Tag Archives: One With God

One With God

One hears and reads about being “One With God” in reference to Liberation or Moksha, having reached the ultimate. However that’s using a dual phrase to connote a singularity.  Monism (“Mono” means single) is an alternate perspective to dualism.  Monism is, in essence, what the Sanskrit word “Advaita” , meaning “Not Two” connotes as well, though again, this word use duality to connote singularity. Both monism and dualism are traditional perspectives of All That Is. Each can be useful in its own dimension.

Let’s look at what it means to be “One With God”.  What does God feel like? Well… God can do everything, being Creator, and all…, so I’d think that would feel beyond fantastic — ecstatic, blissful if you will!  So if you were One with God, you’d be able to create and feel that way too.

Hmmm… can you create? Of course you can — not just “things” or inventions or art, you can create your life and your response to it, moment by moment.  Being “made in God’s image” means having God DNA, being able to do what God does, i.e. create and enhance the Universe.  So… everyone is “One with God”?  YES! But if you’re not feeling it, perhaps you haven’t been practicing it.

That’s what TempleTeachings.com and this blog are for.  I like to call it a “School for Angels”. You have to learn the rules and the tricks of Creation, like using “Khamael” to express “I AM and I Can”, and so on.

But back to the title “One With God”.  It’s time for that phrase to evolve by adding another dimension. Use “One Within God” from now on. A Creator within a Creator.

Be an Angel :-),

Create and Enhance Life!

Seymour Lovejoy
