your tongue concave or U-shaped, you get a round tone sounding like “who”. If, however you make your tongue flat, you get a sound more like the double “o” in “hook”. And as you move your cheeks into a smile, you get an “ee” sound. There is an ancient sacred sound “hree” used as a focusing exercise in traditional Hindu meditative practice. Perhaps you’ve heard of pink noise and white noise. White noise is a “hiss”, if you will, more like “ee”.

Got a few minutes? Try this as focusing exercise:

In a quiet room, sit comfortably and imagine a pure tone, perhaps like a flute, in your audible range. Then, using your imagination, make that tone slide up higher and higher and higher until it leaves the audible range through pink and white noise and goes on… and on… and on…

All of a sudden there’s a huge flash so bright that nothing is distinguishable anywhere… and you just listen to your breath. Enjoy the calm and take it with you out into the world.

Seymour Lovejoy
